Wordpress order categories - wordpress

I have a Wordpress site where a lot of the categories are peoples names. The slug becomes john-smith fred-wilkinson etc by default. So the category list is in alphabetical order by their first name. I would like them to list by last name.
I could get the authors/editors to change the slug to wilkinson-fred etc but I would rather have a solution that they don't have to alter the default slug.
I know there are plug-ins that you can drag and drop to any order you want. Again this relies on the author/editor putting it in the right place.
My slugs currently look like this
I have other categories that I don't want to alter. I only want to reorder where the parent category is "artist".
Any ideas? If I put wilkinson-fred in the description field can I sort on that?

I assume that you want to change the order of wp list categories function output (maybe make it a little clearer in your future SO questions!). If that's so, I think you have two options here:
1) Hijack the orderby parameter as mentioned in this answer by #Chris_O at Wordpress Stackexchange:
There is an unused column, term_order, in the wp_term_relationships table that you can use to assign a custom order to the terms within your taxonomy. The order is set at 0 by default and it will take a custom query to get the order back and another solution to set the order.
Although as #Kaiser mentions in the comments to the answer, this sollution is a little hacky as it's not meant to be used this way and its implemantation may change in future releases of Wordpress.
2) Store the output of the function in varible (echo => false under $args), manipulate the output and print the resulting array. This is the way I would choose as it makes you more in control of the situation.


Gravity form does not correlate correctly when publishing a post

There is a problem, I do not know how to solve it.
The scheme is as follows.
There are categories of goods, in this form:
subcategory-3(name Tour)(term_id=6)<br>
subcategory-2(name Tour)(term_id=8)<br>
Gravity Forms will initially look for the category/tag of the same name as specified and use that. If no match is found, then a new category/tag will be created. All new categories/tags created this way will be placed at the top level of the category/tags hierarchy.
I tried everything in the Populate Anything settings, I can’t get it to correlate with the category that I need.I need this (subcategory-2(name Tour)(term_id=8)), inserts here anyway (subcategory-3(name Tour)(term_id=6))
By the way, I'll add one more thing.
It would seem that he chose the category that is needed, how to force the search not by name, but by term id?

Algolia - WordPress custom ranking attribute by taxonomy / term

I have list of events that are correctly indexed into Algolia. I would like to be able to "order by" taxonomy/term.
1) first taxonomy is called events_weight (5 terms 1,2,3,4,5). I need the events to be able to order by the term displaying the ones that are 1 at the top and those that are 5 in the bottom. Is this at all possible?
2) second taxonomy is called events_status (active, inactive, promotion). Again I need to be able to order them. Promotion first, then active, then inactive. Is this possible?
Thank you
In your Algolia Dashboard, you can add the events_weight attributes as custom ranking.
For events_status, I would recommend you to convert the values to an integer, to use it as a custom ranking (or sorting).
You can add them both and decide which one go first. This video explains Algolia's tie breaking algorithm.

how to change a drupal views output

I need to create a block with eg the latest comments on the site.
when using views, concegui select the data I wanted, but the problem is that I need to edit the output of view (specify the html). I tried to make a tpl, but the fields when they get to this, are already formatted ([#markup]). also tried to make a block programmatically by accessing the fields of view, via $comments = views_get_view('last_opinions');, but so the fields do not bring content, but for example, ids (for referrals), or integers (in the case of dates), ....
basically, how to change views output?
views->your view->advance(third panel)-> Theme: Information -> click Information ->choose tpl as per your requirement and find $row which actually prints your output

