Bootstrap - Only shows two glyphicons in bootstrap 3 - css

I imported the css/js/font of bootstrap3 in my sample html page. But in the case of glyphicons. It shows only two Glyphicon properly (glyphicon-asterisk, glyphicon-plus). All others are not showing. So i open the glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf file and it shows only two symbols (glyphicon-asterisk, glyphicon-plus) with some texts. May be this becomes the problem. How can i resolve this problem?

Try including this link
It will show all glyphs.
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
or refer this LINK for CDN


Problem with css not loading fast enough on vuejs app

On my vue PWA the css from vue bootstrap and buefy seems to undergo Slow loading of CSS.
I've tried V cloak, but it only hides components ms. after you see a see a glimpse of raw html with no css.
I'm trying to find a way on how to get a loader to show or something that hides the first milliseconds of html blocks or initially fix how the html blocks don't show without any style/don't show at all like on the gif below.
I appreciate any solutions here.
(Can't show image/gif here due to reputation rule)
Click here for gif
The gif shows that the js is loaded before the css. This usually means that the css file is referenced too late in your index.html file. References (usually <link> elements) are loaded in the order that they're listed in html. Check your site in the inspector, and see where your css is listed
<link href="/app.js" rel="preload" as="script />
<link href="/app.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<style type="text/css"> ... </style>
// app.js should come first
This should be done automatically by vue-style-loader, which should be included in vue/cli-service. Are you using the vue cli?

How do I get Font-Awesome to work within the confines of an eBay listing?

So I've been slowly trudging my way through a responsive eBay listing template using Bootstrap, it took some trial and error but I seem to have nailed everything down except the ability to use font-awesome in the listing.
The first attempt at a solution was to point to the font-awesome cdn for the css file which is supposed to include the necessary information to embed the font, but it did not work.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
I read somewhere else where the link had http: in front, so I tried that, it also didn't work.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
Then I tried to point it all directly to my own server. So I put a full path to the css file on my server:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
Then I edited the css file directly in order to put the correct path to the font files themselves in the css file, example:
None of these solutions have worked. If I pull up my test template on the server that points to the same css file, they work fine there. Is there a way to load font-awesome for use within an ebay listing, or is crippled beyond workability?
I am having no issues with this. The following code correctly displays a cog in my ebay listing.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<i class="fa fa-cogs"></i>

How to use font awesome with css

How can I use font-awesome in css? I searched and see that I just need to download and copy font-awesome directory into my porject then display the icon by using content in css. But instead of displaying awesome icons, it displayed weird and undefinable characters. Does anyone know how to use/fix it properly?
add this in the head of your html page: <link href="//" rel="stylesheet">

Bootstrap glyphicons without changing fonts

I am using Bootstraps glyphicons, including them like this:
<!-- Load Bootstrap CSS (Flatly) and Javascript -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src="//"></script>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
Before I loaded the glyphicons CSS file my fonts were fine. I did not set the font, instead using whatever Bootstrap or jQuery sets the font by default.
Now I have included that glyphicon CSS file, my fonts have changed. Can I utilize the glyphicons whilst ignoring the fonts?
As you can see here you don't need to load the glyphicons separately, just be sure to load stock Bootstrap before flatly, and you're good to go.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
Also, it's usually considered best practice load your .js files after all html content, so it doesn't impact page load.
You are using a custom version of Bootstrap css that already includes the icons and imports a custom Google font. Check the file you're linking to here:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
This file contains all of the styles for the glyphicons embedded in it, so no need to separately add the link to the cdn for <link href="//" rel="stylesheet">.
As for you fonts "changing", the first line in this file imports the Lato font from Google and sets as the body font. If you don't want to use the custom font, download the flatly css file (instead of linking to the remote file) and remove the import statement at the top of the css file. Or, override the styles in your own css file. (Better to do the former, as it would be a waste to have your site visitors download the Google fonts, if you're not using them).

User agent stylesheet overriding my table style? Twitter Bootstrap

I'm using twitter bootstrap. My problem is that font-sizes in tables are wrong. For some reason the User Agent stylesheet is overriding the bootstrap table styles.
On the twitter bootstrap page ( everything is of course working correctly.
In my inspector I see the following difference:
My page:
The twitter bootstrap page:
So definitely the problem is that the user agent stylesheet is overriding the bootstrap styles.
I haven't been able to figure out why this is different on my page and the twitter bootstrap page.
Most of the other CSS is working fine.
My css import:
<link href="/media/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css" rel= "stylesheet">
CSS import on twitter bootstrap page:
<link href="assets/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
I actually figured this out myself. I had the <!DOCTYPE html> tag wrongly written. So if you have this problem make sure the doctype declaration is correct!
Please import the docs.css into your application as well. If I must say so, you must have realized that the Twitter Bootstrap Docs are using bootstrap.css and a custom docs.css. Try doing, which you can download from the github package. Then, try playing around with the table classes in docs. css without messing with the master css. Or try adding DOCTYPE in headers.
<link href="/media/bootstrap/css/docs.css" rel= "stylesheet">
If declaring <!DOCTYPE html> in the very beginning doesn't work, then it's probably not your user-agent style sheet casuing it. It may be Bootstrap's style sheet overriding your styles (I've had this problem). Make sure your style sheet is linked to after Bootstrap's style sheet in your HTML.
<link href="css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="css/mystylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- Your custom style sheet goes after Bootstrap's -->
I had the same issue as the OP. I wanted lovely small text and some user stylesheet was overiding it and putting:
font-size: medium;
When I wanted:
I placed the following at the top of my HTML page:
<!DOCTYPE html>
All was good then, a bad habit to get into to not declare doctype at the top. All user stylesheets have now gone.
To discover what is overriding what on your CSS it is always a good idea to inspect element (F12) and you can modify and untick attributes on the fly until you get to right, then update your CSS file with it!
However if you do have a user stylesheet issue, these values will be locked.
Check whether your CSS is called or not in browser dev tools (press F12) under network column.
If it is not called, use your style sheets with1 rel="stylesheet" type="text/css".
It worked for me.
