How to send data from server to client as QByteArray/QDataStream - qt

In the fortuneserver sample of Qt, a QString is sent by the method sendFortune(). Therefore one QString is selected from the QStringList fortunes:
QByteArray block;
QDataStream out(&block, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
out << (quint16)0;
out << % fortunes.size());
out << (quint16)(block.size() - sizeof(quint16));
QTcpSocket *clientConnection = tcpServer->nextPendingConnection();
Is it also possible to send another type of data, like files, images or multiple strings? Or is it just possible to send a single string?
My second question: What is the advantage of sending data as QByteArry and why do I have to define (quint16) by setting up the QDataStream?

You don't send the data as QDataStream, QDataStream is a class that impersonates a stream, a way to transfer data, like wire.
QByteArray represents a storage for your data.
So, you can send data as QByteArray.
You can try QTcpSocket's member function called "int write(QByteArray)", like in the example you provided. Just take the image, the file, any other data and convert it to QByteArray. Here is where you will need QDataStream. Bind the stream to bytearray like this.
QByteArray dat;
QDataStream out(&dat, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
and use out to fill dat.
out << myImage << myImage2;
When you had finished filling the QByteArray, send it:
don't forget to check the return value.
Read the docs and you will succeed.

To know if you have read all the data send by the other side of the socket, I use the commitTransaction() function from QDataStream:
connect(tcpSocket, &QIODevice::readyRead, this, &Client::readData);
void Client::readData()
QString data;
in >> data;
if (!in.commitTransaction())
qDebug() << TAG << "incomplete: " << data;
// readyRead will be called again when there is more data
// data is complete, do something with it


read and write to qtcpsocket using qdatastream

There are various methods of reading and writing from a QTcpSocket using a QDatastream as seen here
The difference is, I will be sending more than "one packet" or blocks.
A basic implementation on the server (sending) side and client (recieving) is seen below - only the actual sending and receiving snippets are shown
More Info, What I tried:
When writing to a QTcpSocket, I attempted to use the QTcpSocket::canReadLine() however this fails straightup after the QTcpSocket::waitForReadReady() signal fires.
I then tried QDataStream::atEnd() in a while loop which causes a system crash :(
The code below shows my latest attempt of going through the QDataStream docs, and utilzing the commitTransaction where it states
If no full packet is received, this code restores the stream to the initial position, after which you need to wait for more data to arrive.
Under the heading Using Read Transactions. But ofcourse, this just reads one block that is sent, i.e the first block.
When writing to a QTcpSocket multiple times, and flushing the socket each time to send that data, how can I read this from a QTcpSocket as it is send, keep the original "send structure"?
The example below only reads the first block and ends. I would like to read the block containing "Response 2" and "Response 3".
Code Implementations:
QTcpSocket *clientSocket = nullptr;
QDataStream in;
QString nextFortune;
in >> nextFortune;
if (in.commitTransaction())
if (clientSocket != nullptr) {
if (!clientSocket->isValid()) {
qDebug() << "tcp socket invalid";
if (!clientSocket->isOpen()) {
qDebug() << "tcp socket not open";
QByteArray block;
QDataStream out(&block, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
out << QString(QString("Response:") + nextFortune);
if (!clientSocket->write(block)){
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Server"),tr("Could not send message"));
// block.clear();
out << QString("Response number 2");
if (!clientSocket->write(block)){
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Server"),tr("Could not send message"));
// block.clear();
out << QString("Response number 3 here, and this is the end!");
if (!clientSocket->write(block)){
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Server"),tr("Could not send message"));
And the client side
QTcpSocket *tcp_con = nullptr;
QDataStream in;
qDebug(log_lib_netman_err) << "tcp con timeout for reading";
return ReturnObject(ReturnCode::SocketError, QString());
QList<QString> data_rcv = QList<QString>();
QString s;
// while (tcp_con->canReadLine()) {
// in >> s;
// data_rcv.push_back(s);
// }
// while (! {
in >> s;
// }
while (!in.commitTransaction()){
qDebug(log_lib_netman_info) << "waiting for more data";
in >> s;
// qDebug(log_lib_netman_err) << "Unable to send data to server";
// tcp_con->disconnectFromHost();
// return ReturnObject(ReturnCode::FailedReceiving, QString());
// if (s.isEmpty()) {
// qDebug(log_lib_netman_err) << "Empty response recieved";
// tcp_con->disconnectFromHost();
// return ReturnObject(ReturnCode::NoDataRecieved, QString());
// }
return ReturnObject(ReturnCode::ReceivedSuccess, data_rcv);
Help would be greatly appreciated!

