compiling a ICC binary [duplicate] - r

I am getting the following error running make:
Makefile:168: *** missing separator. Stop.
What is causing this?

As indicated in the online manual, the most common cause for that error is that lines are indented with spaces when make expects tab characters.
where \t is TAB (U+0009)
where each . represents a SPACE (U+0020).

Just for grins, and in case somebody else runs into a similar error:
I got the infamous "missing separator" error because I had invoked a rule defining a function as
($eval $(call function,args))
rather than
$(eval $(call function,args))
i.e. ($ rather than $(.

This is a syntax error in your Makefile. It's quite hard to be more specific than that, without seeing the file itself, or relevant portion(s) thereof.

For me, the problem was that I had some end-of-line # ... comments embedded within a define ... endef multi-line variable definition. Removing the comments made the problem go away.

My error was on a variable declaration line with a multi-line extension. I have a trailing space after the "\" which made that an invalid line continuation.
MY_VAR = \
val1 \ <-- 0x20 there caused the error.

In my case, I was actually missing a tab in between ifeq and the command on the next line. No spaces were there to begin with.
ifeq ($(wildcard $DIR_FILE), )
cd $FOLDER; cp -f $DIR_FILE.tpl $DIR_FILE.xs;
Should have been:
ifeq ($(wildcard $DIR_FILE), )
<tab>cd $FOLDER; cp -f $DIR_FILE.tpl $DIR_FILE.xs;
Note the <tab> is an actual tab character

In my case error caused next. I've tried to execute commands globally i.e outside of any target.
UPD. To run command globally one must be properly formed. For example command
ln -sf ../../user/curl/$SRC_NAME ./$SRC_NAME
would become:
$(shell ln -sf ../../user/curl/$(SRC_NAME) ./$(SRC_NAME))

In my case, this error was caused by the lack of a mere space. I had this if block in my makefile:
which should have been:
if ($(METHOD),opt)
with a space after if.

In my case, the same error was caused because colon: was missing at end as in staging.deploy:. So note that it can be easy syntax mistake.

I had the missing separator file in Makefiles generated by qmake. I was porting Qt code to a different platform. I didn't have QMAKESPEC nor MAKE set. Here's the link I found the answer:

Just to add yet another reason this can show up:
$(eval VALUE)
is not valid and will produce a "missing separator" error.
is acceptable. This sort of error showed up for me when I had an macro defined with define and tried to do
... some expression ...
VAR=$(eval $(call SOME_MACRO,arg))
where the macro did not evaluate to an assignment.

I had this because I had no colon after PHONY
Not this,
.PHONY install
install -m0755 bin/ytdl-clean /usr/local/bin
But this (notice the colon)
.PHONY: install

Following Makefile code worked:
obj-m = hello.o
$(MAKE) -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) modules
$(MAKE) -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) clean

So apparently, all I needed was the "build-essential" package, then to run autoconf first, which made the, then the ./configure then the make which works perfectly...


Process substitution =(list) in middle of argument

How can I use =(list)-style process substitution in the middle of an argument?
This works:
% echo =(echo)
So does this:
% echo =(echo):works
But this does not:
% echo broken:=(echo)
zsh: missing end of string
Notably, this also works:
% echo works:<(echo)
The problem is =(list) can only stand at the beginning of arguments. Quoting from the ZSH manual:
The expression may be preceded or followed by other strings except
that, to prevent clashes with commonly occurring strings and patterns,
the last form [this is =(list)] must occur at the start of a command
argument, and the forms are only expanded when first parsing command
or assignment arguments.
I have a tool that accepts an argument of the form format:filename, and I need to use a real file, not a pipe, so I cannot use <(list). What is a reasonably simple and readable solution?
Use parameter expansion to "buffer" the process substitution.
% echo fixed:${:-=(echo)}
I have been trying to use the previous answer for a makefile, and it was not so trivial so here is my solution.
The initial problem is that with MinGW, the command line length is quite limited and it will get truncated in case of a very long object list, so I need to use the #file syntax for gcc, which allow to provide the arguments in a file.
SHELL := /bin/zsh
myprog.exe: very.o long.o list.o of.o obj.o files.o ...
gcc -o $# #$${:-=(<<< \"$^\")}
There is an alternate solution by using an anonymous function called immediatly :
myprog.exe: very.o long.o list.o of.o obj.o files.o ...
() { gcc -o $# #$$1 } =(<<< "$^")

