I'm doing a widget with dashing.io and I would like to change the jenkins jobs according to the color I receive in my json file (wich I get from the Jenkins API).
ie: The job is complete, I get the color value "blue" from my json file and I want the text to be blue on the "widget jenkins" i my dashboard.
Problem: I don't really know how to get my data from my json file in my coffeescript script. Neither I know how to change the css.
My json file goes like this:
"assignedLabels" : [
"mode" : "NORMAL",
"nodeDescription" : "blabla",
"nodeName" : "",
"numExecutors" : blabla,
"description" : blabla,
"jobs" : [
"name" : "JOB_NAME",
"url" : "MY_JOB_URL",
"color" : "blue"
Here is my widget code:
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
require 'time'
JENKINS_URI = URI.parse("jenkins_url")
'name' => 'user',
'password' => 'pwd'
def get_json_for_master_jenkins()
http = Net::HTTP.new(JENKINS_URI.host, JENKINS_URI.port)
request = Net::HTTP::Get.new("/jenkins/api/json?pretty=true")
if JENKINS_AUTH['name']
request.basic_auth(JENKINS_AUTH['name'], JENKINS_AUTH['password'])
response = http.request(request)
# the key of this mapping must be a unique identifier for your job, the according value must be the name that is specified in jenkins
SCHEDULER.every '100s', :first_in => 0 do |job|
thom = get_json_for_master_jenkins()
jobs: thom['jobs'][0..4],
Could you guys help me ? I'm really new to this, try to make it simple please.
OK, I think I found the answer.
Jenkins is built on batman.js, and there is a way to interact with the DOM.
I use the provided batman.js attribute data-bind-class like this in my widget HTML:
#CSS stuff goes here
I am trying to query which build number(s) produced artifacts from build foo with artifact property vcs.Revision=aabbccddee123456.
In Artifactory 5.1.3.
I was trying like this so far:
curl -u user:apikey -i -X POST https://artifactory.foobar.com/artifactory/api/search/aql -H "content-type:text/plain" -T query.json
However, none of these 3 lines seem individually correct:
returns nothing,
returns the same empty response,
builds.find({"module.artifact.item.#vcs.Revision":"aabbccddee123456"}) also returns this:
"results" : [ ],
"range" : {
"start_pos" : 0,
"end_pos" : 0,
"total" : 0
What am I doing wrong here? I do see in the webapp the builds I published with this name, and with the correct artifact properties.
Here's a working solution that will give build numbers (since giving admin rights to query builds is not a solution for us):
This returns a list of all the artifacts that were built with the relevant properties, with the build number attached, e.g:
"results" : [ {
"repo" : "snapshot-local",
"path" : "foo/42",
"name" : "a.out",
"type" : "file",
"size" : 123456789,
"created" : "2018-07-05T12:34:56.789+09:00",
"created_by" : "jenkins",
"modified" : "2018-07-05T12:34:56.789+09:00",
"modified_by" : "jenkins",
"updated" : "2018-07-05T12:34:56.789+09:00",
"artifacts" : [ {
"modules" : [ {
"builds" : [ {
"build.number" : "42"
} ]
} ]
} ]
"range" : {
"start_pos" : 0,
"end_pos" : 30,
"total" : 30
I can then parse this to extract build.number.
Certain AQL queries requires a user with admin permissions.
To ensure that non-privileged users do not gain access to information without the right permissions, users without admin privileges have the following restrictions:
The primary domain in the query may only be item.
The following three fields must be included in the include directive: name, repo, and path.
In your case, you are using the build domain in the query which requires admin permissions
I'm trying to get started with Firebase and I just want to make sure that this data structure is optimized for Firebase.
The conversation object/tree/whatever looks like this:
conversations: {
"-JRHTHaKuITFIhnj02kE": {
user_one_id: "054bd9ea-5e05-442b-a03d-4ff8e763030b",
user_two_id: "0b1b89b7-2580-4d39-ae6e-22ba6773e004",
user_one_name: "Christina",
user_two_name: "Conor",
user_one_typing: false,
user_two_typing: false,
last_message_text: "Hey girl, what are you doing?",
last_message_type: "TEXT",
last_message_date: 0
and the messages object looks like so:
messages: {
"-JRHTHaKuITFIhnj02kE": {
conversation: "-JRHTHaKuITFIhnj02kE",
sender: "054bd9ea-5e05-442b-a03d-4ff8e763030b",
message: "Hey girl, what are you doing?",
message_type: "TEXT",
message_date: 0
Is storing the name relative to the user in the conversation object needed, or can I easily look up the name of the user by the users UID on the fly? Other than the name question, is this good? I don't want to get started with a really bad data structure.
