Cannot make Access 2010 accde from Access 2007 accdb - ms-access-2010

I have a bit of a problem and could really use some help. My organization recently migrated from Office 2007 to Office 2010. I had a database that I developed using Access 2007 (using the .accdb database file type). Throughout the migration process, I was still making updates to my database. All the updates were made via an Office 2007 machine and everything worked on the 2010 systems that I deployed it to, as well as the 2007 boxes. The problem now is that since all the computers are officially on 2010, I cannot seem to create an Accde file from Access 2010. The error I receive is: " The command or action 'MakeMDEFile' isn't available now." * You may be in a read-only database or an unconverted database from an earlier version..." The code is compiled with no errors and my references are good. I have tried to re-compile the code, re-name the wizards in the "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\ACCWIZ" folder and let them re-install, and import all my objects into a new database based on this article:; all to no avail.I do not have any web content or anything Access 2010 specific, as I only made adjustments to the things I created in 2007. I did read that Access must be compiled on the same version that it was created on, but I thought since both 2007 and 2010 use the .accdb file format it would be compatible? Any advice on this? Thank you.
Thank you for your quick answer! That worked great. I was able to successfully export my DB using the code and I also imported all the objects with the exception of the queries. (I was able to create the accde.) Because I have so many objects, I used a script to import everything. The problem I am experiencing now is with my SQL queries. The export script named the text files a little different for the SQL queries and I don't know how to handle them. Below is my code that worked for the rest of the objects:
Public Sub batchImport_queries()
On Error GoTo batchImport_Err
Dim objFS As Object, objFolder As Object
Dim objFiles As Object, objF1 As Object
Dim strFolderPath As String
strFolderPath = "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\dbexport\queries\"
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFS.GetFolder(strFolderPath)
Set objFiles = objFolder.files
For Each objF1 In objFiles
objF1.Name = Right(objF1.Name, Len(objF1.Name) - 6)'strips "Query_"
objF1.Name = Left(objF1.Name, Len(objF1.Name) - 3) 'strips ".txt"
Application.Application.LoadFromText acQuery, objF1.Name, strFolderPath & objF1.Name
Set objF1 = Nothing
Set objFiles = Nothing
Set objFolder = Nothing
Set objFS = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Resume batchImport_Exit
End Sub
That worked for queries like: "Query_qryAvailable.txt" but the SQL ones look like this: "Query_~sq_cCIPSSubform~sq_RosterSubform.txt". It seems to be encapsulating "~sq_c" around the first part of the query name and then the form/subform/or control that is associated with it at the last part of the filename...or I could be completely off. I can't figure out the pattern. Some of them have "~sq_f" instead, only at the leading part.(I'm guessing those are for forms?) Anyway, is there a better way to format the file name (if that's what has to be done) to remove those to my original query names and import correctly? Please let me know if that doesn't make sense. Thank you for your time.

It's possible to export an Access database to text files, see here:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Sub ExportDatabaseObjects()
On Error GoTo Err_ExportDatabaseObjects
Dim db As Database
'Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim td As TableDef
Dim d As Document
Dim c As Container
Dim i As Integer
Dim sExportLocation As String
Set db = CurrentDb()
sExportLocation = "C:\Temp\" 'Do not forget the closing back slash! ie: C:\Temp\
For Each td In db.TableDefs 'Tables
If Left(td.Name, 4) <> "MSys" Then
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , td.Name, sExportLocation & "Table_" & td.Name & ".txt", True
End If
Next td
Set c = db.Containers("Forms")
For Each d In c.Documents
Application.SaveAsText acForm, d.Name, sExportLocation & "Form_" & d.Name & ".txt"
Next d
Set c = db.Containers("Reports")
For Each d In c.Documents
Application.SaveAsText acReport, d.Name, sExportLocation & "Report_" & d.Name & ".txt"
Next d
Set c = db.Containers("Scripts")
For Each d In c.Documents
Application.SaveAsText acMacro, d.Name, sExportLocation & "Macro_" & d.Name & ".txt"
Next d
Set c = db.Containers("Modules")
For Each d In c.Documents
Application.SaveAsText acModule, d.Name, sExportLocation & "Module_" & d.Name & ".txt"
Next d
For i = 0 To db.QueryDefs.Count - 1
Application.SaveAsText acQuery, db.QueryDefs(i).Name, sExportLocation & "Query_" & db.QueryDefs(i).Name & ".txt"
Next i
Set db = Nothing
Set c = Nothing
MsgBox "All database objects have been exported as a text file to " & sExportLocation, vbInformation
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_ExportDatabaseObjects
End Sub
If the principle still holds, you should be able to import the resulting objects to a fresh database. If there are any problems with permissions, that should become evident in the text files, but normally this strips all permissions.


