Wordpress shortcode - weird position on page - wordpress

I created shortcode in my child themes functions.php file.
The shortcode is as follows:
function add_login_form() {
if ( is_user_logged_in() )
echo 'Witaj zalogowany';
add_shortcode('login_form', 'add_login_form');
I added shortcode [login_form] to my website (test area):
It is added to website after the text:
It should be inside first div: <div class="et_pb_row">
But it is shown just after the header of a page. Have you any idea why it happens that way?
Thansk in advance.
But it happens to show before everything on website.

See http://codex.wordpress.org/Shortcode_API on how shortcodes acts. In a shortcode function you should always return the result of the processing done in the shortcode action. Echoing it outputs it as soon as the hook is executed, instead of being inserted in where it should be.
function add_login_form() {
if ( is_user_logged_in() )
return 'Witaj zalogowany';
return wp_login_form(array('echo'=>false));
add_shortcode('login_form', 'add_login_form');
For all arguments of wp_login_form, see http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_login_form .


Hide plugin from admin bar & plugin list

I am trying to hide the following item from the following sections:
Admin bar: ID = wp-admin-bar-nitropack-top-menu
Plugin list: data-slug="nitropack"
I have tried these methods, but can not get it to work. Maybe i have the wrong IDs/Slugs?
Methods: https://divi.space/wordpress-and-divi-code-snippets/hide-any-plugin-from-the-wordpress-dashboard/
Would really appreciate some help, since a customer should not be able to change the settings within this plugin!
Best regards,
The css way
a[data-slug="nitropack"] { //hides all a href's with that data slug
normally if its an wp admin menu you would do something like this:
//remove admin page item
function edit_admin_menus() {
remove_menu_page("index.php"); //Dashboard
remove_menu_page("itsec"); // wp-admin.php?page=itsec use this "itsec"
add_action("admin_menu", "edit_admin_menus");
or you need to remove admin bar item
//remove tool bar item
function remove_toolbar_node($wp_admin_bar) {
// replace 'updraft_admin_node' with your node id "nitropack" something
add_action("admin_bar_menu", "remove_toolbar_node", 999);
FYI, since you need to block access to the plugin you'll need to add a redirect based on member role. The customer may know the actual url and can still access the page.
//Admin or Editor role check, if else send to alt url
function block_pages_for_user() {
$blocked_pages = is_page('slug');
$url = "https://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if( !current_user_can('administrator') && !current_user_can('editor') && !current_user_can('subscriber') && $blocked_pages ) {
wp_redirect( 'http://www.example.dev/your-page/', 301 );
add_action( 'wp', 'block_pages_for_user', 8 );

Where exactly is the "Before Header Content hook" in Wordpress?

I want to add a little code to the "Before Header Content hook" but I don't know where that is... Can you please help me?
add_action('init', 'process_post');
function process_post()
echo "test";
this is a modified version of #ajay 's solution
if you are going to use this, then you have to make sure that the current user is not an admin using is_admin() function.. and only display it if he is not an admin ...
why !?
because if you didn't, it may mess up the wp-admin of your website..
add_action('init', 'process_post');
function process_post()
if (!is_admin()) {
echo "test";
This could be tricky simply because every theme differs with how the loop is displayed, however you could create a plugin to use the loop_start action, which is called before the first post of the standard WP loop:
add_action( 'loop_start', 'test_loop_start' );
function test_loop_start( $query ){
echo 'this is my inserted text';
Now using this would display it every single time the loop is called (whether on a page, a post, category page, search page, etc.), which you may not want.
add_action( 'loop_start', 'test_loop_start' );
function test_loop_start( $query ){
if(is_category() OR is_singular()) {
echo 'this is my inserted text';

How can I use is_page() inside a plugin?

I want my plugin to register a script only in a certain page.
For example, inside my plugin file I want to write something like this:
if (is_page()) {
$pageid_current = get_the_ID();
$page_slug = get_post($pageid_current)->post_name;
if ($page_slug == 'articles'){
wp_register_script('myscript', '/someurl/main.js');
But I get the error:
is_page was called incorrectly. Conditional query tags do not work
before the query is run. Before then, they always return false. Please
see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was
added in version 3.1.)
How can I, inside of a plugin, register a script in a certain page?
is_page() only work within template files.
And to use it within plugin files, you need to use it with the combination of template_redirect action hook.
This action hook executes just before WordPress determines which template page to load.
So following snippet would work:
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'plugin_is_page' );
function plugin_is_page() {
if ( is_page( 'articles' ) ) {
wp_register_script( 'my-js-handler', '/someurl/main.js', [], '1.0.0', true );
You could use is_page() after template redirect so you need to add in the hook like this :
function your_function(){
if ( is_page('test') ) {
// do you thing.
You must register your script as if you want it to work everywhere.
You can de-register it after the job is done, like this:
function deregister_my_script() {
if (!is_page('page-d-exemple') ) {
wp_deregister_script( 'custom-script-1' );
add_action('wp_print_scripts', 'deregister_my_script', 100 );

wordpress plugin dev, detect shortcode usage submit form from widget to that page

I've created a plugin and now want to create a widget containing a form that will submit to the page where my plugin shortcode is embedded from any wordpress page on the front end.
I assume that within my widget code I need to detect the page/post or permalink containing the shortcode and make that the action="" of my form.
Does anyone know how to do this?
I found this code for conditionally loading js/css based on found shortcode but not sure how to adapt to be used in my widget.
add_filter('the_posts', 'conditionally_add_scripts_and_styles'); // the_posts gets triggered before wp_head
function conditionally_add_scripts_and_styles($posts){
if (empty($posts)) return $posts;
$shortcode_found = false; // use this flag to see if styles and scripts need to be enqueued
foreach ($posts as $post) {
if (stripos($post->post_content, '[code]') !== false) {
$shortcode_found = true; // bingo!
if ($shortcode_found) {
// enqueue here
wp_enqueue_style('my-style', '/style.css');
wp_enqueue_script('my-script', '/script.js');
return $posts;
Original post found here: http://beerpla.net/2010/01/13/wordpress-plugin-development-how-to-include-css-and-javascript-conditionally-and-only-when-needed-by-the-posts/
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Russ

WordPress redirect after successful form validation and submit

I have a custom page template with a form in page-report.php.
I do validation on it, so I need the action to lead to the same form, but I need to redirect to a different page on successful validation.
wp_redirect() is not working, because is spitting out the header() function after the output was started already.
wp_redirect('http://thankyou') // redirect
I cannot use ob_start() and ob_flush() because the header is not included in this page template.
I tried to put a function in functions.php :
function redirect_to($page){
But that works only if I don't have the conditional if().
If I use it, the wp_redirect() is being spat out after the output was started.
What is my best approach to do this?
I think you have to use the save_post hook:
do_action('save_post', 'custom_add_save');
function custom_add_save($postID){
// called after a post or page is saved
if($_POST['report']) {
wp_redirect('http://thankyou') // redirect
Also you could just try using a plugin instead of your own code...Gravity Forms and Contact form 7 both work well.
I got it...
Since I was doing everything from inside an admin page, the header was fired up before the wp_redirect() as it was explained in the question.
So I ended up making a new function at the top:
function redirect_to()
if ( isset($_REQUEST['action']) && 'adduser' == $_REQUEST['action'] ) {
That is making sure that the redirect_to() function will be fired up before the header (on admin_init). Maybe not the most elegant solution, but it works perfect.
So in the case anybody is looking for "Redirect after post" in wordpress, this is how you do it:
Try this
if( $_POST['report'] ) {
if( $validator->ValidateForm() ) {
header( 'Location: http://thankyou' ) ;
