Symfony dynamic firewall - symfony

On a large webapplication, I want our customers to be able to enable/configure their own sigle sign-on (SAML) identity provider. Each customer has it's own specific subdomain allowing our application to determine which firewall should be active.
However, I don't want to manually configure each new firewall and clear the cache before changes are taken into effect. Now I read about dependency injection, extensions, compilers and all that, but I just can't seem to find a way to load dynamic firewall settings from the database and apply them. Any idea how I would do this?
FYI, I am using the SamlSPBundle for SSO.

I may have figured this out just moments after setting a bounty! ;)
Symfony2 security allows specification of a request_matcher on a per-firewall basis:
Custom RequestMatchers must implement a single method that returns true or false based on the Request object. I think this could be used to activate a firewall dynamically. As long as you have a finite number of firewalls (I do), then a custom RequestMatcher could solve your problem.


Is there a way to disable Huckabuy PageSpeed product or perhaps Cloudflare workers in general via query string or HTTP header?

When working with the PageSpeed product from Huckabuy which uses Cloudflare workers to implement some page speed boosters I want to be able to bypass the behavior of the boosters without having to reconfigure the settings. Are there any ways to accomplish this that are exposed by Huckabuy or perhaps a generic way using a URL query string parameter or an HTTP header to bypass any given workers in Cloudflare?
Below is an example of what I'd like to be able to do.
If that's not possible then perhaps something specific to Cloudflare like the example below.
Or potentially the following example HTTP header.
I don't know anything about Huckabuy specifically, but there is no general way to bypass Cloudflare Workers with special request properties. Workers are often used to implement security policies, so it's important that they cannot be bypassed.
Of course, any particular Worker is free to implement its own bypass mechanism if it so chooses. Page access through IP address control

Is it possible to create a page in that allow the access to a user that has a defined IPaddres? My goal is to add a page "test" (not linked to my website) and I want to define a rule that only a specified IP address can get the access.
How can I implement this throught
You could try putting the page(s) in a separate folder and password protect it, then, give the password to your user, so they may access the content. You could go as far as password protecting each file. This helps if your website is password protected or has a login.
You could also create a sub-domain for that user specifically.
These are just a few. I'm sure you'll get better suggestions here on SO!
You could go for a programmatic solution. However, I would use IIS functions to block the access. Less code, easier to configure and no hassle on your developement/test environment.
Assumption: you are using IIS since it is ASP.NET. But other webservers should have similar solutions.
You can add IP restrictions to the directory (meaning you would have to put your page in a separate directory). Example here:
Obviously there are a lot of other and arguably better ways to grant access to a page if what you really want is for a specific "user" or "group" to have access, but assuming that your really want the access control to be based on IP, the answer may still be dependent on peripheral concerns such as what web server you are using. IIS for example has some features for IP based security that you could check out.
Assuming though that you really, really want to check IPs and that you want to do it in code, you would find information about the calling environment in the Request of the current HttpContext, i.e. context.Request.UserHostAddress.
If you want to reject calls based on this information, you should probably do that as early as possible. In the HttpApplication.BeginRequest event you could check if the call is targeted for the page in question and reject the request if the UserHostAddress is not to your liking.
If you prefer to make this control in the actual page, do it in some early page event.
To manage the acceptable IP(s), rather than hard coding them into your checking code, I suggest you work with a ConfigurationSection or similar. Your checking code could be something similar to:
var authorizedIps =
authorizedIpConfiguration.Split(',').Select(ipString => ipString.Trim()).ToList();
isValid = authorizedIps.Any()
&& authorizedIps.Contains(context.Request.UserHostAddress);
If the check fails, you should alter the response accordingly, i.e. at least set its status code to 401 (
NB: There are a lot of things to consider when implementing security features, and the general recommendation would probably stand as "don't do it" - it's so easy to falter. Try to use well proven concepts and "standard implementations" if possible. The above example should not in itself be considered to provide a "secure" solution, as there are generally speaking many ways that restricted data can leak from you solution.
EDIT: From you comment to the answer given by nocturns2 it seems you want to restrict access to the local computer? If so, then there is a much easier and cleaner solution: Just check the Request.IsLocal property. It will return true only for requests originating from the local computer, see HttpRequest.IsLocal Property
(Also, you should really make sure that this "debug page" is not at all published when deploying your solution. If you manage that properly and securely, then perhaps you do not even need the access check any more. If you want debugging options in a "live" environment, you should probably look to HttpContext.Current.Trace or some other logging functionality.)

