Setting a new label on all nodes takes too long in a huge graph - graph

I'm working on a graph containing about 50 million nodes and 40 million relationships.
I need to update every node.
I'm trying to set a new label to these nodes, but it's taking too long.
The label applies to all 50 million nodes, so the operation never ends.
After some research, i found out that Neo4j treats this operation as a single transaction (i don't know if optimistic or not), keeping the changes uncommitted, until the end (which will never happen in this fashion).
I'm currently using Neo4j 2.1.4, which has a feature called "USING PERIODIC COMMIT" (already present in earlier versions). Unfortunately, this feature is coupled to the "LOAD CSV" feature, and not available to every cypher command.
The cypher is quite simple:
match n set n:Person;
I decided to use a workaround, and make some sort of block update, as follows:
match n
where not n:Person
with n
limit 500000
set n:node;
It's ugly, but i couldn't come up with a better solution yet.
Here are some of my confs:
== =========
== ==
The hardware spec is:
PROC: Intel(R) Xeon(R) X5650 # 2.67GHz, 32 cores
HDD1: 1.2TB
In this environment, each block update of 500000 nodes took from 200 to 400 seconds. I think this is because every node satisfies the query at the start, but as the updates take place, more nodes need to be scanned to find the unlabeled ones (but again, it's a hunch).
So what's the best course of action whenever an operation needs to touch every node in the graph?
Any help towards a better solution to this will be appreciated!
Thanks in advance.

The most performant way to achieve this is using the batch inserter API. You might use the following recipe:
take a look at http://localhost:7474/webadmin and note the "node count". In fact it's not the number of nodes it's more the highest node id in use - we'll need that later on.
make sure to cleanly shut down your graph database.
take a backup copy of your graph.db directory.
write a short piece of java/groovy/(whatever jvm language you prefer...) program that performs the following tasks
open your graph.db folder using the batch inserter api
in a loop from 0..<node count> (from step above) check if the node with given id exists, if so grab its current labels and amend the list by the new label and use setNodeLabels to write it back.
make sure you run shutdown with the batchinserter
start up your Neo4j instance again


AWS Neptune Query gremlins slowness on cold call

I'm currently running some queries with a big gap of performance between first call (up to 2 minutes) and the following one (around 5 seconds).
This duration difference can be seen through the gremlin REST API in both execution and profile mode.
As the query is loading a big amount of data, I expect the issue is coming from the caching functionalities of Neptune in its default configuration. I was not able to find any way to improve this behavior through configuration and would be glad to have some advices in order to reduce the length of the first call.
Context :
The Neptune database is running on a db.r5.8xlarge instance, and during execution CPU always stay bellow 20%. I'm also the only user on this instance during the tests.
As we don't have differential inputs, the database is recreated on a weekly basis and switched to production once the loader has loaded everything. Our database have then a short lifetime.
The database is containing slightly above nodes and far more edges. (probably around Those edges are splitted across 10 types of labels, and most of them are not used in the current query.
Query :
// recordIds is a table of 50 ids.
// Convert local id to neptune id.
// Go to tree parent link. (either myself if edge come back, or real parent)
// Clean duplicates.
// Follow the tree parent link backward to get all children, this step load a big amount of nodes members of the same tree.
.not(values('some flag').Is('Q'))
// Limitation not reached, result is between 80k and 100K nodes.
// Convert back to local id for the 80k to 100k selected nodes.
Neptune's architecture is comprised of a shared cluster "volume" (where all data is persisted and where this data is replicated 6 times across 3 availability zones) and a series of decoupled compute instances (one writer and up to 15 read replicas in a single cluster). No data is persisted on the instances however, approximately 65% of the memory capacity on an instance is reserved for a buffer pool cache. As data is read from the underlying cluster volume, it is stored in the buffer pool cache until the cache fills. Once the cache fills, a least-recently-used (LRU) eviction policy will clear buffer pool cache space for any newer reads.
It is common to see first reads be slower due to the need to fetch objects from the underlying storage. One can improve this by writing and issuing "prefetch" queries that pull in objects that they think they might need in the near future.
If you have a use case that is filling buffer pool cache and constantly seeing buffer pool cache misses (a metric one can see in the CloudWatch metrics for Neptune), then you may also want to consider using one of the "d" instance types (ex: r5d.8xlarge) and enabling the Lookup Cache feature [1]. This feature specifically focuses on improving access to property values/literals at query time by keeping them in a directly attached NVMe store on the instance.

