translationY equivalent to actually affect the layout - qt

As per the definition of translationY: The translation is mostly useful for animations as it doesn't affect the actual laid out position of the visual node. This translation is added after the node has been laid out so it doesn't affect layout in any way
Is there any property that actually affect the position of the visual node?
What I want is the text of the label to start from its top border. If I use translationY, it touches the top border but the size of the label remains the same.

Your question is thin on specifics but if you use AbsoluteLayout the members of AbsoluteLayoutProperties can affect the laid out position of a visual node as in the following QML:
Container {
layout: AbsoluteLayout {}
Label {
text: "Label"
layoutProperties: AbsoluteLayoutProperties {
positionX: 100
positionY: 100


Dynamic height for material ui tab containers

I'm having a problem which at first I thought it was the general configuration of my app and the height I was giving to my page wrapping classes. But I made a simple out of the box material ui tab example and it seems this is natural to material ui Tabs Component.
Material UI tabs component gives their tab container the same height, being that height the largest of all its containers. So if you have one tab content with lots of content in it, it makes the other tab contents just as large, even though they may only have one text field and a button in them.
How can I make it that the height of the container adjusts to the content of its own tab?
Here is a visual
Here is why TAB ONE is so large, TAB TWO is setting the height
Here is a webpackBin for you to see the code working and mess with it.
One hack I've done so far is setting a definite height and overflow, but I don't want to do that because it creates a double scroll bar (one in the tab container, one in the body) besides, it's buggy looking.
I would like it if the tab container (the one with the green border) adjusts to the content as it does in TAB TWO, BUT individually.
Thanks in advance!
If you set the height based on the given element's current visibility you will be able to resolve this issue.
.react-swipeable-view-container > div[aria-hidden="false"] {
height: 100%;
.react-swipeable-view-container > div[aria-hidden="true"] {
height: 0;
Note: this solution could be improved by using a better selector, something more descriptive like a class name. I suppose it's subjective though, using an attribute selector is not technically wrong and actually more specific than just a class.
animateHeight will animate height on tab change. if all tabs have different height it will show height accordingly.
animateHeight // it will animate height on tab change
<div>{'slide 1'}</div>
<div>{'slide 2'}</div>
<div>{'slide 3'}</div>
Happy Coding ...!
There's a merge request that have been accepted here on the lib that could be interesting with a new method called updateHeight
action={actions => {
this.swipeableActions = actions;
<div>{'slide n°1'}</div>
<div>{'slide n°2'}</div>
<div>{'slide n°3'}</div>
componentDidUpdate() {

How to align center Label in JavaFX / FXML?

How can I center the text of a Label in javafx ? In the .css stylesheet or directly in the fxml.
I tried Label { -fx-text-alignment: center;} in the .css but it does not work. Even in the scene builder it does not work.
You basically have two choices:
Use a layout pane that can center the label, and let the label be its "preferred size" (i.e. just big enough to hold the text), or
Make the label fill the entire width of its container, and set its alignment property to center.
You said in the comments that you're using an AnchorPane as the label's parent. This generally isn't usually a particularly good choice for a layout pane (essentially you have to hardcode the bounds of each control), and you can't center things in it (not without a large amount of work, anyway). So with an anchor pane as parent, you are reduced to choice 2:
AnchorPane.setLeftAnchor(label, 0.0);
AnchorPane.setRightAnchor(label, 0.0);
Obviously, all that can be set in FXML too.
In general, though, I would recommend using a more appropriate layout pane and setting the appropriate properties on that layout pane to center the label.

Determine CSS-styled Text size in JavaFX / force styling?

I have a problem determining the width of a rendered text node in JavaFX 2. When using the standard style, everything works fine:
Text testText = new Text("test");
double width = testText.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
But if I apply custom CSS styling which sets a different font size like this
.text-class {
-fx-font: 20px "Tahoma Bold";
and apply the CSS class to my example above:
Text testText = new Text("test");
double width = testText.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
I will get the same result as in the first case, so obviously styling is delayed to some later point in time.
How do I determine the width of a CSS-styled text in JavaFX 2? Is it possible to somehow force immediate CSS styling?
CSS application is not done immidiately, so, the way to solve the issue, is do your actions, when size of text actually changes.
Is the property, which responds to bounds, and it stores an immutable object. There are also other properties, telling you about size and position. What you can do - is to attach a change listener on this property, and apply changes, when a modification is done.
CSS-Styles are applied on the next so called pulse beside that the layoutBounds are influence by the parent container your put it into.

