Odds ratio and confidence intervals from glmer output - r

I have made a model that looks at a number of variables and the effect that has on pregnancy outcome. The outcome is a grouped binary. A mob of animals will have 34 pregnant and 3 empty, the next will have 20 pregnant and 4 empty and so on.
I have modelled this data using the glmer function where y is the pregnancy outcome (pregnant or empty).
mclus5 <- glmer(y~adg + breed + bw_start + year + (1|farm),
data=dat, family=binomial)
I get all the usual output with coefficients etc. but for interpretation I would like to transform this into odds ratios and confidence intervals for each of the coefficients.
In past logistic regression models I have used the following code
This would very nicely provide what I want, but it does not seem to work with the model I have run.
Does anyone know a way that I can get this output for my model through R?

The only real difference is that you have to use fixef() rather than coef() to extract the fixed-effect coefficients (coef() gives you the estimated coefficients for each group).
I'll illustrate with a built-in example from the lme4 package.
gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
data = cbpp, family = binomial)
Fixed-effect coefficients and confidence intervals, log-odds scale:
cc <- confint(gm1,parm="beta_") ## slow (~ 11 seconds)
ctab <- cbind(est=fixef(gm1),cc)
(If you want faster-but-less-accurate Wald confidence intervals you can use confint(gm1,parm="beta_",method="Wald") instead; this will be equivalent to #Gorka's answer but marginally more convenient.)
Exponentiate to get odds ratios:
rtab <- exp(ctab)
## est 2.5 % 97.5 %
## (Intercept) 0.247 0.149 0.388
## period2 0.371 0.199 0.665
## period3 0.324 0.165 0.600
## period4 0.206 0.082 0.449
A marginally simpler/more general solution:
for Wald intervals, or add conf.method="profile" for profile confidence intervals.

I believe there is another, much faster way (if you are OK with a less accurate result).
From: http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/r/dae/melogit.htm
First we get the confidence intervals for the Estimates
se <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mclus5)))
# table of estimates with 95% CI
tab <- cbind(Est = fixef(mclus5), LL = fixef(mclus5) - 1.96 * se, UL = fixef(mclus5) + 1.96 * se)
Then the odds ratios with 95% CI
print(exp(tab), digits=3)

Other option I believe is to just use package emmeans :
data.frame(confint(pairs(emmeans(fit, ~ factor_name,type="response"))))


regression line and confidence interval in R: GLMM with several fixed effects

Somehow as a follow up on the question Creating confidence intervals for regression curve in GLMM using Bootstrapping, I am interested in getting the correct values of a regression curve and the associated confidence interval curves.
Consider a case where in a GLMM, there is one response variable, two continuous fixed effects and one random effect. Here is some fake data:
library (dplyr)
set.seed (1129)
x1 <- runif(100,0,1)
x2 <- rnorm(100,0.5,0.4)
f1 <- gl(n = 5,k = 20)
my_data <- data.frame(x1=x1, x2=x2, f1=f1)
modmat <- model.matrix(~x1+x2, my_data)
fixed <- c(-0.12,0.35,0.09)
y <- (modmat%*%fixed+rnd1)
my_data$y <- ((y - min (y))/max(y- min (y))) %>% round (digits = 1)
rm (y)
The GLMM that I fit looks like this:
m1<-glmer (y ~x1+x2+(1|f1), my_data, family="binomial")
summary (m1)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace Approximation) ['glmerMod']
Family: binomial ( logit )
Formula: y ~ x1 + x2 + (1 | f1)
Data: my_data
AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
65.7 76.1 -28.8 57.7 96
Scaled residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-8.4750 -0.7042 -0.0102 1.5904 14.5919
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
f1 (Intercept) 1.996e-10 1.413e-05
Number of obs: 100, groups: f1, 5
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -9.668 2.051 -4.713 2.44e-06 ***
x1 12.855 2.659 4.835 1.33e-06 ***
x2 4.875 1.278 3.816 0.000136 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
(Intr) x1
x1 -0.970
x2 -0.836 0.734
convergence code: 0
boundary (singular) fit: see ?isSingular
Plotting y vs x1:
plot (y~x1, my_data)
It should be possible to get a regression curve from the summary of m1. I have learned that I need to reverse the link-function (in this case, "logit"):
y = 1/(1+exp(-(Intercept+b*x1+c*x2)))
In order to plot a regression curve of x1 in a two-dimensional space, I set x2 = mean(x2) in the formula (which also seems important - the red line in the following plots ignores x2, apparently leading to considerable bias). The regression line:
xx <- seq (from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 100)
yy <- 1/(1+exp(-(-9.668+12.855*xx+4.875*mean(x2))))
yyy <- 1/(1+exp(-(-9.668+12.855*xx)))
lines (yy ~ xx, col = "blue")
lines (yyy~ xx, col = "red")
I think, the blue line looks not so good (and the red line worse, of course). So as a side-question: is y = 1/(1+exp(-(Intercept+b*x1+c*x2))) always the right choice as a back-transformation of the logit-link? I am asking because I found this https://sebastiansauer.github.io/convert_logit2prob/, which made me suspicious. Or is there another reason for the model not to fit so well? Maybe my data creation process is somewhat 'bad'.
What I need now is to add the 95%-confidence interval to the curve. I think that Bootstrapping using the bootMer function should be a good approach. However, all examples that I found were on models with one single fixed effect. #Jamie Murphy asked a similar question, but he was interested in models containing a continuous and a categorical variable as fixed effects here: Creating confidence intervals for regression curve in GLMM using Bootstrapping
But when it comes to models with more than one continuous variables as fixed effects, I get lost. Perhaps someone can help solve this issue - possibly with a modification of the second part of this tutorial:

