Select option value - selectedchoice is not working - data-binding

I am binding a SELECT HTML tag with some dynamic values using knockout JS. Additionally, i am trying to set a selected choice which is failing. Please suggest where i am going wrong.
self.level1Choices.selectedChoice = ko.observable(2); - this line does not seem to work.
The JSFiddle for this code is at
The dropdown is not loading in the JSFiddle for some reason. I dont think i have referenced the knockout JS correctly. In my local environment, I am able to load the select box with the values. However, i am not able to set the selected value.
#Wayne Ellery, #QBM5 - please advise since you know about this already :)

You should use var to declare your model object to avoid scoping issues
var viewModel = new DataModel();
The main issue was you need to add to the Datamodel by exposing it through the this variable in the Datamodel.
var DataModel = function (client) {
var self = this;
self.level1Choices = ko.observableArray();
Take a look at the Helo World example as to how to do this:
I've scoped this to self as it's a best practice to not worry about this referring to something else mentioned here:
I moved the loadAllApprovers method inside the DataModel as this is where it belongs and so that it has access to populate the datamodel.
I added the mobile services client to the constructor so that it can be mocked for testing your model.
var DataModel = function (client) {
var self = this;
self.level1Choices = ko.observableArray();
var loadAllApprovers = function () {
var allAppprovers = client.getTable('TABLE');
var query ="ID", "FirstName").read().done(function (approverResults) {
}, function (err) {
console.log("Error: " + err);
You were also missing knockout in your jsfiddle.


Accent insensitive searching in RadComboBox

I'm relatively new to using ASP webforms and Telerik, but I'm looking for a way that allows me to type special characters (é, ù, à, ...) in a RadComboBox.
Lets say I have a name in my ObjectDataSource called "René Somebody". I need to be able to find him by searching for "Rene" and "René", but so far no luck.
In the application they managed to do this on a RadGrid with filters, but this same solution doesn't work for the RadComboBox as far as I know.
The solution they used in the RadGrid:
I have no access to the backend components but the demo you linked contains frontend code and it looks like you can hack in there. It looks like this control may be both client-server and client-side only. For client-side only hacks looks kind of complicated and invloves non-public API (_onInputChange) but for client-server case (which is probably your case) the doc on client side of RadComboBox Object mentions requestItems method so hacking it is probably reasonably future safe:
var hackRadComboBoxFilter = function (combobox, filterProcessingFunction) {
var oldRequestItems = combobox.requestItems;
combobox.requestItems = function() {
var args =;
// requestItems has several arguments but the text seems to be the
// first one, so let's modify it and call the original method
var origFilter = args[0];
args[0] = filterProcessingFunction(origFilter);
oldRequestItems.apply(this, args);
Unfortunately I don't know a built-in way to deal with accents in JS but you can hack something simple here as well:
var accents = 'ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäåÒÓÔÕÕÖØòóôõöøÈÉÊËèéêëðÇçÐÌÍÎÏìíîïÙÚÛÜùúûüÑñŠšŸÿýŽž';
var mappedAccents = "AAAAAAaaaaaaOOOOOOOooooooEEEEeeeeeCcDIIIIiiiiUUUUuuuuNnSsYyyZz";
var removeAccents = function (origStr) {
var components = [];
var len = origStr.length;
var afterLastAccent = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var mapPos = accents.indexOf(origStr[i]);
if (mapPos != -1) {
components.push(origStr.substr(afterLastAccent, i - afterLastAccent) + mappedAccents[mapPos]);
afterLastAccent = i + 1;
if (afterLastAccent < len)
components.push(origStr.substr(afterLastAccent, len - afterLastAccent));
return components.join('');
So now you can combine it in something like this:
// In real app you probably want something like this
// var targetComboBox = $find("<%= RadComboBox1.ClientID %>");
// but for test let's just hack first combobox on the page
var targetComboBox = Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBox.ComboBoxes[0];
hackRadComboBoxFilter(targetComboBox, removeAccents);
or if you want to modify all the comboboxes on the page, you can change prototype using the same trick:
hackRadComboBoxFilter(Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBox.prototype, removeAccents)

Method/property does not exist

I'm trying to convert the JavaScript code
if (window.ifEdit.editIsDirty()) { }
into Typescript. I got as far as the following
var iframe = document.getElementById('ifEdit');
var iWindow = <HTMLIFrameElement>(iframe).contentWindow;
var _editIsDirty = iWindow.editIsDirty();
I get the red squiggles under 'contentWindow' and 'editIsDirty' saying the method/property does not exist on the type. The .ts doesn't compile to a .js file.
I have searched, but did not manage to find a solution.
For the contentWindow part, the problem with your code is that the casting is done wrong, should be:
var iWindow = (<HTMLIFrameElement> iframe).contentWindow;
As for the editIsDirty, it's not a standard property of Window.
If it's something which is added in the environment in which you are running your javascript then you need to declare it like so:
interface IfEdit {
editIsDirty(): boolean;
interface Window {
ifEdit: IfEdit;
var iframe = document.getElementById("ifEdit");
var iWindow = (<HTMLIFrameElement> iframe).contentWindow;
var _editIsDirty = iWindow.ifEdit.editIsDirty();
Use the code in Playground.
Casting will be through as. this assures .contentWindow is accessible.
const iframe = document.getElementById('embed-player') as HTMLIFrameElement;
if (!iframe) {
// Handle case where iframe not found
const contentWindow = iframe.contentWindow;
// Note: You will likely need more null handling for contentWindow's properties

How to create a template helper after a template has been rendered in Meteor?

