How to use custom fields globally in Wordpress? - wordpress

I'm trying to use the value of one custom field on multiple pages and posts. I'm a newbie to PHP and custom fields so what I'm trying to accomplish could possible be done using a different method.
I have a WPMU setup with all new sites created from a default blog that includes multiple custom post type templates. When users create a new site they are redirected to their site admin dashboard.
Here comes my challenge, I want users to be able to enter information into form fields contained in metabox(es) on their admin dashboard (not post editor) that will be used on the various custom post type templates. For example, a user will need to enter their company name, address, logo, etc.
Depending on the temple, the information entered into the form fields will be used on the frontend of the site. For example, the company logo will be display where the custom field or shortcode is placed on the post template.
I'm having issues using custom fields for this because each custom field is specific to each post. In addition, I'm having issues rendering a form on the admin dashboard for this.
I'm also thinking that custom fields may not be the best way to accomplish my objective because they are usually post specific. I'm really asking for a variable that will be used globally and is static unless the user updates the form.
I'd appreciate any assistance on this.

The options API is what you will need for this:
There's also some plugins and frameworks you can use to help such as:


Display custom post types filter by ACF with current user

I would like to display my custom posts on frontend.
I made a back office for a mobile app, but I'd like to create access from frontend to display information from my back office. First, I try to display single content from a custom post. I need to filter these pages by a custom ACF field equal to my current user.
And I need to check if the user has the good role. I've already configured all my Custom posts, all my ACF fields, and custom roles. I made a specific plugin for my back office.
I would like to create specific shortcodes to display the differents single views and the different lists I'll will need for my back-office..
Custom option
Custom posts name
ACF field related
Custom role
club_administrators, or club_members

Wordpress - Proper way to manage custom users

I have a site in Wordpress.
The functionality I need is such that, I can create 'users' of the site. These users have no purpose editing the Wordpress site in any way, and don't need to know we're even using the wordpress platform.
These users need to be able to edit their contact info and upload/view/swap out their own resume, using a page that I will build for them (not the wp-admin dashboard in any way). This resume will be PDFs and WordDocs.
At first I thought I'd just use the built in Wordpress Users and Roles that Wordpress offers. However, I'm not sure how I would attach resumes to that user, and let that user edit their own resume. I know I can use the 'user_contactmethods' hook to attach basic fields. However, I'd be trying to attach a link to a file that Wordpress hosts, and would need to be able to replace that file on a whim, in php. Also, my goal is to prevent them from ever using the Wordpress dashboard or editing tools.
Next, I thought I could create a custom post type for a 'SiteUser'. That would make it easy to manage a PDF/WordDoc attached to that post type. Also, that user wouldn't have any way to access the Wordpress stuff. Before I do that though, I wanted to ask on here if this really is the right way to do this.
This solution feels hacky.
Can I get some proposed solutions to this problem that could be perceived as 'the proper way'?
Here is a rough idea of what you are looking to do.
Step 1
Create the user role for these new users
Step 2
Set the permission for them and disable backend access and redirect all access of those roles to a custom page /account/
Step 3
Use Advance custom fields plugin to create some custom fields on the user meta. (text, file, image)
Step 4
Apply some login logic/form and Link to a /account/edit-info/ custom page with the acf frontend form.
Step 5
Use these info to display somewhere on the /account/ page
Using gravity forms instead to manage user data entry gives better control but requires more coding, and a better user experience.
Front-end Admin Steps
Repeat Step 1-2
Loop site user and list them and their custom field files Have a button that opens a Gravity form with the user ID text field pre-populated and hidden, and have a file uploader element.
Add backend hooks after validation directly replace the user meta
containing the file path or ID (however you choice to store it in
Advance custom fields)