Note: Yes, i know the UID for the conversation & message are the same, I got tired of making up variables.
I usually model the data that I need to show in a single screen in a single location in the database. That makes it possible to retrieve that data with a single read/listener.
Following that train of thought it makes sense to keep the user name in the conversation node. In fact, I usually keep the username in each message node too. The latter prevents the need for a lookup, although in this case I might be expanding the data model a bit far for the sake of keep the code as simple as possible.
For the naming of the chat: if this is a fairly standard chat app, then user may expect to have a persistent 1:1 chat with each other, so that every time you and I chat, we end up in the same room. A good approach for accomplishing that in the data model, can be found in this answer: Best way to manage Chat channels in Firebase
I don't think you structured it right. You should bare in mind "What if" complete analysis.
Though, I would recommend structuring it this way (I made it up for fun, not really tested in-terms of performance when getting a huge traffic. but you can always do denormalization to increase performance when needed):
"conversation-messages" : {
"--JpntMPN_iPC3pKDUX9Z" : {
"-Jpnjg_7eom7pMG6LDe1" : {
"message" : "hey! Who are you?",
"timestamp" : 1432165992987,
"type" : "text",
"userId" : "user:-Jpnjcdp6YXM0auS1BAT"
"-JpnjibdwWpf1k-zS3SD" : {
"message" : "Arya Stark. You?",
"timestamp" : 1432166001453,
"type" : "text",
"userId" : "user:-OuJffgdYY0jshTFD"
"-JpnkqRjkz5oT9sTrKYU" : {
"message" : "no one. a man has no name.",
"timestamp" : 1432166295571,
"type" : "text",
"userId" : "user:-Jpnjcdp6YXM0auS1BAT"
"conversations-metadata" : { // to show the conversation list from all users for each user
"-JpntMPN_iPC3pKDUX9Z" : {
"id": "-JpntMPN_iPC3pKDUX9Z",
"lastMsg": "no one. a man has no name.",
"messages_id": "-JpntMPN_iPC3pKDUX9Z"
"users" : {
"user:-Jpnjcdp6YXM0auS1BAT" : {
"id" : "user:-Jpnjcdp6YXM0auS1BAT",
"name" : "many-faced foo",
"ProfileImg" : "...."
"user:-Yabba_Dabba_Doo" : {
"conversation_id": "-JpntMPN_iPC3pKDUX9Z",
"read" : false
"user:-Yabba_Dabba_Doo" : {
"id" : "user:-Yabba_Dabba_Doo",
"name" : "Arya Stark",
"ProfileImg" : "...."
"user:-Jpnjcdp6YXM0auS1BAT" : {
"conversation_id": "-JpntMPN_iPC3pKDUX9Z",
"read" : true
I've previously used slingshot and the process it pretty simple: we upload the image and it returns the uploaded url of the s3 bucket.
Now I want to resize the image and need to perform some operations on the image, so I switched to the cfs:s3 package. But when I try to upload the image, it returns some record with no url and in the db it stores it as:
"_id" : "Rwa7Xo65pv6cAP2aY",
"copies" : {
"thumbs" : {
"name" : "306032-facebook.jpg",
"type" : "image/jpeg",
"size" : 4262,
"key" : "thumbs/Rwa7Xo65pv6cAP2aY-306032-facebook.jpg",
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2015-02-14T06:44:04.476Z"),
"createdAt" : ISODate("2015-02-14T06:44:04.476Z")
"original" : {
"name" : "306032-facebook.jpg",
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2015-01-30T09:48:58.000Z"),
"size" : 4262,
"type" : "image/jpeg"
"uploadedAt" : ISODate("2015-02-14T06:43:59.062Z")
How can I get the URL from this record? (I suppose it is key in thumbs) Is it linking my server url to amazon s3 url?
