keep values of a data frame column R - r

In my data frame df I want to get the id number satisfying the condition that the value of A is greater than the value of B. In the example I only would want Id=2.
Id Name Value
1 A 3
1 B 5
1 C 4
2 A 7
2 B 6
2 C 8

First, you could convert your data from long to wide so you have one row for each ID:
(wide <- dcast(df, Id~Name, value.var="Value"))
# Id A B C
# 1 1 3 5 4
# 2 2 7 6 8
Now you can use normal indexing to get the ids with larger A than B:
wide$Id[wide$A > wide$B]
# [1] 2

The first answer works out well for sure. I wanted to get to regular subset operations as well. I came up with this since you might want to check out some of the more recent R packages. If you had 3 groups to compare that would be interesting. Oh in the code below exp is the exact data.frame you started with.
comp <- exp %>% filter(Name %in% c("A","B")) %>% group_by(Id) %>% filter(min_rank(Value)>1)
# If the whole row is needed
# If not


Remove duplicate rows with certain value in specific column

I have a data frame and I want to remove rows that are duplicated in all columns except one column and choose to keep the ones that are not certain values.
In above example, 3rd row and 4th row are duplicated for all columns except for col3, so I want to keep one row only. The complicated step is I want to keep 4th row instead of 3rd because 3rd row in col3 is "excluded". In general, I want to only keep the rows(that were duplicated) that do not have "excluded".
My real data frame have lots of duplicated rows and among those 2 rows that are duplicated, one of them is "excluded" for sure.
Below is re-producible ex:
a <- c(1,2,3,3,7)
b <- c(4,5,6,6,8)
c <- c("red","green","excluded","orange","excluded")
d <- data.frame(a,b,c)
Thank you so much!
Update: Or, when removing duplicate, only keep the second observation (4th row).
dplyr with some base R should work for this:
a <- c(1,2,3,3,3,7)
b <- c(4,5,6,6,6,8)
c <- c("red","green","brown","excluded","orange","excluded")
d <- data.frame(a,b,c)
d <- filter(d, !duplicated(d[,1:2]) | c!="excluded")
a b c
1 1 4 red
2 2 5 green
3 3 6 brown
4 3 6 orange
5 7 8 excluded
The filter will get rid of anything that should be excluded and not duplicated. I added an example of a none unique exclude to your example('brown') to test as well.
Here is an example with a loop:
a <- c(1,2,3,3,7)
b <- c(4,5,6,6,8)
c <- c("red","green","excluded","orange","excluded")
d<- data.frame(a,b,c)
# Give row indices of duplicated rows (only the second and more occurence are given)
# Loop over different duplicated rows
for(i in duplicated_rows){
# Find simmilar rows
selection=which(d$a==d$a[i] & d$b==d$b[i])
# Sotre indices of raw in the set of duplicated row whihc are "excluded"
# Remove rows
> a b c
> 1 4 red
> 2 2 5 green
> 4 3 6 orange
> 5 7 8 excluded
Here is a possibility ... I hope it can help :)
nquit <- (d %>%
mutate(code= 1:nrow(d)) %>%
group_by(a, b) %>%
mutate(nDuplicate= n()) %>%
filter(nDuplicate > 1) %>%
filter(c == "excluded"))$code
e <- d[-nquit]
Shortening the approach by #Klone a bit, another dplyr solution:
d %>% mutate(c = factor(c, ordered = TRUE,
levels = c("red", "green", "orange", "excluded"))) %>% # Order the factor variable
arrange(c) %>% # Sort the data frame so that excluded comes first
group_by(a, b) %>% # Group by the two columns that determine duplicates
mutate(id = 1:n()) %>% # Assign IDs in each group
filter(id == 1) # Only keep one row in each group
# A tibble: 4 x 4
# Groups: a, b [4]
a b c id
<dbl> <dbl> <ord> <int>
1 1 4 red 1
2 2 5 green 1
3 3 6 orange 1
4 7 8 excluded 1
Regarding your edit at the end of the question:
Update: Or, when removing duplicate, only keep the second observation (4th row).
note that, in case the ordering of the rows by col3 determines that the row to keep is always the last one among the duplicate records, you can simply set fromLast=TRUE in the duplicated() function to request that rows should be flagged as duplicates starting the duplicate count from the last one found for each duplicate group.
Using a slightly modified version of your data (where I added more duplicate groups to better show that the process works in a more general case):
a <- c(1,1,2,3,3,3,7)
b <- c(4,4,5,6,6,6,8)
c <- c("excluded", "red","green","excluded", "excluded","orange","excluded")
d <- data.frame(a,b,c)
a b c
1 1 4 excluded
2 1 4 red
3 2 5 green
4 3 6 excluded
5 3 6 excluded
6 3 6 orange
7 7 8 excluded
ind2remove = duplicated(d[,c("a", "b")], fromLast=TRUE)
(d_noduplicates = d[!ind2remove,])
we get:
a b c
2 1 4 red
3 2 5 green
6 3 6 orange
7 7 8 excluded
Note that this doesn't require the rows in each duplicate group to be all together in the original data. The only important thing is that you want to keep the record showing up last in the data from each duplicate group.