QPixmap.loadFromData() does not load image from QByteArray

I'm creating a socket-based program to send a screenshot from one user to another user. I need to convert a screenshot to a byte array before sending. After I convert my screenshot to a QByteArray I insert 4 bytes to the beginning of the array to mark that it is a picture (it is the number 20 to tell me it is a picture and not text or something else).
After I send the byte array via a socket to other user, when it is received I read the first 4 bytes to know what it is. Since it was a picture I then convert it from a QByteArray to QPixmap to show it on a label. I use secondPixmap.loadFromData(byteArray,"JPEG") to load it but it not load any picture.
This is a sample of my code:
void MainWindow::shootScreen()
originalPixmap = QPixmap(); // clear image for low memory situations
// on embedded devices.
originalPixmap = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->grabWindow(0);
scaledPixmap = originalPixmap.scaled(500, 500);
QByteArray bArray;
QBuffer buffer(&bArray);;,"JPEG",5);
qDebug() << bArray.size() << "diz0";
byteArray= QByteArray();
QDataStream ds(&byteArray,QIODevice::ReadWrite);
int32_t c = 20;
ds << c;
void MainWindow::updateScreenshotLabel()
this->ui->label->setPixmap(secondPixmap.scaled(this->ui->label->size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation));
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_2_clicked()
secondPixmap = QPixmap();
QDataStream ds(&byteArray,QIODevice::ReadOnly);
qint32 code;
Your MainWindow::on_pushButton_2_clicked implementation looks odd. You have...
QDataStream ds(&byteArray,QIODevice::ReadOnly);
which creates a read-only QDataStream that will read it's input data from byteArray. But later you have...
which attempts to read the QPixmap directly from the same QByteArray -- bypassing the QDataStream completely.
You can also make use of the QPixmap static members that read from/write to a QDataStream. So I think you're looking for something like...
QDataStream ds(&byteArray,QIODevice::ReadOnly);
qint32 code;
ds >> code;
if (code == 20)
ds >> secondPixmap;
And likewise for your MainWindow::shootScreen implementation. You could reduce your code a fair bit by making use of QDataStream & operator<<(QDataStream &stream, const QPixmap &pixmap).

Empty buffer when reading from a QTcpSocket

I am creating a simple threaded TCP server (based on the threaded Fortune server example). I have connected the readyRead signal to my readCommand slot, and I confirmed that the readCommand function fires after I've telnetted to my server and sent a string (followed by enter).
The function below outputs "In readCommand" once I send the string HELLO, then the output "new inBuffer" always shows empty ("").
void FortuneThread::readCommand()
qDebug() << "in readCommand" << endl;
QDataStream in(tcpSocketPtr);
in >> inBuffer;
qDebug() << "new inBuffer: " << inBuffer << endl;
If I print out tcpSocket->bytesAvailable(), then I see a growing count of characters as I send more via telnet. I'm just not getting them out of the socket...the code above is copied from the Fortune Client example so I assumed it would work. Am I using QDataStream wrong?
You should not initialize your QDataStream with QTcpSocket.
You should read the data from the socket io device with QByteArray QIODevice::readAll().
You should write the byte array of the previous operation into the data stream with the "<<" operator.
So, the code should look something like this:
void FortuneThread::readCommand()
QByteArray block;
QDataStream out(&block, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
out << tcpSocketPtr->readAll();
The codes like these would work:
QByteArray res;
res = m_tcp_socket_ptr->readAll();
qDebug() << res;

