I want to change the map:
{"a" 1 "b" 2}
{:a 1 :b 2}
how to do it in clojure?
You can use keywordize-keys function to do it.
user=> (clojure.walk/keywordize-keys {"a" 1 "b" 2})
;=> {:a 1 :b 2}
user=> (require '[clojure.walk :refer [keywordize-keys]])
;=> nil
user=> (keywordize-keys {"a" 1 "b" 2})
;=> {:a 1, :b 2}
I am trying to make a function in Clojure that would take a map, x and y values as parameters and then go through all the elements in a map and potentially replace all x values (if any) with y.
(defn Change-x-to-y-in-map [map x y]; code here)
For example, if I would have a map like {:a 1 :b 2 :c 1} and I would call the function with parameters [map 1 "it works!"], the function should return the following map: {:a "it works!" :b 2 :c "it works!}.
So it would replace all keys with value 1 to keys with value "it works!".
Thank you already beforehand for your help!
You can do this generically over any form with clojure.walk functions:
(defn replace-vals [m v r]
(fn [e] (if (= e v) r e))
(replace-vals {:a 1 :b 2 :c 1} 1 "Hey!")
=> {:a "Hey!", :b 2, :c "Hey!"}
(replace-vals [1 2 3 4 1] 1 "Hey!")
=> ["Hey!" 2 3 4 "Hey!"]
This will also work for nested forms.
(replace-vals {:a 1 :b {:c 1 :d "Bye!"}} 1 "Hey!")
=> {:a "Hey!", :b {:c "Hey!", :d "Bye!"}}
If you want to only replace map values you could refactor to this:
(defn replace-map-vals [m v r]
(fn [e] (if (and (map-entry? e) (= (val e) v))
[(key e) r]
(replace-map-vals {1 "not replaced" :replaced 1} 1 "Hey!")
=> {1 "not replaced", :replaced "Hey!"})
Note this version uses prewalk due to an issue with postwalk and map entries.
Starting from Stefan's answer, we can modify the initial map instead of building a new one:
(defn update-v [m ov nv]
(reduce-kv (fn [acc k v] (if (= v ov) (assoc acc k nv) acc))
m m))
And we can use a transient to make the modifications to:
(defn update-v [m ov nv]
(reduce-kv (fn [acc k v] (if (= v ov) (assoc! acc k nv) acc))
(transient m) m)))
These changes should (hmmmmmm) speed things up a little.
(I hereby put this code under Apache 2.0 license if you can't take it under the SO default CC-BY SA)
A reducible-friendly version would use reduce-kv directly:
(defn update-v [m ov nv]
(reduce-kv (fn [acc k v]
(assoc acc k (if (= v ov) nv v)))
{} m))
(update-v {:x 1 :y 2 :z 1} 1 "It Works!")
=> {:x "It Works!", :y 2, :z "It Works!"}
(I hereby put this code under Apache 2.0 license if you can't take it under the SO default CC-BY SA)
One way is to iterate through the keys and values of the map with for and use into to build up the new map:
(defn val-replace [m x y]
(into {} (for [[k v] m]
[k (if (= v x) y v)])))
> (val-replace {:x 1 :y 2 :z 1} 1 "It Works!")
{:x "It Works!", :y 2, :z "It Works!"}
> (val-replace1 {:a "" :b 4 :c ""} "" nil)
{:a nil, :b 4, :c nil}
Specter solution to boot:
(defn replace-vals [m v r]
(setval [MAP-VALS (partial = v)] r m))
The function map-vals already exists in the Tupelo library. It applies a function tx-fn to every value in the map, creating a new output map. The unit tests show it in action:
(let [map-123 {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}
tx-fn {1 101 2 202 3 303}]
(is= (t/map-vals map-123 inc) {:a 2, :b 3, :c 4})
(is= (t/map-vals map-123 tx-fn) {:a 101, :b 202, :c 303}))
In the first case, the function inc is applied to each value in the input map (IM).
The 2nd example uses a "transformation map" as tx-fn, where each [k v] pair indicates the desired transformation from old to new values, respectivly, in IM. Thus we see values in map-123 changed as:
1 -> 101
2 -> 202
3 -> 303
A sister function map-keys is also available:
(let [map-123 {1 :a 2 :b 3 :c}
tx-fn {1 101 2 202 3 303}]
(is= (t/map-keys map-123 inc) { 2 :a 3 :b 4 :c})
(is= (t/map-keys map-123 tx-fn) {101 :a 202 :b 303 :c}))
I want to return all the keywords appeared in map. For instance:
{:a 1 :d 4 :e 4}
I want to get (:a :d :e). my code is
(get {:a 1 :d 4 :e 4} :keywords)
It returns nil. So how to fix it?
