Determine If Signalr Scale Out Is Necessary -

I am having trouble wrapping my head around whether or not my scenario will require scale out. I have a process in a windows service that pushes messages to a hub hosted in a web app via the signalr .net client. These are user specific messages and are distributed using the Client(connectionid) approach. If this is deployed in a web farm scenario will I need to use a scale out approach? When a user joins I am storing that connection info in the database. I store the url of the webserver and connectionid so I can target that when I publish messages from the windows service.

I would use this if it is an option.


How costly server-side Blazor is?

Server-side Blazor maintains connection to the server-side apparently, using SignalR.
SignalR is the service you need to pay for. As many simultaneous connections to SignalR are going to be used as many online users your app has at the moment of time.
Do I understand correctly, that I will need to pay for next SignalR tier once I reach certain SignalR free tier limit? And only because I use Blazor, not that I use SignalR for other purposes.
And two cost-reduction alternatives are:
use client-side Blazor WebAssembly
don't use Blazor at all
We run 3 instances of P3V3 app service to serve ~450 users (it is a LOB app, so open by most users, most of the day)
Our SignalR service cost is double the app service plan.
You can use signalr over websockets instead of the SignalR service, but for some unknown reason it is unstable and you'll see lots of signalr connection drop outs.
There's no way to save costs on SignalR - no reservations, no bulk discounts.

Azure - Sending data from IoT Hub to Web App Backend

I'm searching for a solution to get data from the Azure IoT Hub to the backend of a Web App also hosted in Azure which is written in ASP.NET 4.6.
It would be best to just receive the raw Json string as fast as possible.
I found others suggesting using Webhooks or Azure functions for a similar purpose but the delay these solutions bring aren't really acceptable.
It would be best to just connect directly to the IoT endpoint and get every message as it comes in. Can anybode please point me to the right direction?
You can simply use the EventHub .NET SDK in your web app, connect to the EventHub-compatible endpoint of the IoT Hub and directly consume the events in your app. This has minimal delay and involves no extra components.
How to guide (.NET core but same applies to .NET Framework):
var eventProcessorHost = new EventProcessorHost(
// Registers the Event Processor Host and starts receiving messages
await eventProcessorHost.RegisterEventProcessorAsync<SimpleEventProcessor>();
The Azure SignalR Service can help to broadcast messages to the Web App instances.
There are no direct integration between the Azure IoT Hub and Azure SignalR Service. Basically you can use two patterns for this integration such as PULL-PUSH and PUSH-PUSH.
The following screen shows these integration patterns:
Note, that the PUSH-PUSH pattern with the Azure Event Grid is suitable for solution when the subscriber (consumer) is not critical for processing events in the order.

Real-time .NET app monitoring without client polling

We're building a real-time Web-based monitoring system for .NET applications (ASP.NET and Windows executable). Those applications can start a long-running operations and statistics are displayed in real-time on Web page.
For ASP.NET ones we found SignalR a perfect solution: Long running operation (even caused by simple WebForms form postback) periodically call JS client-side functions via SignalR RPC to update monitoring page. But we hit 2 caveats:
In ASP.NET we need to monitor several different apps located in several different virtual directories. How do we push data from those different apps onto a single HTML monitoring page?
Another app is a .NET Windows console executable that runs periodically on a schedule. How do we push its run-time statistics to the same monitoring HTML page? One thing comes to mind - have EXE store temporary statistics in a DB and have client pull same data from the DB, but we'd like to avoid polling. Another - periodically at a given intervals the EXE would call the WebApp, passing the data - and WebApp would pass it to client via the same SignalR call. But are there better ways?
One architecture that I've used is a small monitoring collection service, with embedded monitoring clients in every monitored application,, Windows desktop app, console app, Windows service, or otherwise.
The collection service is always running. A webapp then connects directly to the service and requests the state of all monitored apps.
Monitored apps run some small embedded client that feeds back application-specific metrics to the monitoring service. The client can either provide data on events or timers, or the monitoring service an ask for it on a timer itself.
With this, we have a unified monitoring architecture - everything that runs just talks to the monitoring service to send updates, and the health viewer clients just ask the service for data using a unified protocol.
It's basically the Application Server pattern applied to monitoring, and takes a couple cues from the design of SNMP.
Very new to SignalR, didn't realize it has multiple clients for different platforms. We will go with SignalR .NET client for all the apps - they will all talk to main SignalR hub directly invoking server-side methods, which in turn update monitoring page.

Track changes in client and send to server

I am planning a 3-tiered architecture in which I need to track changes to domain objects on the client (a Windows Store app) then send those changes back to the server (an Azure worker-role). I just found out about WCF Data Services which I can run on the client and integrate with Entity Framework Code First on the server. It looks okay but I'm wondering what other tools may also be available.
Are there any alternatives to WCF Data Services for tracking changes in client then sending them to server? If available, I'd like a solution that doesn't require generated DTO classes but instead sends the deltas alone.
Have you considered using rest services?
Im not an AZURE user, but use elsewhere.
Azure rest services docu

SignalR for updating clients on events passed from another Event system

We have this Pub/Sub system that you subscribe to via a callback mechanism in C# to recieve events from various things that happen within the database. This subscription has a callback signature attached to it that allows for the Pub / Sub system to callback any subscribers it has and notify them of the change on that Callback thread.
We are taking our windows application and migrating it into a web application. In doing so, I need a way to update this Web Application (The clients) with information from this Pub / Sub. I want to use SignalR, but not sure where to host it. I assume if I host it on the same Web Application as the Client, it won't be able to subscribe to the pubsub due to it not being able to do background threading.
Currently, I have it in a Console application hosting the SignalR server on a specific port. Obviously this is for testing and not ideal for a larger scale.
My question is.. is it really safe to be hosting SignalR outside of IIS? should I put this in a Windows Service? Web Service somehow? Can it go in a Web Application somehow?
