UserAccounts_RowEditing/Updating is not working properly -

Alright, so I have a Gridview and added RowEditing and RowUpdating to it, but it won't really edit something.. This is my code for both:
protected void UserAccounts_RowEditing(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e)
UserAccounts.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex;
protected void UserAccounts_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
int index = UserAccounts.EditIndex;
GridViewRow row = UserAccounts.Rows[e.RowIndex];
username = UserAccounts.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Text;
email = ((TextBox)row.Cells[2].Controls[0]).Text;
MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser(username);
if (user != null)
user.Email = email;
ActionStatus.Text = string.Format("User {0} details have been successfully updated!", username);
UserAccounts.EditIndex = -1;
What am I doing wrong in here?
EDIT: This is my BindUserAccounts:
private void BindUserAccounts()
int totalRecords;
UserAccounts.DataSource = Membership.FindUsersByName(this.UsernameToMatch + "%", this.PageIndex, this.PageSize, out totalRecords);
bool visitingFirstPage = (this.PageIndex == 0);
lnkFirst.Enabled = !visitingFirstPage;
lnkPrev.Enabled = !visitingFirstPage;
int lastPageIndex = (totalRecords - 1) / this.PageSize;
bool visitingLastPage = (this.PageIndex >= lastPageIndex);
lnkNext.Enabled = !visitingLastPage;
lnkLast.Enabled = !visitingLastPage;

i think the should be like this
protected void update_click_foredu(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
Label edui = (Label)edugrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("label");
TextBox unitxt = (TextBox)edugrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtuni");
if (unitxt != null && costxt != null && startdatetxt != null && enddatetxt != null)
using (Entities1 context = new Entities1())
string eduID = edui.Text;
model obj = context.entitytabel.First(x => x.ID == eduID);
obj.Univ_Name = unitxt.Text;
lblMessage.Text = "Saved successfully.";
edugrid.EditIndex = -1;
here im using EF like this you can find the control of the text box and save it in gridview
hope this helps you

Somehow it works now after editing the GridView and set "UserName", "IsApproved", "IsLockedOut" and "IsOnline" to ReadOnly="true"


AspNetUsers cannot update custom column

So I have the problem with .net identity model. I created boolean variable IsEnabled in my ApplicationUserManager, trying to make a "block account" method. So it's working fine, anybody with IsEnabled=false cannot login in to my site. The problem is while Im trying to implement administartion method for this variable (Block_Account() for example) I cannot persist my changes in a user. Here is a code;
protected void Block_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string itemID;
using (GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)((Button)sender).Parent.Parent)
HiddenField lUId = (HiddenField)row.FindControl("ClientId");
itemID = lUId.Value;
var user = Context.GetOwinContext().Get<ApplicationDbContext>().Users.Where(a => a.Email == itemID).FirstOrDefault();
//Label1.Text = user.UserName;
if (user.IsEnabled == true || user.IsEnabled == null)
{ user.IsEnabled = false; }
else { user.IsEnabled = true; }
And another try
protected void Block_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string itemID;
using (GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)((Button)sender).Parent.Parent)
HiddenField lUId = (HiddenField)row.FindControl("ClientId");
itemID = lUId.Value;
var manager = Context.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>();
var user = manager.FindByEmail(itemID);
Label1.Text = user.UserName;
if (user.IsEnabled == true || user.IsEnabled == null)
{ user.IsEnabled = false; }
else { user.IsEnabled = true; }
Both not working actually.
So I got the right value from GridView and find a User with a right email, but after making changes, they wont appear in my database.

