vertically centering things in responsive divs - css

I have a background image that I'm maintaining its aspect ratio like so (see fiddle):
width: 100%;
max-width: 703px;
.greeting {
background-image: url('ANIV_ARG_CELEB.jpg');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
position: relative;
min-width: 300px;
min-height: 300px;
width: 100%;
padding: 34.6% 0 0 0;
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="greeting texttop" style="background-image: url('top/ANIV_BOW.jpg');">
<div class="message">
<form action="" method="post">
<textarea name="text"></textarea>
This works great only now I'm trying to place a textbox within the div so that it stays at the top of the image on all devices.
This setup works well for mobile, placing the textbox at the top, however as the screen size grows the textbox becomes lower and lower.
Perhaps this can't be done in a fluid form and needs media queries?

If I understood correctly, you are trying to move the textbox in relative to the image position. The image can be transformed to Landscape or portrait based on vertical or horizontal resize of the window. This is not possible using just css. This can be solved using javascript if you know the dimensions of the Image.
In your case, the image dimensions are 774 X 543. So, here is the solution for that:
$(function () {
var w = 774;
var h = 543;
function setMessageBox() {
var greeting = $('.greeting');
var height = greeting.height();
var width = greeting.width();
if (width > (w / h) * height) {
$('.greeting.texttop .message').css('top', '0px');
} else {
var vHeight = (h * width) / w;
var topSpace = (height - vHeight) / 2;
$('.greeting.texttop .message').css('top', topSpace.toFixed(2) + 'px');
window.onresize = setMessageBox;
Working Fiddle


how to allocate space to a text as much as it needs and then the rest to the right side textInput

I have a Text component and a TextInput on a row beside each other, I what the Text to get space as much as it needs then leave the rest of the width of the device for the TextInput. How can I do that with flexbox? or any other tools? does Dimensions give me the length of a Text so that i can use it to allocate that to the text?
You should be able to get the gist of what is going on from the snippet below. Adapt this to your needs.
var containerWidth = document.getElementById("container").offsetWidth;
var labelWidth = document.getElementById("label").offsetWidth;
var inputWidth = containerWidth - labelWidth - 1 + "px"
document.getElementById("input").setAttribute( "style", `width: ${inputWidth}` );
#container {
width: 300px;
#label {
float: left;
#container, #input, #label {
box-sizing: border-box;
<div id="container">
<label for="input" id="label">Label</label>
<input id="input" type="text" />

