I'm quite new with Robot Framework, and I cannot find a way to run a process with arguments on windows. I am quite sure I did not understand the documentation and there is a simple way of doing that though...
Ok, let's say I can start my program using this command:
c:\myappdir>MyApp.exe /I ..\params\myAppParams.bin
How to do that in RF?
Any kind of help would be appreciated.
Thank you very much :)
Edit 1:
Here is a piece of my code:
| *Setting* | *Value*
| Resource | compilationResource.robot
#(Process lib is included in compilationResource)
#I removed the "|" for readability
${REPLAYEXEDIR}= get_replay_exe_dir #from a custom lib included in compilationResource
Should Exist ${EXEFULLPATH}
${REPLAYFILEPATH}= Join Path ${WORKSPACEDIR} params params.bin
Start Process ${EXEFULLPATH} stderr=${REPLAYLOGPATH} stdout=${REPLAYLOGPATH} alias=replayjob
Process Should Be Running replayjob
Terminate Process replayjob
Process Should Be Stopped replayjob
This works. As soon as I try to include the arguments like this:
Start Process ${EXEFULLPATH} ${/}I ${REPLAYFILEPATH} stderr=${REPLAYLOGPATH} stdout=${REPLAYLOGPATH} alias=replayjob
I get this error:
WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified
and this error comes from the start process line.
Let me know if I was unclear or if nmore info is needed.
Thank you all for your help on this.
Each argument must be separated form the other (when not running in shell) with a double space. I was not using double spaces, hence the error.
| | Start Process | ${EXEFULLPATH} | /I | ${REPLAYFILEPATH} | stderr=${REPLAYLOGPATH} | stdout=${REPLAYLOGPATH} | alias=replayjob
To launch your program from a Robot Framework Test, use the Process library like:
*** Settings ***
Library Process
*** Test Cases ***
First test
Run Process c:${/}myappdir${/}prog.py /I ..\params\myAppParams.bin
# and then do some tests....
I have used Trimmomatic-0.39 few times already for trimming some sequencing data. This time I tried the option -baseout as stated in the manual but it does not recognise it as a valid option and the command does not run. If I run the command, as I usually I do with all the output files listed, it works though.
I type in the command line:
java -jar trimmomatic-0.39.jar PE -phred33 -trimlog trimmed_file18_log.log -baseout file18.fastq.gz file18-R1.fastq.gz file18-R2.fastq.gz ILLUMINACLIP:NexteraPE-PE.fa:2:30:10 MAXINFO:25:0.2 MINLEN:20
What I get back is:
Unknown option -baseout file18.fastq.gz
PE [-version] [-threads <threads>] [-phred33|-phred64] [-trimlog <trimLogFile>] [-summary <statsSummaryFile>] [-quiet] [-validatePairs] [-basein <inputBase> | <inputFile1> <inputFile2>] [-baseout <outputBase> | <outputFile1P> <outputFile1U> <outputFile2P> <outputFile2U>] <trimmer1>...
or: .....
I get back the same error message even if I move the '-baseout file18.fastq.gz' option after '...jar PE' and before the list of all the other options.
I have created a unix script to be executed after the session finished.
The script basically counts the lines of specific file and then creates a trailer with this specific structure:
T - for trailer
0000148 - number of lines
00000000000000000000000000000 - filler
I have tested the script in Mac, I know already that environments are totally different, but I want to know what is needed to be changed in order to execute this script successfully in IPC.
After execution I get the following error message:
The shell command failed with exit code 126.
I invoke the script as follows:
sh -c "$PMRootDir/scripts/exec_trailer_unix.sh $PMRootDir/TgtFiles"
#! /bin/sh
string1=$(sed -n '$=' $TgtFilesBody)
pad=$(printf '%0.1s' "0"{1..8})
string3=$(printf '%s%*.*s%s\n' "$string2" 0 $((padlength - ${#string1} - ${#string2} )) "$pad" "$string1")
string5=$(printf '%s%*.*s%s\n' "$string3" 0 $((${#string3} - ${#string4} )) "$string4")
echo $string5 > $TgtFilesTrailer
Any idea would be great.
Thanks in advance.
Please check below points.
it looks like permission issue. Please login using informatica user(the user that runs infa demon) and run this command. You should be able to get the errors.
sh -c "$PMRootDir/scripts/exec_trailer_unix.sh $PMRootDir/TgtFiles"
Sometime the server variable $PMRootDir in UNIX doesnt get interpreted and can result null value. Please use echo $PMRootDir to check if its working after logging into UNIX using above user.
You can create trailer file using Infa easily.
Just add an aggregator transformation right before actual target( group by a dummy field to calculate count(*)). Then add an expression transformation to create those strings. And then trailer file target. Just 3 more transformations.
| --> AGG --> EXP --> Trailer Target file
Final Tr --|--> Final Target
I'm not sure if there is already a command like this existing, but what about a command like that in a code language:
do this
do that
if (something){
GOTO ('point1')
do this
do that
do this
do that
if (something){
go to ('point2')
a command which just leads the program to a point forward or backward in the code
i know you can do this with if clauses and functions and have the same effect
otherwise with this command you can portray code in blocks:
_____________ <-----
| start motor | | Go to command
| if failure -------
My questions:
do we need this command? , is it useful in languages like java or php or else? and why is it unset in java? Could it be upgraded or made better and how? is it enough for not using loops anymore? Or has a goto command a major downside? Maybe in compiling or so its performance is bad... ----why dont i use it or find it in any tutorial when it could be a standard command like loops... why????
