Delete created meteor package from atmospherejs - meteor

I created a package for
Everything worked as expected but now I want to delete it.
How can I remove it from atmosphere?
I found the following explanation but I guess its not up to date:

Prevent packages from showing up in meteor search with meteor admin set-unmigrated. Checkout their blogpost on here.
A new administrative command hides packages from the results of meteor search and meteor show. This is designed to remove mrt-era packages that didn't correctly auto-migrate into the new package system and for cases where authors have changed the name of a package and don't want new developers using the old name. To hide a package, run meteor admin set-unmigrated. Please note that hiding a package does not prevent users from explicitly adding it.

There is no way to do so on the new packageserver as mentioned by tmeasday at the end of the issue.


Meteor: session-client-side

So im trying to build ontop of the angular-meteor WhatsApp clone tutorial using Ionic 2 CLI
This tutorial basically deletes the client folder in the meteor project and uses the meteor-client-side package inside an ionic project to connect to the meteor server.
Which works perfectly fine, but now i'd like to subscribe to a meteor publication with an reactive parameter.
After searching the Meteor API Documentation I found the Session object:
Session provides a global object on the client that you can use to
store an arbitrary set of key-value pairs. Use it to store things like
the currently selected item in a list.
What’s special about Session is that it’s reactive. If you
call Session.get("currentList") from inside a template, the template
will automatically be rerendered whenever 
Session.set("currentList", x) is called.
In the Meteor Subscribe Documentation you can find the following example:
Tracker.autorun(function () {
Meteor.subscribe("chat", {room: Session.get("current-room")});
This subscribes you to the chat messages in the current room and to
your private messages. When you change rooms by
calling Session.set("current-room", "new-room"), Meteor will subscribe
to the new room’s chat messages, unsubscribe from the original room’s
chat messages, and continue to stay subscribed to your private
Which is exactly what I want to do too. But as the Session documentation states, session is a package I have to add to the meteor project:
To add Session to your application, run this command in your terminal:
meteor add session
Now my question, is there any way to add session to the meteor-client-side packages?
If I just try to call Session.set() it fails on runtime with Session is not defined
My guess is that I would need some npm package that extracts the Session functionality (basically a sessions-client-side npm package) like accounts-base-client-side
Is there an other way to do this?
How would I build my own sessions-client-side?
I tried to run meteor add session in my meteor project but was not able to find the code for Session anywhere in .meteor folder and npm_modules.
I also looked into the meteor GitHub but the Session.js file they have contains only documentation
Any input how to do something like this would be nice
I've looked into the accounts-base-client-side package and found out that they are autogenerated using a script, so im currently trying to adapt this script to work with Session instead of accounts-base.
You can find my attempt at:
Still work in progress, but i should get it to work soon
Update 2:
See my answer, my session-client-side is working now :)
The "Session" variable should just appear and be accessible. If you need to verify that, start a new project add the package and write some code to access it. It is likely that something has (unwittingly) nuked the Session variable - I have seen this before with another package.
Another way of doing this is with "getReactively". Below is a helper that uses it in a query. Make sure you declare it before the helper (otherwise it won't work). This one uses the result of another helper, but it can be any variable, and you just assign the variable for the reactivity to kick in and run the helper.
currentUser: () => { return Meteor.user() },
elder: () => {
let e = Elders.findOne({_id: this.getReactively('this.currentUser._id')});
if (e) {;
return e;
As per the meteor docs, you have to import it:
import { Session } from 'meteor/session'
This will enable it on the client.
In earlier meteor versions this was not required, as it was both a default package, and automatically imported into the global namespace.
I ended up creating the session-client-side package myself, and its working nicely.
If you need it too, its available on GitHub:
and NPM:
npm install session-client-side
credits to idanwe who created the client side packages and made it realy easy to adapt his work to work with any meteor package :)
To use it with Ionic 2 Apps:
import it in your entry points (src/app/ & src/app/
import 'session-client-side';
and now the global Session variable is accessable form anywhere in your app:
Session.set("aCoolNameFormyAwsmChangingObject", myAwsmChangingObject);
Thanks for the help!

How to get Meteor Package information within the app?

Is it possible to get a list of all available packages and their configuration within a running MeteorJS app.
I don't mean the CLI command meteor list but something that could let me check if certain packages are available or not and change the programs behaviour accordingly.
Using code from the meteorhacks SSR package as an example, you can see that it does this to check for the existence of the Jade package:
if(Package['mquandalle:jade-compiler']) {
Compilers.jade = Package['mquandalle:jade-compiler'].JadeCompiler;
The caveat is that the other package has to be added first.

What does api.imply do?

From the Meteor docs:
Give users of this package access to another package (by passing in the string packagename) or a collection of packages (by passing in an array of strings [packagename1, packagename2]).
I have no idea what it means.
From this question I know that imply can be employed with use.
What does api.imply do?
What's exactly the difference between api.use and api.imply?
api.use gives a package access to other packages exported symbols.
For example you need to api.use("random") (see how it's done in the accounts-base package) if you want to use the Random symbol in a package code (see how the random package.js is api.exporting Random).
However, meteor adding accounts-base wouldn't give your whole application access to its used packages (random in this case). If your app needs random, you'd still need to meteor add it.
api.imply on the other hand, gives the whole application access to that package exported symbols.
For example, see how accounts-google is api.implying accounts-base.
accounts-base is responsible for exporting the Accounts symbol, when you meteor add accounts-google, not only does accounts-base is also added in your application dependencies, but accounts-base symbols are also made available in your app, specifically because it was implied.
accounts-base is both using Accounts in its own code (api.use) and exporting its dependencies symbols to the whole app (api.imply).
api.imply can be used to make "shadow packages" that are just pulling in some other packages.
For example, at some point MDG renamed the showdown package to markdown, they could just have stated to meteor remove showdown && meteor add markdown, but it would have required some actions on end users.
What they did instead is keeping the showdown package and just make it implying the new markdown package.
If you have something in your app that consumes api from package:name and you install just package package:dependant which has a package:name as a dependency, but you don't use imply here, your api from package:name will not work in the app. It will work only in package:dependant package. You need use imply if you want to use something from package:name outside your package:dependant
I don't know if this is clear ;)

Custom Meteor Accounts

I need to implement a new accounts package with service via OAuth2.
How can I use the source of accounts-facebook or other already implemented to create my own?
This already has been answered here, in resume, you need to create a
local package
and take a look into the meteor-accounts-stripe to get the idea about how to create a new OAuth package
If you check out the Meteor Packages at GitHub you can reverse engineer a solution.
Also see the Accounts project page at Meteor.

Meteor 0.8 and iron-router

I just updated Meteor to 0.8. Now my app is crashing and I get 'spark is not defined'. I have read some articles stating that this can have something to do with the iron-router package. I'm clueless about what steps I should take to correct this.
The error is because of iron-router package.
You need to update the package.
I just gave answer on this see this
Old Spark rendering engine can be referenced by any of the packages you use in your application, so you get this error until all packages used are updated to Blaze, not only iron-router (this is why #Chris is still getting it).
Check which package is referencing Spark and check for updates.
Until mrt update doesn't automatically get results you can look for a blaze branch of the offending package and use it. For example the accounts-ui-bootstrap-3 package has a blaze branch and you can already use it modifying your smart.json:
"accounts-ui-bootstrap-3": {
"git": "" ,
"branch": "blaze"
As suggested in this thread.
