integration for WordPress - wordpress

Does somebody know if there is a plugin for WordPress that can integrate the cloud service into a page/post? I am looking for a way to show my files from directly on a page in a sort of file browser.
I know that there are some plugins around that can do it for Dropbox or Google Drive. But I don't want to switch, so it would be nice if I can use my account.
Has somebody found a similar plugin for

Have you looked at leveraging Box Embed or the Box File Picker?
Either of these will give you a small code snippet to embed Box into your site.


Is it possible to display images from other sources on your wordpress page?

I have a lot of pictures on my homepage. Of course, this also requires a lot of disk space. Now I got the glorious idea that I don't store the images on the website, but on an external source (like Dropbox or Google Drive). There I can then also manage my own folder structure and do not have to use this stupid structure of Wordpress.
So the idea is that I can display images on my wordpress page, that are stored on an external source. Is this possible and how?
Actually you can achieve that but with a little bit different approach. Since you can't get public links to the images in your Dropbox or Google Drive, you might wanna try AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage instead.

How to access your wordpress website via code editor?

So I am trying to customize my already running website via custom code
for better user experience etc.
I see a lot of people developing for WordPress via the code editor
and I simply can't find any information on how I can access my website
via a code editor and customize it with customer HTML, CSS, and javascript (or react.js)
and of course, PHP if necessary.
Could anyone please help me where I can find that information?
I would be very grateful!
Not sure exactly what you are looking for, but I go to CPanel on my host and open File Manager. Scroll down to the public_html folder and the web site below that. Select a PHP file and click Edit. Beware, though, that updating the theme will wipe out any changes when taking this approach.

Is it possible to develop a wordpress plugin that can upload and display a HTML5 app?

I have a desktop app that generates small HTML apps (a zipped folder with a single HTML page, a bunch of scripts with WebGL stuff and a bunch of media files).
Now I would like to make this HTML app easy to deploy to wordpress through a plugin that would:
Let the user upload the zip file from his hard drive
Unzip the contents and store them somewhere
Create a page that displays the HTML app
I'm not looking for actual code yet, just to know that this is possible and that it doesn't violate some constraint. Of course, pointers to information on how to achieve this are welcome.
Thanks for any help
It's hard to give pointers since it's a really broad question, but as for your plugin requirements: all is possible via php and thus, all is possible in a WP plugin.

Manage a website gallery with dropbox folder

I'm trying to make a gallery photo on website and my client need to upload these photos unto dropbox or google drive.
I've embed a gallery from google drive in my website and it works perfectly (which means I can see the photos). But, when I click on a photos, it redirects me on google drive and its not a good rendering.
I've also try this solution : pull and display images in website gallery from dropbox directory. It seems to be a good solution but unfortunatly, nothing appears on my website.
Anyone has a solution? I really need my client to manage himself is gallery photo without having to put it on FTP.
Take a look at the Google Drive SDK and API, which allows you to get the list of files in a Drive folder and URLs that can be used to view the image directly. Depending on your needs, you can turn this into a gallery, use a lightbox to display the image, or whatever you specifically need.
You may also want to take a look at using Drive to publish website content. You may still need to write some code to create the gallery portion, but this provides an easy public place to store and manage the uploaded images.

Cordova: Upload file to an external Drupal site

Essentially what I am trying to accomplish is the following:
I currently have Cordova loading a page from my external Drupal site. The webpage loads fine, looks great on the screen, the only problem is that it won't allow me to upload a file to through the app itself.
I tried opening the same page in my Android's web browser (Dolphin) and the link worked just fine.
Any help would be appreciated, even if you tell me its not possible, that way I can stop looking and try out another option.
In order to do this, you would need to allow Cordova to write to the server the drupal site is on, which would not be a good idea.
Use the FileTransfer object:
