Interact with embedded Dailymotion (DMCloud) iframe video? - iframe

When displaying a Dailymotion (DMCloud) video in an iframe on my page, how can I use JavaScript to interact with video - get current playing time, for example?
Dailymotion have a JS SDK for this (docs), but I can't find how to use the SDK to interact with an existing iframe rather than create a new one.
So, assuming I have something like:
<iframe src=" id="foo"></iframe>
Using JS, how can I get the current playing time of the video?

it looks like your are mixing DM cloud and
The APIs are different and the documentation for the cloud player can be found at
There is a working example at the bottom of the page:
Anyway, I think you're missing the code you're refering to but I confirm you cannot control or interact with an iframe that wasn't created using the API.

Well it seems possible #Dailymotion, the iframe needs to be loaded with &api=postMessage, then you get a DOM reference to the iframe and do:
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage('play', '*');
And it works.


Custom Google Form? Example of Google Form API?

I'm trying to make a google form look like my own site. I found examples of how to do this on How to style Google Forms and google-custom-form (GitHub project), but I tried both of the examples they give and they seem to fail now.
I had a look at Class Form - Google Apps Script which seems to be like an API, but I can't get my head around the documentation. Does anyone have an example of it working. Or has found another way of getting this to work? It would be really handy to do as embedded forms look really out of sync with the rest of the site.
The API you're linking to is an apps script API. This is needed if you want to create dynamic forms (dynamic amount of questions, dynamic answers,...) but not for custom styling. An intro to appscript can be found on this page:
You could just create a form manually on
You can change the styling and colors in the top-right of the page. When you are ready to embed the form on your own page you have to press "SEND", an select the embed icon <> at the top.
I've worked with this a ton, and still have issues with it. Been learning the new api v4 for sheets but still having trouble, it is still in beta too. For now I can recommend this solution though by heaversm on github.
The example fully works as long as you find the entry.xxxxxxx for each field and replace in the appropriate js. To avoid the embed issues, give your form submit on a click function that has the event as the input and then preventDefault on the event like so:
$('#submit-button').on('click', function(event){
// continue code from heaversm
Hope this works for you. Cheers

Still Possible to set Shuffle Settings on Iframe Embed Code?

I am deciding whether or not I should use the full YouTube API (registering for an API key, calling the YouTube JS and building the player from scratch) or if I should just register for an YouTube account, build a playlist and load this playlist on a client's website as is (using the iframe embed code, seen below):
<iframe width="100%" height="315"
&autoplay=1&rel=0&loop=1&shuffle=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
The embed code is easy enough, but from viewing earlier videos on YouTube Playlist settings, YouTube has removed quite a bit of functionality from basic playlist settings (autoplay, shuffling videos on play, start/stop times of each video in playlist, etc.)
I would imagine the switch for shuffle should be as easy as "&shuffle=1" or something like that. I'm not sure why YouTube makes it so difficult to comprehend new settings after having removed such a powerful feature from such a simple embed code.
Any ideas?
Here's an actual solution:
function onPlayerReady(event) {;
setTimeout(setShuffleFunction, 1000);
function setShuffleFunction(){
You have to use javascript to load the player.setShuffle(true) event, just after the first video starts (solution given here: YouTube API playlist shuffle). I didn't create it but I tried it and it worked for me too. I went two years thinking the feature was deprecated and no longer possible with embedded playlists. Seeing as this is the primary response when you google this issue, figured I'd help out.
You can find all the embed parameters YouTube supports here.

Can I submit a form with google's recaptcha in it from my app?

I'm writing an app which involves letting users to share comments on a website, which has a comment form with Google's reCAPTCHA embeded. I would like to load this page via HTTP and display CAPTCHA within my app, so that user can post comments from my app. Is it easy to implement or should I rather try other solution?
I've red reCAPTCHA developer guide. If I would like to embed captcha inside my form, I'd need to insert div element with a proper class, and make a ajax request in order to render captcha. This call would insert an iframe into a given div. What I need is to know how to access that iframe's content without using AJAX.
Turns out we are not supposed to do that kind of tricks with reCAPTCHA.
There is no support for that in API. It seems that it was part of Google's design to prevent that kind of usage.
The only walkaround I could come up with is to implement a WebView widget with JavaScript support, get website via http, and load it into this webview, centering this view around the form we want to post.
It seems like a lot of work though, thus I'm going to simply skip this, if someone successfuly manages to figure it out I'd appreciate a hint :)

Stopping/Removing an embedded player

I am working on a webpage where i have to include an embedded video.The video is hosted on some other domain.I am able to embed the video and autoplay once the web page is loaded.However i have a requirement where i have to remove the div displaying the video once it is played , and in place of the video i have to now display some text.
The problem is i am able to do autoplay by the autostart variable in the embed tag...but how do i know that the video has ended.The hosting company only provides an embed tag and they donot have any player apis to use.
One way (or rather a workaround) that i feel is to start a eventlistener in the background and see for the total time of the video and when that time is reached remove the content.But the problem is what if the user pauses the video, then also the div would be deleted.
I am new to flash.Are there some standard variables or actions that we can pass as flashvars to a swf file to stop a running player or to know the state of the player (Note we are only getting an embed tag from the video hosting site so we donot own that code and they donot have much documenation to help me out with the code).
Thanks for your help.
If you know that the content is a movie, and thus probably has a linear frame progression, you could use the Flash javascript API. Pseudocode for one possibility:
everyHalfSecond {
currentFrame = movie.TCurrentFrame("/");
totalFrames = movie.TotalFrames();
if (currentFrame + 1 == totalFrames) {
doMovieComplete() // switch out your div
WRT your undefined object variable, that sounds like standard browser Javascript issues. To resolve that, can use your own browser-specific "getSWF" function (see getFlexApp in this blog entry for an example), or you can use something like swfobject.

How do I login in with facebook connect in a flex application

I've been checking out facebook connect stuff from the new actionscript 3 library from Adobe. I have been trying to figure out how to use the facebook connect button inside of a flex app.
In an html page you would us the fbml and it would automatically put the facebook connect button on your page and when the user clicks on it it pops up the face div and lets the user login. Well you can't use that in flex. So I could put it on the page containing the swf but, that's why I'm using flex and not html. I've seen it done by the guys at Universal Mind so I know it's possible. I just need a little direction.
I know the function to use in the facebook connect api to cause that login dialog to come up I just can't figure the correct combination.
Chcek out the Create your first Facebook application with Flex tutorial and in particular the section on Add Facebook login.
This should be applicable to Flex. This would be done using the ExternalInterface calls from within Flash.
In Adobe facebook-actionscript-api there is a class LoginWindow which you can use.
When you need it this window will open like small flash popup window and it will display facebook login page and enable user to login. All needed events will be raised and you should be connected after that. I didn't tested it but from the code looks like what you need.
this developer created this js/flash bridge you are talking about using the ExternalInterface classes. you can download all source files as well. i found it very useful.
There is also a very clean and elegant solution/tutorial at:
Use this API:
Look at ConnectDemo.
The sample kind of sucks... it forces you to connect before showing the Flex app.
You need to tweek the example to get it to do what you want.
Also, FB depreciated some of the methods, so you have to look up new methods that aren't depreciated.
I'd love to update the sample, but I don't have the time to dedicated to another project.
