How to generalize this algorithm (sign pattern match counter)? - r

I have this code in R :
corr = function(x, y) {
sx = sign(x)
sy = sign(y)
cond_a = sx == sy && sx > 0 && sy >0
cond_b = sx < sy && sx < 0 && sy >0
cond_c = sx > sy && sx > 0 && sy <0
cond_d = sx == sy && sx < 0 && sy < 0
cond_e = sx == 0 || sy == 0
if(cond_a) return('a')
else if(cond_b) return('b')
else if(cond_c) return('c')
else if(cond_d) return('d')
else if(cond_e) return('e')
Its role is to be used in conjunction with the mapply function in R in order to count all the possible sign patterns present in a time series. In this case the pattern has a length of 2 and all the possible tuples are : (+,+)(+,-)(-,+)(-,-)
I use the corr function this way :
> with(dt['AAPL'], table(mapply(corr, Return[-1], Return[-length(Return)])) /length(Return)*100)
a b c d e
24.6129416 25.4466058 25.4863041 24.0174672 0.3969829
> dt["AAPL",list(date, Return)]
symbol date Return
1: AAPL 2014-08-29 -0.3499903
2: AAPL 2014-08-28 0.6496702
3: AAPL 2014-08-27 1.0987923
4: AAPL 2014-08-26 -0.5235654
5: AAPL 2014-08-25 -0.2456037
I would like to generalize the corr function to n arguments. This mean that for every nI would have to write down all the conditions corresponding to all the possible n-tuples. Currently the best thing I can think of for doing that is to make a python script to write the code string using loops, but there must be a way to do this properly. Do you have an idea about how I could generalize the fastidious condition writing, maybe I could try to use expand.grid but how do the matching then ?

I think you're better off using rollapply(...) in the zoo package for this. Since you seem to be using quantmod anyway (which loads xts and zoo), here is a solution that does not use all those nested if(...) statements.
AAPL <- getSymbols("AAPL",auto.assign=FALSE)
AAPL <- AAPL["2007-08::2009-03"] # AAPL during the crash...
Returns <- dailyReturn(AAPL)
get.patterns <- function(ret,n) {
f <- function(x) { # identifies which row of `patterns` matches sign(x)
returns <- na.omit(ret)
patterns <- expand.grid(rep(list(c(-1,1)),n))
labels <- apply(patterns,1,function(row) paste0("(",paste(row,collapse=","),")"))
result <- rollapply(returns,width=n,f,align="left")
# Var1 Freq
# 1 (-1,-1) 22.67303
# 2 (-1,1) 26.49165
# 3 (1,-1) 26.73031
# 4 (1,1) 23.15036
# Var1 Freq
# 1 (-1,-1,-1) 9.090909
# 2 (-1,-1,1) 13.397129
# 3 (-1,1,-1) 14.593301
# 4 (-1,1,1) 11.722488
# 5 (1,-1,-1) 13.636364
# 6 (1,-1,1) 13.157895
# 7 (1,1,-1) 12.200957
# 8 (1,1,1) 10.765550
The basic idea is to create a patterns matrix with 2^n rows and n columns, where each row represents one of the possible patterns (e,g, (1,1), (-1,1), etc.). Then pass the daily returns to this function n-wise using rollapply(...) and identify which row in patterns matches sign(x) exactly. Then use this vector of row numbers an an index into labels, which contains a character representation of the patterns, then use table(...) as you did.
This is general for an n-day pattern, but it ignores situations where any return is exactly zero, so the $Freq columns do not add up to 100. As you can see, this doesn't happen very often.
It's interesting that even during the crash it was (very slightly) more likely to have two up days in succession, than two down days. If you look at plot(Cl(AAPL)) during this period, you can see that it was a pretty wild ride.

