I have a function where i do theses 2 requests :
$in = $this->em->getRepository("QueensBundle:CaisseMvtArticle")
$out = $this->em->getRepository("QueensBundle:CaisseMvtArticle")
when i execute it and try to read the second request result, the variable $out has the same data as the first ($in). when i remove the first query($in) , the $out variable has the expected datas. I don't understand this. What can i do to get the two requests executed and get good results for each one ?
I am relatively new to tcl dictionaries and don't see a good documentation on how to initialize an empty dictionary, loop over a log and save data into it. Finally I want to print a table that looks like this:
- Table:
Step 1 Start Time End Time
Step 2 Start Time End Time
- Log:
Start Time : 10am
End Time: 11am
Start Time : 11am
End time : 12pm
Start Time : 12pm
End Time: 1pm
Start Time : 1pm
End time : 2pm
You really don't have to initialise an empty dictionary in Tcl - you can simply start using it and it will get populated as you go along. As mentioned already, dict man page is the best way to start.
Additionally, I would suggest you check the regexp man page as you can use it nicely to parse your text file.
Not having anything better to do atm, I cobbled together a short sample code that should get you started. Use it as a starting tip, adjust it to your particular log layout and add some defensive measures to prevent errors from unexpected input.
# The following line is not strictly necessary as Tcl does not
# require you to first create an empty dictionary.
# You can simply start using 'dict set' commands below and the first
# one will create a dictionary for you.
# However, declaring something as a dict does add to code clarity.
set tableDict [dict create]
# Depending on your log sanity, you may want to declare some defaults
# so as to avoid errors in case the log file misses one of the expected
# lines (e.g. 'HEADx' is missing).
set headNumber {UNKNOWN}
set stepNumber {UNKNOWN}
set start {UNKNOWN}
set stop {UNKNOWN}
# Now read the file line by line and extract the interesting info.
# If the file indeed contains all of the required lines and exactly
# formatted as in your example, this should work.
# If there are discrepancies, adjust regex accordingly.
set log [open log.txt]
while {[gets $log line] != -1} {
if {[regexp {HEAD([0-9]+)} $line all value]} {
set headNumber $value
if {[regexp {Step([0-9]+)} $line all value]} {
set stepNumber $value
if {[regexp {Start Time : ([0-9]+(?:am|pm))} $line all value]} {
set start $value
# NOTE: I am assuming that your example was typed by hand and all
# inconsistencies stem from there. Otherwise, you have to adjust
# the regular expressions as 'End Time' is written with varying
# capitalization and with inconsistent white spaces around ':'
if {[regexp {End Time : ([0-9]+(?:am|pm))} $line all value]} {
set start $value
# NOTE: This short example relies heavily on the log file
# being formatted exactly as described. Therefore, as soon
# as we find 'End Time' line, we assume that we already have
# everything necessary for the next dictionary entry
dict set tableDict HEAD$headNumber Step$stepNumber StartTime $start
dict set tableDict HEAD$headNumber Step$stepNumber EndTime $stop
close $log
# You can now get your data from the dictionary and output your table
foreach head [dict keys $tableDict] {
puts $head
foreach step [dict keys [dict get $tableDict $head]] {
set start [dict get $tableDict $head $step StartTime]
set stop [dict get $tableDict $head $step EndTime]
puts "$step $start $stop"
I used the following code to extract search results from "PHP Simple HTML DOM"
$url = "http://www.google.com/search? hl=en&safe=active&tbo=d&site=&source=hp&q={'$query'}&oq={'$query'}";
$html = file_get_html($url);
$linkObjs = $html->find('h3.r a');
but it returned maximum 10 results is anyway to retrieve 100 results from the search?
Thank you
Use num=100 parameter in the url like this one
$url = "http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=active&tbo=d&site=&source=hp&num=100&q={'$query'}&oq={'$query'}";
I wrote a function where two insert query have. One is executed and inserting data properly. But next one is not executing. And I cant check the value i want to insert if it is set or not. How to do the stuff? EXPERT's have a look kindly. My function is given below:
add_action( 'save_post', 'cs_product_save' );
function cs_product_save( $post_id ){
global $wpdb;
$cs_product_array = $_POST['cs_product'];
$cs_product_count = count($cs_product_array);
$event_start_date = $_POST['event_start_date'];
$event_end_date = $_POST['event_end_date'];
$event_start_time = $_POST['event_start_time'];
$event_end_time = $_POST['event_end_time'];
$event_all_day = $_POST['event_all_day'];
$event_phone = $_POST['event_phone'];
$event_location = $_POST['event_location'];
$event_map = $_POST['event_map'];
$table_cause_product = "wp_cause_woocommerce_product";
$table_event_info = "wp_cause_info";
for( $i=0; $i < $cs_product_count; $i++ ){
I don't see any problem here with your code. But be sure to double check your code.
The issues my be with the name of your database table names. Are you sure that $table_cause_product and $table_event_info holds the actual name of the tables? I would recommend to use $wpdb->prefix instead of harcoding table names.
In my case I would check the function in several parts.
Check the $_POST actually holds the data I want.
Use $result = $wpdb->insert( $table, $data, $format ); in all cases for debug purpose as the $result would hold the result of the operation. If its is false then I would be sure that there is definitely something wrong with the operation.
Finally I would use a wp_die() (though its not a standard way to do, but it suffices my purpose) so that I can see the dumped variable data.
One major issue you might face with your code that if the post is edited after saving then it might insert another row for same post data. Again if the post is being autosaved, you need some safeguard. I would recommend a where clause here to check the row already exists or not. If exists then you can simply update the row, or else insert the data.
Hope this might help you.
I would like to pass a variable in different functions, within an SQL request, as described below :
popup = display.newImage( "interface/popup-1.png")
popup:addEventListener( 'tap', displaySpeech)
This is where i took my variable 'character'
function speak(event)
character = event.target.destination
function displaySpeech(character)
function displaySpeech_get(number,character)
for row in db:nrows("SELECT * FROM speeches WHERE character='"..character.."' LIMIT "..tostring(number)..",1") do
The first "reply" of my SQL request appareas but once i call a second time the function displaySpeech_get(number, character) it shows an error. I tried to print the variable 'character', it gets a table ID !
Any solution ?
I am very baffled by this problem.
The below is the very simple function to update a column by adding some more value:
public function add_user_to_new_post_sub($email, $sub_post_type) {
global $wpdb;
$add_setting = "|||".$sub_post_type;
//echo $add_setting; exit;
"UPDATE $this->subscriptions_table
SET subscription_settings = concat(subscription_settings, '$add_setting')
WHERE user_key = '$key'"
For some reason, the $sub_post_type is always added 2 times. As an example, if the subscription_settings column has apple in it, and $sub_post_type = orange, the end result after the query would be apple|||orange|||orange. I don't understand why the extra value being added. I even did a sanity check with echo to make sure I am not passing things twice, and I am not.
Please help, I have been struggling for some time now.
I found my reason; the function was being called again through another if statement. doh