Vb aspx project, I need help to understand the logic behind - asp.net

I'm a java programmer and for the first time I need to face a VB and ASP.NET web project.
I found some very basic tutorials on how ASP.NET works but I didn't understand very well how the logic behind works.
This project consist of lot of coupled files, the main pattern I found is:
How do these file work and interact? I'm trying to understand it in a MVC logic but I can't seem to get it.

Drop the MVC logic in your head. ASPX doesn't use the MVC (at least by default).
The code files you see are grouped in two:
ascx: markup file. On the fly converted to VB.NET > MSIL;
ascx.vb: the code behind file. This one is merged with the generated code from the markup file (thanks to the partial keyword in the class declaration).
The ascx file is a control file, the aspx file is a page file. A page file can consist of zero or more controls, defined by the ASP.NET team, third party developers or you. If you want a custom control, you can create an own control by creating an ascx and ascx.vb file (or let Visual Studio do it for you).

aspx files usually will have the UI and will which is usually HTML tags, some ASP.NET server control embed code. aspx.vb file (codebehind) will have server-side coding in VB.NET.
In the MVC logic, you can relate aspx page to View and aspx.vb to Controller action methods.


Does ASP.NET use reflection to check for existance of event handlers?

I create an asp.net page e.g. default.aspx.
I then define a button...
<asp:Button ID="btnNew" runat="server" Text="New" OnClick="btnNew_OnClick" />
... however I do not define the handler for btnNew_OnClick in code.
ASP.Net will tell me this when I start the page and throw an exception.
Therefore, does it use reflection to check if the class that implements my page has this method ?
Is this efficient if it has to do this each time it parses a page's markup?
Not specifically. This happens when ASP.NET compiles your ASPX markup. ASPX markup is compiled the first time the page is hit on the fly, and stored somewhere in C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\vX\Temporary ASP.NET Files.
The exception to that is if you precompile your pages using aspnet_compiler.exe. However, if you were to pre-compile it you'd see there error there, not when you hit the site.
Is this efficient if it has to do this each time it parses a page's markup?
ASP.NET isn't parsing the markup on every page view and post back; it's only parsing it once when it's compiled. It stored a hash of the page (usually called hash.web somewhere in Temporary ASP.NET Files) and compares the hashes. If the hash is different (the page changed) then it recompiles it. Here is an example of what that compiled code may look like:
#line 58 "C:\X\UserControls\FilterControl.ascx"
#__ctrl.Click -= new System.EventHandler(this.btnApply_Click);
#line default
#line hidden
#line 58 "C:\X\UserControls\FilterControl.ascx"
#__ctrl.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnApply_Click);
This of course gets compiled into an executable assembly. Effectively, what the ASPX compiler is doing is compiling the server side markup into C# code, then compiler that into an assembly.
ASP.NET actually generates a class descending from your page using the ASPX markup as a template of sorts. You can find the generated classes source code in the folders under %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\v[FRAMEWORK VERSION]\Temporary ASP.NET File.
My understanding is it generates a class which instantiates the control and wires the event handlers to whatever method applies. This is why things break badly when you, say, make your event handler private -- the descendant class can't access it.
The code generation is pretty expensive up-front; it is partially responsible for that lengthy asp.net warm-up most of us asp.net developers suffer through. But it is very, very efficient once the app gets warmed up as everything is rendering via compiled code.
No it does not use reflection. As #Wyatt Barnett said, the compiler generates code for this. The generated code is the same as if you would register the event yourself.
btnNew.Click += new EventHandler(btnNew_Click);
As the code for the markup is generated it is the same regarding performance, maybe except for the first call.

how to use NVelocity from asp.net webforms?

I want to use "NVelocity" from plain ASPX pages without using any MVC framework. I don't want to use "NVelocity View Engine" thru' asp.net MVC framework. The only example that I got for "NVelocity" is for merging and writing onto console window (http://www.castleproject.org/others/nvelocity/usingit.html)
I am looking out for example on to integrating "NVelocity" into aspx web forms. Any pointers would be really helpful.
I found a way. The idea is the override Page.Render() method in an aspx page. Write the code in Render() method to transform the HTML template (I mean, *.html file or *.aspx file) using NVelocity. Pass HTMLTextWriter object while merging the template and context "template.Merge(context, writer);"
This will render the transformed HTML to web browser.

Inline (Single File) vs. CodeBehind

In ASP.NET if the code and the asp.net markup is in one ascx file for example for a user control,would it perform poorly compared to a User control with Code Behind using a cs file and a designer.cs file?
The difference is in the initial compilation time; when your app first starts up.
With a code-behind file you can pre-compile things and deliver a dll to the server that's ready to go. With inline code, the framework will have to compile your code into an assembly when the app starts. But after this point compiled code is compiled code, and it just doesn't matter.
for performance it will not make any difference, although for maintainability reasons, you should keep your code behind separated from your markup.
An interesting fact - Microsoft sometimes suggests you create a code-behind assemblies for your ASP.net pages for maintainability and presentation/business logics separation.
However, when you take a look at how SharePoint is built, its pages (for instance, /_layouts/workflow.aspx) are full of inline code.
They actually do reveal that the speed of inline code is the same as code-behind:
Another myth is that codebehind is
faster than inline, which is
absolutely false. It doesn't matter
where your code for your ASP.NET
application lives, whether in a
codebehind file or inline with the
ASP.NET page.
This makes me think that performance and maintainability is not always the main reason why you choose inline code over code-behind.

Linking an ASP.NET web page to another project's code file

I have a series of .NET 2.0 web pojects that have identicle code behind in their web pages. The only thing that is different is how the html is laid out.
Is there a way that I can have a main web project that holds all the code behind (including control events like button click) and so that the other web projects reference the web page code file to this project's code files?
Edit: Note that the changes in html include exclution of certain controls, I am catoring for this by using the FindControl method so that if the control doesnt exists, I would simply have a null value.
You may try putting all the code-behind classes into a library and inheriting from a common base-class.
You can take a look at "Skin File" file type of Visual Studio. On the other hand you can learn if it works for you from the address below: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ykzx33wh(VS.80).aspx

how to use codebeside in ASP.NET Web Application

I'm using VS2008 and want to create a web application (not a web site) with Code-Beside
but, the default mode of aspx is Code-Behind.
I have tried to change the CodeBehind=ClassFile.cs to CodeFile=ClassFile.cs in the header of aspx's <%#Page%> part, and deleted the aspx.designer.cs file,but if I added a server control to the page, the compiler is also send me an error of no member defined.the cs file is the orinal file of codebehind, it is partial class.
You don't want to delete aspx.designer.cs you want to delete the aspx.cs file, then place a similar file next to it and declare it as a partial class. designer.aspx.cs is still required to provide you direct access to controls placed within the page, rather than going through FindControl.
You definitely don't want to delete the .designer.cs file, as this is where the server control definitions will be placed.
In general the codebehind model is much better as it makes the code easier to find, use and maintain.