This is a little different approach but it may give you what you're looking for and allows you to use any size of n-tuple. The basic approach is to find the signs of the adjacent changes for each sequential set of n returns, convert the n-length sign changes into n-tuples of 1's and 0's where 0 = negative return and 1 = positive return. Then calculate the decimal value of each n-tuple taken as binary number. These numbers will clearly be different for each distinct n-tuple. Using a zoo time series for these calculations provides several useful functions including get.hist.quote() to retrieve stock prices, diff() to calculate returns, and the rollapply() function to use in calculating the n-tuples and their sums.The code below does these calculations, converts the sum of the sign changes back to n-tuples of binary digits and collects the results in a data frame.
n <- 3 # set size of n-tuple
# get stock prices and compute % returns
dtz <- get.hist.quote("AAPL","2014-01-01","2014-10-01", quote="Close")
dtz <- merge(dtz, (diff(dtz, arithmetic=FALSE ) - 1)*100)
names(dtz) <- c("prices","returns")
# calculate the sum of the sign changes
dtz <- merge(dtz, rollapply( data=(sign(dtz$returns)+1)/2, width=n,
FUN=function(x, y) sum(x*y), y = 2^(0:(n-1)), align="right" ))
dtz <- fortify.zoo(dtz)
names(dtz) <- c("date","prices","returns", "sum_sgn_chg")
# convert the sum of the sign changes back to an n-tuple of binary digits
for( i in 1:nrow(dtz) )
dtz$sign_chg[i] <- paste(((as.numeric(dtz$sum_sgn_chg[i]) %/%(2^(0:2))) %%2), collapse="")
# report first part of result
head(dtz, 10)
# report count of changes by month and type
table(format(dtz$date,"%Y %m"), dtz$sign_chg)
An example of possible output is a table showing the count of changes by type for each month.
000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 NANANA
2014 01 1 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 3
2014 02 1 2 4 2 2 3 2 3 0
2014 03 2 3 0 4 4 1 4 3 0
2014 04 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 0
2014 05 2 2 1 3 1 2 3 7 0
2014 06 3 4 3 2 4 1 1 3 0
2014 07 2 1 2 4 2 5 5 1 0
2014 08 2 2 1 3 1 2 2 8 0
2014 09 0 4 2 3 4 2 4 2 0
2014 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
so this would show that in month 1, January of 2014, there was one set of three days with 000 indicating 3 down returns , 3 days with the 001 change indicating two down return and followed by one positive return and so forth. Most months seem to have a fairly random distribution but May and August show 7 and 8 sets of 3 days of positive returns reflecting the fact that these were strong months for AAPL.


How to use if else statement in a dataframe when comparing dates?

I have a dataframe D and I would want to calculate a daily return of "Close" only if they share the same month. So for example there would be 0 for 1995-08-01
Date Close Month
1 1995-07-27 163.32 1995-07
2 1995-07-28 161.36 1995-07
3 1995-07-30 162.91 1995-07
4 1995-08-01 162.95 1995-08
5 1995-08-02 162.69 1995-08
I am trying to use an if-else statement and looping to apply it on other dataframes.
D1 <- D[-1,]
for (i in c("Close"))
{ TT <- dim(D)[1]
if (D[1:(TT-1),"Month"] == D[2:TT,"Month"]) {
D1[,i] = round((100*(log(D[2:TT,i]/D[1:(TT-1),i]))), digits = 4)
else {
D1[i] = 0 }
I get these results but in the forth row it should be 0.0000 because the forth row is a from different month than the the third row. Moreover, I get this warning message : "Warning message: In if (D[1:(TT - 1), "Month"] == D[2:TT, "Month"]) { : the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used". Can you please help me out? Thank you.
Date Close Month
1 1995-07-27 0.5903 1995-07
2 1995-07-28 1.4577 1995-07
3 1995-07-30 0.9139 1995-07
4 1995-08-01 0.0006 1995-08
5 1995-08-02 0.0255 1995-08
Next time you should REALLY provide a reproducible example here I did it for you. My solution uses diff and ifelse as requested.
month <- c(1,1:5,5:6)
data <- (1:8)*(1:8)
df <- data.frame(cbind(month, data))
diffs <- sapply(df, diff)
diffs <- data.frame(rbind(NA, diffs))
df$result <- ifelse(diffs$month==0, diffs$data, 0)
month data result
1 1 1 NA
2 1 4 3
3 2 9 0
4 3 16 0
5 4 25 0
6 5 36 0
7 5 49 13
8 6 64 0
if() expects a single value (usually TRUE or FALSE, but can also be 0 or 1, and it can handle other single values, e.g., it treats positive values like ones). You are feeding in a vector of values. The warning message is telling you that it is ignoring all the other values of the vector except the first, which is usually a strong indication that your code is not doing what you intend it to do.
Here's one do-it-yourself approach with no loops (I'm sure some time-series package has a function to calculate returns):
# create your example dataset
D <- data.frame(
Date = (as.Date("1995-07-27") + 0:6)[-c(3,5)],
Close = 162 + c(1.32, -.64, .91, .95, .69)
# get lagged values as new columns
D$Close_lag <- dplyr::lag(D$Close)
D$Date_lag <- dplyr::lag(D$Date)
# calculate all returns
D$return <- D$Close / D$Close_lag - 1
# identify month switches
D$new_month <- lubridate::month(D$Date) != lubridate::month(D$Date_lag)
# replace returns with zeros when month switches
D[!$return) & D$new_month==TRUE, "return"] <- 0
# print results

