How can i change the version of ivy sbt is using - sbt

I think I have ran into a bug in ivy, that may have ben solved in version 2.4.0-rc1 of ivy.
But how can i see what version of ivy sbt is using, and how can i change it to 2.4.0-rc1, so i can test if it actually fixes my problem.


can i change switch my Next version from 12.1.1.canary to 12.1.0?

Hi, i am working on a Next.js project that i have not intialized
myself. The developper before me created the application before i
So, the version is next#12.1.1-canary.7
even the name seems odd to me, can i relatively safely change the
version to something like next#12.1.0 ? Because sometimes there are
npm packages i cannot use because of this canary version.
Can someone explain to me what this canary version is ? is it an
unstable test version ? Thank you !
try this
npm install next#12.1.0

SBT local-preloaded missing in 1.6.1

I'm new to sbt. I'm trying to upgrade the sbt version from 0.13.18 to 1.6.1.
I found there was a local-preloaded directory in 0.13.18 release tarball. We are using it to provide the ivy cache. But this directory are removed in 1.6.1 ( actually removed since 1.4.0). Now ivy is complaining about the could not find ivy.xml for scala-sbt and other repositories.
Could anyone provide some suggestion about how to setup those repo for 1.6.1? Thanks.

How to specify ivy version in sbt?

I am using sbt-0.13 which uses ivy-2.3. I have encounter a bug which has been fixed in ivy-2.4. Now I want to update ivy to 2.4.
How to configure sbt so as to make it use ivy-2.4?
I do not know the answer to this definitively, but after 30 min of searching, I think the answer is that you can't do this without building your own version of sbt.
The principle evidence I have for this is this change to sbt itself in order to upgrade the version of ivy:

Plone 4.2.4 Buildout fails with pinned to 1.4.4

I am having a sudden issue with installing Plone 4.2.4. I have pinned PloneFormGen to 1.7.11 but the buildout fails with the following error:
The version, 1.4.4, is not consistent with the requirement, '>1.6'.
Installing client1.
Error: Bad version 1.4.4
If I remove PFG from the buildout, it runs fine. I have pinned to 1.7.2 (even though it states its not compatible with < Plone 4.3) and the buildout runs successfully, but afterwards, if I update PloneFormGen from 1.7.6 to 1.7.11, it breaks the site.
The buildout is a standard Unified Installer build of Plone 4.2.4, using the out of the box version.cfg. I have extended this with my own config to add other components.
This build recipe I created months ago and it has worked flawlessly on other systems, but my most recent use of this recipe gives me the failures.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I found an email on the Plone Users group by someone who was having a very similar issue to this. The fix seems to be to pin to 1.7.2 as well as pinning collective.js.jqueryui to I did this and the issues I was experiencing appear to be resolved. However, I'm not comfortable with this solution as it appears to be an underlying issue with these two packages.
As you mentioned in your question update, you need to additionally pin to a newer version.
This is a fine solution and, if anything, PloneFormGen is just lacking in documentation so people are aware of it.
Please consider contributing to the README to help provide better instructions to install on the version of plone you're using:

Xcode 4 (final version) error when building

I can't seem to find the answer.
I've just used Xcode 4 final version and built an existing project that was built ok with Xcode 3, but got this error:
ld: library not found for -lSystem.B
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1
But another project was built OK with Xcode 4.
I installed Xcode 4 by choosing the default options.
Do I miss to include a library or framework somewhere?
Could somebody please help. Thank you.
Here's my solution for Xcode 4.0.2 with SDK 4.3 environment, but I believe it should also work on other setups.
libSystem.B.dylib is not present
however it is present for lower SDK
versions (e.g. iPhoneOS4.2.sdk)
most of the cases
libSystem.B.dylib is just a
symbolic link to libSystem.dylib
so in
I've applied following command sudo
ln -s libSystem.dylib
libSystem.B.dylib and my simulator
builds started to work again :)
NOTE: libSystem.B.dylib is used by Flurry and Urban Airship so you better don't delete the reference in project file (of course Urban Airship does not work under Simulator, but I think Flurry does. libSystem.B.dylib may also be required by other libraries you included to your project.
UPDATE: solution still works for iOS5 Simulator after upgrading to Xcode 4.3
UPDATE, March 9th, 2k12: for Xcode installations via App Store, prefix above path with /Applications/ or the path where you've installed
Turns out that there was a reference to libSystemB in my project (Don't know why it's there). After deleting the reference, it built well.
Thanks anyway guys!
-weak_library /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib breaks the iOS Simulator.
Use -weak-lSystem instead.
The quote belongs to gparker on the official dev forums.
-weak_library /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib breaks the iOS Simulator. Use -weak-lSystem instead.
nicktmro got it right, especially when you are developing cocos2d projects using xcode 4.x
I have the same problem since months and always kept making the symbolic link as described here everytime i updated xCode. Today I found a nice new way to fix this:
In your targets Build Phases go to 'Link Binary With Libraries' and search for:
Set from 'Required' to 'Optional'
