Angular - UI-Select (Select 2) Height - angular-ui

How do you set the height of the Angular UI-Select widget when an item is selected. I have a custom template for the selected item that includes an image and stuff and it gets cut-off.
Is there an option somewhere? I feel like it should expand to fit the template.

I just fixed this by using the css like
.ui-select-choices .item {
height: auto !important
and using the !important css function because ui-select has a lot of inline styles and it gets very tedious to fix. If you are using your own template, try not to use the .item class and use something unique like .select-choice-item Next time you might want to provide the structure in the template you're using so we can answer you with a more specific solution.


woocommerce-ordering template location

I am trying to remove element style from woocommerce ordering form, but i couldnt find the form template ( where the inside element style is given).
I only found out woocommerce-ordering.php but there are no classes or styles inside it.My purpose is
For Example <span class="customSelectInner" style="width: 218px; display: inline-block;">Default Sorting</span>
I want to set the width to auto , I know it can be achieved by using !important.
But it loads the element style first , then switch width to auto , so it looks very weird.So i have to edit the template file.
If you are not able to find file for it then just use simple jQuery for this

Angular UI bootstrap progressbar minimum width

I am trying to set the minimum width of the angular UI bootstrap progressbar. I checked the docs and they do not mention how to do this. I know for the 'regular' bootstrap you can use something like style="min-width: 10em;". However this only works if you wrap it in the standard progress bootstrap divs like so:
<div class="progress">
<uib-progressbar class="progress-striped active progress-bar" value="value" style="min-width: 10em;">
<span> text </span></uib-progressbar>
But this displays a progressbar bar without the 'active' animation since regular bootstrap does not support this. When I try it like so it does not set the min-width property
<uib-progressbar class="progress-striped active progress-bar"value="value" style="min-width: 10em;">
<span> text </span>
edit: I overlooked the animation section in the 'regular' bootstrap docs. I would however like to use the UI bootstrap progressbar if possible.
Regular Bootstrap supports animated progress bars.
Are you sure that you correctly imported Boostrap files? I think you might have included only the CSS file but not the JS. Take a look at the basic template to see which files you should include.
Take also a look at the uib-progressbar documentation. The code snippet you wrote seems to be correct. As I said, I think the reason for this problem is that you didn't include the JS file for Bootstrap.
EDIT: Oh, ui-bootstrap apparently doesn't need Bootstrap's JS, you're right.
Regarding the min-width part of your question: I noticed that you added the progress-bar class to the <uib-progressbar> element. According to the documentation, the progress-bar class should not be used (it will be added by ui-bootstrap to the <div> element that will be rendered inside <uib-progressbar>, and you can easily verify this by inspecting the progress bar width devtools).
Thus, the min-width property is to be applied to the internal <div>. However, since the rendering is managed by angular, the only way to change it is to add a CSS rule like this:
.setminwidth .progress-bar {
min-width: 20em;
And then add the new setminwidth class to the external <uib-element> like this:
<uib-progressbar class="progress-striped setminwidth" value="22" type="warning">22%</uib-progressbar>
I tested this but it doesn't seem to work. I think it's because min-width: 0; is hardcoded in the template, and it gets reset everytime ui-bootstrap re-renders the element.
I tried adding !important to the CSS rule, to avoid being overridden, but it doesn't work either.
I guess at this point you should consider why you need to add this min-width property, since ui-bootstrap likes to override it. Could it be because you don't want the progress bar to be "too empty" when the % is low? If that's the case, I think you should look up the changes recently introduced by Bootstrap: it seems that now they add a special min-width for 0%, 1% and 2%.
UPD: The Bootstrap folks apparently changed their mind and reverted the special min-width value. At this point, I think that ui-bootstrap should follow along and remove the hardcoded min-width: 0; as it's not needed anymore. I just sent a pull-request to them. If they merge it, you will be able to use the CSS I posted above.

GWT - CSS Style

in GWT , in my work have flex table , in each flex table cell there is a vertical panel , i want to remove vertical panel borders
i tried getElement().getStyle().clearBorderColor() but it does not work
and when using in firebug ,discovered that it take flex table style ??
get it's class/ID and write another style to override the default style.
you probably need to add the !important to your css style.
.verticalPanel {
border: none !important;
You also might look into using celltables this has a resources instance that is easy to override.
Use this

customizing the drop down autocomplete box

I'm using jquerys autocomplete widget but I'm having a few issues trying to style the box that drop down when you search for something.
I'm trying to move the box down a bit and change the border/bg color but some JS is adding in some embedded styles which are overriding my .css styles. But I can't find it.
I'v based mine off this one.
<ul class="ui-autocomplete ui-menu ui-widget-content" role="listbox" aria-activedescendant="ui-active-menuitem" style="z-index: 11; display: block; width: 139px; top: 44px; left: 1101px; "><li class="ui-menu-item" role="menuitem">
In order to avoid using !important you could add your styles with jQuery and override them in that way.
color: 'red'
Another solution would be to remove the style attribute from the ul.
Without seeing your css styles, or the order you are loading the .css files, you could override the styles by using Firebug to inspect which classes are applied, and adding !important; to your main css styles.
ul.ui-autocomplete {
color: red !important;
The best way you can combat this is to properly track down if your jQuery plugin has any parameters to help you, or strip the JS yourself and add your own CSS styles.
The above !important; rule can be a nightmare, it is a hack in a sense - but it may work for you.
Try to add margin-top and margin-left in your css
Overriding the top and left value is no good, because it is calculated in regard to the text field it derives from.
I'm really not a pro in jquery but I take a look around in the example you sent and the style of the menu is all givent by a menu style sheet ( Look at the link below and there is some info that can help you I think.
You will be able to customize the look and feel of your dropdown in these class.
«If a deeper level of customization is needed, there are widget-specific classes referenced within the stylesheet that can be modified.» From jquery website.
try using position or append to option...
you can refer here...
Check out the file jquery.ui.theme.css,
the class .ui-widget-content near the top can be used to put a background colour on the autocomplete search results box, borders and positioning can also be tweaked through this class.

How can I change the size of a Dojo button without styling the text?

I'm new to Dojo and CSS, so maybe I'm missing something obvious here.
I have a page with several Dijit buttons that are created programmatically, and I want to make one of them bigger- leave the text alone and increase the space between the text and the edge of the button. I don't want to override the CSS for .dijiButtonNode to do so because there are other Dijit buttons the page that shouldn't be altered.
I tried adding this to the widget declaration:
style: { padding: "1em" }
and this:
class: "PaddedButton"
padding: 1em;
but since Dijit buttons are rendered as nested spans it padded the area around the button instead.
The best way to work with CSS is using one of the browser debugging tools (that you should already be using) like Firebug or the Chrome developer tools. You can find an element's DOM node easily with inspect_element and then directly edit its CSS styles until they do what you want. You can also see what CSS rules are active and what are being ignored or overwritten.
I have come up with a working example here:
The important part is the following CSS selector:
.paddedButton.dijitButton .dijitButtonNode {
padding: 1em;
This selects any node with class dijitButtonNode that descends from a node that has both of the paddedButton and dijitButton classes. I couldn't do just a .paddedButton .dijitButtonNode because then the rule would end up being cascaded by a more specific selector.