How to make canvas responsive

I use bootstrap. I want the user to be able to choose the canvas size while keeping the design screen responsive within the div.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-2 col-sm-2" id="border">content left</div>
<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6" id="border">
Width <input type="number" class="form-control"><br>
Height <input type="number" class="form-control"><br>
<canvas id="canvas" width="500" height="300">
<div class="col-xs-2 col-sm-2" id="border">content right</div>
How can I limit the size of the canvas to the size of the div?
I do not know if it will be necessary to use JavaScript.
It should be taken into account that the width and height values are entered by the user and the canvas must be in div proportional in size
You can have a responsive canvas in 3 short and simple steps:
Remove the width and height attributes from your <canvas>.
<canvas id="responsive-canvas"></canvas>
Using CSS, set the width of your canvas to 100%.
#responsive-canvas {
width: 100%;
Using JavaScript, set the height to some ratio of the width.
var canvas = document.getElementById('responsive-canvas');
var heightRatio = 1.5;
canvas.height = canvas.width * heightRatio;
To change width is not that hard. Just remove the width attribute from the tag and add width: 100%; in the css for #canvas
border: solid 1px blue;
width: 100%;
Changing height is a bit harder: you need javascript. I have used jQuery because i'm more comfortable with.
you need to remove the height attribute from the canvas tag and add this script:
function resize(){
$("#canvas").outerHeight($(window).height()-$("#canvas").offset().top- Math.abs($("#canvas").outerHeight(true) - $("#canvas").outerHeight()));
$(window).on("resize", function(){
You can see this fiddle:
To answer your second question. You need javascript
0) First of all i changed your #border id into a class since ids must be unique for an element inside an html page (you can't have 2 tags with the same id)
border: solid 1px black;
border: solid 1px blue;
width: 100%;
1) Changed your HTML to add ids where needed, two inputs and a button to set the values
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-2 col-sm-2 border">content left</div>
<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 border" id="main-content">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-6">
Width <input id="w-input" type="number" class="form-control">
<div class="col-xs-6">
Height <input id="h-input" type="number" class="form-control">
<div class="col-xs-12 text-right" style="padding: 3px;">
<button id="set-size" class="btn btn-primary">Set</button>
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
<div class="col-xs-2 col-sm-2 border">content right</div>
2) Set the canvas height and width so that it fits inside the container
$("#canvas").outerHeight($(window).height()-$("#canvas").offset().top-Math.abs( $("#canvas").outerHeight(true) - $("#canvas").outerHeight()));
3) Set the values of the width and height forms
4) Finally, whenever you click on the button you set the canvas width and height to the values set. If the width value is bigger than the container's width then it will resize the canvas to the container's width instead (otherwise it will break your layout)
$("#canvas").outerWidth(Math.min($("#w-input").val(), $("#main-content").width()));
See a full example here
To have full control over the width you can use this:
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-2 border">content left</div>
<div class="col-xs-8 border" id="main-content">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-6">
Width <input id="w-input" type="number" class="form-control">
<div class="col-xs-6">
Height <input id="h-input" type="number" class="form-control">
<div class="col-xs-12 text-right" style="padding: 3px;">
<button id="set-size" class="btn btn-primary">Set</button>
<canvas id="canvas">
<div class="col-xs-2 border">content right</div>
$("#canvas").outerHeight($(window).height()-$("#canvas").offset().top-Math.abs( $("#canvas").outerHeight(true) - $("#canvas").outerHeight()));
the content left and content right columns will move above and belove the central div if the width is too high, but this can't be helped if you are using bootstrap. This is not, however, what responsive means. a truly responsive site will adapt its size to the user screen to keep the layout as you have intended without any external input, letting the user set any size which may break your layout does not mean making a responsive site.
The object-fit CSS property sets how the content of a replaced element, such as an img or video, should be resized to fit its container.
Magically, object fit also works on a canvas element. No JavaScript needed, and the canvas doesn't stretch, automatically fills to proportion.
canvas {
width: 100%;
object-fit: contain;
<div class="outer">
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
.outer {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
padding-bottom: 100%;
#canvas {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
extending accepted answer with jquery
what if you want to add more canvas?, this jquery.each answer it
responsiveCanvas(); //first init
responsiveCanvas(); //every resizing
stage.update(); //update the canvas, stage is object of easeljs
function responsiveCanvas(target){
var parentWidth = $(this).parent().outerWidth();
var parentHeight = $(this).parent().outerHeight();
$(this).attr('width', parentWidth);
$(this).attr('height', parentHeight);
it will do all the job for you
why we dont set the width or the height via css or style? because it will stretch your canvas instead of make it into expecting size
this seems to be working :
border: solid 1px blue;
One of the best possible way to do this without even using JavaScript is to just put that canvas inside a div tag and then display block (Note: width:100%; height:100%; is completely optional).
Run the snippet below to see how it works.....
.container {
display: block;
margin: auto;
height: auto;
#canvas {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
border: 1px solid black;
<div class="container">
<!-- width and height are set just to show you it actually works-->
<canvas id="canvas" width=864 height=480></canvas>
There's a better way to do this in modern browsers using the vh and vw units.
vh is the viewport height.
So you can try something like this:
canvas {
border: solid 2px purple;
background-color: green;
width: 100%;
height: 80vh;
This will distort the aspect ration.
You can keep the aspect ratio by using the same unit for each. Here's an example with a 2:1 aspect ratio:
canvas {
width: 40vh;
height: 80vh;
try using max-width: 100%; on your canvas.
canvas {
max-width: 100%;
Hi I know this post has been going on for a while, but I had a very similar problem with my canvas. like mentioned as the viewport gets resized and so does the elements within the window. This can be done using css, however it doesnt quite apply to the elements within the canvas. Now if your canvas context is 2D this is the solution that works for me...
This can be used as a method.
class ParentObject{
* #this this._width - Private width variable that would store the size of the window width
this._width = Number();
* #this this._height - Private Height variable that would store the height of the window
this._height= Number();
* Calls the getCanvasDimensions method
//Getting the Width and Height as soon as the Window loads
//As the window is resized we are getting the new Canvas Dimensions
getCanvasDimensions() {
// Width is determined by the css value for the viewport width this is then respected by the device pixel ratio. This is then used to set the canvas.width value
this._width = Math.round((Number(getComputedStyle(canvas).getPropertyValue('width').slice(0,-2))/devicePixelRatio) * devicePixelRatio);
//Setting the canvas width
canvas.width = this._width
// height is determined by the css value for the viewport height this is then respected by the device pixel ratio. This is then used to set the canvas.height value
this._height = Math.round((Number(getComputedStyle(canvas).getPropertyValue('height').slice(0,-2))/devicePixelRatio) * devicePixelRatio);
//Setting the canvas height
canvas.height = this._height
get width(){
//This sets the width to the private _width value
return this._width
get height(){
//This sets the height to the private _height value
return this._height
As a function on the global scope:
let width,height
function responsiveCanvas(){
let w = Math.round((Number(getComputedStyle(canvas).getPropertyValue('width').slice(0,-2))/devicePixelRatio) * devicePixelRatio);
width = canvas.height = w;
let h = Math.round((Number(getComputedStyle(canvas).getPropertyValue('height').slice(0,-2))/devicePixelRatio) * devicePixelRatio);
height = canvas.height = h;
Then just use the width and height variables to reference the sizes.
Anyways I hope that this helps someone out.
Try changing the width of the canvas to be equal to it's parent element.
<span class="Wrapper">
<canvas id="myChart" ></canvas>
const ctx = document.getElementById('myChart');
ctx.width = ctx.parentElement.offsetWidth;
ctx.height = ctx.parentElement.offsetHeight;

