Biped arduino robot that can navigate in the house - arduino

I will create a biped robot soon, i will add speech recognition and stuff to it.
I want it to find in my house. Is it possible to create like a map or something where i mark the
places in the house with numbers or something and then make the arduino robot
read it, so ex. when i say: "Go to your room" (the arduinos room = my room) it will go
to it's room (my room) automaticly.
Is there a gps module or something that i can modify like i want so my robot
can find in my house? So i can mark where it can go and where the rooms are
and so i can program it to go to ex. my room when i say so, and it will find to my room.

There are many different ways of attacking this scenario. If you are talking a map it might be worth generating a measurement system whereby you can use an array of units to allow your robot to navigate the house. I think you will run into issues over time with unexpected variance so the large part if navigation code would have to tackle calibrating against a known map.
The advantage of using this method is that you could have it "learn" a new space by mapping a new array against your units


Where are the texts of walking NPCs stored?

Where are the phrases of walking-npc stored? I've found their waypoints in the waypoint_data table, but there is no text for points... And I've found their phrases at creature_text and at broadcast_text. But I can't find which text for which waypoint. How to find it?
It would also be great to find out the dependence of fields in the tables for adding or correcting localizations, if the text is not inscribed in the Core.
Texts for waypoints are not stored anywhere because that's not how it works.
When a scripted creature says a text, this means that when that creature reaches a waypoint with a certain ID, It triggers an event that makes him/her/it say a line from creature_text.
To make a creature talk when he/she/it reaches a waypoint you will need either a core script or a Smart AI script for that creature. The latest can be found in smart_scripts.
If you want to know more about these creature texts you can find Trinity core's documentation about it since our cores are very alike in terms of database structure:

Power BI - Switch table structure depending on what is selected

I'm trying to understand the workflow and how to think when working with Power BI.
I'm trying to create the visual side of a logging framework using azure application insights and log analytics in the background.
What I got stuck on right now is using a visualization for different table structures.
So lets say I have an integration workflow that is compiled of different components (starts at one endpoint, being processed and sent to destination endpoint), and this workflow is used in parallel depending on the endpoints.
A ----> (integration process) -----> B
C ----> (integration process) -----> D
A <---- (integration process) <----- B
C <---- (integration process) <----- D
In this process I'm logging traces and exceptions for each workflow for example.
And lets say I have extracted the power BI query from log analytics to import the data into Power BI.
Now as you can see above I have an "Send" and "Receive" flow for both sets of endpoints per parallel integration so to speak and I want to be able to pair these per report in Power BI.
So then to my problem for now;
Let's say I want to put a doughnut chart with total amount sent AND received messages.
Also when clicking on the different parts of the chart I want to change the containing data and also the structure of the single table in the same report.
What I'm struggling with is using a table to display the content of two workflows that are related to each other in the sense of being a "Sent and received" visualization of the integration, but don't have any hard drawn relations to each other in code.
I was reading something about a switch statement but I thought i'd ask the question here to learn "the way of thinking" when using Power BI.
Hope I made my problem clear by the description above, if I forgot anything please ask and I'll do my best to try to further explain what I'm asking for.
Ok so regarding the feedback i got of the question being to broad, does it help i i would say i want to be able to switch everything in a Table (that is: all columns and values), by a clickable slicer for example.
why i'm trying to achieve is something similar to this, but for a table view:
Youtube Link:
Using SWITCH True Logic In Power BI - DAX Concepts
Do i select the content of a table with a measure-query or do i have to do any other special fix to get this to work?
Hope this clarify the problem i'm working on.
If you are looking to switch between two entirely different tables, I'd recommend using buttons to toggle between different bookmarks which show/hide different visuals.
Check out the documentation for bookmarks and buttons for more detailed information and come back if you get stuck and have more specific questions.

What will be the type of user in case of SCRUM story for an API?