drupal persistent login, why use?

Why do i have to use some persistent-login module to make my users login into Drupal 6
for longer period of time.
Why changing php.ini or settings.php doesnt works ?
from a "webtools" I see my cookies being expired in next day, but after few hours it happend to log me out.
This is like spontagenious action, no pattern to follow / predict.
why this "keep-alive" login exists in drupal ??
You do not have to use the persistent module to achieve longer log in periods. You can simply adjust the ini_set() calls for the session.* PHP settings in your Drupal instances settings.php file (especially session.cookie_lifetime and session.gc_maxlifetime).
If adjusting those does not work for you, you should ensure that your server configuration allows overriding them from PHP.
Also, Drupal uses the standard PHP session storage mechanisms - if there are other PHP apps running on the same server, they might interfere with your session lifetime settings, depending on storage path configurations. See point 2 in this answer for information on that.
The persistent login module aims to make the configuration easier, but especially adds more features, as e.g. allowing a general remember me option while still requiring reauthentication for sensitive operations (like changing the password) to minimize the risks associated with long login periods.
Check this article linked from the modules project page, as well as this article linked from there for some in depth explanations concerning the handling of persistent logins.
Drupal overrides the internal php session save handler in include/bootstrap.ini and has some non standard session code there. Haven't followed it through though.
Beyond that Drupal's settings.php will override php.ini.

ASP.Net Session State

I was wondering whether it would be possible to change the sqlConnectionString used for SessionState in based upon the domain an application is running on?
A scenario; We have 20 sites running from one application all talking to different databases depending which domain (site) they are browsing from.
When browsing the application talks to the database 'db1'. The site on the other hand talks to the database 'db2' etc, thus selecting the relevant content and also spreading the load to each database rather than using one master database to handle all connections for the sites.
An issue that has arisen though - for this setup we use SqlServer mode for the SessionState so all users to all sites sessions are stored in 1 aspstate database, now as the sites get busier / number of sites increase this database comes under increasing strain to handle all the session requests for all the sites and we are starting to get some timeout errors where the connections to this database are bottlenecking.
We can seperate out the sites to from their own application and set up different applications with the same code but within each application set a different Session database in each Web.Config and thus lightening the load. This task would be quite time consuming though and would result in more management in the long term. SO.. I would love to know if it's possible to modify within the code the sqlConnectionString used for SessionState, based upon a domain, before the session object is created? Can we inherit from System.Web.HttpApplication and use the Application_AcquireRequestState event to create the required setup of the HttpSessionState object?
Hopefully this makes sense and that someone can provide some pointers and prove to me that this isn't a pipe dream!
I think you are missing a big point--putting things in separate databases on the same server isn't going to help things at all if the bottleneck is sql server--it is either SQL running out of headroom or the network running out of bandwidth. I'd try and figure out which one it was before doing anything.
Your issue isn't so much that the connections to the database are bottlenecking, its that you are overwhelming the network connection to the database with data from all of the sessions.
By default, the Sql Server state provider simply serializes your data and ships it to the database. This is VERY inefficient and takes a LONG time to transfer on a fast network.
We solved this problem by going to a custom provider, like DOTSS that compresses session content before shipping it to the database. The compression rates we see are 80%-90% and the compression time is less than 10ms.
You can implement a custom session state provider. See MSDN for details. I've never done it, but with a little luck you can wrap the SqlServer session state module and redirect it based on the domain
First of all, I don't see there is advantage of "I would love to know if it's possible to modify within the code the sqlConnectionString used for SessionState, based upon a domain, before the session object is created" compared to set this in web.config.
Secondly, I think you need change that connection string setting in App_Start, so all the request will use that changed settings.Application_AcquireRequestState probably too late for this.
Why not split up the sites into sperate web applications and use hostheader to differentiate between the web sites. That way you could easily configure which session database you want your web application to use since each web application would have a seperate web.config file.
You could partition your session across different databases by implementing IPartitionResolver, and using a different partition for each domain.
Here's an example showing how to implement a custom partition resolver. (The example partitions by session ID, but it would be trivial to change it to partition by domain instead.)
We have several dozen development sites whose database connections are handled via the project's main Web.Config.
There is a separate configuration section corresponding to each URL on our intranet (e.g. http://development11, http://development12). We have SQL instances with a similar naming convention (DEVDB1\SQL1, DEVDB1\SQL2).
Based on the URL configured on the intranet IIS server, the app grabs the appropriate config. For testing we can easily modify the user, the database server or individual databases utilized for a particular site.

