Suppress all output from the functions - r

I'm using the package ( to compute effect sizes. Now, when using one of the functions from this package, the result is printed even though you assign it to a vector, and I would like to surpress this.
For example,
prints a lot of information. By using capture.output like so
a lot of it gets suppressed, but not all. I've had no luck with sink() (which breaks the whole function) or invisible() either.
How can I suppress all printed information from this function?

Version 0.2-4 of the package has a 'verbose' argument, so e.g.:
require( # VERSION => 0.2-4

This function is really bi-polar. Some things are printed using cat, others using message. In addition to what you've tried you can also try suppressMessages.
This worked for me.
x <- capture.output(suppressMessages(mes(5,5,5,5,5,5,level=95,dig=2,id=NULL,data=NULL)))
Alternatively, you can hack the function (use the source!) and cut out all the cat and message statements. Another way would be to add another argument to the function (like verbose) and turn on/off messages by putting them inside an if clause. E.g.
if (!is.null(data)) {
if (verbose) {


Problems with reassignInPackage

I am trying to understand the way the YourCast R package works and make it work with my data.
For example, if a function produces errors, I
get the source code of that function using YourCast:::bad.fn
add outputs of critical
values at critical stages
use reassignInPackage(name="original.fn", package="YourCast", value="my.fn")
Once I find the cause of the error, I fix it in the function and reassign it in the package.
However, for some strange reason this does not work for non-hidden functions.
For example:
This will print the hidden function check.depvar. One line if (all(ix == 1:3)) will produce an error message if any of the x is missing.
Thus, I change the whole function to the following and replace the original formula:
mzuba.check.depvar <- function(formula)
return (grepl("log[(]",as.character(formula)[2]))
Now YourCast:::check.depvar will print my version of that function, and everything is fine.
YourCast::yourcast or YourCast:::yourcast or simply yourcast will print the non-hidden function yourcast. Suppose I want to change that function as well.
Now, YourCast::yourcast and YourCast:::yourcast will print the new, modified version but yourcast still gives the old version!
That might not a problem if I could simply call YourCast::yourcast instead of yourcast, but that produces some kind of error that I can't trace back because suddenly R-Studio does not print error messages at all anymore!, although it still does something if it is capable to:
> Uagh! do something!
> 1 + 1
[1] 2
> Why no error msg?
Restarting the R-session will solve the error-msg problem, though.
So my question is: How do I reassign non-hidden functions in packages?
Furthermore (this would faciliate testing a lot), is there a way to make all hidden functions available without using the ::: operator? I.e., How to export all functions from a package?

How to call plot.xts when using RScript

UPDATE: Thanks to Joshua's comment I realized the problem wasn't being inside a function, but inside a script. So I've edited the question and also provided my own answer.
When I use plot.xts() interactively it pops up a graphics window. I just tried it from inside a function (I'm troubleshooting a unit test and wanted some visual help) but nothing appeared. Aha, says I, I know the trick, just use print.
But print(plot.xts(x)) still shows no chart and instead prints my xts object! I.e. it does exactly the same as print(x).
The script I use to run unit tests is:
#!/usr/bin/Rscript --slave
options(warn=2) #Turn warnings into errors
#By naming the files runit.*.R, and naming the functions test*(), we can use
# all the defaults to defineTestSuite().
#NOTE: they have a weird default random number generator, so changed here
# to match the R defaults instead.
rngKind = "Mersenne-Twister", rngNormalKind = "Inversion")
test.result <- runTestSuite(test.suite)
The script below does two things:
plot to a device file, as you would in headless setting such as a webserver,
plot a screen device, I use x11() but you could use win().
There is no limitation imposed by Rscript. And this has nothing to do with xts as you could just as easily plot an xts object.
x <- cumsum(rnorm(100))
Sys.sleep(3) # could wait for key pressed or ...
You cannot use graphics (or input functions like readline) when using RScript. However an RScript is still just R, so when you want to add something interactive (e.g. for troubleshooting) start R, then type:
When run this way, a line like this shows the chart:
plot(x$High);cat("Press a key");readline()
When run directly from the commandline with ./run_tests.R that line gets quietly ignored.

