Capturing clicks in a column of buttons (with dojo) - button

I am trying to capture the click event of a row using a column of "use" buttons. This is similar to the "selectable" feature in the Kendo grid, but having a button makes it more obvious for the user in our case.
Because there are multiple buttons (and I don't know if you can dynamically assign button id values), I tied a CSS class to the button, and I will use that to determine what row I am on when the user clicks the USE button.
Here is a dojo of what I am trying to accomplish, but for some reason, the click event (alert statement) is never executed.
Can anyone spot the problem?

As far as I can see you're using jQuery and no Dojo code so far. But there are some mistakes here, first of all, you should put the event handler for hte buttons in the ready() handler as well, so move it inside:
$(document).ready(function() {
// ...
And then second, if you're binding to dynamic elements with jQuery, the preferred way of doing so is by adding it to a parent element (for example the <body>) and then adding a second parameter as shown below:
$(document).ready(function() {
// ...
$("body").on("click", ".use", function() {
// ...
I created a milestone in your example:


How can I simulate a click event on an anchor tag without actually calling click or refreshing?

I am using meteor with iron router and meteors standard blaze tempting.
I have an ul set up so that when one of my li items is clicked its containing anchor tag is clicked on using the function click. The only problem is that when that a is clicked with the function it counts as another click on my li and my menu isn't toggling right.
I am wondering if there is a way to call the pathFor without actually calling a click function.
Thanks for any help!
Update, here is the code its working along with a pretty standard drop down nav. I am not sure if I can catch that event the same as a jquery event since I think it is the standard browser click event working on the [0], but I think I should be able to make a function that matches href to route and call Router.go
Template.nav.rendered = () ->
# set initial page view and take care of refeshes
currentPageHtlm = getCurrentPage(window.location.pathname)
$("li").on "click", () ->
#simulate anchor click and set currentPage session
Session.set 'pageName', getCurrentPage($(this).find("a").attr("href"))
currentPageHtlm = Session.get 'pageName'
# toggle nav and arrow if mobile view
if $('.smOnly').css('display') != 'none'
$('#dropArrow').toggleClass('fa-caret-square-o-down fa-caret-square-o-up')
It sounds like you're looking for a way to programatically redirect from JS rather than via UI interaction, in which case you need to use Router.go('ROUTE_NAME'), as per the docs (you can use the route name as in pathFor as an alternative to supplying the actual path).

Two buttons open each his own overlay content

I want two buttons to trigger each his own overlay content (centered vertical and horizontal), but keep the overlay layout the same only the content is different. I wrote a good functional single overlay script for one button, but the two buttons aren't working. In the fiddle there is only the script for one button that i'm using, it is properly quite simple.
Here is the fiddle: link
function funcShow(event){
function funcClose(event){
You should put click handlers on your divs using jquery in a document ready function as seen below. Its not as "nice" and accepted to put them in an onclick property like you have.
And also its always nice to have Ids for everything that you are going to use to do things with like click or close. So if you see the example below, you have the document ready function that puts a clickhandler on the first div (id="overlay-one") and the second div as well as the close functions. Try it! It worked for me in you fiddle.
The document ready function executes after your page is loaded so the clikc handlers are added after the elements have been created. You can also use .click on for classes to add events to a lot of things at once such as $("CLASS").click(function(){//stuff})

Unable to trigger modal-dialog show in Meteor template

I have a modal dialog in my template. This dialog needs to be triggered from the code programatically. So I need to show the modal through javascript, as I cannot have a data-toggle button to launch the modal-dialog.
The modal was working with bootstrap but with bootstrap-3 its not showing up, even though I can show it from the console directly. the problem here is how can I execute javascript post the template render, to launch the modal-dialog.
There is a Template.rendered/created function which is called, and inside this this.autorun(runFunc) is supposed to run the code to update the DOM element. This is called correctly, but I still cannot trigger the modal to show-up.
Template.createDialog.created = function() {
console.log("teamplate created");
This works:
Template.createDialog.rendered = function() {
console.log("teamplate created");
Using the rendered function, I am able to trigger the modal to show up. But the problem is that rendered and created both are only called once. And I need a way to trigger the modal dialog consistently if a condition is reached.
This bootstrap modal dialog with meteor is turning out to be painful and hacky. Is it not possible to show/hide modal using some class parameters?
Modals can be tricky to get right in Meteor for exactly the reasons you've discovered. I don't use Bootstrap, but the basic principle is that you need to trigger the modal programatically so that you can run the relevant framework code once you know the html has been rendered but still retain reactivity (this is certainly the case with Foundation and Semantic-UI modals) .
In your use case (which appears to be a single modal), this shouldn't be too much of a problem. Set a reactive variable modalVisible (a Session variable or similar), and use that to show or hide the modal as required.
this.autorun(function(c) {
if (Session.get('modalVisible')) {
} else {
If you put all of that in the rendered callback then it will only try to show the modal once it's been added to the DOM (without which you'll get an error and the computation will stop running, breaking reactivity). Note that you shouldn't make rendering of the template dependent on a reactive variable - it should always be rendered but only visible based on the value of the modalVisible Session variable.
Apologies if this is too simple for your use case - if so I would recommend investigating the several packages on Atmosphere for Bootstrap modals as others will almost certainly have faced the same problem.

