Drupal's End of the Page Doesnt Show Up - drupal

I was installing module in Drupal but drupal doesnt show up end of the page, even though how hard I scroll it. It only scrolls down a bit and then immediately stop at a particular point. I dont know if this issue is within Drupal or the browser. I tried accesing drupal in Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, but same problem occurs.I also tried browsing other web site but it seems like the problem only occurs in Drupal. Below is an image that shows the problem:
How will I fix it?

After installing module please clear the cache and after that please check it's work properly or not. You can also use “Module Filter” module to find module on the page.


Wordpress site not loading css styles on url but loading on preview after migration

I recently migrated a site over using backup guard plugin
Click here to see what is supposed to look like.
Click here to see where i migrated it to.
The css doesn't look like it's loading on the live site (nbch.net.au) but it does show when i preview from the backend.
Anyone point me in the right direction, Im using the Divi theme which is all up to date
please let me know if anymore info is needed
Thanks in advance
Seemed like it was setting within divi that was causing the problem
press CLEAR from Static CSS File Generation from the Builder options and check after that.
If the issue is still present, DISABLE it and clear the browser's cache after that or check from Chrome Incognito mode or New Private Window from Mozilla Firefox.

How do I update my website cached version on Google cachedview?

I am developing a website and I faced an issue today on my site, I will try to briefly explain the scenario hoping anyone could give a proper explanation for it.
My website is a WordPress website and I have the coming soon page activated so users will be redirected to it.
Two days ago I turned that plugin off by mistake and users were able to see my page. Today I turned it back on, and that's where the issue arises.
In full web (desktop) the coming soon page is visible and working fine, but when I hit the responsive view on my chrome browser the page is still available and the welcome page is not. In the sources tab, I can see the hosted directory being loaded so I went to the hosted directory (public_html) and I hid the folder that contains all the assets (renamed it to .foldername).
I hit refresh still loads the old page when I hit ctrl+shift+r I get the new version. On Firefox the scenario isn't reproducible it just happens on responsive view on Google Chrome browser.
Can anybody explain to me what's happening I assume it has something to do with Google caching my webpage and never updating it. But if like to hear a more professional explanation Thanks.
Have you tried clearing your Cache in Google Chrome? Also, Have you enqueued any Scripts or Styles in your functions.php file? If so, increase their version number. This will force the browser to download the Scripts and/or Styles again rather than loading any Cached copies.
Hope this helps to resolve your problem(s).

Wordpress site is not showing on Chrome

I have a site www.mathildaparadeiser.com that is showing a white screen of death on Chrome. All other browsers seem fine.
Removed all plugins but still being shown. Chrome is updated and Wordpress also. Looking in Chrome Tools I get this first error
VM100:1 Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/.
Any ideas what would be causing this? Have debugged all I can.
Have you installed any chrome extension plugins ?
Your site has uses a service called Incapsula. The website admins configured Incapsula to prevent bots from accessing it's content.
Please read here more :-
How to get the body content from a PHP-generated HTML page?
Some times your site contents loads, some time it shows a captcha. Check with your Hosting provider to understand.

Can't open or move widgets after Wordpress update

I recently updated my WordPress site http://www.yourwhiteknight.com/ to 4.1.5 and found that I can't move or open any widgets on the widgets page. If I try to add one, I don't get the menu to add it to a widget and I can't drag and drop on into a sidebar. I can't click the down arrow on any widgets or on any sidebars that are not open in order to edit their contents.
I believe the version I was working with before was 3.5.2. I even tried to go to the customizer but it just gets stuck constantly trying to reload the page, some sort of redirect loop.
Has anyone had this problem before and can point me in the direction of a solution?
I am at a complete loss, other than uploading the older version of wordpress. If I do that, I don't know if the database will still work due to any changes in the DB from the upgrade. I can't revert to the old database because the client has already made a lot of changes.
What you need to do is look for Javascript errors in the WordPress admin area using Dev Tools. The inability to move widgets or use other javascript functions in admin is common and a characteristic of Javascript conflicts with plugins or low-quality themes and the Javascript libraries that WordPress loads be default.
Use the developer tools in Firefox (or Firebug) or Chrome or Safari or IE to see what scripts are loading on your site - I can see from my end that there are a lot of them - and look in the console to see if there are errors. See Using Your Browser to Diagnose JavaScript Errors.
If there are errors, deactivate plugins one by one and look for a theme update. It can take some time to find the cause of Javascript errors, and in some cases, you may need to debug yourself.

Drupal - Keep getting logged out on front page only

Drupal 7.19
Acquia hosting
using Yottaa for optimization and monitoring
Problem: when trying to log in from home, we're experiencing something odd: we keep getting "logged out" ONLY on the front page. When you click anywhere inside the site, we get the admin toolbar and contextual links back. But we can't update the front page at all because it acts like it's logged out only for the front page.
This only happens when we're at home working on the site. This does not happen when we're in the work office.
Anyone experienced this? Don't know at what level is this occurring in...drupal, yottaa?
Found out the issue. It was a specific caching for the homepage on Yottaa's CDN. Once I turned this off, I was able to edit the home page again.
Note: They said that turning it off is not recommended. Instead, they recommend to flush the cache. Either way, found out what was causing the issue.