bootstrapping for lmer with interaction term

I am running a mixed model using lme4 in R:
full_mod3=lmer(logcptplus1 ~ logdepth*logcobb + (1|fyear) + (1 |flocation),
data=cpt, REML=TRUE)
Formula: logcptplus1 ~ logdepth * logcobb + (1 | fyear) + (1 | flocation)
Data: cpt
REML criterion at convergence: 577.5
Scaled residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2.7797 -0.5431 0.0248 0.6562 2.1733
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
fyear (Intercept) 0.2254 0.4748
flocation (Intercept) 0.1557 0.3946
Residual 0.9663 0.9830
Number of obs: 193, groups: fyear, 16; flocation, 16
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 4.3949 1.2319 3.568
logdepth 0.2681 0.4293 0.625
logcobb -0.7189 0.5955 -1.207
logdepth:logcobb 0.3791 0.2071 1.831
I have used the effects package and function in R to calculate the 95% confidence intervals for the model output. I have calculated and extracted the 95% CI and standard error using the effects package so that I can examine the relationship between the predictor variable of importance and the response variable by holding the secondary predictor variable (logdepth) constant at the median (2.5) in the data set:
gm=4.3949 + 0.2681*depth_median + -0.7189*logcobb_range + 0.3791*
I have attempted to bootstrap the 95% CIs using code from here. However, I need to calculate the 95% CIs for only the median depth (2.5). Is there a way to specify in the confint() code so that I can calculate the CIs needed to visualize the bootstrapped results as in the plot above?
You can do this by specifying a custom function:
FUN: bootstrap function; if ‘NULL’, an internal function that returns the fixed-effect parameters as well as the random-effect parameters on the standard deviation/correlation scale will be used. See ‘bootMer’ for details.
So FUN can be a prediction function (?predict.merMod) that uses a newdata argument that varies and fixes appropriate predictor variables.
An example with built-in data (not quite as interesting as yours since there's a single continuous predictor variable, but I think it should illustrate the approach clearly enough):
fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
pframe <- data.frame(Days=seq(0,20,by=0.5))
## predicted values at population level (re.form=NA)
pfun <- function(fit) {
cc <- confint(fm1,method="boot",FUN=pfun)

