Upload media file from external URL to WordPress Media Library - wordpress

I want to upload a file from external URL to the WordPress Media Library (that is common to ALL POSTS/PAGES). The return value I want to get is attachment ID in order to inject them into a shortcode (e.g. img).
I tried using IMEDIA_HANDLE_SIDELOAD but I got lost with $_FILES settings.
However, I am not sure about the parameters:
Is this the right function?
where in the code (aFile) should I place the URL I want to download from?
What is the "tmp_name" and "name"?
See my code:
// my params
$post_id = 0; // is this what makes it common to all posts/pages?
$url = 'www.some_external_url.com/blabla.png';
// example from some forum
$filepath = '/relative/path/to/file.jpg';
$wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype( basename( $filepath ), null );
$aFile["name"] = basename( $filepath );
$aFile["type"] = $wp_filetype;
$afile["tmp_name"] = $filepath;
$attach_id = $media_handle_sideload( $aFile, $post_id, 'sometitle' );

private function _uploadImageToMediaLibrary($postID, $url, $alt = "blabla") {
$tmp = download_url( $url );
$desc = $alt;
$file_array = array();
// Set variables for storage
// fix file filename for query strings
preg_match('/[^\?]+\.(jpg|jpe|jpeg|gif|png)/i', $url, $matches);
$file_array['name'] = basename($matches[0]);
$file_array['tmp_name'] = $tmp;
// If error storing temporarily, unlink
if ( is_wp_error( $tmp ) ) {
$file_array['tmp_name'] = '';
// do the validation and storage stuff
$id = media_handle_sideload( $file_array, $postID, $desc);
// If error storing permanently, unlink
if ( is_wp_error($id) ) {
return $id;
return $id;


Conditionally change upload directory on XMLRPC call according to username

I've searched seemingly every relevant question on this but I'm stuck, as none of them address the particular case of uploads through XML RPC.
I want to conditionally change the Wordpress file upload directory, only if the file is coming in through an XML RPC call and only if the call is coming in from a particular user.
My approach is based on a combination of this Answer, this Answer and the Codex.
Here's what I tried with no luck:
add_filter( 'xmlrpc_methods', 'call_intercept1' );
function call_intercept1( $methods ) {
$methods[ 'metaWeblog.newMediaObject' ] = 'custom_upload1';
return $methods;}
function custom_upload1( $args ) {
global $wpdb;
$username = $this->escape( $args[1] );
$password = $this->escape( $args[2] );
$data = $args[3];
$name = sanitize_file_name( $data['name'] );
$type = $data['type'];
$bits = $data['bits'];
if ( !$user = $this->login($username, $password) )
return $this->error;
if ( $username = "XXX" ) {
add_filter('upload_dir', 'custom_upload_dir1');
$upload = wp_upload_bits($name, null, $bits);
if ( ! empty($upload['error']) ) {
/* translators: 1: file name, 2: error message */
$errorString = sprintf( __( 'Could not write file %1$s (%2$s).' ), $name, $upload['error'] );
return new IXR_Error( 500, $errorString );
return $upload;
function custom_upload_dir1( $param ){
$custom_dir = '/the-desired-directory';
$param['path'] = $param['path'] . $custom_dir;
$param['url'] = $param['url'] . $custom_dir;
return $param;
The file is being uploaded correctly, but the conditional directory change isn't happening.
Does someone know why that would be?
I was able to get this worked out, essentially using Ulf B's Custom Upload Dir as a model and simplifying it from there.
For anyone else facing the same problem, here's what works:
// XMLRPC Conditional Upload Directory
add_action('xmlrpc_call', 'redirect_xmlrpc_call');
function redirect_xmlrpc_call($call){
if($call !== 'metaWeblog.newMediaObject'){return;}
global $wp_xmlrpc_server;
$username = $wp_xmlrpc_server->message->params[1];
$data = $wp_xmlrpc_server->message->params[3];
if($username !== "XXX"){return;}
else {custom_pre_upload($data);}}
function custom_pre_upload($data){
add_filter('upload_dir', 'custom_upload_dir');
return $data;}
function custom_post_upload($fileinfo){
remove_filter('upload_dir', 'custom_upload_dir');
return $fileinfo;}
function custom_upload_dir($path){
if(!empty($path['error'])) { return $path; } //error; do nothing.
$customdir = '/' . 'your-directory-name';
$path['subdir'] = $customdir;
$path['path'] .= $customdir;
$path['url'] .= $customdir;
return $path;}