I guess you want to get all the keys from your map. You can do that using:
(keys {:a 1, :d 4, :e 4}
;; => (:a :d :e)
If you would like to get all the keywords when they appear as keys in a map you need to filter only those matching keyword? predicate:
(filter keyword? (keys {:a 1, 'd 4, :e 4, "f" 5}))
;; => (:a :e)
Similarly for keywords from map values:
(filter keyword? (vals {:a :b, "c" :d, 4 "e", 5 'f}))
;; => (:b :d)
Is there Clojure function that swaps values of two keys in persistent map?
I mean something like this:
(defn swap-keys [map k1 k2]
(let [f (get map k1) s (get map k2)]
(assoc map k1 s k2 f)))
(swap-keys {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4} :a :c)
;; => {:a 3, :b 2, :c 1, :d 4}
The best I know of is this:
(clojure.set/rename-keys {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4}
{:a :c, :c :a})
;; {:c 1, :b 2, :a 3, :d 4}
You can use it to do more than just a two-way swap, if you want:
(clojure.set/rename-keys {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4}
{:a :b,
:b :c,
:c :d,
:d: :a})
;; {:b 1, :c 2, :d 3, :a 4}
Edit: A benefit (probably) to this approach over the "naive" solution is that it performs a check to make sure the necessary keys actually exist:
=> (defn swap [m k1 k2] (assoc m k1 (m k2) k2 (m k1)))
=> (swap {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3} :a :d)
;; {:a nil, :b 2, :c 3, :d 1}
=> (clojure.set/rename-keys {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3} {:a :d, :d :a})
;; {:b 2, :c 3, :d 1}
I'm trying to find matching key and value pairs from a map. I'm using the following code:
(defn matches? [m k v]
(let [val (k m)]
(= val v)))
my-demo.core=> (matches? {:a 1 :b 2} :b 2)
my-demo.core=> (matches? {:a 1 :b 2} :b 3)
Another approach using superset?:
my-demo.core=> (superset? #{:a 1 :b 3} #{:a 1})
my-demo.core=> (superset? #{:a 1 :b 3} #{:a 2})
I have a feeling there is a better way to do this.
My question is: Is there an idiomatic way to find matching key and value in map in Clojure?
This is probably a small enough problem that you could just use this instead of defining a function:
(= ({:a 1 :b 2} :a)
=> true
I would say this is an idiomatic way, which will work fine for most use cases.
However, it depends on the behaviour you require when testing for a nil value. because the above method would return true for :c nil:
(= ({:a 1 :b 2} :c)
=> true
And your function behaves the same way:
(matches? {:a 1 :b 2} :c nil)
=> true
To get around this you could use get with a "not found" value:
(= (get {:a 1 :b 2} :c ::not-found)
=> false
This works fine but it's perhaps not as neat. You'd just have to make sure that your "not found" value was never the same as your test value.
If you wanted to really know that a map contains a key with a possibly nil value you would instead have to check both things. Here's a function that would do this while only doing the hash-map lookup once. It uses (find map key) which returns the map entry (the key-value pair) for key, or nil if the key is not present.
(defn contains-kv? [m k v]
(if-let [kv (find m k)]
(= (val kv) v)
(contains-kv? {:a 1 :b nil} :a 1)
=> true
(contains-kv? {:a 1 :b nil} :b nil)
=> true
(contains-kv? {:a 1 :b nil} :c nil)
=> false
Note: I don't think superset? is doing what you think it does. In that example you're using sets, not hash maps, which are completely different:
(clojure.set/superset? #{:a 1 :b 2} #{:a :b})
=> true
Your matches? function looks good to me, though I'd probably remove the let in this case, as it removes a bit of clutter. I'd also rename it to something more precise, though this is the best I can come up with just now:
(defn contains-kv?
"Returns true if the key k is present in the given map m and it's value matches v."
[m k v]
(= (m k) v))
How to apply a function on every value in a map in vector of maps.
If I have a vector of maps
(def vector-of-maps [{:a 1 :b 2} {:a 3 :b 4}])
And want to apply a function on every value in every map and as a result I want the same vector of maps, something like this
(map #(+ 1 %) vector-of-maps)
So that the result is
[{:a 2 :b 3} {:a 4 :b 5}]
And I want it to work with any vector of maps, not just this particular one....
=> (defn update-map [m f] (reduce-kv (fn [m k v] (assoc m k (f v))) {} m))
=> (map #(update-map % inc) vector-of-maps)
({:b 3, :a 2} {:b 5, :a 4})
(defn mapv-map-values [f vm]
(letfn [(map-values [m] (zipmap (keys m) (map f (vals m))))]
(mapv map-values vm)))
... producing
(mapv-map-values inc [{:a 1 :b 2} {:a 3 :b 4}])
;[{:b 3, :a 2} {:b 5, :a 4}]
The map-values function, the only significant departure from #user100464's answer, was adapted from here.
also you can do like this,but it is ugly
(defn dodo [m] (map (fn [map] (apply merge (for [[k v] map] (assoc {} k (inc v))))) m))
(dodo [{:a 1 :b 2} {:a 3 :b 4}])
;({:a 2, :b 3} {:a 4, :b 5})