Artifacts showing when modifying a custom QGraphicsItem - qt

I'm currently developping a small vector drawing program in wich you can create lines and modify them after creation (those lines are based on a custom QGraphicsItem). For instance, the picture below shows what happens when the leftmost (marked yellow) point of the line is dragged to the right of the screen, effectively lengthening the line :
Everything works fine when the point is moved slowly, however, when moved rapidly, some visual artifacts appear :
The piece of code I'm using to call for a repaint is located in the mouseMoveEvent redefined method, which holds the following lines of code :
QRectF br = boundingRect();
x2 = static_cast<int>(event->scenePos().x()-x());
y2 = static_cast<int>(event->scenePos().y()-y());
There's apparently no problem with my boundingRect definition, since adding painter->drawRect(boundingRect()) in the paint method shows this :
And there are also no problem when the line is simply moved (flag QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable is set), even rapidly.
Does anyone know what is happening here ? My guess is that update is not being called immediately hence mouseMoveEvent can be called multiple times before a repaint occurs, maybe canceling previous calls ? I'm not sure.
Of course the easy fix is to set the viewport mode of the QGraphicsView object holding the line to QGraphicsView::FullViewportUpdate), but that is ugly (and slow).

Without seeing the full function for how you're updating the line, I would guess that you've omitted to call prepareGeometryChange() before updating the bounding rect of the items.
As the docs state: -
Prepares the item for a geometry change. Call this function before changing the bounding rect of an item to keep QGraphicsScene's index up to date.


Qt: change QGraphicsItem receiver during mouse move

I am currently trying to implement a Bezier pen tool. The course of events looks like this:
click on point (QGraphicsItem), start moving while clicked
in QGraphicsScene mouseMoveEvent, prevent moves of point (with a boolean flag) until when distance from point.pos() to event.scenePos() reaches a threshold. When this happens unselect and mouseRelease point, add a node (QGraphicsItem) – select it and give it mousePress state (plus unset the boolean flag)
the user can move node after that, then release mouse.
(The node is a child item of the point.)
I tried to do this inside the scene’s mouseMoveEvent (I have a conditional branch to know when to do this):
node.setPos(event.scenePos()-point.pos()) # positioning relative to point since it’s a childItem()
But after doing this it occured that the node was only getting mouseMoveEvent’s after I release the mouse… (I print them in the console, the node itself did not move.)
So I figured, maybe the scene needs to eat a mouseReleaseEvent before sort of "releasing focus". I found an article that is tangent to the subject here.
So then instead of using ungrabMouse()/grabMouse(), I tried this:
mouseRelease = QEvent(QEvent.MouseButtonRelease)
self.sendEvent(point, mouseRelease)
node.setPos(event.scenePos()-point.pos()) # positioning relative to point since it’s a childItem()
mousePress = QEvent(QEvent.MouseButtonPress)
self.sendEvent(node, mousePress)
Now when I reach the distance threshold, I can see that only point gets selected (good) however as I move further both point and node are selected and moving… I would expect that since I have unselected and released (parent) point, it would not keep moving.
The article I linked to does do something different but it says "It turns out, we have to simulate a mouse release event to clear Qt’s internal state." which might be relevant to the current situation however I do not know what extra steps might need to be taken in order to “clear Qt’s internal state”… so I’m hoping a QGraphics aficionado can weigh in and help me out figuring this.
Thanks for having a look here.
A combination of sending mouse events and grabbing mouse manually works… has to be ungrabbed manually on mouseRelease though.