knitr gets tricked by data.table `:=` assignment

It seems that knitr doesn't understand that DT[, a:=1] should not result in an output of DT to the document. Is there a way to stop this behaviour?
Example knitr document:
Data.Table Markdown
Suppose we make a `data.table` in **R Markdown**
DT = data.table(a = rnorm(10))
Notice that it doesn't display the contents until we do a
style command. However, if we want to use `:=` to create another column
DT[, c:=5]
It would appear that the absence of a equals sign tricks `knitr` into thinking this
is to be printed.
Knitr Output:
Is this a knitr bug or a data.table bug?
I have only just noticed, that knitr is being weird when it is echoing the code. Look at the output above. In my source code I have DT[, c:=5] but what knitr renders is
DT[, `:=`(c, 5)]
EDIT 2: Caching
Caching also seems to have a problem with := but that must be a different cause, so is a separate question here: why does knitr caching fail for data.table `:=`?
Update Oct 2014. Now in data.table v1.9.5 :
:= no longer prints in knitr for consistency with behaviour at the prompt, #505. Output of a test knit("knitr.Rmd") is now in data.table's unit tests.
and related :
if (TRUE) DT[,LHS:=RHS] now doesn't print (thanks to Jureiss, #869). Test added. To get this to work we've had to live with one downside: if a := is used inside a function with no DT[] before the end of the function, then the next time DT is typed at the prompt, nothing will be printed. A repeated DT will print. To avoid this: include a DT[] after the last := in your function. If that is not possible (e.g., it's not a function you can change) then print(DT) and DT[] at the prompt are guaranteed to print. As before, adding an extra [] on the end of a := query is a recommended idiom to update and then print; e.g. > DT[,foo:=3L][]
Previous answer kept for posterity (the global$depthtrigger business is no longer done as from data.table v1.9.5 so this is no longer true) ...
Just to be clear I understand then: knitr is printing when you don't want it to.
Try increasing$depthtrigger a little bit at the start of the script.
This will be 3 for you currently :$depthtrigger
[1] 3
I don't know how much eval depth knitr adds to the stack. But try changing the trigger to 4 first; i.e.
assign("depthtrigger", 4,
and at the end of the knitr script ensure to set it back to 3. If 4 doesn't work, try 5, then 6. If you get to 10 give up and I'll think again. ;-P
Why might this work?
See NEWS from v1.8.4 :
DT[,LHS:=RHS,...] no longer prints DT. This implements #2128 "Try
again to get DT[i,j:=value] to return invisibly". Thanks to discussions here :
how to suppress output when using `:=` in R {data.table}, prior to v1.8.3?
FAQs 2.21 and 2.22 have been updated.
FAQ 2.21 Why does DT[i,col:=value] return the whole of DT? I expected either no visible value (consistent with <-), or a message or return
value containing how many rows were updated. It isn't obvious that the
data has indeed been updated by reference. This has changed in v1.8.3
to meet your expectations. Please upgrade. The whole of DT is returned
(now invisibly) so that compound syntax can work; e.g.,
DT[i,done:=TRUE][,sum(done)]. The number of rows updated is returned
when verbosity is on, either on a per query basis or globally using
FAQ 2.22 Ok, thanks. What was so difficult about the result of DT[i,col:=value] being returned invisibly? R internally forces
visibility on for [. The value of FunTab's eval column (see
src/main/names.c) for [ is 0 meaning force R_Visible on (see
R-Internals section 1.6). Therefore, when we tried invisible() or
setting R_Visible to 0 directly ourselves, eval in src/main/eval.c
would force it on again. To solve this problem, the key was to stop
trying to stop the print method running after a :=. Instead, inside :=
we now (from v1.8.3) set a global flag which the print method uses to
know whether to actually print or not.
That global flag is$print. At the top of you'll see it looking at it. That's because there is no known way to suppress printing from [ (as FAQ 2.22 explains).
So, inside := inside [.data.table it looks to see how "deep" this call is :
if (Cstack_info()[["eval_depth"]] <= .global$depthtrigger) {
suppPrint = function(x) { .global$print=FALSE; x }
# Suppress print when returns ok not on error, bug #2376.
# Thanks to:
# All appropriate returns following this point are
# wrapped i.e. return(suppPrint(x)).
Essential that's just saying: if DT[,x:=y] is running at the prompt, then I know the REPL is going to call the print method on my result, beyond my control. Ok, so given print method is going to run, I'm going to suppress it inside that print method by setting a flag (since the print method that runs (i.e. is something I can control).