Wordpress Updating Attachment Data

I'm attempting to add a feature to a plugin that extends media management. This feature would allow you to rename an attachment file. I've been able to complete this with the following code.
public function update_attachment_filename( $post_ID ) {
// Get path to existing file
$file = get_attached_file( $post_ID );
$path = pathinfo( $file );
// Generate new file name
$file_updated = $path['dirname'] . '/' . $_POST['update_filename'] . '.' . $path['extension'];
// Update the name and reference to file
rename( $file, $file_updated );
update_attached_file( $post_ID, $file_updated );
While the original file gets renamed using the above method, all additional image sizes defined in the plugins/theme are not updated. I'm struggling to figure out the best way to accomplish this task.
I've looked into wp_update_attachment_metadata() and wp_generate_attachment_metadata() but am unsure whether they will give me the desired functionality.
Additionally I've looked into something such as:
$file_meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $post_ID );
foreach( $file_meta['sizes'] as $image ) {
// Do something
Any nudge in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
I was able to utilize both the wp_generate_attachment_metadata() and the wp_update_attachment_metadata() function to achieve the desired end result.
public function update_attachment_filename( $post_ID ) {
if( isset( $_POST['update_filename'] ) && ! empty( $_POST['update_filename'] ) ) {
// Get path to existing attachment
$file = get_attached_file( $post_ID );
$path = pathinfo( $file );
// Create new attachment name
$file_updated = $path['dirname'] . '/' . $_POST['update_filename'] . '.' . $path['extension'];
// Update the attachment name
rename( $file, $file_updated );
update_attached_file( $post_ID, $file_updated );
// Update attachment meta data
$file_updated_meta = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $post_ID, $file_updated );
wp_update_attachment_metadata( $post_ID, $file_updated_meta );

Add files programmatically to Order in Woocommerce

I'm using the "woocommerce_order_status_completed" hook to create a file dynamically after the user has paid for the order.
I need to add this file to his downloadable area in that order in this hooks.
Any ideias how to attach a file to a order?
woocommerce_order_status_completed you can add below code...
First store the file you have created in uploads using media_handle_upload
//if u don't want to $post_id u gan give 0
$attachment_id = media_handle_upload( 'abe_update_epub', $post_id );
if ( is_wp_error( $attachment_id ) ) {
$errors = $attachment_id->get_error_messages();
foreach( $errors as $error ){
echo $error;
echo 'There was an error uploading the image';
} else {
// NEW FILE: Setting the name, getting the url and and Md5 hash number
$file_name = 'Epub Files';
$file_url = wp_get_attachment_url($attachment_id);
$md5_num = md5( $file_url );
// Inserting new file in downloadable files
$files[$md5_num] = array(
'name' => $file_name,
'file' => $file_url
// Updating database with the new array
$order = new WC_Order($order_id);
// Displaying a success notice
echo 'The image was uploaded successfully!';
Hopes this help u..

How to custom user url in BuddyPress and WordPress?

