woocommerce add extra product product page - wordpress

I'm pretty new to woocommerce so if i'm asking something stupid....please forgive me.
At the moment I'm building a webhop. The product are toys. Some toys also have a manual which can be purchased seperatly.
On the single-product-page I can see my product and I can add it to my cart. But this is only the product itself without the manual for that product. On the same single-product-page I want that vistors can add the manual for the product to the cart also.
I played with variables, grouped etc, but it's not the same as what I want.
Can this be done easily?


WooCommerce additional booking form

in advance apologies for my English. think i speak better than my write.
so i have tour agency web site, with woocommerce Booking. this is my sample situation: I use bookable product for my services products. when i click on a product this shows normal tittle, then pictures and on right side the booking form fields. (here is ok)
But, i dont know if there is an a plugin or shortcode for this?...i have two differents categories into the same product, sample:( Chichen itza tour) for this i have 1.Regular Group Tour package and 2.Deluxe Private Tour
i would like to have into the product page an additional booking form, first one for Regular Tour and second for Deluxe tour.
so the tittle product, pictures, then right side with two options booking form.
hope my situation can helps to more people. and hope someone can help me to solve this.
im attaching a picture of a sample product page with two booking forms.
Without the picture it is a bit difficult to say, but you could use WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate. This allows you to add custom fields to a product variation based on a condition.
So, for example; Show this field if the variation is Deluxe Private Tour.
More info here: https://pluginrepublic.com/custom-fields-for-woocommerce-variations/

How to get woocommerce stock quantity from another woocommerce shop

I have two woocommerce shops,
one of them have a lot of products and one of them is new.
both shop products are the same and the new one have some different products too.
now I want my new shop, get stock quantity and prices from the old shop and sync it automatically every one hour. because I don't have enough time to manage both.
is there any easy way to do this?
I don't know php coding as expert but I can edit some php codes if there is any clear guide.

Add multiple cross sell products to cart from product page

I'm surprised im asking this as i would assume it is fairly easy to do but i've been trying and playing with plugins for days and not able to get the result i need.
I am trying to add multiple cross sell options to a woocommerce product so that a user can select multiple add-on products and add them to the cart with the main product from the product page.
Fore example: If the main product is a toy car, the add-on options might be batteries, extra remote control, etc. The customer could check the items they want and all would be separately added to the cart (by separately i mean so the customer could later decide to remove the toy car from the cart, but the batteries and extra remote would still remain in the cart until they were also removed).
I have tried various things including: product variations (core), product bundles (woo and yith), product addons (woo and yith), composite products (woo and yith). None can do all of the above.
If anyone can suggest a way to do it with either core or a plugin i would be VERY grateful!
Thanks for reading :)
It's been a while and I assume you already found the answer, but in case you haven't, you may add (manually) all the products that matches the product in the cart. You can do so in the product's page (admin panel) in "linked products", where "Cross-Sells" are the ones that will show in the cart.
The only thing is that by default, WooCommerce allows only 2 products to be linked. You may override that limit by inserting in your theme's "functions.php" file, the following line.
add_filter( 'woocommerce_cross_sells_columns', 'change_cross_sells_columns' );
function change_cross_sells_columns( $columns ) {
return 6;
In the example above, "6" is the limit. You may use any number, but you should use it wisely, as too many products shown in the cart will only confuse customers.
I hope this helps.

woocommerce composite products - surcharge some item

I'm looking for answers for many many days and hours... And for the moment, in Woothemes I have no feedback to my question.
I begin with WordPress and Woocommerce.
The plugin Composite products is absolutely what I needed, except for one thing :
My composite products have a fixed price. My components are like a restaurant's menu (it's for a fast-food) that people can custom.
But my problem is that for a few products, i have to surcharge. I have to add 2 or 3 euros to my Composite product's price, and when the product with surcharge is selected, price has to be shown in this product page, and of course has to be calculated in my cart.
I think there is an issue with wordpress filters and actions, but it's not yet completely clear in my brain !!!
I tried to write a PHP code for the cart, it works
but I think that ergonomically it's not a good solution, people has to see directly the new price in product page when he makes his selection.

Woocommerce multistep shopping cart

I need to create a woocommerce multistep shopping cart. I tried to use this plugin(Woocommerce multi step checkout) but It's working only on checkout process. I need to add it on shopping cart as well. Please follow this image. This is how my shopping cart looks like.
1) I'm selling perfumes. so when someone adds a product to cart I need to display a popup to choose free sample of that product.It also need to add to the cart as a free item.
2) and then I need to follow those 5 steps like this image.
Can someone help me ? Your help is highly appritiated.
I know this is an old post but have a look at the following extension by WooCommerce:
Might not be a full solution to your requirements but would at least provide you with the functionality you require.
