Use base64 svg image as css content source - css

I'm trying to use as css content and image (base64), but when I load the page is loaded like a broken link image.
Now, i'm using a website to download the base64 image and this is the css that i'm using that gives me the broken images:
content: url('');
if i open the "broken" base 64 image into a new chrome tab, this is the resulting error:
This page contains the following errors:
error on line 10 at column 1: Extra content at the end of the document
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.
now, i've never used base64 images, but i have to do something special or it should be just copy and paste the autogenerated code?
thanks in advance for the help
**PS: i'm developing in localhost, i don't know if it could be the cause or not.

You can easily convert a SVG file to a base64 ecoded value for CSS background attribute with this simple bash command:
echo "background: transparent url('data:image/svg+xml;base64,"$(openssl base64 < path/to/file.svg)"') no-repeat center center;"
Tested on Mac OS X.
This way you also avoid the URL escaping mess.
Remember that base64 encoding an SVG file increase its size, see blog post

It is what it says, you've encoded the document + some additional garbage at the end.
This would seem to be the correct encoding which I obtained by decoding via removing the garbage and then encoding using the same site.


Generate content code from Icon s pack - CSS

I have downloaded a simple template from the internet and for icons, the developer used Flaticons font. Now I want to put another icon on the website but I can't get Flaticons code for CSS file. On Flaticon site only can be downloaded in PSD, SVG, BASE 64 I don't have code like .flaticon-research:before { content: "\f100"; }. How to get that? Is there any solution to convert SVG file to get that content or how? I don't want to download every single SVG file and from the SVG file get the icon. I want to use the above example method. Any help will be welcome. Thanks all
follow the instruction here
after downloading the font you will see multiple files show you how to use your icons depending on you using css or scss

Html content to PNG file

In php,Is it possible to convert the whole html content to IMAGE(PNG).I tried out with gd library the image is created but image shows white screen.Can any one help me to solve this issue.
I recommend
as this can export html content to an image file.
great documentation can also provided

SimpleHTMLDOM Parser does not pick-up img tags in <body>

I've been playing around with SimpleHTMLDOM Parser ( which is a great tool, however, I've been running into a problem collecting img elements from inside the body. This is best illustrated through an example:
Here are 2 URL's of the same image. I run the following code on these URLS respectively:
$html = $this->DOMParser->file_get_html($url);
foreach($html->find('img') as $element){
(SHTMLD picks up the images here)
(SHTMLD picks up nothing)
I've tried for a few days now to figure out what's going on, but the only different in this example would be in the html tags.
Any ideas?
Your second url is pointing to an jpeg file directly, instead of a html page holding img tags. SimpleHTMLDOM Parser can only parse html pages, so it won't work when you fed it an image file instead of a html page.
Simple, Your second URL is not HTML, Its a Jpg! :)

What is this data css?

Ist this a way to hide picture paths to users?
background: url();
This is a base64 encoding of an svg image. There's another StackOverflow answer that explains it in a little detail.
This is actually the svg file in base64. This way you can have pictures or other files in your website without actually uploading them to your webspace.
base64 encoding for images. Using image without placing it anywhere.
Here is how you get this type of code for your image : Base 64 Image Maker

CakePHP, not showing my background-image from CSS file

Cakephp is giving me some problems as I have set as below (I have tried any number of urls, through localhost, placing it in webroot and giving reference from that file, giving full route from localhost (this is a local test ubuntu machine, not a 3rd party server), etc, etc but it just doesn't show up.. I am using a custom layout that overrides the default layout and, as far as I can tell, it contains no reference to any sort of background image.. here is from my css file:
body {
background-image: url('http://localhost/site1/app/webroot/img/bg1.jpg');
font-family:'lucida grande',verdana,helvetica,arial,sans-serif;
I have tested that this works fine with a regular HTML file, I am hoping someone has an idea of what cake is up to that is giving me this problem.. thanks
EDIT: I have tested and I can display exactly the same image within a DIV (as its background) from the same css file.. something in Cakephp is overriding the body background-image setting, but I can't figure out what.
Place images in webroot/img
Place CSS in webroot/css
Write relative paths to references images in CSS styles:
background: url('../img/imagename.png');
You spelling for background is wrong:
ackground-image: url('/root/Desktop/bg1.jpg');
If that is not the case in your actual code, make sure that you are specifying the correct path, try adding a dot before /root/
background-image: url('./root/Desktop/bg1.jpg');