If (condition), add 1 to previous value, else, subtract 1

I'm tracking Meals and satiety in a dataframe. I would like to have R add 1 to the previous value in the satiety column when a meal is eaten, and subtract 1 when no meal is eaten (meal=NA).
I'm trying to accomplish this with a for loop nested in an ifelse statement but it is not working.
My current attempt:
ifelse(Meals=="NA",for (i in 1:length(Day$Fullness)){
print(Day$Fullness[[i]]-1+i)}, for (i in 1:length(Day$Fullness)){
Error: Error in ans[test & ok] <- rep(yes, length.out = length(ans))
[test & ok] :
replacement has length zero
In addition: Warning message:
In rep(yes, length.out = length(ans)) :
'x' is NULL so the result will be NULL
I'm not sure how to create a table on here but I will do my best to make sense.
Time: 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM ETC
Meals: NA NA Breakfast NA NA Snack NA NA NA ETC
Satiety: Range from 0-10.
My current satiety data is just a vector I created, but I would like it to start at 0 and increase by 1 after every meal, while decreasing by 1 after every 30 minute timeframe where there is no meal(where meal= NA).
I'm sure there is a much better way to do this.
Thank you.
Here's some sample data and a potential solution.
meals <- sample(c(1, 1, 1, NA), 20, replace = TRUE)
df <- data.frame(meals = meals)
# meals
# 1 1
# 2 NA
# 3 1
# 4 NA
# 5 NA
# 6 1
df$meals[$meals)] <- -1
df$satiety <- cumsum(df$meals)
# meals satiety
# 1 1 1
# 2 -1 0
# 3 1 1
# 4 -1 0
# 5 -1 -1
# 6 1 0
# meals satiety
# 15 1 5
# 16 -1 4
# 17 1 5
# 18 1 6
# 19 1 7
# 20 -1 6
I would suggest not coding the absence of a meal (or a skipped meal) as NA which means "I don't know". If you're using NA to mean the meal was skipped, than you do actually know and you should give it something that represents a skipped meal. Here, since your model interprets a skipped meal as having a negative impact on satiety (not a neutral impact), -1 actually makes quite a lot of sense. If that's how you use it in your model, then code it that way.
A couple of things here.
Unless the data includes the string "NA", you should use the command to check if a value or values are NA. It's hard to tell however without sample data.
Generally speaking, in R you will want to use vectorised solutions. In many cases, if you're using a for loop, it's incorrect.
You've stated that "Meals" is in a dataframe. As such, you will need to refer to Meals as a subset of that data frame. For example, if the data frame is data, then the expression should be data$Meals.
Summarising all of this, I'd probably do something similar to the following:
Day$ <-$Meals)
print(Day$Fullness + (-1)^Day$
This uses a nice trick: TRUE and FALSE are both stored as 1 and 0 respectively under the hood.
Hopefully this helps. If not, we'd really need sample data and expected outputs to be able to be of more use.