QTcpSocket does not send data sometimes

I have two QT apps. One app can be considered to hold a big data and it sends about 10 KB of data chunk every second to second application.
Earlier I tried using QUdpSocket to transmit the data but due to MTU limitation of about 2-5K and need to divide and reunite the data myself, I switched to QTcpSocket.
Sometimes data is sent correctly with QTcpSocket (especially if I write data very frequently ~every 100 ms) but sometimes data is not sent at all. Not even after 5 sec. And sometimes several data chunks are internally buffered for a long period (several seconds) and then sent together.
m_socket = new QTcpSocket(this);
m_socket->connectToHost(QHostAddress::LocalHost, 45454);
QByteArray datagram(10000, 'a');
qint64 len = m_socket->write(datagram);
if(len != datagram.size())
qDebug() << "Error"; //this NEVER occurs in MY case.
On receiver side, I use readyRead signal to know when data has arrived.
How can I ensure that data is sent immediately? Are there any better alternatives for what I am trying to do?
Edit:: When I am writing after long gaps of 1 second, I receive "QAbstractSocket::SocketTimeoutError" on receiver side everytime sender sends data. This error is not received if sender writes data frequently.
Is it OKAY to use QTcpSocket to stream data the way I am doing????
Edit 2: On receiver side, when readyRead signal is emitted, I was again checking while(m_socket->waitForReadyRead(500)) and I was getting "QAbstractSocket::SocketTimeoutError" due to this. Also, this check was preventing delivering of single chunks.
After going through docs more, it seems readyRead will be continuously emitted when new data is available, so no need for waitForReadyRead.
I am receiving all data sent but still data does not come immediately. Sometimes two-three chunks are merged. This may be because of delay on receiver side in reading data etc.
On receiver side, when readyRead signal is emitted, I was again checking while(m_socket->waitForReadyRead(500)) and I was getting "QAbstractSocket::SocketTimeoutError" due to this. Also, this check was preventing delivering of single chunks.
After going through docs more, it seems readyRead will be continuously emitted when new data is available, so there is no need for waitForReadyRead.
It had solved my issue.
my tipical solution for client server app.
on server side :
class Server: public QTcpServer {
Server(QObject *parent = 0);
private slots:
void readyRead();
void disconnected();
void incomingConnection(int);
on cpp:
void Server::incomingConnection(int socketfd) {
QTcpSocket *client = new QTcpSocket(this);
connect(client, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readyRead()));
connect(client, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(disconnected()));
void Server::disconnected() {
QTcpSocket *client = (QTcpSocket*) sender();
qDebug() << " INFO : " << QDateTime::currentDateTime()
<< " : CLIENT DISCONNECTED " << client->peerAddress().toString();
void Server::readyRead() {
QTcpSocket *client = (QTcpSocket*) sender();
while (client->canReadLine()) {
//here i needed a string..
QString line = QString::fromUtf8(client->readLine()).trimmed();
on client:
class Client: public QTcpSocket {
Client(const QHostAddress&, int, QObject* = 0);
void Client::sendMessage(const QString& );
private slots:
void readyRead();
void connected();
public slots:
void doConnect();
on cpp:
void Client::readyRead() {
// if you need to read the answer of server..
while (this->canReadLine()) {
void Client::doConnect() {
this->connectToHost(ip_, port_);
qDebug() << " INFO : " << QDateTime::currentDateTime()
<< " : CONNESSIONE...";
void Client::connected() {
qDebug() << " INFO : " << QDateTime::currentDateTime() << " : CONNESSO a "
<< ip_ << " e PORTA " << port_;
//do stuff if you need
void Client::sendMessage(const QString& message) {
this->write("\n"); //every message ends with a new line

Qextserialport breaks my xml

I am trying to rewrite in c++ an application written in python.
All it does is to open a serial port and read some xml. In python i was using pyserial to read the xml and beautifulsoup to retrieve information. The output was like this.
Now i am using qextserialport to read from the serial port and the xml i get is something like this.
My problem is that i cant parse an xml like this. I get errors.
Qextserialport reads data from the serial port in set of bytes that are not fixed.
So how do i concatenate my xml into one string? I get an xml string every 4-5 seconds from the serial port.
here is my code
this->port = new QextSerialPort(com_port,QextSerialPort::EventDriven);
if (port->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) == true)
//qDebug()<< "hello";
and the function that actually reads from the serial port
void CurrentCost::onReadyRead()
QByteArray bytes;
bytes = port->readAll();
//qDebug() << "bytes read:" << bytes.size();
//qDebug() << "bytes:" << bytes;
I mean something like this:
class CurrentCost...{
QByteArray xmlData;
private slots:
void onReadyRead();
void CurrentCost::onReadyRead()
if(xmlData.endsWith(/*what your port sending then xml is over&*/))