I'm thankful for a nice discussion about this command and for not writing how many grammar mistakes I made ...
"a command which just leads the program to a point forward or backward in the code" <-- it is called GOTO command. Different programming language may implement it differently.
"nice discussion about this command" <--- After your research, mind sharing which part of the reading materials/reference/code that you don't understand or can't be execute? A sample code and screenshot may help too.. (:
I need to "enable and disable the firewall" continuously using robot framework.
I have written following robot testcase for this purpose:
Open Connection
Login test test
Write firewall enable
Write commit
Write firewall disable
Write commit
The above testcase doing the task as expected but only one time. But I want to do this continuously (infinite).
Any clue please? Thanks in advance for your help.
You could put it inside a for loop. It is not infinite but if you put large enough value it is close enough for practical purposes. This will create a huge log file.
:FOR ${index} IN RANGE 999999
\ Open Connection ${TEST}
\ Rest of code
To run truly infinite loop you can do something like this:
Create python file lib.py:
from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
def call_keyword(keyword):
return BuiltIn().run_keyword(keyword)
def run_endless_loop(f):
while True:
then in your robot file you can do something like this:
*** Settings ***
Library lib.py
*** Keywords ***
My keyword
Log To Console Hello World
*** Test Cases ***
Run endless loop
Run Endless Loop My keyword
This will run endless loop. The only problem left is to how to break the loop, if needed.To break the loop by the condition from robot file you can implement somethin like:
def run_endless_loop(f):
while True:
i = call_keyword(f)
if i == 100:
could be a counter, or some string condition, or something else.
All, I am running the following script to load the data on to the Oracle Server using unix box and sqlldr. Earlier it gave me an error saying sqlldr: command not found. I added "SQLPLUS < EOF", it still gives me an error for unexpected end of file syntax error on line 12 but it is only 11 line of code. What seems to be the problem according to you.
FILES='ls *.txt'
for f in $FILES
cat $CTL | sed "s/:FILE/$f/g" >$f.ctl
sqlplus ID/'PASSWORD'#SERVERNAME << EOF sqlldr SCHEMA_NAME/SCHEMA_PASSWORD control=$f.ctl data=$f EOF
sqlplus will never know what to do with the command sqlldr. They are two complementary cmd-line utilities for interfacing with Oracle DB.
Note NO sqlplus or EOF etc required to load data into a schema:
#you dont want this FILES='ls *.txt'
for f in *.txt
# don't need cat! cat $CTL | sed "s/:FILE/$f/g" >"$f".ctl
sed "s/:FILE/$f/g" "$CTL_FILE" > "$CTL_PATH/$f.ctl"
#myBad sqlldr "$SCHEMA_NAME/$SCHEMA_PASSWORD" control="$CTL_PATH/$f.ctl" data="$f"
sqlldr $SCHEMA_USER/$SCHEMA_PASSWORD#$SERVER_NAME control="$CTL_PATH/$f.ctl" data="$f" rows=10000 direct=true errors=999
Without getting too philosophical, using assignments like FILES=$(ls *.txt) is a bad habit to get into. By contrast, for f in *.txt will deal correctly for files with odd characters in them (like spaces or other syntax breaking values). BUT the other habit you do want to get into is to quote all variable references (like $f), with dbl-quotes : "$f", OK? ;-) This is the otherside of protection for files with spaces etc embedded in them.
In the edit update, I've varibalized your CTL_PATH and CTL_FILE. I think I understand your intent, that you have 1 std CTL_FILE that you pass thru sed to create a table specific .ctl file (a good approach in my experience). Note that you don't need to use cat to send a file to sed, but your use to create a altered file via redirection (> $f.ctl) is very shell-like too.
In 2nd edit update, I looked here on S.O. and found an example sqlldr cmdline that has the correct syntax and have modified to work with your variable names.
To finish up,
A. Are you sure the Oracle Client package is installed on the machine
that you are running your script on?
B. Is the /path/to/oracle/client/tools/bin included in your working
C. try which sqlldr. If you don't get anything, either its not
installed or its not in the path.
D. If not installed, you'll have to get it installed.
E. Once installed, note the directory that contains the sqlldr cmd.
find / -name 'sqlldr*' will take a long time to run, but it will
print out the path you want to use.
F. Take the "path" part of what is returned (like
/opt/oracle/11.2/client/bin/ (but not the sqlldr at the end), and
edit script at 2nd line with
(Txt added to appease the S.O. Formatter ;-) )
export ORCL_PATH="/path/you/found/to/oracle/client"
These steps should solve any remaining issues. If this doesn't work, see if there is someone where you work that understands your local computing environment that can help explain any missing or different steps.