Cookie encoding in BASE64 cannot be sent correctly to server -

I use BASE64 to encode GUID value and add them to cookie. For example, an ecoded guid value is vClFwpDbWE6JPUlnlBXMWg==. When the server sends response, it will add this cookie. I check with Chrome, this value is correctly received by the browser. But when the browser sends another request, the cookie value is changed to "vClFwpDbWE6JPUlnlBXMWg" from HttpRequestMessage's cookies, why some characters are removed?
I use WebAPI2, MVC5 with IIS7.5.

ASP.NET sees the '=' character in the cookie and assumes it's a multi-value cookie (see related question Storing multiple values in cookies).
Your best bet is to store the GUID in the cookie as-is, e.g., by using Guid.ToString() to turn the GUID into a hex string and new Guid(string) to turn the hex string back into a GUID. Alternatively, if you really need to condense it down to BASE64, consider using HttpServerUtility's UrlTokenEncode and UrlTokenDecode methods. Those methods use an encoding which is very similar to BASE64 but which doesn't use characters like '+' and '=' which are treated specially by ASP.NET.


Querystring in C# web application

I have created web application.I am giving one of web page to client as api.Client can pass parameter to web page like below
In same page Testpage.aspx,I am accessing/fetching querystring like below.
string s= Request.Querystring["name"];
I am not sure how client can call api.I mean to say from browser or code throught.Whether client use urlencode or not?
from code"pinky")&city=Server.UrlEncode("pune")&number=Server.UrlEncode("xxxxxxxx")
will below code work ? or does i need to decode?If client did not use Encode then decode work fine?.I want user querystring value further processing and insert into table.
string s= Request.Querystring["name"];
You need not decode it. If they have entered special characters and not encoded then it will not reach your server-side code at all because it will throw a bad request error. If they have encoded at their end then it will be automatically decoded at your end.
Even If they have not encoded, Your decode will work fine.

How to create cookie without quotes around value?

I need to create cookie with e-mail address as value - but when I try to - then I have result:
but I would like to have:
The cookie should be created without double quoted marks - because other application uses it in such format. How to force java to not to add double quoted? Java adds them because there is special char "at".
I create the cookie that way:
HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getResponse();
Cookie cookie = new Cookie("login", "");
Thanks for any help.
It's indeed caused by the # sign. This is not allowed in version 0 cookies. The container will implicitly force it to become a version 1 cookie (which breaks in MSIE browsers). You'd like to URL-encode the cookie value on cookie's creation
Cookie cookie = new Cookie("login", URLEncoder.encode("", "UTF-8"));
and URL-decode it on cookie reading
String value = URLDecoder.decode(cookie.getValue(), "UTF-8");
Note that you should for sure not explicitly set the cookie version to 1.
See also:
Why do cookie values with whitespace arrive at the client side with quotes?
Unrelated to the concrete problem, cookies are visible and manipulatable by the enduser or man-in-the-middle. Carrying the email address around in a cookie is a bad smell. What if the enduser changes it to a different address? Whatever functional requirement (remembering the login?) you thought to solve with carrying the email address around in a cookie should most likely be solved differently.
See also:
How do I keep a user logged into my site for months? and cookies special characters

Have found very interesting issue in with cookies:
when adding cookie with value like test&
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("test", "test&");
and then trying to retrieve value Request.Cookies["test"] trailing ampersand is lost. If it is not trailing it is not lost. In firebug or javascript data is correct so it is specific I think.
Of course mostly could say just use UrlEncode. But is it really necessary? Is there any list of disallowed charters for cookies (because I think it is smaller than for URLs)?
I have found similar topic but there is no & symbol in restricted list:
Allowed characters in cookies
The ampersand is not an allowed character in a cookie. It's necessary to encode the cookie data with the UrlEncode method.
See also these SO questions/answers:
Broken string in cookie after ampersand (javascript)
How do you use an Ampersand in an HTTPCookie in VB.NET?

Sending encrypted text in Url

I have a very simple (rather stupid) question, I hope someone can clear my mind on this :)
I want to send an email to my site user once he clicks a button. This email will contain a link with the userID of a user in the link URL (as query param of a link).
Once the user clicks this email link, my server side code will parse and decrypt the userID query string key to get the user ID and perform some action on it.
I cannot use base64 encoding as it can be reversed and 'hackers' can get to know the real userID. I have to encrypt the ID but when I am using AES alogrithms for encryption, the encrypted text is not "understandable" by the browser, ie I cannot pass the encrypted userId text as a part of the URL because it contains un-encoded characters like "/" which the browser cannot by pass. One option I can think of is to base64 encode the encrypted text once I send it across via URL. Then I can bease64 decode and decyrpt it.
Is this approach better than using Uri.EscapeDataString() on the encyrpted text?
You should continue to base64 encode the AES data, as at that point it is likely binary rather than a string that can be escaped. You should also check that you are using url safe base64 encoding.
Use a one-way hash like SHA1 or MD5, and use JavaScript to send the values as encrypted. Then, if a hacker intercepts the request, they would only have the hashes and not the actual values. They could still send the hashes to login, though; one solution is to include a JavaScript parameter (generated via your server-side language) based on IP (but not possible for a hacker to find the formula for), and use it to salt the username and password hashes.
Then on server-side you would do (in PHP, in this case):
$ipHash = sha1("random" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "salt_here10381") // place this as a hidden element in the form and use it in the JavaScript to calculate the hash
$userHash = $_POST['userHash'];
$passwordHash = $_POST['passwordHash']
// TODO: Escape $ipHash, $userHash, $passwordHash
$results = mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE SHA1(CONCAT('" . $ipHash . "', `user`)) ='$userHash' AND SHA1(CONCAT('" . $ipHash . "', `password`)) = " '$passwordHash'");
Then, if a hacker wanted to login with the hash and username they found, they would need the same IP of the user originally logging in whose credentials were intercepted.
Note that this assumes you have passwords stored in your database as plain-text, which you should never do.
For hashing with SHA1, on client-side, take a look at this.
To answer your specific question (I see I got a bit off topic, oops,) it would be acceptable to base64encode the hashes when you send them to the server. If possible, try to send it as POST data and save it in a cookie or session variable.
I think of a simple solution you try to generate a random number(make it as a key) and for the encryption use some simple technique of yourself like XOR 'ing the ASCII value of the characters in the user name with the key that you have generated .so the long random key results in a greater result.
When creating the email you need to encrypt the user ID, then base64 encode it, then URL encode it. Put this as the userID param in the link.
When decrypting the email you do the same in reverse; get the userID param, URL decode it, base64 decode it then decrypt it.
Remember to use a different intitialisation vector every time you encode a user ID. You will need to put the initialisation vector in the emailed link as a URL parameter too in order to decrypt it.

Issue with sending Base64 encoded query string in aASP.Net

I am creating a web site in .Net 3.5 , I am converting the string into Base64String to send it through querystring. The Response.Redirect works fine for smaller string. But if the original string size is 1670, the response.redirect results in error "Page can not be found".
item is the string in below code snippet.
byte[] data = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(item);
return Convert.ToBase64String(data)
Can any one please help in resolving this?
A query string shouldn't be used for long values - while it depends on the browser and web server exactly what the maximum safe length is, it's certainly not safe above about 2000 characters, and I'd be wary about relying on it above 255. The solution is to use a POST request instead, or possibly to save the data on the server and pass a key to it in the query string.
There is a limit on characters sent as a query string - it varies from browser to browser:
I'd save it to a DB and retrieve it on the other end with a key.