Force String.Format "{0:P4}" to show + sign

I have a decimal column in my Database where values are stored as 12.35
We show it as 12.35%
The client wants to show +12.35% if the value is positive(just for this one field). How I do get it to show the +sign.
We format the textedit as P4 in the getter String.Format("{0:P4}", value);
This is what I've tried:
I was able to do this by using Fomrat event handler. I am looking for a cleaner way instead of the below code.
private void txtMargin_FormatEditValue(object sender, DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.ConvertEditValueEventArgs e)
if (e.Value != null)
if (e.Value.ToString().IndexOfAny(new char[] { '-', '+' }) < 0)
string val = e.Value.ToString();
val = val.Replace("%", "");
e.Value = string.Format("+{0}", (Convert.ToDouble(val) / 100).ToString("P4"));
e.Handled = true;
string val = e.Value.ToString();
val = val.Replace("%", "");
e.Value = (Convert.ToDouble(val) / 100).ToString("P4");
e.Handled = true;
private void txtMargin_ParseEditValue(object sender, DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.ConvertEditValueEventArgs e)
if (e.Value != null)
if (e.Value.ToString().IndexOf('%') < 0)
e.Value = (Convert.ToDouble(e.Value.ToString()) / 100).ToString("P4");
In your form load past this code :
public Form1()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
textEdit1.Properties.Mask.EditMask = "+#0.0000% ;-#0.0000%";
textEdit1.Properties.Mask.MaskType = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Mask.MaskType.Numeric;
textEdit1.Properties.Mask.UseMaskAsDisplayFormat = false;
textEdit1.Properties.EditFormat.FormatString = "+#0.0000% ;-#0.0000%";;
And in you TextBox Handel the event "`CustomDisplayText`" as :
private void textEdit1_CustomDisplayText(object sender, DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.CustomDisplayTextEventArgs e)
if (e.Value != null && !e.Value.Equals (""))
e.DisplayText = (Convert.ToDouble(e.Value.ToString()) / 100).ToString("+#0.0000 % ;-#0.0000 %");

check if button is clicked in if() condition

I want to check if btnTest_Click is clicked in another Button6_Click event.Below is my code.....Please help
protected void btnTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["Counter1"] = newValue;
Session["Counter"] = newValue;
if (Session["Markici"] != null || Session["Markici"] != null)
var clickedRow = ((Button)sender).NamingContainer as GridViewRow;
var clickedIndex = clickedRow.RowIndex;
/*decimal*/ old = dtCurrentTable.Rows[clickedIndex].Field<decimal>("Kolicina");
decimal oldIznos = dtCurrentTable.Rows[clickedIndex].Field<decimal>("VkIznos");
decimal VkDanok = dtCurrentTable.Rows[clickedIndex].Field<decimal>("VkDanok");
string Cena1 = dtCurrentTable.Rows[clickedIndex].Field<string>("Cena1");
int TarifaID = dtCurrentTable.Rows[clickedIndex].Field<Int16>("TarifaID");
protected void Button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// how to check here if btnTest_Click is clickied
as per Kevin's answer but instead of:
protected bool testPassed;
Have this:
protected bool testPassed
get { return (bool)ViewState["testpassed"]; }
set { ViewState["testpassed"] = value; }
By accessing the value of this property via view state the value will persist between requests.
I would declare a class level boolean called testPassed.
Set it to false in the onload event if it is not a Postback.
Set it to true in the btnTest_Click event handler
Edit to add an example:
protected bool testPassed
get { return (bool)ViewState["testpassed"]; }
set { ViewState["testpassed"] = value; }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
protected void btnTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["Counter1"] = newValue;
Session["Counter"] = newValue;
if (Session["Markici"] != null || Session["Markici"] != null)
var clickedRow = ((Button)sender).NamingContainer as GridViewRow;
var clickedIndex = clickedRow.RowIndex;
/*decimal*/ old = dtCurrentTable.Rows[clickedIndex].Field<decimal>("Kolicina");
decimal oldIznos = dtCurrentTable.Rows[clickedIndex].Field<decimal>("VkIznos");
decimal VkDanok = dtCurrentTable.Rows[clickedIndex].Field<decimal>("VkDanok");
string Cena1 = dtCurrentTable.Rows[clickedIndex].Field<string>("Cena1");
int TarifaID = dtCurrentTable.Rows[clickedIndex].Field<Int16>("TarifaID");
protected void Button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// how to check here if btnTest_Click is clickied