Getting standard errors for lme4 object with texreg

I've been using the fantastic package texreg to produce high-quality HTML tables from lme4 models. Unfortunately, by default, texreg creates confidence intervals, rather than standard errors, under the coefficients for models from lme4 (see page 17 of the JSS paper).
As an example:
screenreg(lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy))
Computing profile confidence intervals ...
Computing confidence intervals at a confidence level of 0.95. Use argument "method = 'boot'" for bootstrapped CIs.
Model 1
(Intercept) 251.41 *
[237.68; 265.13]
Days 10.47 *
[ 7.36; 13.58]
AIC 1755.63
BIC 1774.79
Log Likelihood -871.81
Deviance 1743.63
Num. obs. 180
Num. groups: Subject 18
Variance: Subject.(Intercept) 612.09
Variance: Subject.Days 35.07
Variance: Residual 654.94
* 0 outside the confidence interval
And I would prefer to see something like this:
Computing profile confidence intervals ...
Computing confidence intervals at a confidence level of 0.95. Use argument "method = 'boot'" for bootstrapped CIs.
Model 1
(Intercept) 251.41 *
Days 10.47 *
[output truncated for clarity]
Is there a way to over-ride this behavior? Using the ci.force = FALSE option doesn't work, as far as I can tell.
I'm sticking with texreg, rather than one of the other packages like stargazer, because texreg allows me to group coefficients into meaningful groups.
Thanks in advance for your help!
(UPDATE: edited to include an example)
Using naive=TRUE gets close to what you want ...
library(lme4); library(texreg)
fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)
## ==========================================
## Model 1
## ------------------------------------------
## (Intercept) 251.41 ***
## (6.82)
## Days 10.47 ***
## (1.55)
## ------------------------------------------
## [etc.]
I don't know where you got your values of 24.94, 5.92 from ... ?
## [1] 6.824556 1.545789
cc <- confint(fm1,which="beta_")
## (Intercept) Days
## 7.14813 1.61908
The implied standard errors based on scaling the profile confidence intervals are a little bit wider, but not hugely different.
What I don't know how to do easily is to get significance tests/stars based on profile confidence intervals while still getting standard errors in the table. According to the ci.test entry in ?texreg,
when CIs are printed, texreg prints a single star if the confidence intervals don't include zero
when SEs are printed it prints the standard number of stars based on the size of the p-value
You can also try setting the 'include.ci' parameter to FALSE
model <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)
texreg(model, include.ci = FALSE)

model checking and test of overdispersion for glmer

I am testing differences on the number of pollen grains loading on plant stigmas in different habitats and stigma types.
My sample design comprises two habitats, with 10 sites each habitat.
In each site, I have up to 3 stigma types (wet, dry and semidry), and for each stigma stype, I have different number of plant species, with different number of individuals per plant species (code).
So, I ended up with nested design as follow: habitat/site/stigmatype/stigmaspecies/code
As it is a descriptive study, stigmatype, stigmaspecies and code vary between sites.
My response variable (n) is the number of pollengrains (log10+1)per stigma per plant, average because i collected 3 stigmas per plant.
Data doesnt fit Poisson distribution because (i) is not integers, and (ii) variance much higher than the mean (ratio = 911.0756). So, I fitted as negative.binomial.
After model selection, I have:
m4a <- glmer(n ~ habitat*stigmatype + (1|stigmaspecies/code),
> summary(m4a)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood ['glmerMod']
Family: Negative Binomial(2) ( log )
Formula: n ~ habitat * stigmatype + (1 | stigmaspecies/code)
AIC BIC logLik deviance
993.9713 1030.6079 -487.9856 975.9713
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
code:stigmaspecies (Intercept) 1.034e-12 1.017e-06
stigmaspecies (Intercept) 4.144e-02 2.036e-01
Residual 2.515e-01 5.015e-01
Number of obs: 433, groups: code:stigmaspecies, 433; stigmaspecies, 41
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -0.31641 0.08896 -3.557 0.000375 ***
habitatnon-invaded -0.67714 0.10060 -6.731 1.68e-11 ***
stigmatypesemidry -0.24193 0.15975 -1.514 0.129905
stigmatypewet -0.07195 0.18665 -0.385 0.699885
habitatnon-invaded:stigmatypesemidry 0.60479 0.22310 2.711 0.006712 **
habitatnon-invaded:stigmatypewet 0.16653 0.34119 0.488 0.625491
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
(Intr) hbttn- stgmtyps stgmtypw hbttnn-nvdd:stgmtyps
hbttnn-nvdd -0.335
stgmtypsmdr -0.557 0.186
stigmatypwt -0.477 0.160 0.265
hbttnn-nvdd:stgmtyps 0.151 -0.451 -0.458 -0.072
hbttnn-nvdd:stgmtypw 0.099 -0.295 -0.055 -0.403 0.133
Two questions:
How do I check for overdispersion from this output?
What is the best way to go through model validation here?
I have been using:
While qqnorm() and hist() seem ok, and there is a tendency of heteroscedasticity on the 3rd graph. And here is my final question:
Can I go through model validation with this graph in glmer? or is there a better way to do it? if not, how much should I worry about the 3rd graph?
a simple way to check for overdispersion in glmer is:
> library("blmeco")
> dispersion_glmer(your_model) #it shouldn't be over
> 1.4
To solve overdispersion I usually add an observation level random factor
For model validation I usually start from these plots...but then depends on your specific model...
qqnorm(resid(your_model), main="normal qq-plot, residuals")
plot(fitted(your_model), resid(your_model)) #residuals vs fitted
dat_kackle$fitted <- fitted(your_model) #fitted vs observed
plot(your_data$fitted, jitter(your_data$total,0.1))
hope this helps a little....
Just an addition to Q1 for those who might find this by googling: the blmco dispersion_glmer function appears to be outdated. It is better to use #Ben_Bolker's function for this purpose:
overdisp_fun <- function(model) {
rdf <- df.residual(model)
rp <- residuals(model,type="pearson")
Pearson.chisq <- sum(rp^2)
prat <- Pearson.chisq/rdf
pval <- pchisq(Pearson.chisq, df=rdf, lower.tail=FALSE)
Source: https://bbolker.github.io/mixedmodels-misc/glmmFAQ.html#overdispersion.
With the highlighted notion:
Do PLEASE note the usual, and extra, caveats noted here: this is an APPROXIMATE estimate of an overdispersion parameter.
PS. Why outdated?
The lme4 package includes the residuals function these days, and Pearson residuals are supposedly more robust for this type of calculation than the deviance residuals. The blmeco::dispersion_glmer sums up the deviance residuals together with u cubed, divides by residual degrees of freedom and takes a square root of the value (the function):
dispersion_glmer <- function (modelglmer)
n <- length(resid(modelglmer))
return(sqrt(sum(c(resid(modelglmer), modelglmer#u)^2)/n))
The blmeco solution gives considerably higher deviance/df ratios than Bolker's function. Since Ben is one of the authors of the lme4 package, I would trust his solution more although I am not qualified to rationalize the statistical reason.
x <- InsectSprays
x$id <- rownames(x)
mod <- lme4::glmer(count ~ spray + (1|id), data = x, family = poisson)
# [1] 1.012649
# chisq ratio rdf p
# 55.7160734 0.8571704 65.0000000 0.7873823