jQuery UI Dialog behaves unpredictably

The jQuery UI dialog drives me up the walls. To the best of my understanding, here's how it works:
When you do $('#myDialog').dialog({...}), it copies the #myDialog element and moves it inside this bizarre widget thing at the bottom of your body tag. This is crazy! It will duplicate possibly unique DOM elements (with ids) when it does this.
So what I'm trying to do is make it behave in a predictable way when I refresh the HTML of the original element (#myDialog). If I do this dynamically, sometimes the dialog doesn't open any more:
Or sometimes the dialog opens with the old HTML (because it's cached at the bottom of the page that way). What is up with this?
Since nobody seems to have any idea how to tame this beastly dialog, here's the best thing I've come up with to date. I'll accept any superior alternatives.
var original = $('#dialogId')[0];
var clone = $(original).clone().attr('id', 'dialogIdClone');
var saveHtml = $(original).html();
... // other options
open: function (){
// add any dynamic behavior you need to the dialog here
close: function(){
The purpose of this whole craziness is to keep the HTML of the original dialog unique on the page. I'm not really sure why this can't be the built-in behavior of the dialog... Actually, I don't understand why jQuery UI needs to clone the HTML to begin with.
I know this has been posted for a while, but a less extensive way to handle this issue would be:
... // other options
open: function (){
// add any dynamic behavior you need to the dialog here
close: function(){
This is due to dialog widget wants to be able to control the display and will wrap the inner content of the original dialog then create a brand new one at the bottom of the body.
The draw back of this solution is that the dialogs have to be the first to be initialized to ensure all your 3rd party library widget will operate properly.
Why don't you just call $("#dialogId").dialog("destroy") on close function, like this:
close: function() {
// you may want empty content after close if you use AJAX request to get content for dialog
The destroy function will remove the decorated code, and your dialog element will not be duplicate next time you show the dialog.
I added a sample code to example.
You need to empty the dialog before opening it.
close: function() {

Can Anyone Help me with this? Refresh update panel partially onclient side

i have a dynamically created gridview button that fires off a modal popup when clicked. I do this onclientside like so:
function openModal(btnId, v) {
// __doPostBack('<%=DropDownList1.ClientID %>', '');
btn = document.getElementById(btnId);;
function deptdata(v) {
document.getElementById('<%=vendor.ClientID%>').value = v;
This is how the function is called in the code.
btnedit.OnClientClick = String.Format("openModal('{0}','" & GridView1.Rows(i).Cells(0).Text & "');return false;", hidden.ClientID)
I set the value of a hidden field(Vendor) but I need that value for what's in the modal popup. I have a dropdown list that depends on that newly set variable. The variable is set depending on what row was clicked. So i need to somehow just reload that popup. I have an Update Panel but I can't get that Panel to reload. I've tried __doPostback and it didn't help. any ideas how to update the panel or the dropdown in the panel using javascript?
It's not very clear from your description and the limited code you provide what it is exactly that you are trying to do and what is failing. However, the following might give you some ideas. If you provide more detail and code someone might be able to give you a better answer.
to trigger an update panel post back from js make sure you use UniqueID, not ClientID, thats a common gotcha that prevents the async postback from working.
__doPostBack("<%=Button1.UniqueID %>", "");
Personally, I have all but given up on UpdatePanels, I only use them in the most trivial cases. I prefer to have my js call an ASP.Net JSON webservice and have the on completed function render any needed changes to the html. It's more flexible, lighter and infinitely faster for pages with large grids or a lot of controls.