Search for value within a range of values in two separate vectors

This is my first time posting to Stack Exchange, my apologies as I'm certain I will make a few mistakes. I am trying to assess false detections in a dataset.
I have one data frame with "true" detections
ID Start Stop SNR
1 213466 213468 10.08
2 32238 32240 10.28
3 218934 218936 12.02
4 222774 222776 11.4
5 68137 68139 10.99
And another data frame with a list of times, that represent possible 'real' detections
ID Times
1 32239.76
2 32241.14
3 68138.72
4 111233.93
5 128395.28
6 146180.31
7 188433.35
8 198714.7
I am trying to see if the values in my 'possible' data frame lies between the start and stop values. If so I'd like to create a third column in possible called "between" and a column in the "truth" data frame called "match. For every value from possible that falls between I'd like a 1, otherwise a 0. For all of the rows in "truth" that find a match I'd like a 1, otherwise a 0.
Neither ID, not SNR are important. I'm not looking to match on ID. Instead I wand to run through the data frame entirely. Output should look something like:
ID Times Between
1 32239.76 0
2 32241.14 1
3 68138.72 0
4 111233.93 0
5 128395.28 0
6 146180.31 1
7 188433.35 0
8 198714.7 0
Alternatively, knowing if any of my 'possible' time values fall within 2 seconds of start or end times would also do the trick (also with 1/0 outputs)
(Thanks for the feedback on the original post)
Thanks in advance for your patience with me as I navigate this system.
I think this can be conceptulised as a rolling join in data.table. Take this simplified example:
# id start stop
#1: 1 1 5
#2: 2 7 10
#3: 3 12 15
#4: 4 17 20
#5: 5 22 26
# id times
#1: 1 3
#2: 2 11
#3: 3 13
#4: 4 28
melt(truth, measure.vars=c("start","stop"),"times")[
possible, on="times", roll=TRUE
][, .(, truthid=id, times, status=factor(variable, labels=c("in","out")))]
# id truthid times status
#1: 1 1 3 in
#2: 2 2 11 out
#3: 3 3 13 in
#4: 4 5 28 out
The source datasets were:
truth <- read.table(text="id start stop
1 1 5
2 7 10
3 12 15
4 17 20
5 22 26", header=TRUE)
possible <- read.table(text="id times
1 3
2 11
3 13
4 28", header=TRUE)
I'll post a solution that I'm pretty sure works like you want it to in order to get you started. Maybe someone else can post a more efficient answer.
Anyway, first I needed to generate some example data - next time please provide this from your own data set in your post using the function dput(head(truth, n = 25)) and dput(head(possible, n = 25)). I used:
#generate random test data
truth <- data.frame(c(1:100),
c(sample(5:20, size = 100, replace = T)),
c(sample(21:50, size = 100, replace = T)))
possible <- data.frame(c(sample(1:15, size = 15, replace = F)))
colnames(possible) <- "Times"
After getting sample data to work with; the following solution provides what I believe you are asking for. This should scale directly to your own dataset as it seems to be laid out. Respond below if the comments are unclear.
#need the %between% operator
#initialize vectors - 0 or false by default
truth.match <- c(rep(0, times = nrow(truth)))
possible.between <- c(rep(0, times = nrow(possible)))
#iterate through 'possible' dataframe
for (i in 1:nrow(possible)){
#get boolean vector to show if any of the 'truth' rows are a 'match'
match.vec <- apply(truth[, 2:3],
FUN = function(x) {possible$Times[i] %between% x})
#if any are true then update the match and between vectors
truth.match[match.vec] <- 1
possible.between[i] <- 1
#i think this should be called anyMatch for clarity
truth$anyMatch <- truth.match
#similarly; betweenAny
possible$betweenAny <- possible.between