Finding the top values in data frame using r

How can I find the 5 highest values of a column in a data frame
I tried the order() function but it gives me only the indices of the rows, wherease I need the actual data from the column. Here's what I have so far:
tail(order(DF$column, decreasing=TRUE),5)
You need to pass the result of order back to DF:
DF <- data.frame( column = 1:10,
names = letters[1:10])
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# column names
# 1 1 a
# 2 2 b
# 3 3 c
# 4 4 d
# 5 5 e
You're correct that order just gives the indices. You then need to pass those indices to the data frame, to pick out the rows at those indices.
Also, as mentioned in the comments, you can use head instead of tail with decreasing = TRUE if you'd like, but that's a matter of taste.

Take the subsets of a data.frame with the same feature and select a single row from each subset

Suppose I have a matrix in R as follows:
ID Value
1 10
2 5
2 8
3 15
4 7
4 9
What I need is a random sample where every element is represented once and only once.
That means that ID 1 will be chosen, one of the two rows with ID 2, ID 3 will be chosen, one of the two rows with ID 4, etc...
There can be more than two duplicates.
I'm trying to figure out the most R-esque way to do this without subsetting and sampling the subsets?
tapply across the rownames and grab a sample of 1 in each ID group:
# ID Value
#1 1 10
#3 2 8
#4 3 15
#6 4 9
If your data is truly a matrix and not a data.frame, you can work around this too, with:
Don't be tempted to remove the as.character, as sample will give unintended results when there is only one value passed to it. E.g.
replicate(10, sample(4,1) )
#[1] 1 1 4 2 1 2 2 2 3 4
You can do that with dplyr like so:
df %>% group_by(ID) %>% sample_n(1)
The idea is reorder the rows randomly and then remove duplicates in that order.
df <- read.table(text="ID Value
1 10
2 5
2 8
3 15
4 7
4 9", header=TRUE)
df2 <- df[sample(nrow(df)), ]
df2[!duplicated(df2$ID), ]

Return df with a columns values that occur more than once [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Subset data frame based on number of rows per group
(4 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have a data frame df, and I am trying to subset all rows that have a value in column B occur more than once in the dataset.
I tried using table to do it, but am having trouble subsetting from the table:
Then I try subsetting it using:
subset(df, table(df$B)>1)
And I get the error
"Error in x[subset & !] :
object of type 'closure' is not subsettable"
How can I subset my data frame using table counts?
Here is a dplyr solution (using mrFlick's data.frame)
newd <- dd %>% group_by(b) %>% filter(n()>1) #
# a b
# 1 1 1
# 2 2 1
# 3 5 4
# 4 6 4
# 5 7 4
# 6 9 6
# 7 10 6
Or, using data.table
setDT(dd)[,if(.N >1) .SD,by=b]
Or using base R
dd[dd$b %in% unique(dd$b[duplicated(dd$b)]),]
May I suggest an alternative, faster way to do this with data.table?
require(data.table) ## 1.9.2
setDT(df)[, .N, by=B][N > 1L]$B
(or) you can couple .I (another special variable - see ?data.table) which gives the corresponding row number in df, along with .N as follows:
setDT(df)[df[, .I[.N > 1L], by=B]$V1]
(or) have a look at #mnel's another for another variation (using yet another special variable .SD).
Using table() isn't the best because then you have to rejoin it to the original rows of the data.frame. The ave function makes it easier to calculate row-level values for different groups. For example
b=c(1,1,2,3,4,4,4,5,6, 6)
dd[with(dd, ave(b,b,FUN=length))>1, ]
#subset(dd, ave(b,b,FUN=length)>1) #same thing
a b
1 1 1
2 2 1
5 5 4
6 6 4
7 7 4
9 9 6
10 10 6
Here, for each level of b, it counts the length of b, which is really just the number of b's and returns that back to the appropriate row for each value. Then we use that to subset.

aggregate over several variables in r

I have a rather large dataset in a long format where I need to count the number of instances of the ID due to two different variables, A & B. E.g. The same person can be represented in multiple rows due to either A or B. What I need to do is to count the number of instances of ID which is not too hard, but also count the number of ID due to A and B and return these as variables in the dataset.
The ddply() function from the package plyr lets you break data apart by identifier variables, perform a function on each chunk, and then assemble it all back together. So you need to break your data apart by identifier and A/B status, count how many times each of those combinations occur (using nrow()), and then put those counts back together nicely.
Using wkmor1's df:
x <- ddply(.data = df, .var = c("ID", "GRP"), .fun = nrow)
which returns:
1 1 a 2
2 1 b 2
3 2 a 2
4 2 b 2
And then merge that back on to the original data:
merge(x, df, by = c("ID", "GRP"))
OK, given the interpretations I see, then the fastest and easiest solution is...
df$IDCount <- ave(df$ID, df$group, FUN = length)
Here is one approach using 'table' to count rows meeting your criteria, and 'merge' to add the frequencies back to the data frame.
> df<-data.frame(ID=rep(c(1,2),4),GRP=rep(c("a","a","b","b"),2))
> id.frq <-$ID))
> colnames(id.frq) <- c('ID','ID.FREQ')
> df <- merge(df,id.frq)
> grp.frq <-$ID,df$GRP))
> colnames(grp.frq) <- c('ID','GRP','GRP.FREQ')
> df <- merge(df,grp.frq)
> df
1 1 a 4 2
2 1 a 4 2
3 1 b 4 2
4 1 b 4 2
5 2 a 4 2
6 2 a 4 2
7 2 b 4 2
8 2 b 4 2
