Changes to style.css in Chrome workspaces not showing up - css

I've been trying to use Chrome Workspaces to edit the CSS in my WordPress child theme more efficiently. I followed the tutorial at to set it up. It works for the most part, when I edit any element in my child theme, the modification shows up instantly in my browser window and I can save it directly to the local style.css .
The problem occurs when I want to add a new element to my child theme (this element already exists in the parent theme but I did not need to modify it before, so it doesn't exist in the child theme). Using the inspect tool, I found the element in the parent style.css, then copied it over to my child theme editor (in the Source tab of devtools). But making any modifications to that element is not reflected in the live browser once I do that.
For instance, this was the original code in the parent style:
.widget a {
color: #777;
And I copied this to my child stylesheet and changed it to color: #000 . But there is no change in the color seen in the live browser.
Am I doing something wrong?

If you are using Google Chrome do following
Go to Settings
Clear browsing data
Check all marks
Obliterate the past hour or day, depends on when it worked properly.
Click Clear browsing data
For me it worked.

add !important - to override existing css property
Hope it works
.widget a {
color: #777;
Change this to
.widget a {
color: #000!important;//change

It could be down to the cache-busting query string which WordPress adds-
Here is a relevant Chromium bug report.
For now, adding this to functions.php in WordPress in order to remove the cache-busting suffix allows me re-enable persistent edits:
function yourthemename_remove_version( $url ) {
return remove_query_arg( 'ver', $url );
add_filter( 'style_loader_src', 'yourthemename_remove_version' );
In future, it looks like Persistence 2.0, recommended at the end of the bug report, will be the solution. It can be enabled as a Chrome DevTool experiment now. Notice that Chrome Canary doesn't work in Linux yet.


Stuck on Wordpress CSS change the plugin button Colour

Hi I am new on here first of all nice to meet you all
I am facing a problem on wordpress
I am using "Quick Download Button" Plugin which the link is
after I have install it on my site I tried to change the button colour by css but I never ever success to change it. I have checked the button in inspect and I copied it but it didn't work.
what I tried was
color: #3c1c1c;
but it never worked.
please anyone help will be awsome thanks and sorry for my bad english
Like #jared said - it shouldn't be too hard to find the right selector and change the color within your browsers dev-tools. If you see the color change, bingo! Then if that doesn't work within your css file itself, you might have an ordering issue with your sites css files (i.e. your css is loading before the plugins). Quick way to test this is add the !important selector to that rule on your file - e.g:
color: #3c1c1c !important;
the css color-parameter is not defining the color of the button, but from the text of the button. if you want to change the color of the button, you need to look after "background" or "background-color".
color: #FFFFFF;
Background-color: #3c1c1c;
Visible example:
Source of example: Kryptonews Lexikon

Changing colors in style.css is not applying on WP theme

For changing colors in some part of a WordPress theme, I've changed the background or color property of those elements (found using inspect in chrome) in style.css. But it is not changing in the theme.
I also tried making child theme of the theme. But no result.
For example, the style.css contains -
#header .nav_bg {
background: #7bae39;
margin-bottom: -30px;
padding: 5px;
I've changed it to -
#header .nav_bg {
background: #109DE4;
margin-bottom: -30px;
padding: 5px;
N.B: I've tried with SiteOrigin Custom CSS plugins, and it works with that. But I want to do it by changing CSS.
Thanks in Advance.
Use higher selector, element that contains that div or use
!Important before ;
Just add code to custome css in WordPress
If the same selector works with other plugins you might wanna try a few test to try to see what's going on.
Go the page and look for the style you just added on the
inspector. You can see by selecting the element if it is getting
applied and overridden by other css rule. In that case you can
update the rule to be more specific.
If the css is not showing up at all, you can try:
clearing your browser cache
check the page on incognito / a different browser
Hope it helps,

removing inline styles in wordpress "recent comments" widget

I am working on a wordpress website and I am using _tk starter theme which is based on "Underscores" and Bootstrap.
I was styling the widget area from scratch, so I gave margin and padding = 0 to override bootstrap styles.
The problem is this worked for every widget except "Recent Comments" widget!
I checked it with developer tools and found that for recent comments widget ul and li, and inline style was forcing it to display some padding.
So I tried to search where this code is injected but failed to understand it. The ul id="recentcomments" and li class="recentcomments" reside in default-widgets.php
There is no style attribute assigned to these tags in that file. I tried searching in whole wordpress folder with folder search feature in netbeans but it does not show anywhere.
Here is the link to the screenshot.
It seems that there is a filter for removing this unwanted styles "show_recent_comments_widget_style"
in functions.php of my theme:
add_filter( 'show_recent_comments_widget_style', function() { return false; });
If you add the following to your style sheet should override the inline style.
padding: 0 !important;
I got the answer and it is specific to tk theme only. Its Javascript -- . It was in bootstrap.wp.js file on line 26!
$( '.widget_recent_comments ul#recentcomments li' ).css( 'padding', '5px 15px');