Flex: adding/removing component from HBox.rawChildren causes horizontalAlign to fail?

I have an HBox displaying a series of canvases. I am removing a child of a canvas and adding it to the rawChildren of the containing HBox, so I can position it, and make it appear to shift outside the bounds of the canvas.
Here is the code from the canvas:
private function onMouseOver(e:MouseEvent):void
(this.parent as HBox).rawChildren.addChild(dateLabel);
dateLabel.x = (this.parent as HBox).localToGlobal(new Point(this.x,0)).x - 18;
private function onMouseOut(e:MouseEvent):void
dateLabel.x = 0;
It works, but if the containing HBox.horizontalAlign is set to "right", when I add the child back to the Canvas, the HBox stops displaying correctly and puts all the child canvases overlapping on the right. There is no issue if the HBox is aligned "left" tho.
Is this a bug? Is there a work around?
Is this a bug? Is there a work around?
- John Isaacks
This isn't a bug as such, it's more that you are using a container in an unusual way.
When you use an HBox you are making a decision that all children are laid out in a linear, horizontal arrangement according to the rules of the HBox component.
Explicitly positioning a child is not what HBoxes are about - it's not in their job description.
I would recommend that you have an HBox inside a Canvas. You can add the dateLabel to the HBox when it should be laid out horizontally or move it to the Canvas when you need to set its position and make it look like it's outside the HBox.
When you use rawChildren, you simply bypass the layout mechanism.
You should use addChild or addChildAt directly on the component.

Horizontal scrollbar hides content of ApplicationControlBar

I have an application control bar at the bottom of my Flex application (with attributes width="100%", dock="false", left="0", bottom="0", height="50"). It contains a lot of elements (like buttons and labels). The width of the SWF is the width of the browser.
When the user makes the width of the browser window smaller, after a certain point, the components on the application control bar gets "squished": they are forced on top of each other. And so, it becomes confusing and ugly. To ensure that that doesn't happen, I've set the minWidth attribute to a value so that it'll always display the components without them overlapping each other.
But then, a horizontal scrollbar appears and hides the bottom half of the application control bar.
I've googled and I found this article: flex verticalscrollpolicy bug (referenced by this SO question: Flex: Prevent scrollbar from covering content when automatically displayed).
But that seems to apply only to a fixed size component. My component's width is a percentage. Any ideas on how to have the horizontal scrollbar appear and have it not cover up the application control bar?
See if adding the following code to the overriden validateSize method (as in the scrollpolicy bug page you linked to) solves the problem.
if (width < measuredWidth)
height = normal-height + height-of-the-horizontal-scrollbar;
height = normal-height;
(Find the normal height of the application control bar and the scroll bar (trace them out) and use those values).
So this happens when the ApplicationControlBar is fixed at the bottom: bottom=0 and left=0. The easiest solution is to make the bar a lot taller (that'll push the content way higher than the scrollbar height). But that makes it kinda ugly.
So another solution: in the MXML file, I capture the Resize event. And in that function, I do this:
if (width < bar.minWidth) // width is the width of the SWF
bar.height = ORIGINAL_SIZE + 10;
hbox.setStyle("verticalAlign", "top");
hbox.setStyle("verticalCenter", -10);
} else {
// normal case
box.height = ORIGINAL_SIZE;
hbox.setStyle("verticalAlign", "middle");
hbox.setStyle("verticalCenter", 0);
And the horizontal scrollbar doesn't hide the content anymore! Also, the Resize event doesn't get triggered when the bar has a minWidth & the width of the stage is less than that.
I had this come up today and I slightly tweaked sri's if statement like this:
if (buttonContainer.horizontalScrollbar)
// Change height & style properties
// Return to original properties.
