How do I change the title of a Wordpress page within the template? - wordpress

I am setting up a wordpress theme and it has the "logo" h1 tag at the top which shows the title of the site. On the blog page specifically though I'd like to change the title in the H1 tag.
I am aware there may be some php that does something like this: if blog page show this h1 tag (code) and for every other page show this h1 tag (code).
Is this possible?
Thanks kindly

Please use the below code instead of code which is now using to display the page title.
if ( is_page( '{enter your blog page slug here}' ) ) {
echo '<h1>{enter your blog page title here}</h1>';
} else {
echo '<h1>{enter your non-blog page title here}</h1>';

You can query your current page template with meta.
You can get current page template this meta tag:
And full code:
if( get_post_meta($post->ID, '_wp_page_template', true) == "your-template.php" ){
// current page is created with your template
} else{
// other page template or defult template

Assuming you have separate template for your blog page, like blog.php in your theme directory.
Then you should follow below code:
if ( is_page_template( 'blog.php' ) ) {
// Current Template is Blog
} else {
// Other Pages
More info:
If blog the one of your page in WordPress then follow below code:
if(is_page('id or slug of WP Blog Page')) {
// This is blog page
} else {
// This is other page
If that does not work then you should try including different header files using get_header function.
More Info:
Suggestion: I would suggest to create new page template for your blog page and then you are good to go. You can refer this to create new page template and assign to page.


Link Woocommerce custom placeholder image to product page

On my woocommerce e-commerce page there are some products that does not have any product image set. Instead the custom placeholder image shows. Is there a way to make these placeholder images link to each product page, just like the other products?
The site uses the theme OceanpWP and Elementor page builder.
I believe the best way to do this is by using a child theme, to ovewrite the woocommerce function. This code in your child theme functions.php file should work.
if (!function_exists('woocommerce_get_product_thumbnail')) {
function woocommerce_get_product_thumbnail($size = 'shop_catalog', $deprecated1 = 0, $deprecated2 = 0) {
global $post;
if (has_post_thumbnail()) {
return ''.get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID, $size).'';
elseif(wc_placeholder_img_src()) {
return ''.wc_placeholder_img( $size ).'';

Targeting the shop page only

This is what I need to do:
To target only the main shop page with CSS (a specific custom class I created as mentioned below).
This is what I've done and tried so far:
I have an override template of archive-product.php in my child theme.
In this override template I've added a div with a custom class custom-shop-class just before the product loop start, because I want to target the looped products specifically.
I tried targeting with class page-id-4 because if I hover over the "shop" page in wp-admin, it gave me http://.../post.php?post=4&action=edit
The problem I'm having is as follows:
From what I've discovered is that the same archive-product.php template is being used in the other various shop pages and not only in the main "shop" page (correct me if I'm wrong), so when I target my custom-shop-class with CSS, it affects all the other shop pages using the same template file, and it must not.
There is no unique identifier or class specifically for the shop page, something like the page-id-?? class in the body tag (as in the usual WP pages).
Any suggestions on the best method/solution?
Set a conditional statement to check for the primary shop page, then echo the div in question if that statement evaluates to true.
WooCommerce Conditional Tag for main shop page:
if (is_shop()) {
echo "<div class='custom-shop-class'></div>";
} else {
echo "<div class='custom-product-category-class'></div>";
<?php if (is_shop()):?>
<div class="custom-shop-class"></div>
<?php else: ?>
<div class="custom-product-category-class"></div>
<?php endif;?>
Conditional Tags | WooThemes Documentation
Using the filter body_class with the is_shop conditional you can target the main WooCommerce shop page.
add_filter( 'body_class', 'woo_shop_class' );
// Add WooCommerce Shop Page CSS Class
function woo_shop_class( $classes ) {
if ( is_shop() ) // Set conditional
$classes[] = 'woo-shop'; // Add Class
return $classes;
The code goes in your themes functions.php file.
To build on the answer provided here, how might I go further and add a unique identifier to the shop page based on the active WPML language? (I'm basically trying to reduce a font size on the German version of the shop page only - it's proving surprisingly difficult to do)

Change Wordpress feed <link> for one specific tag

I have an external page that reads a RSS feed for a tag. I can't change anything on the external page, so the challenge is to change the RSS feed on my side to match the requirements.
On the external page the 3 latest posts for a tag are shown, and at the end of the section (note: not after each post but after all 3 posts) there is a "View all" link. This link receives its value from the element in the feed, which is by default set to my blog homepage, e.g. For this specific tag the link should be
The requirement is that the "View all" link links to the tag page instead of the homepage.
My idea was to add a condition to the element to change the URL for this specific category. I tried to change the feed template as recommended here: Customizing feeds, but for some reason it doesn't change the template at all. The code I tried is the following:
remove_all_actions( 'do_feed_rss2' );
add_action( 'do_feed_rss2', 'change_feed_rss2', 10, 1 );
function change_feed_rss2( $for_comments ) {
$rss_template = get_template_directory() . '/feeds/feed-custom_rss2.php';
if( file_exists( $rss_template ) )
load_template( $rss_template );
do_feed_rss2( $for_comments ); // Call default function
Of course I created the custom feed template and stored it in the feeds directory in my theme.
As this didn't work I tried looking into filters/hooks but I couldn't find anything helpful regarding my issue. Any ideas on how to best solve this issue?
I came up with the following solution:
I created a new custom page template custom_rss-feed.php and copied the code from wp-includes/feed-rss.php into it. I assigned this template to a new page. Additionally I added a filter to get_bloginfo_rss like the following:
function alter_bloginfo_rss($value, $key) {
if ( $key === "url" &&
) {
return $value . "/my/custom/url";
return $value;
add_filter("get_bloginfo_rss", "alter_bloginfo_rss", 10, 2);

How do I exclude some code on posts and pages in wordpress?

I have a feature box on my header.php file, because of this the feature box gets displayed in every page and post page as well. What code do I need to keep this feature box only in the homepage and no place else?
You're looking for the is_front_page() function:
if ( is_front_page() ) {
// Show the feature box
} else {
// Do something else

How to add page URL to list of pages in WordPress admin panel?

Currently, by default, the following columns appear in the list of pages in the WordPress admin panel:
and because I have AIO SEO installed:
SEO Title
SEO Description
SEO Keywords
Is there a way to have WordPress also display the URL to the page (at least the part of the URL that is created when the page itself is created)?
The page url is actually already there by default, it's just hiding. When you hover over a page title, several links appear below the title -- edit, quick edit, trash, view. View is the hyperlink to the page, which you can click to view the page, or right click and copy the link address to use elsewhere.
Otherwise, if you are using a custom/child theme, you could add the following to your functions.php file:
add_filter('manage_page_posts_columns', 'my_custom_column', 10);
add_action('manage_page_posts_custom_column', 'add_my_custom_column', 10, 2);
function my_custom_column($defaults) {
$defaults['url'] = 'URL';
return $defaults;
function add_my_custom_column($column_name, $post_id) {
if ($column_name == 'url') {
echo get_permalink( $post_id );
Note: This just creates a text url to your page.
Also note, you do not want to edit your functions.php file directly if you are using a theme you did not create, as it will be overwritten when you update. If you want to add this to an existing theme, I'd suggest looking into child themes.
This is helpful. I would only improve the output slightly by removing the site url and just showing the page. Takes up less space and less to weed through visually.
if ($column_name == 'url') {
$link= get_permalink( $post_id );
echo str_replace($siteURL,"",$link);