qt malloc(): smallbin double linked list corrupted

In my Qt widget I sometimes get this error:
malloc(): smallbin double linked list corrupted
It does not happen all the time but I think I have narrowed it down to when it starts.
I have a QGraphicsView and QGraphicsScene and there I'm drawing lines whos points are stored in a vector. Reason for this is I need to pass this points to another library. Once I draw the points I have an option if I click on a line I'm prompted to another window where I can change the coordinates of a line.
ResizeDialog *dialog = new ResizeDialog(this);
delete dialog;
The above code is the code I use to open a new QDialog. I know if I use this->close() the
qt malloc(): smallbin double linked list corrupted does not appear but then I lose the instance of QGraphicsView. Reason I need to keep the QGraphicsView window open if I need to chose to add further lines.
Any advice on how I can eliminate this issue wold be helpful.
Rather than using delete dialog;, use dialog->deleteLater();. I assume the small code portion is inside a slot of the object referenced by "this", and direct deletion is source of trouble as ResizeDialog *dialog = new ResizeDialog(this); affect the parent object this.

QGraphicsScene::clear() clearing scene but not the view

I use a custom class (Configuration) derived from QGraphicsItem and I add its objects to a QGraphicsScene, which is then displayed in a QGraphicsView. Usual stuff. What Im doing exactly is drawing a tree, in multiple steps, one level a step, each node beeing my custom QGraphicsItem.
Here a screenshot. The tree happens to be sequential in the simple case.
I first draw the root node. The signal that triggers that is fired after the user entered a string.
void MainWindow::drawRootSlot(ConfigTreeBuilder & builder)//this is a slot
c_scene->clear(); //the clear cause headache. i'll expain
Configuration* conf = new Configuration(builder.getNodesX(), builder.getNodesY(),builder.getNodesConfig());
Each subsequent Configuration is draw inside another slot.
void MainWindow::configTreeSlot(ConfigTreeBuilder & builder) //SLOT!!!
while(builder.chooseNextNode()) {
Configuration* conf = new Configuration(builder.getNodesX(), builder.getNodesY(), builder.getNodesConfig());
//code, while loop
QGraphicsLineItem *edge = c_scene->addLine(QLineF(*(parentsPoint), conf->getLeftOrigin()));
edge->setZValue(-1); //below the Configuration item
All works fine when done for the first time. When I enter a new string, resetting the tree, dark magic happens. What I expected to it do is: call drawRootSlot(), deleting the whole tree (c_scene->clear()), draw a new root node. And, if I put a debugger breakpoint inside drawRootSlot() this is exactly what happens! But when I run it (without breakpoints), what I get is this:
The previous tree got mangled, but not deleted. The scene gets indeed cleared of its items (printed that) but the view does not reflect that. But again, when I put a breakpoint inside drawRootSlot() thhe view and the scene are in sync.
I tried to delete the scene object, and instaciate a new one instead of calling c_scene->clear(), to guarantee it empty. Then the changes are reflected on the view (the first time drawing always works).
So, I have no idea what to deduce from these symptoms. It works as expected with a breakpoint or with a freshh QGraphicsScene object. It does not when just using c_scene->clear(). One couldsay I just messed up the parent-object/child-object relation, but clear() does remove items from the view... I tried calling it right after c_scene->addItem().
What is this sorrcery? One that makes me believe I'm not actually stupid?
EDIT: Whats interesting and may be a hint to the real problem, is that when c_scene->clear() is called, the edges of the tree, which are normal QGraphicsLineItems, are indeed deleted in all cases (breakpoint or not). Something to do with them not beeing custom?
Ok, calling QGraphicsView::viewport().update() after QGraphicsScene::clear() solved my problems.
But does anyone have an explanaition to the behavior described above?
EDIT: Upon doing doing something else I stumbled upon the actual core of the problem: I messed up the boundingRect() of my GraphicItems, so it was below the visble item, touching only its lower edge (which got deleted, as seen on the screenshot). So now no calls to any update() methods are neccesary.
I think when you call this fitInView() for the graphicsview it cleans up the view from any artifacts that remain from a previous scene.
You can clear both scene and Graphics View
graphicsView = name of your graphics view
This code will delete both scene and graphics view