Testing differences in coefficients including interactions from piecewise linear model

I'm running a piecewise linear random coefficient model testing the influence of a covariate on the second piece. Thereby, I want to test whether the coefficient of the second piece under the influence of the covariate (piece2 + piece2:covariate) differs from the coefficient of the first piece (piece1), hence whether the growth rate differs.
I set up some exemplary data:
# set up dependent variable
temp <- rep(seq(0,23),50)
y <- c(rep(seq(0,23),50)+rnorm(24*50), ifelse(temp <= 11, temp + runif(1200), temp + rnorm(1200) + (temp/sqrt(temp))))
# set up ID variable, variables indicating pieces and the covariate
id <- sort(rep(seq(1,100),24))
piece1 <- rep(c(seq(0,11), rep(11,12)),100)
piece2 <- rep(c(rep(0,12), seq(1,12)),100)
covariate <- c(rep(0,24*50), rep(c(rep(0,12), rep(1,12)), 50))
# data frame
example.data <- data.frame(id, y, piece1, piece2, covariate)
# run piecewise linear random effects model and show results
lmer.results <- lmer(y ~ piece1 + piece2*covariate + (1|id) , example.data)
I came across the linearHypothesis() command from the car package to test differences in coefficients. However, I could not find an example on how to use it when including interactions.
Can I even use linearHypothesis() to test this or am I aiming for the wrong test?
I appreciate your help.
Many thanks in advance!
Assuming your output looks like this
Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 0.26293 0.04997 5.3
piece1 0.99582 0.00677 147.2
piece2 0.98083 0.00716 137.0
covariate 2.98265 0.09042 33.0
piece2:covariate 0.15287 0.01286 11.9
if I understand correctly what you want, you are looking for the contrast:
My preferred tool for this is function estimable in gmodels; you could also do it by hand or with one of the functions in Frank Harrel's packages.
Estimate Std. Error p value Lower.CI Upper.CI
(0 1 -1 0 -1) -0.138 0.0127 0 -0.182 -0.0928
