how to export auto generated machine key -

I have been using owin oauth bearer tokens for web.api authentication. I had only a single server. I never needed to custom generate a machine key. Right now, I need to move to a web farm behind a load balancer. I dont want my current users' bearer tokens to become invalid when I move to the farm. How do I export an auto generated machine key, and import to to another server?

The configuration file deployed on each server must have the same machine key. Some reference here.
Basically you have to copy this section to the other servers' config file:
<machineKey validationKey="A970D0E3C36AA17C43C5DB225C778B3392BAED4D7089C6AAF76E3D4243E64FD797BD17611868E85D2E4E1C8B6F1FB684B0C8DBA0C39E20284B7FCA73E0927B20" decryptionKey="88274072DD5AC1FB6CED8281B34CDC6E79DD7223243A527D46C09CF6CA58DB68" validation="SHA1" decryption="AES" />
It's always best to use a script to generate your own machine keys.


Needed Update to Server or Website to support AWS Certificate Rotation

I've received an email from Amazon Web Services regarding certificate rotation. I need to know whether I should make any changes to my EC2 or Web.config to make it support the new database certificate.
Rotating your SSL/TLS certificate:
Updating Applications to Connect to Microsoft SQL Server DB Instances Using New SSL/TLS Certificates:
A sample connection string from the Web.config that I use (sensitive data omitted).
<add name="temp" connectionString=";
Port=3306;Database=somedatabase;Uid=someuserid;Pwd=somepassword" providerName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" />
All my websites have a similar connection string that connects to the RDS database server.
Is there any change needed to be made to the web.config or the EC2 server to make my websites support the new certificate rotation.
You don't need to make any changes since you are not using SSL certificate to connect to RDS. your website will continue to work as it is now without making any changes to your config. But you can consider using SSL to connect to your RDS in order to improve security in the future.
As long as you aren't using an SSL connection to your database, the certificate won't be used and you can update the certificate without any side effect.
This would have been the case if your connectionString included an sslmode as required:
connectionString="...;SslMode=Required;" />
Since this is not the case, you can update your certificate right away.
Yes Web.config needs to changed definitely.The changes required are listed below.There might be additional changes based on the security group and vpc setup you have done.
You need to add SslMode=Required parameter to the connectionString
Also add a parameter SslCa=ca.pem
Download the file from aws.

The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure. Identity Server

On one computer I have 2 projects - a client application and another that holds the identity server and identity manager. When I run the client site on this computer everything works. I am able to sign in, register etc. This project was already set up and working.
I made a copy of the projects and put them on another computer. I have set the sites up in IIS and created a self signed certificate.
When I run the client site and attempt to sign in I get the yellow error page with the message "The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure". When stepping through with the debugger I also see: "The underlying connection was closed: could not establish trust relationship for the ssl/tls secure channel"
I figure the errors have to do with the certificate so in MMC I made sure that the certificates are installed in the trusted root certification authorties folder.
The other thing I did was check the web.config files in the projects.
In the client site I have something like:
<oidcClient clientId="codeclienthere"
Then in the identity server and identity manager web.config files I have something like:
<add key="owin:AppStartup" value="startup" />
<add key="Issuer" value="identity_url_here/issuer" />
<add key="Thumbprint" value="‎‎keythatmatches_certificate_hash" />
<add key="WebClientId" value="codeclienthere"/>
<add key="WebClientSecret" value="secrethere"/>
I changed the signing certificate and thumbprint values to match the certificate hash. For the attribute "issuerName" and key "Issuer" I tried leaving it the same, setting it the name of the certificate and prepending "CN=" to the name of the certificate. I am unsure what value should go here. I am also unsure what other things I should check.
The problem here was that there were hidden characters in the thumbprint that I did not notice. I had pasted in a text editor to compare or something and they got removed so when I pasted them back in the config file they did not match as needed.

