Find All References (Shift+F12) with css - css

I'm using SCSS and web technologies and was hoping to find out where a CSS class or id was being used; for all the uses. I am using Visual Studio 2013 and I know you can see where the properties and methods are being used, but was wondering if I could use the same tactic for CSS and even javascript. Would I need another IDE?
Thanks in advance

you can always use firbug. It allows you to inspect and modify html styles and a whole lot more
here is the link.


using css frame work over own custom css

I'm trying to reach the best css practice on my website using my own custom css till I found out I can use css framework such as bootstrap or foundation zurb instead. I thought using such framework directly without the need of making my own custom css is possible, but it turns out that all css frameworks are limited to some point yet I need to add extra custom css so my site look the way I want.
I want to use css framework because of the fact that it is being served over CDN so no extra bandwidth, and also for load speed and performance.
now my question, is it possible to be using only css framework on a website without the need of adding a custom css?
also how about creating my own custom css and using #import to a css framework inside the custom file, is that a good practice?
can anyone enlighten me to an efficient method serving a css file with/without css framework to my website?
You can use a plain framework without writing any custom CSS if you either a) Are happy with how it looks without custom CSS or b) like one of the many themes you can get for such frameworks.
You can #import a framework into your own custom CSS - in fact, many frameworks are available as less and importing them allows you to use variables from the framework in your own CSS as well.
As far as efficiency goes, are you sure this is the performance problem you have? If you haven't measured the performance, you aren't ready to optimise! It will, of course, be a straight economic trade-off between looking exactly as you want, and keeping the page load fast.
using a css framework is always a good option. You can use either bootstrap/foundation. along with the various functionalities on the site it would provide u the animation effects as well. And would help to complete the site faster as they provide the snippets of code. You can use less/sass and have the styling customized in the variables so you wont have to include extra custom css file.

Is there any way to use JQuery Mobile CSS without the javascript?

After many fruitless days of trying to get JQuery Mobile and AngularJS routing to work together, I'm considering my alternative options..
Is there a way to use the JQM CSS without relying on JQuery's javascript?
Or is there a substitute CSS package that are recommended? something with all header/footers and lists that is available in JQM?
Of course, there is an CSS file in the package you downloaded. But all the sites functionality and the mobile adaption will be broken. You can rename the classes and the id's or directly use the classes from the css file.
There are quite a few jQueryMobile functionalities that rely solely on the CSS fole, eg. the grids. You won't get the interactions, but all the buttons looks, shapes and colors are totally useful without the JS.
Still - depends on your expectations.
And when using it like that you need to understand a bit how JQM works to know the classes and html structure that's expected, because some of these are generated by javascript.
[kind of digression]
But maybe you just dislike how big jquerymobile is?
Then you probably want to use: to get only stuff you need, and also use tte themeroller here: to create only one theme (global) and remove other themes (A,B,C)
That's how you get it a lot smaller.
You can reuse the CSS file inside he downloaded JQM package. The file can be included, but make sure to include the images folder as well and have it at the same location at the destination.
If you aren't sure of which classes to include for which purpose, you can simply find it out by inspecting a JQM demo page to find out (View source will not work due to the JQM javascript).
JQS provides support for ui animations and user experience enhancement. Removing libraries will dispart you from accessing css contents created and used by javascript in order to 'manage' a front-end design. –
Yes you can use jquery mobile theme and adapt it to your needs.
Just reading there was adapter releases for your situation :!topic/angular/oIxRxpkn3L0
Perhaps substitutes to css packages are documented. About heavier JQM templating and using, there are some introduction to what you'll need to take a look at like adobe theme-control-jquery-mobile.html ..

general style & CSS support in Silverlight

I have several Silverlight component which are going to be used inside the browser, is it possible to pass the styling from the page to the Silverlight components?
I'm aware of 'initParams' in Silverlight and how these could be used to do this, but what I wanted to know is there any support for CSS and what is the preferred way to do styling in Silverlight, I guess it will be based around resource files.
There is no css support in Silverlight. In Xaml we have the Style element, which allows you to create styles and then apply them to controls. Here is a tutorial that explains the basics pretty well:

clean up css automaticly with dreamweaver or other tool

It's not really a coding question, but I don't know where to ask it elsewhere.
I'm looking for a tool to clean up unused css selectors.
I know this tool Dust-Me selectors, but I want it to clean it automaticly.
Can anyone help me with this?
Depending on the complexity of your site, I don't think it's a good idea to clean up CSS automatically. I've used those tools myself (DustMe-Selectors mostly) but as soon as it comes to dynamic pages (and sites), all of the tools lack the ability to really find out what is used and what not.
Consider a site using selectors like "item-selected", "item-soldout", "item-bargain", etc. If the site will apply selectors dynamically to e.g. items in a shop, tools may not find those selectors in your markup because they are not used at the moment but maybe used as soon as the shop-configuration changes.
So I'd suggest to go with one (or more) of the tools suggested here and carefully evaluate the suggestions for unused selectors, but rather not use something to clean my code automatically.
There's a windows based utility called CSS Cleaner available here. Obviously the issue is that it has to run through every pages in your project to determine which selectors aren't used. And it can't see into any CSS generated by your code.
Be careful with auto-clean up. If you are not 100% familiar with the site -- don't do it. There may be classes or IDs in your code that are there for JS and not CSS.

Creating and editing CSS in Flex3 Air

I need to create a CSS file via the Flex 3 Air application. I need to create and edit the CSS file and access individual styles by class name. Please give any examples or related links of which you aware.
I don't use Flex that much, but it seems you need to load the CSS file via URLLoader/HTTPService/etc and write a class to parse.
You can probably start from the one that comes with the framework, or have look online and adapt one for your needs. The first this that I found was this. Obviously there could be better alternatives.