Gremlin console keeps returning "Connection to server is no longer active" error

I tried to run a Gremlin query adding a property to vertex through Gremlin console.
g.V().hasLabel("user").has("status", "valid").property(single, "type", "valid")
I constantly get this error:
org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.jsr223.console.RemoteException: Connection to server is no longer active
This error happens after query is running for one or two minutes.
I tried some simple queries like g.V().limit(10) and it works fine.
Since the affected vertex count is more than 4 million, not sure if it is failing due to timeout issue.
I also tried to split it into small batches:
g.V().hasLabel("user").has("status", "valid").hasNot("type").limit(200000).property(single, "type", "valid")
It succeeded for first few batches and started failing again.
Is there any recommendations for updating millions of vertices?
The precise approach you take may vary depending on the backend graph database and storage you are using as well as the capacity of the hardware being used.
The capacity of the hardware where Gremlin Server is running in terms of number of CPUs and most importantly, memory, will also be a factor as will the setting of the query timeout value.
To do this in Gremlin, if you had a way to identify distinct ranges of vertices easily you could split this up into multiple threads each doing batches of updates. If the example you show is representative of your actual need then that is likely not possible in this case.
Likewise some graph databases provide a bulk load capability that is often a good way to do large batch updates but probably not an option here as you need to do essentially a conditional update based on looking at the current presence (or not) of a property.
Without more information about your data model and hardware etc. the best answer is probably to do two things:
Use smaller limits. Maybe try 5K or even just 1K at first and work up from there until you find a reliable sweet spot.
Increase the query timeout settings.
You may need to experiment to find the sweet spot for your environment as the capacity of the hardware will definitely play a role in situations like this as well as how you write your query.

Restarting from where recorder left off and Iteration number

I have 2 questions on the case recorder.
1- I am not sure how to restart an optimizaiton from where the recorder left off. I can read in the case reader sql file etc but can not see how this can be fed into the problem() to restart.
2- this question is maybe due to my lack of knowledge in python but how can one access to the iteration number from within an openmdao component (one way is to read the sql file that is constantly being updated but there should be a more efficient way.)
You can re-load a case back via the load_case method on the problem.
See the docs for it here.
Im not completely sure what you mean by access the iteration count, but if you just want to know the number of times your components are called you can add a counter to them yourself.
There is not a programatic API for accessing the iteration count in OpenMDAO as of version 2.3

How to detect cycles in directed graph in iterative DFS?

My current project features a set of nodes with inputs and outputs. Each node can take its input values and generate some output values. Those outputs can be used as inputs for other nodes. To minimize the amount of computation needed, node dependencies are checked on application start. When updating the nodes, they are updated in the reverse order they depend on each other.
That said, the nodes resemble a directed graph. I am using iterative DFS (no recursion to avoid stack overflows in huge graphs) to work out the dependencies and create an order for updating the nodes.
I further want to avoid cycles in a graph because cyclic dependencies will break the updater algorithm and causing a forever running loop.
There are recursive approaches to finding cycles with DFS by tracking nodes on the recursion stack, but is there a way to do it iteratively? I could then embed the cycle search in the main dependency resolver to speed things up.
There are plenty of cycle-detection algorithms available on line. The simplest ones are augmented versions of Dijkstra's algorithm. You maintain a list of visited nodes and costs to get there. In your design, replace the "cost" with the path to get there.
In each iteration of the algorithm, you grab the next node on the "active" list and look at each node that follows it in the graph (i.e. each of its dependencies). If that node is on the "visited" list, then you have a cycle. The path you maintained in getting here shows the loop path.
Is that enough to get you moving?
Try a timestamp. Add a meta timestamp and set it to zero on your nodes.
Previous Answer (non applicable):
When you start a search, increment or grab a time() stamp. Then, when
you visit a node, compare it to the current search timestamp. If it
is the same, then you have found a cycle. If not then set the stamp
to current.
Next search, increment again.
Ok, this is how I'm assuming you are performing your DFS search:
Add Root node to a stack (for searching) and a vector (for updating).
Pop the stack and add children of the current node to the stack and to the vector
loop until stack is empty
reverse iterate the vector and update values (by referencing child nodes)
The problem: Cycles will cause the same set of nodes to be added to the stack.
Solution 1: Use a boolean/timestamp to see if the node has been visited before adding to the DFS search stack. This will eliminate cycles, but will not resolve them. You can spit out an error and quit.
Solution 2: Use a timestamp, but increment it each time you pop the stack. If a child node has a timestamp set, and it is less than the current stamp, you have found a cycle. Here's the kicker. When iterating over the values backwards, you can check the timestamps of the child nodes to see if they are greater than the current node. If less, then you've found a cycle, but you can use a default value.
In fact, I think Solution 1 can be resolved the same way by never following more than one child when updating the value and setting all nodes to a default value on start. Solution 2 will give you a warning while evaluating the graph whereas solution 1 only gives you a warning when creating the vector.