Cant Get Data To Return To My Grid View Using Linq in ASP.NET

Not sure why but i cant get my data to return. It starts out saying there is not data records to display. But when i select the month and year of the information i am looking for the grid view disappears. Any suggestions
NutritionEntities context;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
context = new NutritionEntities();
if (!IsPostBack)
for (int i = DateTime.Now.Year; i > 1988; i--)
ddlYear.Items.Add(new ListItem(i.ToString(), i.ToString()));
int selectedMonth = int.Parse(ddlMonth.SelectedValue);
int selectedYear = int.Parse(ddlYear.SelectedValue);
GridView1.DataSource =
from exercise in context.Exercises
where exercise.exerciseDate.Value.Month == selectedMonth && exercise.exerciseDate.Value.Year == selectedYear
select new
protected void ddlMonth_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int selectedMonth = int.Parse(ddlMonth.SelectedValue);
int selectedYear = int.Parse(ddlYear.SelectedValue);
GridView1.DataSource =
from exercise in context.Exercises
where exercise.exerciseDate.Value.Month == selectedMonth && exercise.exerciseDate.Value.Year == selectedYear
select new
protected void ddlYear_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int selectedMonth = int.Parse(ddlMonth.SelectedValue);
int selectedYear = int.Parse(ddlYear.SelectedValue);
GridView1.DataSource =
from exercise in context.Exercises
where exercise.exerciseDate.Value.Month == selectedMonth && exercise.exerciseDate.Value.Year == selectedYear
select new
you have verify the binding of your control grid, i suggest add only object to the datasource of the grid on the pageLoad when the postback its false like this:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
GridView1.DataSource =
from exercise in context.Exercises
where exercise.exerciseDate.Value.Month == selectedMonth && exercise.exerciseDate.Value.Year == selectedYear
select new
the problem is when you add the objects to datasource , when any event refresh the web page like select the control is unbinding, i hope help you,, see you!!

Is this the best/correct way to use the DevExpress ASPxGridView to edit a List<T>?

Would someone who knows DeveExpess ASPxGridView take a look at this.
Is this the best/correct way to use the grid to edit a List?
I have an object of Type ItemModel and the code below is used to allow an ASP.NET Web Site user to do CRUD operations on list of ItemModels.
My problem is that it seems too complex and I suspect I am not taking good advantage of the Grid.
For simplicity, I have left the Database Access Code that will load and save the list of ItemModels.
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
protected void OnRowInserting(object sender, ASPxDataInsertingEventArgs e)
IList<ItemModel> itemModels = CachedModels;
int lineID = 0;
if (itemModels .Count > 0)
lineID = itemModels[itemModels.Count - 1].LineID + 1;
ItemModel itemModel = new ItemModel()
, Code = e.NewValues["Code"] == null ? string.Empty : e.NewValues["Code"].ToString()
, Name = e.NewValues["Name"] == null ? string.Empty : e.NewValues["Name"].ToString()
, DateCreated = DateTime.Now
, DateUpdated = DateTime.Now
CachedModels = itemModels;
ASPxGridView aspxGridView = (ASPxGridView)sender;
e.Cancel = true;
protected void OnRowUpdating(object sender, ASPxDataUpdatingEventArgs e)
IList<ItemModel> itemModels = CachedModels;
int lineID = Convert.ToInt32(e.Keys[0].ToString());
ItemModel itemModel = null;
foreach (ItemModel model in itemModels)
if (model.LineID == lineID)
itemModel = model;
if (itemModel != null)
itemModel.Code = e.NewValues["Code"] == null ? string.Empty : e.NewValues["Code"].ToString();
itemModel.Name = e.NewValues["Name"] == null ? string.Empty : e.NewValues["Name"].ToString();
containerItemModel.DateUpdated = DateTime.Now;
itemModels[lineID] = itemModel;
CachedModels = itemModels;
ASPxGridView aspxGridView = (ASPxGridView)sender;
e.Cancel = true;
protected void OnRowDeleting(object sender, ASPxDataDeletingEventArgs e)
IList<ItemModel> itemModels = CachedModels;
int lineID = Convert.ToInt32(e.Keys[0].ToString());
ItemModel itemModel = null;
foreach (ItemModel model in itemModels)
if (model.LineID == lineID)
itemModel = model;
if (itemModel != null)
CachedModels = itemModels;
ASPxGridView aspxGridView = (ASPxGridView)sender;
e.Cancel = true;
private void BindGrid()
grdItems.DataSource = CachedModels;
private IList<ItemModel> CachedModels
List<ItemModel> models= (List<ItemModel>)Session["ItemModels"];
if (models == null)
models= new List<ItemModel>();
Session["ItemModels"] = models;
return models;
Session["ItemModels"] = value;
I believe your current code is quite correct.
Here is the suggested way from DX:
ASPxGridView - How to implement CRUD operations with a custom data source