Wordpress - form to capture the values for the custom post type

I want to add a new entity named "ideas" having different fields. I want to add this to the admin side, where a logged in user can add/edit new "idea", which can be published/unpublished to the site.
I don't want to edit via php and make things complicated, instead do it from the wp-admin log in front-end. Is there a plugin for this? I need 3-4 such entities to be created, and define fields for each such entity.
New edit:
Custom Post Type is the best option I feel. Can anyone suggest, a free plugin for form to capture the values for the custom post type?
According to this WCK - Custom Fields and Custom Post Types Creator plugin you can achieve this.
WordPress Creation Kit consists of three tools that can help you
create and maintain custom post types, custom taxonomies and most
importantly, custom fields and metaboxes for your posts, pages or
WCK Custom Fields Creator offers an UI for setting up custom meta
boxes with custom fields for your posts, pages or custom post types.
Uses standard custom fields to store data.
WCK Custom Post Type Creator facilitates creating custom post types by
providing an UI for most of the arguments of register_post_type()
WCK Taxonomy Creator allows you to easily create and edit custom
taxonomies for WordPress without any programming knowledge. It
provides an UI for most of the arguments of register_taxonomy()
Hope it helps you.
You can use a combination of two plugins to fit your needs:
The Custom Post Type UI ( makes it possible to generate Custom Post Types (like "Posts" or "Pages") and Custom Taxonomies. This is how you can create your entity "ideas" which will show up in the admin menu.
With Advanced Custom Fields ( you can define additional content fields for your "ideas"-posttype and others. It also can handle relations between your added custom-post-types
Using the SWIFT Templates as proposed in Touqueer Shafis answer will be sufficient when you only have smaller bits of information to display on the page or if you just want to display archives of your custom-post-types. But you will quickly reach the borders of these templates when it comes to single-pages.
I recommend altering the PHP of your template files manually: you will have more control where and when to display the contents of the custom-post-types and custom-fields you added on your page.
Well, I'm not really gonna give you the answer you want to hear but I want to give you an advice from my own experience.
Using a plugin will make things usually much more complicated than doing it manually. Consider some things:
1) The plugin may not be supported for ever (or long), so if the author decides that he or she wants to be a gardener instead of a developer you're screwed. Unless you want to wrap your head around the plugin code and proceed developing it on your own. This is especially true for "underground"-plugins which are not so popular and/or maintained by a single person. Although I think you CAN rely on the "big" players like "Advanced custom fields"
2) At some point you may find that the plugin you are using doesn't support some sort of customization that you really need and quite a few plugins are built in a way that makes it hard to extend them or break out from the way they work.
So I recommend you to wrap your head around custom taxonomies and post types and just add them with PHP in your functions.php or a custom plugin. It's very very easy (it's really just arrays with arguments). You could use this visual code generator as a starting point:
And for adding custom fields I recommend using Advanced custom fields. You won't need any other plugin for backend management customization and it's built in a way that you can even export your custom fields as php so if they ever drop support you still have a good starting point.

How to create a user input form with WordPress?

I'm completely new to the whole WordPress scene so I kind of don't know the "WordPress way" of doing the desired task:
Create a form where a user would fill in some details (such as name, surname, upload a video or post a youtube iframe link)
Submit it, once it's done - an admin must verify that everything has been filled out correctly and after that the video can be seen on the website.
Should I write a plugin of some sort that would do that or how does it happen?
Thank you.
The Gravity Forms plugin allows you to do exactly what you're looking to do. With it, you can set up a form that creates a post and sets it to be 'Pending Review' in WordPress. This tutorial contains everything you need to know about what you'll need to do.
If you want to create a Custom Post Type (ie. 'User Page') to better separate user submissions, you'll need to employ this special add-on (as mentioned in the tutorial above).

wordpress custom field to select from existing posts

I'm building a WP site and at one specific page i want to have a custom field in wich the user can select from existing content to be linked there. (english is not my native lang :)
In my case:
I have a services page where the admin can add new services.
I have a doctors page where the admin can add new doctors.
I want to have the option to link one doctor to one specific service.
Can this be done?
As other said, Advanced Custom Field is the answer to your and most needs regarding the data hierarchy management in wordpress.
In addiction I suggest to you to read this good tutorial about the use of Types, another good plugin that does the same work of ACF.
Considere moreover that both plugins ask money if you want more functionalities.
Here is the plugin url : that makes relationship between custom filed. It will you.