R data.frame flow data pre-processing for aggregated time statistics

What is the most efficient way of processing a flow data.frame like
> df <- data.frame(amount=c(4,3,1,1,4,5,9,13,1,1), size=c(164,124,131,315,1128,331,1135,13589,164,68), tot=1, first=c(1,1,3,3,2,2,2,2,4,4), secs=c(2,2,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0))
> df
amount size tot first secs
1 4 164 1 1 2
2 3 124 1 1 2
3 1 131 1 3 0
4 1 315 1 3 0
5 4 1128 1 2 1
6 5 331 1 2 1
7 9 1135 1 2 1
8 13 13589 1 2 1
9 1 164 1 4 0
10 1 68 1 4 0
to an per-time aggregated totals
> df2
time tot amount size
1 1 2 3.5 144
2 2 6 34.5 16327
3 3 8 36.5 16773
4 4 2 2.0 232
.. using R, when the actual data-set can be more than 100 000 000 rows or even tens of gigabytes?
Column first denotes the start of a flow with duration secs, with metrics amount, size, and tot. In aggregated totals the size and amount are evenly divided to the time range in double-precision, whereas tot is summed to every time-slot as an integer. Duration secs denotes how many time-slots the flows last in addition to value first: If secs is 1 and first is 5, the flow lasts time-slots 5 and 6. My current implementation uses ugly and dead-slow for-loops, which is not an option:
df2 = data.frame()
for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
items <- df[i, 'secs']
idd <- df[i, 'first']
for (ss in 0:items) { # run once for secs=0
if (items == 0) { items <- 1 }
df2[idd+ss, 'time'] <- idd+ss
if (is.null(df2[idd+ss, 'tot']) ||[idd+ss, 'tot'])) {
df2[idd+ss, 'tot'] <- df[i, 'tot']
} else {
df2[idd+ss, 'tot'] <- df2[idd+ss, 'tot'] + df[i, 'tot']
if (is.null(df2[idd+ss, 'amount']) ||[idd+ss, 'amount'])) {
df2[idd+ss, 'amount'] <- df[i, 'amount']/items
} else {
df2[idd+ss, 'amount'] <- df2[idd+ss, 'amount'] + df[i, 'amount']/items
if (is.null(df2[idd+ss, 'size']) ||[idd+ss, 'size'])) {
df2[idd+ss, 'size'] <- df[i, 'size']/items
} else {
df2[idd+ss, 'size'] <- df2[idd+ss, 'size'] + df[i, 'size']/items
You can probably optimize this a lot and achieve good performance using only loops, but I bet that better algorithms exist. Maybe you could somehow expand/duplicate the rows with secs > 0, while increasing the first (timestamp) values of the expanded rows and adjust amount, size, and tot metrics on the fly:
now original data..
amount size tot first secs
1 4 164 1 1 0
2 4 164 1 1 1
3 3 124 1 1 2
magically becomes
amount size tot first
1 4 164 1 1
2 2 82 1 1
3 2 82 1 2
4 1 41.33 1 1
5 1 41.33 1 2
6 1 41.33 1 3
After this pre-processing step aggregation would be trivial using plyr ddply, of course in efficient parallel mode.
All example ddply, apply etc. function examples I was able to find operate on per-row or per-column basis, making it hard to modify other rows. Hopefully I don't have to rely on awk-magic.
Update: The mentioned algorithm can easily exhaust your memory when the expansion is done "as is". Some kind of "on the fly" calculation is thus preferred, where we don't map everything to memory. Mattrition's answer is however correct and helped a lot, so marking it as the accepted answer.
The following is an implementation using data.table. I chose data.table for its aggregation abilities, but it's a nifty and efficient class to work with too.
dt <-
# Using the "expand" solution linked in the Q.
# +1 to secs to allow room for 0-values
dtr <- dt[rep(, nrow(dt)), secs+1)]
# Create a new seci column that enumerates sec for each row of dt
dtr[,seci := dt[,seq(0,secs),by=1:nrow(dt)][,V1]]
# All secs that equal 0 are changed to 1 for later division
dtr[secs==0, secs := 1]
# Create time (first+seci) and adjusted amount and size columns
dtr[,c("time", "amount2", "size2") := list(first+seci, amount/secs, size/secs)]
# Aggregate selected columns (tot, amount2, and size2) by time
dtr.a <- dtr[,list(tot=sum(tot), amount=sum(amount2), size=sum(size2)), by=time]
time tot amount size
1: 1 2 3.5 144
2: 2 6 34.5 16327
3: 3 8 36.5 16773
4: 4 2 2.0 232