In knitr's case it's simulating the REPL in a clever way. It isn't really a script, iiuc, otherwise DT[,x:=y] wouldn't print anyway for that reason. But because it's simulating REPL via an eval there is an extra level of eval depth for code run from knitr. Or something similar (I don't know knitr).
Which is why I'm thinking increasing the depthtrigger might do the trick.
Hacky/crufty, I agree. But if it works, and you let me know which value works, I can change data.table to be knitr aware and change the depthtrigger automatically. Or any better solutions are most welcome.
Why not just use:
```{r, results='hide'}
DT[, c:=5]
For anyone returning to this in 2017 with RMarkdown 1.3 and data.table 1.10 or similar, there was a resurgence of this bug, as identified and documented here
This was subsequently fixed in RMarkdown 1.4
Just surround the expression with invisible(). This works for me.
I've run across the same problem and I solved it fairly easy by re-assigning the variable. In your case:
DT <- DT[, ':=' (c, 5)]
It's a bit more verbose though, especially if the variable name is big.

suppress messages displayed by "print" instead of "message" or "warning" in R

Many R packages I work with involve functions that give all their messages and warnings through commands to print() calls rather than commands to message() or warning(). I'd like to be able to silence these functions progress indicators, etc, but the standard supressWarnings() or supressMessages doesn't do it. Is there a way I can just suppressPrint?
For example:
silly_developer_function <- function(x){
print("Thanks for using my function!!")
if(is(x, "numeric"))
print("warning, x should be a character")
I'd like to have a simple function suppressPrint() that I could wrap around a call to this function that would suppress the warning and useless messages (but still print the return value).
Well, those packages are buggy to start with. Use of print() for anything but side-effect in print implementations is a serious mistake.
That said, you can simply use capture.output() to collect the output from such code instead of printing it. So for the above it would be
capture.output(x <- silly_developer_function(...))
Another hacky way is to override the default print function. It will affect some functionality, such as printing the body of functions, but objects with their own print methods still get returned as usual.
print <- function(...) {}
> silly_developer_function("a")
[1] "a"
> silly_developer_function(1)
[1] 1

Suppressing "null device" output with R in batch mode

I have a number of bash scripts which invoke R scripts for plotting things. Something like:
R --vanilla --slave <<RSCRIPT
cat("Plotting $1 to $2\n")
input <- read.table("$1")
The problem is that despite --slave, the call to prints the message null device 1. Once there are a lot of plots being done, or for more complex scripts which plot to a number of files, this gets to be a real hassle.
Is there some way to suppress this message?
For no good reason I'm aware of,, unlike device related functions like png() returns a value: "the number and name of the new active device." That value is what's being echoed to stdout.
Suppressing it can thus be achieved by just putting it somewhere, i.e.,
garbage <-
One of the nice things about R is that you can view the source of many functions:
function (which = dev.cur())
if (which == 1)
stop("cannot shut down device 1 (the null device)")
<environment: namespace:grDevices>
So it calls .Internal( and then returns dev.cur(), which I suppose would be useful if you have several devices open so you know which one became active. You could use .Internal( in your script, or even patch to only return the value of dev.cur() if it is something else than the null device, and send the patch to the maintainers of R.
Also, calls for all devices and doesn't return anything.
Ran into the same issue recently and noticed that one more possibility is not mentioned in the answers here:
This will hide the output from and will not create additional variables unlike assigning the output to garbage variable: garbage <- would.
Another option would be to use sink() and output everything to a log file, so you can check up on whether the plots worked if you need to.
You can use littler instead which is a) an easier way to write R 'scripts' and b) suppresses output so you get the side effect of being silent:
$ foo.r /tmp/foo.txt /tmp/foo.png
Plotting /tmp/foo.txt to /tmp/foo.png
$ cat /tmp/foo.r
cat("Plotting", argv[1], "to", argv[2], "\n")
input <- read.table(argv[1])
Rscript will probably work too; I tend to prefer littler.