Saving Files to user Computer in VB.Net

I have look for days, with no luck.
Can anyone tell me how to save files in VB.Net to any computer? There are lost of articles, but those only tell you about saving to your own computer by giving folder access, not a random user's computer.
You can see my example here (You have to enter text into task code, project id and notes field, then click create. Then click export, you will see the error.)
I can go to a local Pizza shop website and download a menu pdf, I know its possible.
In my example it saves when you click the button, I would like a save as dialog if anyone knows how to do that as well.
Here is the save string:
Dim regDate As Date = Date.Now()
Dim strDate As String = regDate.ToString(".yyyy\.MM\.dd")
TextBox5.Text = "c:\temp\" & Vendor & "&" & Vendor2 & "&" & Vendor3 & "&" & Vendor4 & TaskEmpty & strDate & ".csv"
Here is how I am saving:
Public Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
'Define Path to save file.
Dim path As String = TextBox5.Text
' Create or overwrite the file.
Dim fs As FileStream = File.Create(path)
' Add text to the file.
Dim info As Byte() = New UTF8Encoding(True).GetBytes(TextBox3.Text)
fs.Write(info, 0, info.Length)
End Sub
The error you're seeing there is because you're attempting to save the text file to the server's
file system, which you don't have write access to.
To return a file to user from the server you need to do a little more work, and it's not going to simple on a postback from a button.
You need to send the data down to the client in the Response.OutputStream, instead of your page, and also tell the browser to treat it as a file download:
Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=textFile.csv");

Exporting data from PowerPivot

I have an enormous PowerPivot table (839,726 rows), and it is simply too big to copy-paste into a regular spread sheet. I have tried copying it and then reading it directly into R using the line data = read.table("clipboard", header = T), but neither of these approaches work. I am wondering if there is some add-on or method I can use to export my PowerPivot table as a CSV or .xlsx? Thanks very much
Select all the PowerPivot table
Copy the data
Past the data in a text file (for example PPtoR.txt)
Read the text file in R using tab delimiter: read.table("PPtoR.txt", sep="\t"...)
To get a PowerPivot table into Excel:
Create a pivot table based on your PowerPivot data.
Make sure that the pivot table you created has something in values area, but nothing in filters-, columns- or rows areas.
Go to Data > Connections.
Select your Data model and click Properties.
In Usage tab, OLAP Drill Through set the Maximum number of records to retrieve as high as you need (maximum is 9999999 records).
Double-click the measures area in pivot table to drill-through.
another solution is
import the Powerpivot model to PowerBi desktop
export the results from PowerBI desktop using a Powershell script
here is an example
A pure Excel / VBA solution is below. This is adapted from the code here to use FileSystemObject and write 1k rows at a time to the file. You'll need to add Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Library and Microsoft Scripting Runtime as references.
Option Explicit
Public FSO As New FileSystemObject
Public Sub ExportToCsv()
Dim wbTarget As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rs As Object
Dim sQuery As String
'Suppress alerts and screen updates
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.DisplayAlerts = False
End With
'Bind to active workbook
Set wbTarget = ActiveWorkbook
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
'Make sure the model is loaded
'Send query to the model
sQuery = "EVALUATE <Query>"
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open sQuery, wbTarget.Model.DataModelConnection.ModelConnection.ADOConnection
Dim CSVData As String
Call WriteRecordsetToCSV(rs, "<ExportPath>", True)
Set rs = Nothing
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.DisplayAlerts = True
End With
Set rs = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox "An error occured - " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly
Resume ExitPoint
End Sub
Public Sub WriteRecordsetToCSV(rsData As ADODB.Recordset, _
FileName As String, _
Optional ShowColumnNames As Boolean = True, _
Optional NULLStr As String = "")
'Function returns a string to be saved as .CSV file
'Option: save column titles
Dim TxtStr As TextStream
Dim K As Long, CSVData As String
'Open file
Set TxtStr = FSO.CreateTextFile(FileName, True, True)
If ShowColumnNames Then
For K = 0 To rsData.Fields.Count - 1
CSVData = CSVData & ",""" & rsData.Fields(K).Name & """"
Next K
CSVData = Mid(CSVData, 2) & vbNewLine
TxtStr.Write CSVData
End If
Do While rsData.EOF = False
CSVData = """" & rsData.GetString(adClipString, 1000, """,""", """" & vbNewLine & """", NULLStr)
CSVData = Left(CSVData, Len(CSVData) - Iif(rsData.EOF, 3, 2))
TxtStr.Write CSVData
End Sub
Here is a lovely low-tech way:
I think the process is a little different in Excel 2016. If you have Excel 2016, you just go to the data tab, go to Get External Data, and then Existing Connections (and look under Tables).
The other important thing is to click on Unlink (under Table Tools - Design - External Table Data). This unlinks it from the source data, so it really is just an export.
You can copy that data into another workbook should you wish to.
Data in Power Pivot is modeled, using DAX Studio to export data to csv or SQL.
after finished, you will see that Each model corresponds to a CSV file or SQL table. Excel file uploading does not finish but gives no error message

