Link clickable area larger than its image? - css

I have searched for quite a bit and tried lots of stuff to fix this issue, including hiding the overflow in css.
I have an image that is linked to a video, for which the clickable area overextends the image, but only on the right side.
Relevant class: .overflow a (this was added as an attempt to fix from another answer)
Why is this clickable area so large, and how do I make it the same size as the image it encapsulates?
Firebug doesn't show anything out of the ordinary..

Your image is displayed as block, so it takes up the full width of the parent. You'r solution would be this.
.overflow img {
display: inline-block;

Try adding below CSS code:
.overflow {
display: inline-block;


CCS Issue for Image Sizing - Woocommerce Store

I'm trying to make all product images the same height. I feel like I should just be able to add the following to ".product-image":
height: 300px;
width: auto;
position: absolute;
but that doesn't work here.
Here is a link to the page with the issue:
How can I make these images the same size? again, I think that they should be governed by .product-images, but the only thing that seems to work is when I change the more generic "img" for media=All which then messes up other images on the site.
Please help. Thanks!
Remove height:auto; in your code and if you want a specific height on it then use height:50px; or whatever you would like.
height:auto; // <--- Remove that
Online tools like picresize are great help in your case You can resize the images so even with height:auto; it would work perfectly.
You can reference them via
.product-images img {
// css here
There appears to be no class called product-image, so this references any image within the a tag with the class product-images.
However, increasing the height when all the images are different sizes and the outer tag has a max-width may well lead to some images being stretched and looking odd.
Stretching small images can also make them quite blocky.
If the idea is for a tidy alignment, you are probably better setting a height on the .product-images tag and making the images vertically align within it.
(Also, the simplest way to make them the same size may well be to edit the images and upload them the same size)
The product-image class is on the link that surrounds the image.
The image itself has two classes: attachment-shop_catalog and wp-post-image.
So, you could try something like this:
.attachment-shop_catalog .wp-post-image {
The other issue is that the img has width and height specified in the html.
To make sure the image scales properly you should set the width to auto.
Try something like this:
.attachment-shop_catalog .wp-post-image {
height:300px !important;
width:auto !important;
I added !important so that it will override the hard coded html dimensions.
Hope this helps

Responsive content background not streaching vertically

The website I am making is here:
If you re-size the browser you will see the white background behind the content actually get smaller (even though the div gets larger) I've looked in the CSS and cannot see a problem. Since I don't know what is causing it I cannot paste any code (unless you want me to paste the full CSS?).
It's only a plain white background - no image.
In your css.css find line:438, that looks like this:
section.content, aside.sidebar, .footer-col { float: none; width: 100%; }
remove the float:none; and it should solve your problem. Why? I'm not sure totally, but float:none; is known to mess up other floating divs. It is better not to use it. I can't even think of a reason why you might need it. In you markup, you don't need it there, because when floating div is set to width:100% there is no room for anything to float beside it anyway.

CSS: Image-Scaling with Tumblr 'Astronaut' theme

I'm rather clueless with regards to CSS, and trying to use the free Tumblr theme 'Astronaut'.
Currently I'm trying to figure out how to scale images proportionally for the 'face' of the blog (which is in a three-row style) while keeping the image intact in the main posts itself. I've tried figuring out where to place the width:300px (though that's only a guess as to what the max width of each 'row' is) and height:auto tags in their block, but it doesn't seem to be working. This is exclusive to text posts, image posts work fine.
The site, for reference.
And a pastebin of the layout.
Thanks for any help you can give me.
Try again what you mentioned in your question by adding height: auto; into your CSS:
#container .box img {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto; /* add this! */
This should scale the image down to the available width of the parent element if the image is larger and keeps the correct proportions of your image.

CSS - Making a repeating background image stretch to browser window size

This is a problem with a theme that I bought, and I have already tried to contact the owner (with no luck).
It should be a fairly easy fix, it's just that I can't work out how to do it! (I have done my research).
You can view the theme here:
To re-create the problem, just drag the window size so that it is smaller in width than the content, then scroll to the right. You will notice the header background doesn't stretch all the way.
The background image is for the DIV '#frame-header', which has the class '.wrapper'. I believe that the problem has something to do with the width of '.wrapper' which is defined.
Any help is really appreciated!
I think you might need to add a min-width property to the 'frame-header' div:
<style type="text/css">
min-width: 940px;
Try using the following code:
image width:100%;

Using image as generic link background

How can I do to have an image as the background for all links? I want to have a nice box representing buttons, but I cannot figure this out.
I have tried:
a {
font-size: 40px;
background: url('images/shooting-stars/shooting-star-link.png') no-repeat left top;
But this is not working, image is not displaying.
"I want to have a nice box representing buttons, but I cannot figure this out." - I don't understand this part.
Anyway, your css looks fine from here, are you sure the image exists? This is a working example with the exact same code, just an image that I'm sure exists:
If you want to always show the image, even if the text is shorter, you should set a minimum width for the links. This does mean they'll have to be inline-blocks, you can't set width on a regular link (which is an inline element).
a {
display: inline-block;
min-width: 25px;
(25px was randomly chosen, fill in the width of your background image..)
Two things to try, is there any text in the actual <a> links? And if you use Firebug, you can check you've definitely got the right file path to the image...
<div id="example-link">
Link to journal article
#example-link a {
background: url('images/shooting-stars/shooting-star-link.png');