How the chances of getting "read-your-writes" consistency are increased in Dynamo?

In Section 5 of Dynamo paper, there is the following content:
In particular, since each write usually follows a read operation, the
coordinator for a write is chosen to be the node that replied fastest to the
previous read operation which is stored in the context information of the
request. This optimization enables us to pick the node that has the data that
was read by the preceding read operation thereby increasing the chances of
getting "read-your-writes" consistency.
How the chances of getting "read-your-writes" consistency are increased?
"read-your-writes" means that a read following a write gets the value set by the
write. The read and the write are performed by two different clients for this
context. The reason is that the choice of the write coordinator does not impact
on the chances of getting "read-your-writes" by the same client.
But the above text is talking about a write following a read. Here is my guess.
The read coordinator will try to do syntactic reconciliation if it is possible.
If syntactic reconciliation is impossible because of divergent versions, the
client need to do semantic reconciliation before doing a write. Either way, the
versions on all the nodes involved in the read operation is an ancestor of the
reconciled version. So the following write can be sent to any of them to get
applied. The earliest time for a write to be seen by a read is after the
following steps are finished:
Client contact the write coordinator.
The write coordinator generates the version clock for the new version.
The write coordinator writes the new version locally.
The shorter the time to perform the above steps, the more likely another
following read sees the new version. Since it is very possible that the node
which replied fastest to the previous read can perform the following steps in a
shorter time. Such a node is chosen as the write coordinator.
Section 2.3 talks about performing the reconciliation at read time rather than write time.
Data versioning - "One can determine whether two versions of an
object are on parallel branches or have a causal ordering, by
examine their vector clocks."
This paragraph from section 4. [emphasis mine]
In Dynamo, when a client wishes to update an object, it must specify
which version it is updating. This is done by passing the context it
obtained from an earlier read operation, which contains the vector
clock information. Upon processing a read request, if Dynamo has
access to multiple branches that cannot be syntactically reconciled,
it will return all the objects at the leaves, with the corresponding
version information in the context. An update using this context is
considered to have reconciled the divergent versions and the
branches are collapsed into a single new version
So by performing the read first, you're effectively reconciling all divergent versions prior to writing. By writing to that same node, the version you've updated is marked with the context and vector clock of the most up to date version and all divergent branches can be collapsed. This is sent to the top N nodes (as you've stated) as fast as possible. But by removing the divergent branches - you reduce the chance that multiple values could be returned. You only need one of the N nodes read in the next read to get the reconciled write. ie - the node as part of the quorum of R reads says - "I am the reconciled version, and all others must bow to me". (and if that has already been distributed to another of the "R" nodes, then there's even greater chance of getting the reconciled version in the quorum)
But, if you wrote to a different node, one that you hadn't read from - the vector clock that is being updated may not necessarily be a reconciled version of the object. Therefore, you could still have divergent branches. The following read will try and reconcile it, but it's more more probable that you could have multiple divergent data and no reconciliation.
If you've made it this far, I think the most interesting part is that per Section 6, client applications can dictate the values of N, R and W - ie - number of nodes that constitute the pool to draw from, and the number of nodes that must agree on a read or write for it to be successful.
Geez - my head hurts now.
I re-read the Dynamo paper. I have a new understanding of "read-your-write" consistency. "read-your-writes" involves only one client. Image the following requests performed by one client on the same key:
"read-your-writes" means that read-2 sees write-1. The write coordinator has the best chance to have write-1. To ensure "read-your-writes", it is desired that the write coordinator replies fastest to read-2. It is highly possible that the node replies fastest to read-1 also reply fastest to read-2. So choose the node replies fastest to read-1 as the write coordinator.
And what is the node that replied fastest to the previous read operation? Such a node only makes sense if client-driven coordination is used. For server-side coordination, the coordinator nodes replies to the client and the other involved nodes reply to the coordinator node. replied fastest is meaningless in this case.