Flash/Flex: "Warning: filter will not render" problem

In my flex application, I have a custom TitleWindow that pops up in modal fashion. When I resize the browser window, I get this warning:
Warning: Filter will not render. The DisplayObject’s filtered dimensions (1286, 107374879) are too large to be drawn.
Clearly, I have nothing set with a height of 107374879.
After that, any time I mouse over anything in the Flash Player (v. 10), the CPU churns at 100%. When I close the TitleWindow, the problem subsides. Sadly, the warning doesn't seem to indicate which DisplayObject object is too large to draw. I've tried attaching explicit height/widths to the TitleWindow and the components within, but still no luck.
The plot thickens:
I found that the problem only occures when I set the PopUpManager's createPopUp modal parameter to "true." I don't see the behavior when modal is set to "false." It's failing while applying the graying filter to other components that comes from being modal. Any ideas how I can track down the one object that has not been initialized but is being filter during the modal phase?
Thanks for reading.
This might not be the case in your application, but I have come across similar cases where a height or width of an object has been set to some unreasonable big number as the result of misuse of an unsigned integer in calculations for positioning, height or width.
Schematic code for such a scenario could be like this:
var offset:uint = 30;
var position:uint = txt.textHeight - offset;
divider.y = position;
The code wrongfully assumes that txt.textHeight will always be bigger than 30. If it is not, txt.textHeight - offset will be a negative number, that when stored in an uint will instead become a very large number.
Let's say for example that the text in txt, presumed to be a long multiline text, instead is a single line that is 20 pixels heigh. The result will then be -10, and when stored in the uint var position, the value of position will be 4294967286.
The above is crappy code, an example, but in a real world situation the uint problem can occur in some more complex way, that might be harder to spot right away. I guess it is seldom a good idea to use an unsigned integer for stuff like x and y positions, that can have negative values.
You could write some code to recursively step down the hierarchy of DisplayObjectContainer and DisplayObject objects and check for the large height.
Should be pretty simple to write. A function something like this should do the trick:
function RecurseDisplayObjects(DisplayObject obj):void
//check for height and do a trace() or whatever here
if(obj is DisplayObjectContainer)
var container:DisplayObjectContainer = obj as DisplayObjectContainer;
for(var i:int=0; i<container.numChildren; i++)
You would need to start this off by passing it the top level DisplayObject in your application. (possibly obtained with DisplayObject.root)
The other option you have is to get the Flex framework source and modify it to give you a more meaningful error.
The problem is probably not in your TitleWindow, but in objects below it. The filter failing to render is probably the blur filter flash applies over everything below the modal dialog. If one of the objects on the stage is too big to apply blur on it in real time, you get the error you mentioned.
I solved that problem by applying a mask to the object below the titlewindow, set to the size of the stage. That will probably solve your problem but you should definitely look into why something gets to that size, doesn't sound healthy. :-)
Sadly I have no idea, but we're trying to track down a similar issue in ours. Maybe this will help?
I had a similar issue, tracked it down to an alpha filter applied to an object scaled to -0.23453422334. Once I rounded the scale to 2 significant digits everything worked fine. A difficult error to track down however.

QGraphicsItem unselect redraw problem

Very simple Qt GUI application:
On the scene I have multiple circles implemented as QGraphicsItem
boundingRect returns square around
this circle.
Method 'shape' is not overridden.
The problem appears when in paint() method I've added:
if (isSelected()) {
Selection is drawn well, but unselection doesn't cause redrawing. At log level I can see that item really lost selection flag.
Calling update() from itemChange is useless also.
Thank you in advance for any suggestion.
After 10 days I returned back to this problem and discovered that my QGraphicsItem constructed with
OMG! Stupid mistake, when this line was removed (by default QGraphicsItem::NoCache used) selection is redrawn well.
You can also try to change the default QGraphicsView::MinimalViewportUpdate to FullViewportUpdate with setViewportUpdateMode(QGraphicsView::FullViewportUpdate);
Or you can call scene()->update(); from the item to schedule a repaint.
One of them was required at least when I kept changing the QGraphicsItem::ItemHasNoContents flag on an item.