I'm having a rather weird problem trying to upload an Excel file and storing it in a SQL server table in an App.
The file is not too big: about 2.5 or 3 Mb.
The problem is that the upload gets "interrupted" after loading some rows, appearently without causing any specific error, since the load process finishes by showing a success message that I'm sending to the client:
"The process finished successfuly: XXX rows were uploaded from the
The problem is that the XXX rows are not all the rows from the file. Depending on how much information there is in each column of the Excel file, the process is only uploading, for instance, 15500 rows from a total of 25000 that the file has. (If there's less information in the Excel file, it can upload, lets say 20000 of the 25000 rows that it may have)... the fact is that the file is not being "completely" uploaded.
I already tried increasing the "httprequest-maxRequestLength" value in the web.config, even though the file is not bigger than the default 4Mb file upload that has.
The code ( that I'm using upload and read the file is, basically, this:
Dim connection As DbConnection = Nothing
Dim Command As DbCommand = Nothing
Dim ConexionStringExcel As String
Dim dr As DbDataReader
Dim mensajeError as String = ""
Dim ncAdic as Integer = 0
Dim nReg as Integer = 0
'String connection for Excel 2007: for now, I'm not allowing other Excel versions
ConexionStringExcel = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _
"Data Source = " & sNombreArch & ";" & _
"Extended Properties=Excel 12.0 Xml;"
'sNombreArch is the full name of the uploaded file
connection = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(ConexionStringExcel)
Command = connection.CreateCommand()
Command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [" + nomHojaArch + "$]"
'lblMensaje is a Label object in the aspx page:
lblMensaje.Visible = False
'Open the Excel file
'Read file content
dr = Command.ExecuteReader()
While dr.Read
'Two first columns of the file are mandatory in my case...
If Not IsDBNull(dr(0)) And Not IsDBNull(dr(1)) Then
'dsTempCargue is a SqlDataSource object in the aspx page
dsTempCargue.InsertParameters.Item("idReg").DefaultValue = dr(0)
dsTempCargue.InsertParameters.Item("nombre").DefaultValue = dr(1)
For ncAdic = 2 To 10
If Not IsDBNull(dr(ncAdic)) Then
dsTempCargue.InsertParameters.Item(ncAdic).DefaultValue = dr(ncAdic)
dsTempCargue.InsertParameters.Item(ncAdic).DefaultValue = DBNull.ToString
End if
nReg = nReg + 1
mensajeError = "Column A and B of the File cannot be empty"
Exit While
End If
Catch exRead As Exception
mensajeError = "Error reading the file or saving its content: " & exRead.Message
Exit While
End Try
End While
'If there was no error, show success message
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(mensajeError) Then
mensajeError = "The process finished successfuly. " & nReg.ToString() & " rows were uploaded from the file"
End IF
Catch ex As Exception
mensajeError = "Error uploading the file: " & ex.Message
End Try
lblMensaje.Text = mensajeError
lblMensaje.Visible = True
Why do you think this uploading process is failing to read the entire file???... Any advice will be appreciated.
Thanks a lot,
For the tables that you are storing the rows in, what datatype are the various columns? Perhaps the content of one of the cells is incompatible with the column datatype. Do you have any way of checking?
Even though I'm really not sure about what could have been the cause of the error, I finally managed to get it working by changing my code to use a Third-party library that I found and that had some good comments, which is available here:
I'm not really sure about what the original problem was and why using this library solved the issue, but It worked. (Perhaps when I have some time I'll try to find more info about this problem I had)
Thanks Patrick for your comments and all for the interest