CSS'ing TinyMCE on a Diazo'ed Plone site

I had thought that TinyMCE was supposed to remain untouched by the Diazo theme, however some CSS from somewhere is leaking in and making certain functions harder to use. One such example is below, the line height on all the rows has become super short, making each row hard to select.
In Firebug, I can fix this by adding a min-height value here, a value set in dialog.css:
.radioscrolllist .list {min-height: 2em;}
However, I cannot find where to actually set this and have it stick. I've tried putting it in the Diazo theme style.css, in ploneCustom.css, and customizing both portal_skins/tinymce/themes/advanced/skins/plone/dialog.css and portal_skins/tinymce/plugins/plonebrowser/css/plonebrowser.css — none of these seem to do the trick though.
Any ideas on how/where to make this fix? The problem only shows up on the Diazo version of the site, not from the unthemed version. It looks like the only CSS files that load on the TinyMCE iframe are:
This is what I have in my project CSS to deal with a similar issue, though I find different issues on each project depending on what I do with the general CSS & columns in particular:
/* Fix TinyMCE gremlins */
#internallinkcontainer div.row {
/* Image browser was jumbled */
float: none;
#content #internallinkcontainer .list.item span,
#content #internallinkcontainer .list.item a {
/* Link browser was packed too much */
position: inherit;
#internallinkcontainer input[type="radio"] {
vertical-align: middle;
/* #end */
Which get's my Link Browser looking like this again:
Apart from the Diazo-CSS troubles, it sounds like you might be having trouble with
plone.css getting cached. The following is from the developer manual with amendments by myself that have not yet been pulled in.
plone.css is automagically generated dynamically based on the full portal_css registry configuration. It is used in e.g. TinyMCE to load all CSS styles into the TinyMCE in a single pass. It is not used on the normal Plone pages.
plone.css generation:
Note: plone.css is #import-ed by dialog.css which "hides" it from a browser refresh of a normal Plone page, even when Plone is in development mode. This means you may find you do not see your CSS updates within the TinyMCE plugin (e.g. in the link/image browser) whilst developing your theme. If this is the case, then simply do a hard refresh in your browser directly on: /plone.css to clear the cached version.
I just faced the same issue last week. My workaround was adding this in my theme's CSS (the tinymce dialogs are not part of the iframe that contains the content being edited; they are in the main frame):
#internallinkcontainer.radioscrolllist { line-height: auto !important; }
#internallinkcontainer .list.item span, #internallinkcontainer .list.item a { position: static !important; }
(Clearly we should find a less hacky solution, but I haven't had a chance.)
You almost answered it to yourself: You can customize column.css, that'll work, no important-declarations needed.
Additionally this seems not to be Diazo-related, the ploneCustom.css will also not be delivered to the dialog-window in a non-diazo'ed site, hmm.

Avoid overriding by css

I have created a UI (for wordpress plugin) in which I give user choice to add text, image, and video in a div ( lets call this div, container).
I have been working on it for a quite sometime. I recently added tinyMCE (WYSIWYG editor) to add text inside container.
Now, I realized that I did a big mistake. The text user writes is being overridden by css rules defined for wp admin panel.
for example,
User enters <h1>Hello</h1> (with the help of tinyMCE), and then I grab that content from tinyMCE and append that in the container.
But here the problem arises, wordpress's admin css can have css rule like this,
h1 {
color : #d6d6d6;
line-height: 40px;
font-size: 30px;
So, it looks different in tinyMCE and in my container. (as tinyMCE's code is inside iframe and that remains unaffected by wordpress's css rules, but my container doesnt)
I want something so that any element inside container remains unaffected by wordpress's admin css.
I know a good solution would be putting container inside iframe. But I have written a lot of code without thinking of an iframe and I would need 3-4 days just to adjust everything for iframe. There may be some cross browser issues.
I can reset some wordpress rules, but it will fail sometimes, as user may enter anything. I need something fullproof.
well if you want to undo a specific rule (say the h1 rule you mentioned) you can use css to override it by being more specific.
.container h1 {
line-height: 24px;
font-size: 24px;
This will overwrite the css rule you mentioned with the given values but only when the element is inside the container class, (I'm guessing at the default values you want to use.)
Unfortunately you would have to add in an undo rule for everything that wordpress's admin css changes.
Another possible solution is to edit the page tinyMCE returns in it's frame to add in wordpress's CSS file. This means the end user will see the same formatting when they enter the information as when it gets posted.
Do you have code-level access to the iframe contents tinyMCE creates?
Use !important in your CSS document. This way your CSS will not be overridden as it takes precence over everything, including inline styles.
h1 {
color:#ff0 !important;
