UIImage picker controller in ios8 returns blank screen at second time - uiimagepickercontroller

In ios 7 uiimagepickercontroller is working correctly but in ios8(5s) it shows
"Snapshotting a view that has not been rendered results in an empty snapshot. Ensure your view has been rendered at least once before snapshotting or snapshot after screen updates."
and it returns only with blank black color page.


Runtime change in content of Label not resizes properly view when placed label inside a Frame?

I have created a custom control in Xamarin.Forms for my demo application, in my control I used a custom template for my view, the template consists of Frame --> Grid --> Label whenever I changed the binding text to the labels, the view height should be resized, but it not works as excepted.
If I remove the frame it works fine and height resizes properly. It happens in android, iOS, and UWP.
To notify the size changes in the template, wired the templateView.Element.MeasureInvalidated event, it raised properly and resizing working fine for runtime changes if the frame is not included. If the frame included in my data template event is not raised.

Console preview panel - how to reset size?

So the console preview panel at the bottom of the page remembers how big you had it last time you previewed. Usually this is great! But somehow mine is currently maximized, so the only thing that shows up is the Page dropdown at the top of the page (and anything in the console, if I switch between pages and the pages have things that log on load). The rest is just white console. Any idea how to get back the default view where the console is 20% of the bottom of the page? There is no visible dragging bar frame thing anywhere.
I can change my preview to console=0 to be able to use it, but I'd like a way to restore the default position of the panel.
Normally you should be able to hover on the top border of the console panel and resize it as you wish. An icon will appear, similar as in the image below:
Nonetheless, if you are doing your previews on a mobile device such as a tablet, then such thing is not possible to do. Therefore; a hacky way to do it would be to put the following code on the onAttach event handler of the page that is loading:
var splitPanel = widget.root.getElement().parentElement
splitPanel.style.height = "75px";
Nota bene: this is intended to ONLY work in preview

Picker value popup open twice

I am using Xamarin.Forms.Picker to show country list. It works properly in normal scenario. I have kept the one (downarrow.png) image, if user click on the image then I run below code to open select picker value. The problem is that it works but show picker value selection popup twice if user click on image. This problem occurred only in Android platform.
Additional Information :
Xamarin.Forms version :

Xamarin Forms(Android): ListView Swipe up to cancel pull to refresh

I'm working on a xamarin forms project, and we've enabled pull to refresh on list view. Everythings working, however I've observed that on iOS the pull to refresh can be cancelled then proceeds with scrolling by doing the following:
Pull down and hold it
Pull up(Note: don't let go while pulling down then up).
You'll see that pull to refresh did not proceed and the screen will scroll down instead
On Android however, it is not the case. The pull to refresh is stuck and it will not scroll down. How can I make it so that it will scroll down instead?
For reference, you can also try this on the facebook app.
Made a workaround by creating a custom renderer for ListView and made an override to OnInterceptTouchEvent. Tracked the position of initial touch and when the delta of Y changes from more than 0 to less than 0(finger swiped down then returned to initial position), I reset the touch by dispatch MotionEventsAction.Cancel and MotionEventsAction.Down.

Storyboard UINavigation Controller Back Button Text

In XCode 4.5.1 creating a storyboard app with a Navigation controller, I am having a hard time trying to set the BACK button for any view controllers that are pushed. I'm using segue's and the view controller shows as expected. However I want to change the name of the navigation bar and back button dynamically and placed this in my ViewWillAppear:
self.title = #"Select Songs";
[self.backButton setTitle:#"Add"];
changes the title of the navigation bar but the back button still displays the NAME of the pushed window rather than the text "Add".
The Simulated Metrics are all Inferred. I also added a BarButtonItem to the black tray below the view in Xcode and wired up the backButton of the viewcontroller to the backButton, yet the text still does not appear.
Adding the following log messages also yield something interesting: (and yet the titlebar is updating correctly)
-(void) viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
NSLog(#"%s %#", __FUNCTION__, self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem);
NSLog(#"%s %#", __FUNCTION__, self.navigationController.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem);
2012-10-14 15:18:41.835 xxxx[2690:907] -[ViewController viewDidAppear:] (null)
2012-10-14 15:18:41.838 xxxx[2690:907] -[ViewController viewDidAppear:] (null)
The accepted answer is a hack, this is the way to do it...
Open StoryBoard
In Document Outline window find ViewController to which you want to
return to
Click on Navigation Item of that ViewController
In Attributes explorer change Back Button value to your custom tile
That is it, enjoy...
The back button will show the title of the previous view and if no title is set it'll show 'Back'.
So in your prepareForSegue method, you can change the title of the current view before the next view is pushed. The back button will then show whatever you set the title to.