Row Differences in Dataframe by Group

My problem has to do with finding row differences in a data frame by group. I've tried to do this a few ways. Here's an example. The real data set is several million rows long.
df = data.frame("group_id"=rep(c(1,2,3),3),
df = df[order(df$group_id,df$date),]
I ordered it by group_id and date so that the diff function can find the sequential differences, which results in time ordered differences of the logical, integer, and float variables. I could easily do some sort of apply(df,2,diff), but I need it by group_id. Hence, doing apply(df,2,diff) results in extra unneeded results.
group_id date logical_value integer float
1 1 1974-05-13 FALSE 4 0.03472876
4 1 1979-12-02 TRUE 45 0.24493995
7 1 1980-08-18 TRUE 2 0.46662253
5 2 1978-12-08 TRUE 56 0.60039164
2 2 1981-12-26 TRUE 34 0.20081799
8 2 1986-05-19 FALSE 60 0.43928929
6 3 1983-05-22 FALSE 25 0.01792820
9 3 1994-04-20 FALSE 34 0.10905326
3 3 2003-11-04 TRUE 63 0.58365922
So I thought I could break up my data frame into chunks by group_id, and pass each chunk into a user defined function:
create_differences = function(data_group){
apply(data_group, 2, diff)
But I get errors using the code:
diff_df = lapply(split(df,df$group_id),create_differences)
Error in r[i1] - r[-length(r):-(length(r) - lag + 1L)] : non-numeric argument to binary operator
Error in r[i1] - r[-length(r):-(length(r) - lag + 1L)] : non-numeric argument to binary operator
As a side note, the data is nice, no NAs, nulls, blanks, and every group_id has at least 2 rows associated with it.
Edit 1: User alexis_laz correctly pointed out that my function needs to be sapply(data_group, diff).
Using this edit, I get a list of data frames (one list entry per group).
Edit 2:
The expected output would be a combined data frame of differences. Ideally, I would like to keep the group_id, but if not, it's not a big deal. Here is what the sample output should be like:
group_id date logical_value integer float
[1,] 1 2029 1 41 0.2102112
[2,] 1 260 0 -43 0.2216826
[1,] 2 1114 0 -22 -0.3995737
[2,] 2 1605 -1 26 0.2384713
[1,] 3 3986 0 9 0.09112507
[2,] 3 3485 1 29 0.47460596
I think regarding the fact that you have millions of rows you can move to the data.table suitable for by group actions.
DT <-
## this will order per group and per day
## for all column apply diff
# group_id date logical_value integer float
# 1: 1 2029 days 1 41 0.21021119
# 2: 1 260 days 0 -43 0.22168257
# 3: 2 1114 days 0 -22 -0.39957366
# 4: 2 1604 days -1 26 0.23847130
# 5: 3 3987 days 0 9 0.09112507
# 6: 3 3485 days 1 29 0.47460596
It certainly won't be as quick compared to data.table but below is an only slightly ugly base solution using aggregate:
result <- aggregate(. ~ group_id, data=df, FUN=diff)
result <- cbind(result[1],lapply(result[-1], as.vector))
# group_id date logical_value integer float
#1 1 2029 1 41 0.21021119
#4 1 260 0 -43 0.22168257
#2 2 1114 0 -22 -0.39957366
#5 2 1604 -1 26 0.23847130
#3 3 3987 0 9 0.09112507
#6 3 3485 1 29 0.47460596