I have two queries related to SCRUM. They are as follows:
I have read that the format of SCRUM story is "As a < type of user >, I want < some goal > so that < some reason >". I have to write a story for an API. This API will send an email with a link to validate the email address of the user. What will be the type of user here? Will it be the user logged in?
Do subtasks have story format similar to a story or it can be a normal description?
The trouble you are encountering is likely that you are starting from a determined implementation and then trying to work backwards to the need (unless your product is an API that your users leverage, in which case I think that answers your questions).
When we approach it from a user need, we'll usually end up with more of a problem statement, like
"As a vacationer, I'd like the site to calculate the best route across
all types of transportation for me so that I don't have to run many
searches to figure it out myself."
One of the pieces of delivering on this need will be creating the API calls if your application architecture calls for that. Then "add API method for aggregated call" may be a task under that user story.
You will have cases where all a particular story needs is API work, and that's fine, but it won't come out in the user story. For example, let's say we did the about user story but limited it to planes and trains for the first start, then we created another story that reads:
"As a vacationer in the US, I want my trip planner to factor in buses
so that I can make use of bus tours in my vacation."
Now, maybe the only task in there is to create a some API changes to include the bus routes in the search, but that doesn't cause a problem with your user stories because we started back at the user's problem statement in the beginning instead of starting at the desired implementation and working backward.
Let's start clarifying some concepts first.
Scrum is not an acronym so is written as Scrum (proper name). Then, there is nothing called "Scrum Stories". What you are referring to is called: user story. User stories were wide used in the Chrysler C3 project were eXtreme Programming was developed. Furthermore, you are referring to a particular template which was popularized by Mike Cohn known as canonical form. So it's ok to express your Product Backlog Item as user stories for an API. But take into account that you can use this template, you can use user stories or you can write the Product Backlog Item the way has more sense and value to you. In your case, which is the persona, machine or service which will be used the API?
About your second question. The Scrum Guide just says you should decompose your Sprint Planning in unit of work of 1 day or less. Normally, the implementation is to create this unit of work and call them task which are the work necessary to carry out the user story. The way the are written is open too but is not quite common to write them in the canonical form. So you can write it as an ID, title and a description.

Is it possible in sketchup, to have one face in multiple groups/layers?

i wana to make simple plugin in sketchup, but first of all i need to understand how sketchup works. So i played with faces, shapes, groups and layers as little kid, but there is something that blows my mind.
Is here even posible, to have one face in two groups? Or probably layer, but group will be much better. For example, i have a house which i wana to split into two zones (house + garage for example) and i know, that between this two rooms is only one wall, but it belongs to house (living part) and to garage. I would like to have garage and house (living part), but im not able to click this one in sketchup. If needed i can provide image, but i think its enough explained.
If you add a face in a ComponentDefinition and place ComponentInstances in the model that face will exist in several places in the model. Groups are like component instances - but they are made unique when you edit them.
For more details you can read this article:

Random point on VideoDisplay isn't accurate enough

For a schoolassigment me and some buddies of mine are creating an application that is showing many similarities with the C-Mon & Kypski musicvideo on The application is being developed in Flex.
We want to get a random point of a clip, let it pause so a user can mimic the pose and make a snapshot out of it.
What i managed to do is get a random point of the movie. I did this by getting a random value between 0 and de total duration of the movie.
But what i didn't managed to do is let the screen pause on every 24st of a frame. As the movie concist out of 24FPS. It looks like the the random value of the movie that is being requested is being rounded by the movie itself. As example: There appears to be no difference between the frames requested at 2.40 or 2.41.
It appears it got something to do with keyframing i've read on the Adobe® Flex™ 3.5 Language Reference. The movie is a FLV file and i use the VideoDisplay object to display the movie.
Does someone is familiar with this or knows a solution to my problem?
Thanks in advance
I haven't used the VideoDisplay object myself, but from what you've mentioned, there may be two solutions.
Add more keyframes when you encode your video. This will make it larger, but will allow you to seek more accurately.
Seek to the previous keyframe, and allow the video to play until it reaches your desired location.