Thanks for support!
I need to custom user url in my page using WordPress and BuddyPress.
This is example:
From: (current)
With 548234 is ID of the user.
I want after completed the custom, all users will have url like above automatically.
Thanks for all solutions!
add this code to your theme functions.php file.
function _bp_core_get_user_domain($domain, $user_id, $user_nicename = false, $user_login = false) {
if ( empty( $user_id ) ){
if( isset($user_nicename) ){
$user_nicename = bp_core_get_username($user_id);
$after_domain = bp_get_members_root_slug() . '/' . $user_id;
$domain = trailingslashit( bp_get_root_domain() . '/' . $after_domain );
$domain = apply_filters( 'bp_core_get_user_domain_pre_cache', $domain, $user_id, $user_nicename, $user_login );
if ( !empty( $domain ) ) {
wp_cache_set( 'bp_user_domain_' . $user_id, $domain, 'bp' );
return $domain;
add_filter('bp_core_get_user_domain', '_bp_core_get_user_domain', 10, 4);
function _bp_core_get_userid($userid, $username){
$aux = get_userdata( $username );
if( get_userdata( $username ) )
$userid = $username;
return $userid;
add_filter('bp_core_get_userid', '_bp_core_get_userid', 10, 2);
function _bp_get_activity_parent_content($content){
global $bp;
$user = get_user_by('slug', $bp->displayed_user->fullname); // 'slug' - user_nicename
return preg_replace('/href=\"(.*?)\"/is', 'href="'.bp_core_get_user_domain($user->ID, $bp->displayed_user->fullname).'"', $content);
add_filter( 'bp_get_activity_parent_content','_bp_get_activity_parent_content', 10, 1 );
function _bp_get_activity_action_pre_meta($content){
global $bp;
$fullname = $bp->displayed_user->fullname; // 'slug' - user_nicename
$user = get_user_by('slug', $fullname);
if(!is_numeric($user->ID) || empty($fullname)){
$args = explode(' ', trim(strip_tags($content)));
$fullname = trim($args[0]);
$user = get_user_by('slug', $fullname);
return preg_replace('/href=\"(.*?)\"/is', 'href="'.bp_core_get_user_domain($user->ID, $fullname).'"', $content);
add_action('bp_get_activity_action_pre_meta', '_bp_get_activity_action_pre_meta');
add_filter('bp_core_get_userid_from_nicename', '_bp_core_get_userid', 10, 2);
Just spent a bit of time going over the documentation, codex and files of BuddyPress and i can find ways of changing the /user/ part of the url but sadly not the /username side of it.
Reading through, it is controlled within the core of BuddyPress and any changes to the core can cause crashes and more than likely to cause problems or overwrites further down the line.
This isn't to say it's not possible though, it is most certainly possible, but it will require a great deal of editing to many many different files, an edit to a number of BuddyPress functions and there are no guarantee's on it working straight out or even working further down the line when files get update.
I would recommend going onto the BuddyPress Trac and putting in a ticket to have the feature added to change user url structure. It would be a cool feature to be able to swap between a username, full name, ID or any other unique identifiable string.
You can access it here: https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/
Alternatively, you can try what aSeptik has done above, but make sure to update that file with any changes when BuddyPress updates as well.

wordpress image attachment metadata without generating thumbnails

i want to process all the attachments but without regenerating the thumbnails again. Right now i am using wp_generate_attachment_metadata()..but this takes long time for executing all the post attachments because of thumbanail creations. I just want serialize meta data array for faster execution.
You can write your own version of this function without thumbs generation, take a look here :
For example :
function my_generate_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $file ) {
$attachment = get_post( $attachment_id );
$metadata = array();
if ( preg_match('!^image/!', get_post_mime_type( $attachment )) && file_is_displayable_image($file) ) {
$imagesize = getimagesize( $file );
$metadata['width'] = $imagesize[0];
$metadata['height'] = $imagesize[1];
list($uwidth, $uheight) = wp_constrain_dimensions($metadata['width'], $metadata['height'], 128, 96);
$metadata['hwstring_small'] = "height='$uheight' width='$uwidth'";
// Make the file path relative to the upload dir
$metadata['file'] = _wp_relative_upload_path($file);
// fetch additional metadata from exif/iptc
$image_meta = wp_read_image_metadata( $file );
if ( $image_meta )
$metadata['image_meta'] = $image_meta;
return apply_filters( 'wp_generate_attachment_metadata', $metadata, $attachment_id );