What are the advantages of this method over slingshot?
How do I know the upload is completed? I can't figure out any ui helpers, are there any reactive helpers to track download percentage?
The URL will be your s3 end point (e.g. s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/) + the key. I suggest you to create a constant for your end point and a register helper to return the URL.
Something like this
Template.registerHelper('THUMBS_URL', function(key){
return S3_ENDPOINT + key;
I haven't used slingshot yet so can't comment on it.
There is a isUploaded helper function in collectionFS.
OK... let me start by saying I know there is a similar post here (How to create a Drupal rule to check (on cron) a date field and if passed set field "status" to "ended"?) but the answer on that post does not work. Step 4 (In the component add the condition 'Data comparison' and select node:type) does not work or even exists as an option.
What I need to do is this:
On Cron > If content type is event and the end date has passed the current date then change the status field from Active to Ended. (select list)
I was able to do this by using the Event: Content is viewed but I really need to to work when cron is ran.
Side note: with the current version I have (Content is viewed) it does change Active to Ended but it also for some reason deletes the title of the node which is strange becuase the title filed is required by Drupal... any idea wht that is happening?
Not sure if it helps but here is an export of what I have done myself:
{ "rules_event_status" : {
"LABEL" : "Event Status",
"PLUGIN" : "reaction rule",
"ACTIVE" : false,
"REQUIRES" : [ "rules", "php" ],
"ON" : [ "node_view" ],
"IF" : [
{ "node_is_of_type" : { "node" : [ "node" ], "type" : { "value" : { "event" : "event" } } } },
{ "AND" : [] },
{ "php_eval" : { "code" : "\/\/dpm(strtotime($node-\u003Efield_event_date_time[LANGUAGE_NONE][0][\u0027value2\u0027]));\r\nif (time() \u003E strtotime($node-\u003Efield_event_date_time[LANGUAGE_NONE][0][\u0027value2\u0027]))\r\n{\r\n return true;\r\n}" } }
"DO" : [
{ "data_set" : { "data" : [ "node:field-event-status" ], "value" : "Ended" } }
Any help is very much appreciated.
to use any custom fields or fields created by other modules than node, you have to add condition "entity has field" to your rules which will make that field "visible" and accesible for later work
side note: I think you can do the date comparison without php_eval, just add another entity has field condition and create "data comparison" condition. There should be tokens available to your needs
Not sure I fully understand the question: rules can be triggered by cron.
You should be able to get it to run when cron executes by picking the "React on event" attribute of the rule to "System > Cron maintenance tasks are executed".
Am I missing something?
I'm trying to add some rules programmatically, I'm following this tutorial to manage different price list depending of the rules. To create the rules it usesa default_rules_configuration hook which will be executed "when the rules will be loaded".
1 - It's not really clear, when "rules are being loaded", apparently running the cron do it. Is it the only way to trigger it ?
2 - Is there a way to add rules programmatically, so rule can be added in the insert role hook, or is this default_rules hook the only way to do it ?
1 - According to hook_default_rules_configuration() documentation:
This hook is invoked when rules configurations are loaded.
The function is actually called when you clear your cache as this is when Drupal rebuilds the default entities provided in code through entity_defaults_rebuild().
You can examine the full call stack as to how hook_default_rules_configuration function is called using debug_backtrace()
2 - To set a rule that reacts on inserting a role, you actually have to create a rule that reacts on a user insert action and then check the role saved to see if it matches the role that you're interested in reacting to.
I find it easier to do this via the UI. Here's an export of a rule that checks to see if the user is assigned the anonymous role and sends an email to admin if so:
{ "rules_role_change_rule" : {
"LABEL" : "Role change rule",
"PLUGIN" : "reaction rule",
"REQUIRES" : [ "rules" ],
"ON" : [ "user_insert" ],
"IF" : [
{ "user_has_role" : { "account" : [ "account" ], "roles" : { "value" : { "1" : "1" } } } }
"DO" : [
{ "mail" : {
"to" : "admin#website.com",
"subject" : "User role changed",
"message" : "User role has changed",
"from" : "drupal#website.com",
"language" : [ "" ]
You would still have to implement hook_default_rules_configuration but replace the rule in the tutorial with one that suits your needs.