SonataAdmin User's profile and avatar - symfony

I am using SonataAdminBundle. In the upper right corner there is a menu with a logout button and the user's avatar.
What I can't find is how to access to user's profile to change among other things, the avatar and his password.
Someone can help me?
Thanks in advance.

Simply go to your admins' user list e.g.
Edit the user e.g.
and reset the Plain Password.
Since the Avatar is a new feature I don't think there is an upload feature yet.


Wordpress Registration form automatically enable roles for an acoount with no help of an administrator

I'm sorry for my English.
I'm new here, I would like to ask. i want to create a registration form. In this registration form i would like to have a field that someone could add a code and enable a particular role for him. Also i would like to have the ability to put more than one code with a "+" button and enable more roles for this account. Is it possible to do something like this or is there any plugin to do it?
Thank you

How do I create a new page for each user?

I need to create a new page for each user on signup so when you go to the site's explore page and click on someone's name or picture, it will take you to their specific page and display their data. (database is firebase firestore and firebase storage, saved link to each person's doc)
This is one of the issues I've been trying to fix for about a month(just fixed the explore page issue and got everyone profile pic to display with that individual user's name right below). I have tried making a new html page with someone's php and js script (didn't work, not familiar with php) and url rewriting.
I haven't been able to find anything else concrete or at least something else to point me in the right direction. Any pointers or tips?
With PHP, on clicking a persons username you can add the username as a parameter to the url e.g then use GET method to retrieve the username and output data relating to that username from the database

How to display email avatar in ASP.NET?

I want to display email's user avatar in my web site.
I used component before to do this. But some of my users don't have an account in that site and i decide to display them email's avatar for example when they comment under a post, i wanna to display this avatar.
I Google it, but i can't find a nice answer. can everybody guide me about this?
Thanks so much.

Link user image in user profile to image instead of user profile, drupal 7

When I visit a user profile with pictures in drupal the picture is linked to the user profile again. By clicking on the user image I'd like the full image to be shown e.g. by using lightbox. How can I do this?
You can do anything using profile2 for user profiles still if u cant hook the node of user

Drupal 7 : get user profile picture at registration

I am using Drupal 7.
I follow this link to enable profile picture of user.
Now i want to get profile picture from user at the time of registration.
How can i get this?
Any help will be appreciated.
Ideal module to do this is Reg-With-Pic
You will be given a check box at admin/config/people/accounts named "Enable user pictures on registration" and weight selection.
If you are using Content Profile module, File field would be an option.
Here is the Helper function to add default user account fields to user registration and edit form.
You might also want to use the Gravatar module to take some of the pain out of what you are suggesting. It's enough trouble to set up a profile on yet another site that you might not want to force them to configure their profile at the time of registration, especially with such things as a "user picture", unless you really want to put a damper on registrations.
Depending on the type of site you are working on, the Gravatar module might be ideal. Anyone who already has a Gravatar will have it automatically set as their user picture.