Set a variable inside prerequisites or eval function

I have this code, and it works, but as you see I do the substitute three times, I would like to set a variable to the value, but with no success
$($(PKG)-py-valgrind-tests-status): $($(PKG)-swig-dlib)
$($(PKG)-py-valgrind-tests-status): $(OBJ_OUTPUT_DIR)%.valgrind_passed:
#echo env $(PKG-TEST-HELPER-ENV) valgrind $(VALGRIND-FLAGS) --log-file=$(subst valgrind_passed,valgrind.log,$#) $(PYTHON_BIN) $< -v ; \
env $(PKG-TEST-HELPER-ENV) $(VALGRIND) $(VALGRIND-FLAGS) --log-file=$(subst valgrind_passed,valgrind.log,$#) $(PYTHON_BIN) $< -v \
|| (cat $(subst valgrind_passed,valgrind.log,$#); exit 1)
#touch $#
the problematic line $(subst valgrind_passed,valgrind.log,$#)
I tried:
$($(PKG)-py-valgrind-tests-status): LOG-FILE = $(subst valgrind_passed,valgrind.log,$#)
$($(PKG)-py-valgrind-tests-status): LOG-FILE = $$(subst valgrind_passed,valgrind.log,$#)
and(inside the recipe)
$(eval LOG-FILE = $$(subst valgrind_passed,valgrind.log,$#))
but for all, if I write
log file come's up empty.
I have no more ideas on how to go forward,
appreciate the help, thanks!
Are you sure you're using GNU make? What version are you using (run make --version)?
There's nothing wrong with your first attempt, using a target-specific variable. If this doesn't work then you've got something wrong or different about your makefile that you haven't explained. Maybe if you showed the actual complete section of the makefile with the target-specific variable being set and used we might see what's wrong.
Your second attempt can't work because secondary expansion applies only the prerequisites, not target-specific variables (but, as above, it's not needed anyway).
Your third attempt might work but again, without seeing exactly what you do with the eval we can't say for sure. You don't need to double the $ before the subst function; it can be expanded first and it will still work.

remove a file called -l from command line (Centos)

Someone accidentally created a file name '-l' and I cannot remove it, because rm -l interprets the filename as a flag. I've tried quotes, escaping and nothing is working.
In virtually all Unix commandline utilities you can use a double-dash -- to separate options from arguments. Under the hood, getopt will stop attempting to parse arguments as options when it first encounters a --. From the docs:
getopt has three ways to deal with options that follow non-options argv elements. The special argument ‘--’ forces in all cases the end of option scanning.
In your specific case with rm, use:
$ rm -- -l

case insensitive glob listing in zsh

I have the following code:
$ print -l backgrounds/**/*.((#i)jpg|jpeg|gif|webp|png|svg|xcf|cur|ppm|pcd)
the intention was to list some image file indifernet of the case of file termination.
But my code seems to not be functional because won't list files whit uppercase endings.
Can someone explain my error in the above code example?
Thanks in advance.
You need the #i to apply to everything, not just jpg. You can use:
$ print -l backgrounds/**/*.(#i)(jpg|jpeg|gif|webp|png|svg|xcf|cur|ppm|pcd)
Make sure you have also done:
set -o extended_glob
Note that using #i requires that EXTENDED_GLOB be set in your script/shell:
See the docs, section 1.8.4 Globbing Flags, or type man zshexpn.
And you want: *.(#i)(jpg|gif|etc)

Unable to get a system variable work for manuals

I have the following system variable in .zshrc
I run unsuccessfully
zgrep -c compinit $manuals/zsh*
I get
zsh: no matches found: /usr/share/man/man<1-9>/zsh*
The command should be the same as the following command which works
zgrep -c compinit /usr/share/man/man<1-9>/zsh*
How can you run the above command with a system variable in Zsh?
$> manuals=/usr/share/man/man<0-9>
$> zgrep -c compinit ${~manuals}/zsh*
The '~' tells zsh to perform expansion of the <0-9> when using the variable. The zsh reference card tells you how to do this and more.
From my investigations, it looks like zsh performs <> substitution before $ substitution. That means when you use the $ variant, it first tries <> substitution (nothing there) then $ substitution (which works), and you're left with the string containing the <> characters.
When you don't use $manuals, it first tries <> substitution and it works. It's a matter of order. The final version below shows how to defer expansion so they happen at the same time:
These can be seen here:
> manuals='/usr/share/man/man<1-9>'
> echo $manuals
> echo /usr/share/man/man<1-9>
/usr/share/man/man1 /usr/share/man/man2 /usr/share/man/man3
/usr/share/man/man4 /usr/share/man/man5 /usr/share/man/man6
/usr/share/man/man7 /usr/share/man/man8
> echo $~manuals
/usr/share/man/man1 /usr/share/man/man2 /usr/share/man/man3
/usr/share/man/man4 /usr/share/man/man5 /usr/share/man/man6
/usr/share/man/man7 /usr/share/man/man8