Sorting grouped nodes by taxonomy term

Ok, here's the problem:
I have a list of contacts, which i have created in views, that are grouped by taxonomy terms like so:
(term:) Staff:
(node:) John Doe
(node:) Jane Doe
(term:) Management:
Fred Doe
and so on...
As it is now, i have no idea what decides the order of the taxonomy terms (ie: why is the 'Staff' nodes coming before the 'Management nodes').
So what i need to do is to be able to sort the order of the terms, and also the order of the nodes in each 'category' (or what you would call it).
I have tried to sort the terms by weight, but the only thing that happens is that i get duplicated nodes output, and nothing happens with the order of the actual terms.
As for the order of the nodes, i was thinking that maybe a hidden CCK-field with some sort of weight, but i dont know. But the biggest problem is still the order of the categories.
If anyone has an answer to this it would be very helpful.
Thank you.
Strange, i tried that before i asked the question, but now it seems to work. However i still get duplicated nodes when i sort by taxonomy weight, for some reason. I really need to get rid of those. Heres how my view setup look, if its any help:
Fields: taxonomy=all terms (limited to one vocabulary)
image attach content
Sort criteria:
Taxonomy weight:descending
Filters: Taxonomy term id(with depth) // to filter out what page it belongs
Node type : contact
node published : yes
dont know if that information helps at all
The solution is simple, in views you can sort your result by the taxonomy term. You have 3 options as default.
From the views interface:
Term Taxonomy terms. Note that using this can cause duplicate nodes to appear in views; you must add filters to reduce the result set.
Term ID The taxonomy term ID
Taxonomy Weight The term weight field
The sorting in views, is located in the top right corner, and gives a wealth of options as to how you want to sort your results.
Duplicates is a known problem with taxonomy terms. The problem is that if a node has two terms that fit it will be included once for each term. When you use the taxonomy term filter, you can reduce duplicates, which should fix your problem:
I seldom have sort problems with views, but I have to admit it's not something I ever really focused on. Here's a short list of things you might wish to check. If that doesn't solve, it would be great if you could provide some more detail on your settings and what appears to be the default sorting in your current configuration.
How did you set the sort criteria in the views UI? You have basic settings available there (top right of the UI panel). See below for some screenshots that should help you finding your way around the configuration.
How did you set your taxonomy term order (accessible from somewhere similar to: http://example.com/admin/content/taxonomy/3 - where the number is the taxonomy ID).
Here is some more information on sorting capabilities of views.
Screenshots on how to configure sorting
NOTE: In this example I show how to sort nodes according to whether they are published or not, but the procedure applies equally for taxonomy terms.
In this view I already set up some sorting, add yours by clicking on the + button
alt text http://img15.yfrog.com/img15/7118/screenshot005vy.png
Select what kind of content you want to sort
link text http://img3.yfrog.com/img3/2341/screenshot006jkz.png
Select the information you want your content to be sorted by
alt text http://img3.yfrog.com/img3/4816/screenshot007nt.png
And finally select the direction of sorting!
alt text http://img37.yfrog.com/img37/9806/screenshot008ah.png
Now you should be good to go! :)
Hope this helps!

D6: how to get at node fields in preprocess_page()?

i created a view that displays my homepage fine but now a modification is needed: i load 2 fields (images) in my view but need to only display one of those, depending on the value of a third (date) field and today's date. if date field is later than today, show image y and if its earlier than today show image x. this kind of logic cant be done in a view.
so in my template.php id like to output x or y as $vars['img'] in the preprocess_page function. im just wondering, how do i get at the values of those fields? its not a node but a list of node teasers.
the function gets passed &$vars but a print_r of those just shows the html output.
custom sql seems not the way to go.
when i load the view, i just get the html it outputs but (i think) i need the raw data to make the date comparison.
thanks for any pointers!
I'm sure there are some ways to do this, some more hackier than others. I would:
Make a template specific to your view
Create a preprocess function for the view and create a boolean variable, by checking which img that should be displayed.
Lastly I would alter the template slightly by making an if statement that checks if it should display img x or y.
This solution is pretty easy and straight forward, the downside is that it's not completely general as you most likely will need to know the names of the cck field names you are using. It's doubtful you would be able to generalize this anyways.
To clarify a bit. You can look at the general views template that's being used, it will give you some insight as to how views prints the different fields. Generally getting at the fields is usually not a big problem when you have the $node object. The reason is that cck adds the fields to the $node object so you can access it there. I believe you can do something in the line of $node->field_[the_name] to get to the field. I would suggest that you use the devel module if you don't already and do a dpm($node) somewhere in the template where you loop through the nodes. That will enable you to see what has been defined on the $node object. It shouldn't be a big problem to print the img from there.
How about using preprocess_node() instead?
