activator or sbt start fails with Play 2.3 - sbt

I was trying to launch the Play Framework 2.3.4 server on Windows 8 with avtivator start or sbt start, and run into following errors:
The input line is too long.
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
Because of the long CLASSPATH. But event with the newly created app I run into an error:
Bad application path: -Dhttp.port=9000

The first problem can be solved by adding following lines to the build.sbt:
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.Keys._
scriptClasspath := Seq("*")
The second problem is a currently unresolved bug in sbt-native-packager for Windows. The workaround for me was to use sbt stage and then launch directly the generated bat file at

well, I had the same problem about
Bad application path: -Dhttp.port=9009
So the way I solve it is by editing the Bat file. I manually add all the configuration parameters into the APP_MAIN_CLASS and before the "play.core.server.NettyServer"
something like:
set "APP_MAIN_CLASS= -DapplyEvolutions.default=true -Dhttp.port=9009 play.core.server.NettyServer"


When I update vuejs3 to v3.2.40 why am I getting the error "An index signature parameter type must be either string or number"?

I am trying to simply upgrade the version of vue3 we are running at work from v3.2.31 to v3.2.40. However, when I do, I am now getting an error in the runtime-dom.d.ts
Below is a screen shot from the file with vue v3.2.31 installed.
Once I've run the "npm update vue --save" command, the file looks like this (v3.2.40)...
...and VS 2022 throws the following error when trying to build...
If I delete the line from my local copy of runtime-dom.d.ts, all works as before. My problem comes when deploying the solution to the development environment etc. The npm install step puts a version of the runtime-dom.d.ts that does still have this line.
I'd like to fix this without having to resort to hacking the runtime-dom.d.ts file if at all possible.
Many thanks in advance.

multiple version of spark on CDH5.10 is failing to launch spark-submit

I have installed spark with 2.0 on CDH5.10 By following the link
after all configuration when I hit spark2-submit --version it gives me correct version which is 2.0
however when I submit a spark job . First it says
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/fs/FSDataInputStream
This is clearly indicating that hadoop libs are not in classpath. My question is it something wrong with my installation of spark 2. ? also once we add jars with sparkExtralibCLasspath for driver and core then it says SPARK_HADOOP_CONF Is not set.
How can I verify my installation is correct ?
I am also trying to understand where are my spark2 conf dirs
I saw few previous question on stackoverflow like and NoClassDefFoundError com.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream when execute spark-shell but this doesnt help
I am using spark2-shell and spark2-submit command
some more investigation with shows might be If I can correctly set SPARK_EXTRA_LIB_PATH for spark2 then I can fix this issue. can somebody guide me please. Thanks

SBT configuration failed to load in Typesafe Activator

I'm currently trying to start a play-slick application through the Typesafe Activator, but it fails to load the SBT configuration and I get this error;
/play-slick/build.sbt:30: error: reference to fork is ambiguous;
it is imported twice in the same scope by
and import Keys._
fork in run := true
Type error in expression
Failed to load project.
Does this mean I have SBT downloaded twice and what can I do to resolve it? Thanks.
Just wanted to say that I came across this exact same issue when trying to use the Play-Slick example linked from the Play Tutorials page.
The solution to get it working seems to have indeed been to follow the suggestion in the Github link that Seth Tisue included in a comment above, where corruptmemory suggested removing the following line from build.sbt:
fork in run := true
In my case, this was enough to convince IntelliJ to open the project and let me tinker with it. (Just in case this is the first result for anyone else coming across this problem)
just remove
fork in run := true
from build.sbt and hit activator clean run from cmd

Opentripplanner Graph.obj file not found error

Trying to run the opentripplanner and using the Graph.obj to run it for a country.
But whenever trying to run the server it is giving the filenotfound exception at location /otp/Graph.obj although i have put the Graph.obj in the same location.
Stacktrace while running the server is :
Graph file not found or not openable for routerId '' under file:/otp /otp/Graph.obj (No such file or directory)
at Method)
I had the same problem trying to run OTP.
First problem: the routerId is missing
Second problem: the default directory is /var/otp/graph and OTP seems to search the graph under /var/otp/graph/{routerId}
Third problem (may not be yours): I tried to run OTP in Cygwin (Windows) and probably there was some trouble with the slashes/backslashes, so I decided to copy the graph under a "../gtfs/gurgaon"
Step 1) create a subdirectory like "/var/otp/graph/gurgaon" and copied Graph.obj over there
Step 2) run something like: $ java -jar target/otp.jar --router gurgaon --graphs ../gtfs --server
It worked like a charm for me!
Try this code: java -Xmx5G -jar target/otp-0.20.0-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar --build path your gtfs and osm.pbf files --inMemory
It worked perfect for me.

Meteor Jade Handlebars on Windows 8 - Jade compiler error: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

I'm attempting to use jade in meteor with this package
I'm on a windows machine. I've so far managed to use most meteorite packages by following the instructions here (
When i run 'meteor' on my project with .jade files, I'm getting this error:
While building the application:
client\todos.jade: Jade compiler error: Cannot read property 'length' of undefin
=> Your application has errors. Waiting for file change.
Terminate batch job (Y/N)?
I tried to use this new fork too ->
Same problem.
I further tested this in a Linux machine and it works perfectly. I have no idea why this is failing with the above mention error on windows.
Try adding a blank extra line to the end of your file. For example, an extra line would be needed here.
h1 Hello!
I've been dealing with a lot of problems getting jade-templating to work with meteor, but finally got it to work.. Here's how:
Add this to smart.json, belt-jade-handlebars is jade for newer versions of meteor:
"packages": {
"belt-jade-handlebars": {}
Add this to .meteor/packages:
And finally add the extra blank line to all *.jade files. ( suggested by user3064375 )
Start the app by using:
$ meteor run --release template-engine-preview-3
This will use the latest template engine and start meteor.
