How to allow uploading of photos while placing an order using Woocommerce - wordpress

I'm new to WordPress, and want to use Woocommerce for my online shop. However, I am creating things using photos supplied by the customer for certain products. Other products can be sold as is.
That means if the customer orders an item in this category, he needs to upload the photo to be used to create that item while placing his order. This photo must be linked to the order, and must not be visible to the other customers, but only to me when I view his order.
Is there any existing WordPress theme that caters for this, and if not, how do I modify Woocommerce to cater for this?
More than one customer can order the same product, and each customer must be able to upload his photo to be used for that product for that order. Each client's photo must only be linked to that specific order for that specific customer for that specific date.

You can use Woothemes's Product Add-ons plugin. It allows you to add custom fields to your product including file-inputs. These fields will be displayed on the front-end & user can fill their values/upload files which will be included with their orders. And as an admin, only you will be able to see the values/files in the order-details section.

You required to add image with each product, which should not be display to your customer, only to you while some order placed by customer:
In this case you required to add custom field over there in Product Custom Post type.
You can refer to this link for creating Custom Field


custom order of products in woocommerce category page

I have a woocommerce store and want to make a custom order of my products.
Users access directly category pages, no shop archive page.
Do you have any good solutions for making a custom order here ?
I Tried using plugins and also giving those products a number... but all did not work.
kind regards
You can assign a number to each woocommerce product in wp-admin.When you edit or add product than you will see a menu order option just input a numeric number.

How can I build WooCommerce products collections?

I want to build products collections similar to AliExpress,Amazon, Etsy and other collections.
I can suggest you three ways:
You could create new taxonomy called collections, each term would be a collection. You can extend it for your needs by adding custom fields to collection taxonomy terms i.e. image, relations with specific brands ( which also can be created as taxonomy ).
To make final render adjustments, you will have to override archive.php template for your collection taxonomy - i.e. taxonomy-collection.php or taxonomy-collections.php ( depending on slug you choose to use )
You could create new custom post type collections, and then create for product post type additional custom field, that would list in dropdown ( multiselect ) or multiple checkboxes all collections.
You will then need to override single.php template for single custom post type view, i.e. single-collection.php
See: for templates reference.
You could find and install some plugin ( there is a decent number of such ) that offer extending WooCommerce in terms of having brands and collections attached.
I would suggest first approach, or second if you are decent in WordPress and WooCommerce development. Third is at first easiest, but usually lacks of flexibility and customization, since it is not your code.
Wouldn't Grouped products work for you (or anyone searching here)?
Go to: WooCommerce > Products > Add New.
Enter a Title for the Grouped product, e.g., Back to School set
Scroll down to Product Data and select Grouped from the dropdown. The price and several other fields disappear. This is normal because a
Grouped Product is a collection of ‘child products’, which is where
you add this information.
The Grouped product is still an empty group. To this Grouped product,
you need to:
-Create products and add them
-Add existing child products
If you are looking to make collections like those in shopify, for example, grouping products by attributes, or a certain word contained in the title. There is a plugin called WooCommerce Collection by WooExperts. Unfortunately it is a paid plugin. I will give the link below to avoid confusion with another plugin called WooCommerce Collections.
I am not in anyway affiliated to them, I simply use it and it solved this issue for me.
Here is the link:

What's the best the approach to add an extra attribute field in Drupal Commerce?

I'm using Drupal Commerce and i have a product type called "Painting" this product type does not have an attribute fields, I'm using inline_entity_form module so i can show the product add form within the node add form for my product display content type.
The product in the site is the painting itself, it may come with a frame or without a frame (the user can choose) and the price will change based on the user's choice, how can i add such field without using attributes fields? as attributes fields requires that the site admin to add many products and put them in one product display, i just want to keep it simple to the site admin, to make him add the product in the same way he adds a node.
Thank you.
This sounds like you just need two variations:
Product one, without frame
Product two, with frame
Each variation has it's own price and title.
You can get by without using an attribute field. Drupal Commerce renders a dropdown when there are no attributes and allows user's to pick from the product variation titles. Since you are using Inline Entity Form this should be seamless for the site admin.

BIGCOMMERCE - Add required field based on quantity

I am designing a T-shirt store for a client and need to be able to add custom fields to a BigCommerce product based on the user requesting more than one product (tshirt)
So - if the user has 2 products - they would be asked to complete fields for reverse name and size. Is this possible?
There aren't conditional options out of the box in Bigcommerce. You'd have to have unrequired fields that were hidden unless multiple quantities were selected (using javascript to accomplish the hide/show).
Alternatively, you can limit the item so only one can be added to the cart at a time. This could be a negative customer experience though.

How do I remove woocommerce products after time?

Im currently building a webshop using woocommerce (icondesignliving)
and the customer wants the products to be automatically removed after time. Or after a certain date, Is it possible to do this, if yes, how?
You can use a plugin called Post Expirator.
When you add or edit a product there will be a Post Expirator box on the right hand side, which will allow you to choose if the product can be hidden after a certain date. Choose what date it will hidden on and what is to happen to the product (draft, delete, set it to private, or change category):