infinite scrolling in both ways within div

i'm making a website with 3 div columns that have overflow: scroll. (see screensho there:
I want to make the image scrolling divs infinite as in: they should loop. The end of the div should be connected with the beginning of the div seamless.
I found this fiddle:
this is exactly what i want to do, but it wont work in my html. I think it is using the body to scroll and not a individual div, and since my body is height: 100% it will not scroll properly.
any way to make this work? here's the JS from the fiddle:
var html = $(".what").html();
var what = '<div class="what">'+html+'</div>';
$(window).scroll(function() {
if ( $(window).scrollTop() >= ($('body').height() - $(window).height()) ) {
if ($(".what").length > 2) {
$(window).scrollTop($(window).scrollTop() - $(".what").first().height());
else if ( $(window).scrollTop() == 0 ) {
if ($(".what").length > 2) {
})( jQuery );
<div class="what">
<img src=""/>
<img src=""/>
<img src=""/>
<img src=""/>
margin: 0 auto;

How to make popup slide down from under the header in Jquery Mobile

Right now when i summon a popup it appears over the header and then slides down beneath it. Check out what it looks like now.
I would like the popup to slide down from underneath the header. I've tried setting the z index of the popup lower than the header but it didnt do anything. Apparently you need to explicitly set the positioning of elements to use z index but when I did that it totally messed up the UI.
Here's the relevant code
<div data-role="popup" id="alertPopup" class="ui-content" data-shadow="false" data-transition="slidedown" data-dismissible="false" data-corners="false" data-position-to="origin">
<p id="popupText"></p>
var horizontal = Math.floor(window.innerWidth/2);
var vertical = 80;
var popupOptions = {
x: horizontal,
y: vertical
if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.ZERO_RESULTS) {
$("#popupText").text("No transit options could be found.");//using popups instead of alerts because these will go away by themselves instead of forcing user to tap.
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
I think that using a jQM popup widget will not work for this because jQM creates a transparent overlay that covers the page, then a popup container above the overlay and then it places the popup within the container. So there is no way to have the popup be under the header.
Instead, you could use an absolutely positioned DIV for your popup and use the jQuery slideToggle() method to display it.
Add the notification div to the content:
<div data-role="content" id="content">
<div id="notify" class="ui-body-inherit ui-content">
<p id="notifyText">hello</p>
I am Content
Setup the CSS to absolutely position the div and hide it until needed:
#notify {
border-width: 1px;
border-style: solid;
display: none;
position: absolute;
#notify p {
margin: 0;
In the script, set the text, calculate position and show it with slide toggle (I added a timeout on the show just so the fiddle can finish drawing the page before the notification is shown).
$("#notifyText").text("No transit options could be found.");
var $notify = $("#notify");
var vertical = $(".ui-header").outerHeight() -1; //height of header
var w = $notify.width();
var left = (Math.floor((window.innerWidth - w) / 2));
$notify.css({ left: w + "px", top: vertical + "px"});
setTimeout(function() {
$notify.slideToggle(500); //delay showing for the fiddle
}, 500);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000);
Your updated FIDDLE

Image not loading in chrome from css background property

I am using "background: #BDBDBD url(image.png) top left no-repeat" this css property for two div elements which has width and height set. On clicking a button I am changing the width of both the nested divs dynamically by making the function run continuously with the help of setInterval(). The image is not loading in chrome but it works fine in firefox and IE .. Many searches convey that using background image in chrome is not working but none of those solutions seems to work.
<div id="boxes">
<div id="dialog" class="window" style="overflow: auto">
<div id="progressBar" class="meter-wrap" style="display: block;position: relative; margin: auto;">
<div class="meter-value" style="background-color: #05C; width: 40%">
<div class="meter-text">
<div class="meter-text-message">
.meter-wrap, .meter-value, .meter-text {
width: 155px; height: 30px;
.meter-wrap, .meter-value {
background: #bdbdbd url('/sf-images/tracker/inline_progress_bar.png') top left no-repeat;
js code:
function setProgressBar() {
var pgBar = jQuery("#progressBar");;
running = true;
var inter = null;
function run() {
pgBar.find(".meter-value").css("width", progress + "%");
pgBar.find(".meter-text").text(progress + "%");
if (progress == 100) {
running = false;
inter = setInterval(run, 50);
Found that the image is not loading for first time, I made the div element visible with the image as background by another method. After that , when I execute the above js method image loads properly.
