Issue On Displaying Pages with Post Name Permalink - wordpress

I have a simple Theme like below
Right now when I navigate to localhost and site root directory I am able to see content from header.php , footer.php and page.php.
then, I simply generated some pages for Navigation bar and to get a better URL I updated the permalink from default to Post Name format
Now while I have the the clean Ur as: Permalink: http://localhost/RumiPress/eyeglasses/
But when I click to view the page I am getting
I Google this and find some hints about the (.htaccess) so I just copied same format as Cedex
but still getting same result. Can you please let me know why this is happening?

Apache's mod_rewrite module needs to be enabled in order for "pretty" permalinks to work in WordPress, as specified in the codex.
You're using WAMP, so this can be done by:
LEFT click on the green WAMP icon in your notification tray
Click on Apache --> Apache modules
Enable rewrite_module (make sure it's checked)


Wordpress Permalink issue on subdirectory wordpress

I have installed wordpress inside one folder called blog. when we open the blog, the blog links are broken 404 page error. How do i fix this issue, if its installed on root directory it will work, but this time it is directory, Is there any way to fix this issue
Normally such issues can be fixed easily by refreshing your permalinks. To do that go to WP > Settings > Permalinks and click on the save button once.
On some servers it is not allowed to edit .htaccess by clicking save in that section, therefore if you get an error; contact your hosting provider.
You may also want to check that the URL of your site corresponds to the URLs shown inside of WP > Settings > General.
First ensure your server support rewrite_ module
1.Login your WordPress dashboard
2. Click Settings Permalinks and change your permalink then click save

Installed wordpress on localhost but button links are not working why?

Hy! every one I am new to WordPress and working on localhost
I have installed WordPress on localhost and installed a handy store theme and woo commerce plugin for my shop but when i click on any link and buttons on home page it does not work.
I figure out that when i click on button let say shop button, In my address bar this link appears http://localhost/kharedlao/shop (Where kharedlao folder in which i install word press) and page does not appears.
But when i include "Index.php" in my link like http://localhost/kharedlao/Index.php/shop/ in my address bar the page appears.
I am searching on google all over but does not get any clue to solve this issue how can i link my pages with my menu buttons
Thanks to #Temil Selvan C There is 4 step procedure to 100% solve the problem
1) Open apache’s configuration file using your favorite text editor. The configuration file generally locates at:{apache_dir}/conf/httpd.conf
2) If you are using XAMPP or WAMP package then you will find the file at:{xampp_dir}/apache/conf/httpd.conf
Search for the following string:#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ and uncomment it (remove the ‘#’ sign).
3) Now search for another string AllowOverride None and replace it by AllowOverride All
4) Finally save the changes, close your text editor and restart your apache server.
That’s all.

Wordpress WP admin - cannot modify header information after wordpress update

After I updated wordpress I'm getting this error.
Wp admin URL
I think something wrong with the /theme/mytheme/functions.php becouse when I disable it it works, but if I disable the site doesn't work. Not sure what the issue is. I even put an old functions.php from the back up.
Attached the functions.php file appriciate if anything can help me.
Ash, are you using any ftp software? if yes then change your file transfer type to binary as in FTP Client,
In Total Commander: locate ‘Transfer mode’ tab in tool bar on top. Then using drop-down selector click ‘Binary (archives, doc etc.)'
FileZilla: in top menu select Transfer> Transfer type> Binary
CuteFTP: navigate to File> Transfer Type> Binary
Refernce Link

is site cloaking possible with a .htaccess file

i have created a wordpress site within a folder on a site and am having trouble moving the database so was looking in to ways of cloaking the sites url on every page with a .htaccess file. at the moment the site is a beta at I wanted to look into removing the ugly URLS with page-id etc....
Does anyone know if this is possible. or if the .htaccess file is not the way to go
much appreciated
You can use the build in wordpress features, have a look at Permalinks
If your trying to change from
Just navigate to your admin control panel, click on Configuration on the left menu, and then on Permalinks.
Fill the 'Custom' field with /%postname% and the links should appear as your expect.

How to amend a WordPress site's URL?

I have setup my site with 5 pages which are my menu options.
When running my WordPress site on my local host using MAMP, my url is:
http://localhost:8888/mySite/ or (when I go live)
When I click on a menu item, it changes the URL to:
http://localhost:8888/mySite/MenuOptionA or
How can I setup a Permalink or something else, so that it always just shows my main URL above without the /MenuOptionA when I have click on any menu options?
I basically would like my url to always just show no matter what menu option is selected.
You can change you're site's url easily by adding in the following statements into wp-config.php
If you don't want to maintain two different config files, you can put a conditional in there to determine what value to use.