Template.prices.rendered = function() {
OrderFormContent = new Meteor.Collection(null);
var orderSubmission = function() {
//code that inserts stuff into the OrderFormContent collection
//the key **sqft** is assigned the value of **4000** };
sqft: function() {
return OrderFormContent.findOne().sqft;
The code above doesn't load. Meteor tries to create the helper of {{sqft}} but can't because OrderFormContent does not get defined until after the page renders. It appears that Meteor tries to define the helper before the page is even rendered.
But I need to define this helper. And I need to have it defined only after the template is rendered (not created).
I cannot just nest Template.prices.helpers inside Template.prices.rendered.
If I comment out the Template.prices.helpers code the page will load. If I then run OrderFormContent.findOne().sqft manually in the console a value of 4000 is returned.
When I un-comment the Template.prices.helpers code the page fails to load and I get a Exception from Deps recompute function: ReferenceError: OrderFormContent is not defined error.
1) Defining global variables inside a function is against good practices of Javascript, and is invalid in strict mode (and thus will be invalid in the future when strict mode becomes a standard).
2) You can easily achieve your goal without defining helper after rendering. In fact, the error is not thrown when the helper is created, but when it's called. To fix this problem it's enough to include a simple check.
var OrderFormContent = null;
var orderFormContentDep = new Deps.Dependency();
Template.prices.rendered = function() {
OrderFormContent = new Meteor.Collection(null);
sqft: function() {
if(!OrderFormContent) return null;
var item = OrderFormContent.findOne();
if(!item) return null;
return item.sqft;
When I got that error I moved the template helper to the client js and it went away. Only that didn't work for my purposes because it executed too often. So, I put it into an Iron Router route method to be rendered.

Ideas on making a javascript object name unique in ASP.Net?

I've created an ASP.Net user control that will get placed more than once inside of web page. In this control I've defined a javascript object such as:
function MyObject( options )
this.x = options.x;
MyObject.prototype.someFunction=function someFunctionF()
return this.x + 1;
In the code behind I've created MyObject in a startup script --
var opts = { x: 99 };
var myObject = new MyObject( opts );
When a certain button in the control is pressed it will call myObject.someFunction(). Now lets say the value of x will be 99 for one control but 98 for another control. The problem here is that the var myObject will be repeated and only the last instance will matter. Surely there's a way to make the var myObject unique using some concept I've haven't run across yet. Ideas?
Your Javascript like this:-
function MyObject(options) { this.x = options.x; }
MyObject.prototype.someFunction = function() { return this.x + 1; }
MyObject.create(id, options) {
if (!this._instances) this._instances = {};
return this._instances[id] = new MyObject(options);
MyObject.getInstance(id) { return this._instances[id]; }
Your startup javascript like this:-
MyObject.create(ClientID, {x: 99});
Other code that needs to use an instance (say in the client-side onclick event)
String.Format("onclick=\"MyObject.getInstance('{0}').someFunction()\", ClientID);
Note the low impact on the clients global namespace, only the MyObject identifier is added to the global namespace, regardless of how many instances of your control are added to the page.
If it is just one value, why not have the function take it as a parameter and build your onclick handler so that it puts the correct value in for each control. If it is more complex than that, then consider making options an array and, for each control, insert the correct options into the spot in the array that corresponds to each particular control. Then pass the proper index into the array into the function.
I do this by using ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock to register a string as a JavaScript block on the client side. I can then modify my script string using {0}, {1}..,{n} place holders to inject necessary ids. It depends on the structure of your code as to if this is the most elegant fashion, but it works in a pinch. You could then inject variable names using references to Me.ClientID.
You can make the value of "x" static and access it anywhere in the code, such as:
function MyObject( options ) { MyObject.x = options.x; }
MyObject.x = 99; // static
MyObject.prototype.someFunction = function () { return MyObject.x + 1; }
This way you can access MyObject.x anywhere in your code, even without re-instanciating MyObject.
Excellent solution Anthony. The other solutions offered were as good and I did consider them but I was looking for something a little more elegant like this solution.

Flex - Dispatch custom Event on receipt of standard Event

I am processing a FileReferenceList.fileList[] of multiple files a user selects in the following code..
for (i=0;i < event.currentTarget.fileList.length; i ++){
fileByteData = new ByteArray();
fileByteData = (event.currentTarget.fileList[i].data as ByteArray);
loader = new Loader();
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, checkImageDimensions);
I need to pass i into checkImageDimensions to keep track of which image is which, I can easily enough create a custom event, but I need this to fire at the right time. Ideally I could do something like this..
var myEvent:CustomEvent = new CustomEvent(i);
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, this.dispatchEvent(CustomEvent))
But to be honest, I am unsure of how to proceed...
Can anyone help me out? Thanks!
You need to make a listener function - a function call does not suffice. Passing a class name to dispatchEvent does not work either. Here's how to do it.
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(e:Event):void {
dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(i));
Note that you don't necessarily need a custom event class, if all you need in the event is a type string. You can simply use the Event class in this case:
public static const MY_CUSTOM_EVENT:String = "myCustomEvent";
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(e:Event):void {
dispatchEvent(new Event(MY_CUSTOM_EVENT));
Edit: If you're really lazy, but still want to pass values with the event, you can use the DinamicEvent class:
var evt:DynamicEvent = new DynamicEvent(MY_CUSTOM_EVENT);
evt.attr1 = val1;
evt.attr2 = val2;
Of course, it is cleaner and less error prone to declare your own error class.
