how to override FOSUserBundle's schema file in other bundle - symfony

I'm working in symfony 2.5 with propel for my project.
I need to add a behavior to fos_user table so I need a way to override the original schema file in my src/ directory. Defining my project as a child of FOSUserBundle does work but this is not what I want.
Is there another way?

you can copy the original schema file to your app directory
and add the behavior you need. The way is exactly like overriding
any twig templates from vendors.


Is there a way to move Symfony 6's controllers to several other directories?

I'm starting to develop a project that will be quite big (hear lots of files) and I want to have an organization that's different from Symfony's default one: instead of having one dir for all my controllers, another for all my forms, etc, I want to have one dir per functionality, ie a directory for my homepage which will contain the controller, the templates, another dir for the blog page with the controller, forms and templates, and so on.
I tried what was explained in this (old) answer, and it didn't work : my routes weren't recognized, and a php bin/console debug:router showed they weren't listed anymore.
I feel I will have something to adapt in my routes.yaml file, which looks like this for now, and which explains why it doesn't work because it explicitely searches in the src\Controller directory:
path: ../src/Controller/
namespace: App\Controller
type: attribute
I looked in the documentation I found, but I didn't find anything useful (I think I will have to remove the path and change it to something else, but I don't know what yet.
The above solutions are only for differentiating controller and template files. But For Entity, Events, and Forms it will not work.
It seems like you want to separate files for each module or functionality. For example, settings.yaml, controller, entity, forms, events, etc...
For that Symfony provides a Bundle feature. You can create a new Bundle in Symfony and use it as a separate feature. For more details please read this link

Symfony 2.7: How to change route in code?

I have a website based on symfony. Routes are declared with yml-files. I use a 3rd-party extention, but wanted to change it's urls. I want to avoid changing the yml-files of this extention because they will be overwritten with the next update. Is there a way to change the route in my php-code instead of the yml-file?
copy the routing file into your application and import it
from symfony doc
Routing is never automatically imported in Symfony.
If you want to include the routes from any bundle, then they must be manually imported from somewhere in your application
(e.g. config/routes.yaml).
The easiest way to "override" a bundle's routing is to never import it at all.
Instead of importing a third-party bundle's routing, simply copy that routing file
into your application, modify it, and import it instead.

Use bundle error templates in Symfony 3 app

I have a MyBundle bundle which I use in many Symfony applications.
This bundle provides common things which are shared across these applications, such as Controllers, Entities, templates, etc.
I would like the bundle to provide error templates as well.
I tried to put the templates in MyBundle/Resources/TwigBundle/views/Exception folder but the application does not use them.
When I copy TwigBundle folder from MyBundle/Resources into app/Resources then the templates are used as expected. However I do not want to copy the templates into every application's app/Resources folder.
Is it possible to override error templates using MyBundle/Resources instead of app/Resources?
TwigBundle always by default checks directory app/Resources/TwigBundle/views/Exception/ for templates.
If you want to use custom directory you have to override ExceptionController.
You can do this in config
// app/config/config.yml
exception_controller: MyBundle:Exception:showException
Default Twig ExceptionController can be found here.

How to make Assetic scan Twig templates outside bundle

TLDR: How do I make Assetic scan for assets in Twig templates outside bundle?
I've got few registration wizards. Each of these wizards has it's own view directory, the file structure looks like this:
/SiteBundle/Wizard/[...several more...]/Resources/views
In config.yml I defined these paths for twig so I can use #general_wizard/template.html.twig paths:
"%kernel.root_dir%/../src/MyWeb/SiteBundle/Wizard/General/Resources/views": general_wizard
"%kernel.root_dir%/../src/MyWeb/SiteBundle/Wizard/CountrySpecific/Resources/views": country_specific_wizard
The problem is that assets used in these templates (inside the Wizard directories) are not dumped using assetic:dump. When I move the view sources to regular SiteBundle/Resources/views, then all the assets are correctly dumped.
Is there a way to make Assetic check the external templates too?
It is not possible with the stock assetic:dump (SF 2.3), as the /Resources/views/ path is hardcoded in the GeneratorBundle, which again provides the list of files to process to assetic. Of course, you could write your own command, but you would basically reinvent the wheel.
I would recommend to keep with the Resources/views convention, and create the subcategories below that:
That would have the same effect, and would not require you to write your own commands and mess around with SF2 internals.
I encountered the same problem after moving all templates to templates in the project root, as it will probably come to be in future versions of Symfony.
The simplest solution is to configure all assets in the configuration file and to locate the output files in the web directory, e.g., all bootstrap CSS files into web/css/bootstrap.css. A remaining difficulty is that referencing the assets with the javascripts tag doesn't work anymore because those tags have to be scanned by the Assetic Bundle to work. You have to do this the old-fashioned way, e.g., via {{ asset('css/bootstrap.js') }}.
With Bootstrap I encountered difficulties to make Glyphicons work, since the cssrewrite filter doesn't work as before. I went for Fontawesome at that point, but including your own copy of Glyphicons could also work.

Symfony2: Unable to override standard error template?

I'm trying to override the standard error.html.twig template provided by the Symfony2 Twig Bundle.
According to the docs, I just need to place a file error.html.twig in my app/Resources/TwigBundle/views/Exception folder and Symfony should use it.
I am able to specify specific error templates, like error404.html.twig, and those are used. But I'm looking to create a catch all template as well.
Anyone know what could be the issue?
The answer here seems to be clearing your cache after adding or editing your template.
A simple app/console cache:clear should resolve your problems also manually removing the app/cache directory should accomplish the same thing.