How can I share a session across multiple subdomains in ASP.NET?

I have an application where, in the course of using the application, a user might click from
Since I'd rather not create a new session each time a user crosses from one subdomain to another, what's a good way to share session info across multiple subdomains?
You tagged this with ASP.NET and IIS, so I will assume that is your environment. Make sure you have this in your web.config:
<httpCookies domain=""/>
If your 2 subdomains map to the same application, then you are done. However, if they are different applications you will need to do some additional work, like using a SQL Server based Session storage (and hacking the stored procedures to make sure all applications share the same session data) or with an HttpModule to intercept the application name, since even with shared cookies and the same machine key, 2 applications will still use 2 different stores for their session data.
Track your own sessions and use a cookie with an appropriate domain setting, ie.
Alternatively, if you're using PHP, I believe there's a setting to change the default domain setting of the session cookie it uses, that may be useful too.
The settings you're looking for are:
session.use_cookies = 1
session.use_only_cookies = 1
session.cookie_domain =
I recently went thru this and learned the hard way. Localhost is actually considered a TLD. Cookie domains require at least a second level domain - If you want cookies to work for a domain and all it's sub-domains, prefix with a '.' -
When running/debugging locally, setting a domain of localhost will fail, and it will fail even if the domain is set properly because visual studio uses localhost by default.
This default localhost can be changed in the project properties so that the project will actually run at cookie domain Essentially, if the address in the browser matches , you can get it to work.
My issue is documented here: Setting ServiceStack Cookie Domain in Web.Config Causes Session Id to Change on Every Request
Hope this helps.
If you're using PHP, one hack would be to make a little include script (or two) to do the following:
1 Serialize your $_SESSION array
2 Pass that string as a hidden input, making all your links to those buttons in separate forms using POST.
3 Also include a boolean hidden input to let your script know whether it needs to use the current session or unserialize $_POST['session']
4 Deploy this across your site, calling things where appropriate
I wouldn't do this if there's actually a sanctioned way to transfer a session. I hope you've at least considered using cookies.
Matt's answer is definitely the way to go if you have multiple subdomains pointing at the same IIS app (which is exactly the situation I have right now, using wildcard DNS and then doing subdomain 'sniffing' on the receiving end).
However, I wanted to add something that I experienced in case anyone is finding that this is not working for them. Setting the httpCookies line alone didn't do it for me, I had to add a machineKey entry into my web.config file:
machineKey decryptionKey="12...D1" validationKey="D7..8B"
Particularly odd since I am not in a web farm setup (unless AWS/EC2 is effectively acting as such).. As soon as I did this, it worked like a champ.