Wildfly: Encrypt password and username for database

I would like to hand over a webapplication to some people but these people should not allowed to has access to the database with some tools. Using the webapplicaton and in the background the database is ok.
Wildfly has a config with these code:
<xa-datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/datasources/ExampleXADS" pool-name="ExampleXADS">
<xa-datasource-property name="URL">jdbc:h2:mem:test</xa-datasource-property>
As you can see, there is also the username and password available. How is it possible to exclude / encrypt these, so only the administrator know the password for the database.
The same also for the whole application server - there are also users and password.
How can I do this?
The "customer" will get the whole application inclusive the webserver configuration. (Wilfly and .war - file)
It´s only for saving the software key in the database.
The first time if the "customer" start the web application, he will be prompted so enter the licence key.
After entering the license key a Webservice will be called. The return code is "false" or "true" (is key valid or is key not valid)
My first idea was to store the flag in the database. But if a user has access to the database, he can manipulate this flag on his own.
Is there any other possibility to set a flag for "the software key is valid" instead saving the flag in the database.
Any ideas?
You can use security domain to get over this, there could be some specific changes for Wildfly but for JBoss 7.1.1 here is what you need to do.
Find the location of jboss-logging-3.1.0.GA.jar in your JBoss/Widlfy server. In case of JBoss 7.1.1 it should be something like - modules\org\jboss\logging\main\jboss-logging-3.1.0.GA.jar
Find the location of picketbox-4.0.7.Final.jar
Check if the picketbox jar has class.
Run the following command from JBoss server root folder to encrypt your datasource connection password
java -cp modules\org\jboss\logging\main\jboss-logging-3.1.0.GA.jar;modules\org\picketbox\main\picketbox-4.0.7.Final.jar PasswordXYZ
Get the output text and in the standalone.xml add following security domain under elements:
<security-domain name="encrypted-ds-WASM2" cache-type="default">
<login-module code="" flag="required">
<module-option name="username" value="WASM2"/>
<module-option name="password" value="89471a19022f8af"/>
<module-option name="managedConnectionFactoryName" value="jboss.jca:service=LocalTxCM,name=MySqlDS_Pool"/>
Use this security domain in the datasource element as follows:
<datasource jta="false" jndi-name="java:jboss/jdbc/JNDIDS" pool-name="OFS1" enabled="true" use-ccm="false">
Reference Link:
It is not possible. If the web application has to be able to decrypt the password to use the database, anyone on the server can do the same.
If you want to restrict access, keep the server under your control and let them access it only through a web front end.
(And even if it was possible to usefully encrypt, if they have server access they can trivially copy the database files onto their workstations, or add new user accounts to the database server).

Is my machine key auto-generated or isolated?

I'm attempting to share .ASPXAUTH cookies between an ASP.NET MVC 4 application (in IIS 7.5) and a service using HttpListener on the same host.
The browser presents the cookies to both correctly, but my service receives System.Web.HttpException: Unable to validate data. at FormsAuthentication.Decrypt, which I would expect if the two applications were using different machine keys.
So: how do I find out if my machine is configured to use different machine keys?
the default setting of IIS is autogenerate machine-key and isolate per application
you can change this setting globaly in your machine.config or localy (per application) in your web.config
for details please see
You can see the current setting for machine-key in IIS manager. For details, see

How to use session management with Load Balancer in Asp.Net

I have four different server and a load balancer. I want to use captcha control. I did something with it this way:
I created a handler.ashx to create the captcha image. This handler is used in the Main page. I keep the captcha control password in session while creating the captcha control. Then I compared password typed by the user with the password in the session. It works very well, but only on one server.
It doesn't run correctly with four servers. Although the user enters the correct password every time, it sometimes matches with the session password and sometimes doesn't match. I think the problem reason is this:
For Example :
A,B,C and D are the four servers. The load balancer routes the first request to A server. Which opens the main page from A server and creates password '123456'. This is stored in session on A server. Then user typed in the password and clicked button. Now the load balancer routes this request to the B server. Because session in B Sever is null, the passwords don't match.
My web.config has this,
<sessionState mode="StateServer" stateConnectionString="tcpip="/>
But It still doesnt work.
What should I do ?
So first thing (just to make sure) - I believe that this connection string is just an example because is localhost and it wouldn't have chance to work ;).
Now I will assume that you have chosen server A for you state server. Please check following things:
"ASP.NET State Service" is up and running on the server A (it's disabled by default, you can check that in Administrative Tools --> Services)
the stateConnectionString in servers B, C and D is "tcpip=[Server A IP Address or Network Name]:42424" (it can be only on server A)
servers can communicate between each other using TCP/IP via port 42424 (firewalls etc.)
Please remember that if you have changed configuration of "ASP.NET State Service" on server A to not use default port (42424), you must reflect that in your connection strings.
Sometimes it's easier to configure "SQL Server Mode" instead of "State Server Mode" so you might want to consider that. You can find more details here.
You need to use StateServer or SqlServer for managing the session state and they should be out of your firewall network that is used to balance the load.
When using Session State Server, there are few things which need to setup.
Setup ASP.Net State Service on the machine which you want as a StateServer.
net start aspstate
Change Session Mode in Web.Config File for all web applications and point to a StateServer
<!-- ... -->
timeout="20" />
<!-- ... -->
3 . All Web Server the use same <machinekey> configuration
(Note:To maintain session state across different Web servers in the Web farm, the application path of the Web site (for example, \LM\W3SVC\2) in the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) metabase must be the same for all of the Web servers in the Web farm. The case also needs to be the same because the application path is case-sensitive.
