Clojurescript CSS in a JAR - css

I have a Clojurescript project (lib-project) which includes some CSS in resources/css/. When I do lein install the CSS is included in the JAR in /css/.
In another project (main-project) I have lib-project as a dependency. How do I access the CSS in lib-project's JAR?
My aim is to package lib-project so that it is complete and not dependent upon external resources.

Maybe not exactly what you asked for, but for the same goal: There's a Leiningen plugin for Twitter Bower, an web asset package manager
lein-bower also supports resolving bower dependencies from jar dependencies.


Using the jar created with lein in other Clojure project [duplicate]

When using lein 2.2, trying to put jar files in /lib does not work.
I tried and it doesn't seems to work but plenty of docs out there says this way still works.
The lib directory functionality was removed in Leiningen v2.0, in favor of a repository (repeatability).
To add free floating jars to a project, you will need to either deploy your dependency to Clojars or a Maven repository. The Maven repository can be as simple as a directory in your project folder.
Please see the answer to this question if you need the jar in a project local folder:
How do I use checked-in jars with leiningen
You do not need to use maven to access a local jar file in Leiningen v2.0
Just use syntax like this in your project.clj:
:resource-paths [ "local-jars/*" ]
and then place your *.jar files in the local-jars subdirectory of your project.
Please see this blog:

xsbt-web multi-module project: package some modules to jars, others to wars

I'm using sbt 0.13.8 and xsbt-web-plugin 2.0.3
I have a multi-module sbt project. When packaged, one of the modules should be in the form of a war file. All of the others in jar files.
When I add the xsbt-web plugin, packaging generates jars and wars for all modules. How can I tell the xsbt-web plugin to apply itself only to the module that should be packaged as a war?
I've already found one solution, which is to mutate the packagedArtifacts list for each non-war module:
packagedArtifacts <<= packagedArtifacts map { as => as.filter(_._1.`type` != "war") }
However, this is a non-local change which I would have to apply to each new non-war module that I (or a team member) might create.
I do not consider this a duplicate of the StackOverflow issue How to “package” some modules to jars and others to wars in multi-module build with single task? since I am not using assembly.
Note that the jars for the jar modules and the wars for the war modules, which are currently being generated, work splendidly. I'm only trying to avoid the situation where somebody tries to deploy a war that was meant to be a jar.
This was a bug in version 2.0.3 -- thanks for discovering it! I've fixed it in 2.0.4.
To enable .war file publishing for a single module in a multi-module project:
Add xsbt-web-plugin in project/plugins.sbt
Enable the WarPlugin plugin in [webproject]/build.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.earldouglas" % "xsbt-web-plugin" % "2.0.4")
You can find a full example of this at

semantic-ui dist folder - Deployment without npm and/or gulp

I have a dist folder inside semantic-ui zip file that I downloaded (version 1.8.1 to be precise)
Is this folder the only thing i need to deploy my Web Application as far as semantic-ui related files are concerned?
Would including semantic.js and semantic.css be enough for my web application?
I am asking this question as I want to eliminate the need of installing npm and gulp on my target machines and would just like to copy over the css and js files that are needed by the application.
Including semantic.min.js, jquery, and semantic.min.css will should be enough for the start since the semantic.min.js contains all the modules you'd need. You will find these files in 'dist' folder.

How to use Gradle to download JAR dependencies on production site?

In the hope of finding the solution on Google as it seems a very general task, I've been trying to do this past few weeks but strangely I couldn't find anything!
What I'm doing:
I am writing an small application, It will be at most a 20KB JAR file in the end. However it has many dependencies, Hibernate and SLF4J to name a few. Directly including these dependencies with the jar file will make it 9Mb.
What is used:
Gradle is used as the build tool. the custom task fatJar creates the jar including all required dependency jar files from (the original) maven repository.
The problem
with my slow internet connection I'd rather not to directly include dependencies, but download these them on the server and not my local production site. What would be the Gradle task like to:
Read the dependencies from jar file
Download them (I know how to do it during Gradle build task).
Add them to class path
Add classpath defined in too
run the jar, by main class defined in
I've read gradle documentation over and over, but no help.

How to unpack dependency jars into the classpath in target?

I am using sbt-osgi to repackage some library dependencies into OSGi packages, and that works well, until I started using scalajs as well. The library dependencies are defined as normal projects something like this:
lazy val bonecp = OsgiProject("com.jolbox.bonecp", buddyPolicy = Some("global")) settings
(libraryDependencies += "com.jolbox" % "bonecp" % "0.8.0-rc1")
The OsgiProject function has default OSGi settings plus some implicits for determining what path the project has. When the bundle task is run on these projects, a new jar with OSGi stuff is created based on the OSGiProject settings. This project just rebundles the bonecp library as an OSGi jar and has no sources. The problem here is that since there's no source, theres no files in target/scala-2.11. This causes sbt-osgi to spit out a ton of ignorable errors, but scalajs is not as forgiving and refuses to do anything with these projects. Is there any good way to unpack the downloaded libraryDependency jars into target/scala-<scalaVersion>?