Entity Framework: Create Change History

I have a EDM (phoneDB) that models a back-end MSSQL database. I've developed a ASP.NET (VB) application that allows one to edit the information in this database. When someone edits a record entry I'd like to record this action.
Right now, I'm doing the following:
For Each..Next that checks whether entry is an object that has had its entitystate modified.
And If Not..End If that ensures we aren't dealing with a relationship entity or a null entity.
Now this is where it gets fuzzy. What I want to do is grab the information from these modified objects and record them into the database. Now I have something like this:
Dim audit as History
audit.action = "Changed information in " & propName & " to " & entry.CurrentValues(propName) & " from " & entry.OriginalValues(propName)
audit.action_by = this_user
audit.action_date = Date.Now
audit.extension_id =
I'm not sure, however, how to tell it to pull a specific property from entry. For example, I need to get (pseudo-code) something like:
audit.extension_id = entry.OriginalValues(extension_id)
I don't understand what do you mean by "pulling a specific property from an entry"? The (pseudo) code you wrote is not telling much, what is an extesion_id in your case? If extension_id is a property name of an entity, then you obtain it's original value by calling entry.OriginalValues("extension_id"), but I'm fairly sure you knew that.
Btw, you can do intricate history recording in the DB itself using triggers without the data layer even knowing it. It's a fairly old trick and works fast, see this
Here is how I accomplished it in the end:
Private Shared Sub context_SavingChanges(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
' This allows us to record a history of the changes made by the user to the database. The record is created automatically by EF, but we need to save it to the database
' for permanent retention.
For Each entry As ObjectStateEntry In DirectCast(sender, ObjectContext).ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries(EntityState.Modified)
If Not entry.IsRelationship And entry.Entity IsNot Nothing Then
For Each propName As String In entry.GetModifiedProperties()
Dim context As New AppsEntities()
Dim audit As New History
audit.action_note = "Changed information in " & propName & " to " & entry.CurrentValues(propName) & " from " & entry.OriginalValues(propName)
audit.action_by = CStr(HttpContext.Current.Session("person_name"))
audit.action_date = Date.Now
audit.extension_id = entry.CurrentValues.GetValue(0)
End If
End Sub

Export SQL database to Access - ASP.NET

Is there any way to export data (not necessarily schema) to an access database via
The server has no office components installed and the process must occur via a webpage (like an excel export).
You have to do it programatically.
Open the source table
Create a new AccessDB using ADO Extensions (as shown above)
Create the table in the AccessDB by reading the source schema (CREATE TABLE X ...)
Iterate thought the source table inserting the records in the Access table
Note: Code from posted here in case the link cease to exists in the future
'select References from the Project Menu, choose the COM tab,
'and add a reference to Microsoft ADO Ext. 2.7 for DDL and Security
Public Function CreateAccessDatabase( ByVal DatabaseFullPath As String) As Boolean
Dim bAns As Boolean
Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog()
'Make sure the folder
'provided in the path exists. If file name w/o path
'is specified, the database will be created in your
'application folder.
Dim sCreateString As String
sCreateString = _
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & _
bAns = True
Catch Excep As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
bAns = False
'do whatever else you need to do here, log,
'msgbox etc.
cat = Nothing
End Try
Return bAns
End Function
' If CreateAccessDatabase("F:\test.mdb") = True Then
' MsgBox("Database Created")
' Else
' MsgBox("Database Creation Failed")
' End If
Here is a very detailed article. It is something I stumbled upon, not an approach I am familiar with:
File Uploading to Access Database using ASP.NET
by Faisal Khan.
