Tb_AgentRates objrates = db.Tb_AgentRates.Where(z => z.AgentId == objcity).OrderBy(z => z.Rates).Min();
I want min. value of rates. But problem is that Rate Column in varchar that's why it's not showing result.
I assume that Min-Value means that this is actually a number which is stored as string. You should fix that by storing it as int (or whatever numeric type it is).
Until you've fixed the type issue you can use for example int.Parse or decimal.Parse:
Tb_AgentRates objrates = db.Tb_AgentRates
.Where(z => z.AgentId == objcity)
.Min(z => decimal.Parse(z.Rates));
You cant parse directly in Linq expression itself. Instead you can use like this
var query = (from row in db.Tb_AgentRates.AsEnumerable()
where row.AgentId== objcity
let range = ParseInt32(row.Rates)
select range).ToList();
var minValue = query.Min();
and you declare your method like this
public static int? ParseInt32(string str)
int result = 0;
return Int32.Parse(str);
is there any solution? e.g. I have data in Map with key favorites_ prefix and values _suffix (for example: favorites_jeans, favorites_suit,...,). I want to by dint of loop get that values and set in List, because of it I must give keys of map, right?
I want to know how can I get values of myMap["favorites_*"] (* - after the favorites_ any symbols).
List<String> favoritesStrings = ['favorite_name','favorite_jeans',];
Map<String,dynamic> myMap = {
favoritesStrings.forEach((favorite)=>print(myMap[favorite]));//prints 0 1
As per what I understood, you want to fetch value from map using "favorites_" + a dynamic value from list as key.
You just have to use String templates and use $ to insert suffix variable to build key dynamically:
List<String> suffixList = ["jeans", "suit", "shirt"];
for(String suffix in suffixList) {
var item = myMap["favorites_$suffix"];
// Do something with item
Hope it helps
My app allows user to upload an XML file, which I pass as an XDocument into my method. All the values are attribute strings, and I am using Linq to XML and Linq to SQL.
The dateCutoff query is supposed to get the latest date from SQL table - InsDate is nullable.
The where clause in the inspections XML query is supposed to get inspection elements with the inspection_date attribute value later than the dateCutoff value. I am using DateTime.Parse and Date.CompareTo, but am coming up empty.
What am I missing? Any help is much appreciated.
public IEnumerable<XElement> getInspections(XDocument xDoc)
IEnumerable<XElement> inspections = null;
using (InspectionDataContext db = new InspectionDataContext())
// get the latest date already in Inspections table
DateTime? dateCutoff = (from d in db.Inspections
select d.InsDate).Max();
if (dateCutoff.HasValue)
dateCutoff = dateCutoff.Value.Date;
// get only the inspections later than the dateCutoff
inspections = from i in xDoc.Descendants("inspections")
where DateTime.Parse(i.Element("inspection").Attribute("inspection_date").Value).Date.CompareTo(dateCutoff) == 1
select i;
return inspections;
I'm gong to make a few assumptions here because it's not totally clear as written.
1. You want to return "inspection" elements (not the "inspections" container elements).
2. You want to return only elements whose dates are greater than the cutoff
3. If the cutoff is null, you want to return all inspections.
In that case, you'd do something like this:
var inspections = xDoc.Descendents("inspection");
if (!dateCutoff.HasValue)
return inspections;
return inspections.Where(i => (DateTime)i.Attribute("inspection_date") > dateCutoff.Value )
Here is what works:
DateTime? dateCutoff;
using (InspectionDataContext db = new InspectionDataContext())
// get the latest date already in Inspections table
DateTime? dateCutoffQ = (from d in db.Inspections
select d.InsDate).Max();
if (dateCutoffQ.HasValue)
dateCutoff = dateCutoffQ.Value.Date;
dateCutoff = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-20).Date;
string date1 = dateCutoff.ToString();
// get only the inspections later than the dateCutoff
inspectionList = from i in xDoc.Descendants("inspection")
where DateTime.Parse(i.Attribute("inspection_date").Value).Date > dateCutoff
select i;
I have a gridview that i want to sort. I wrote the following method for it:
private void SortGridView(string sortExpression, string direction)
var constr = new AdminRequirementEF();
string sort = string.Concat("it.", sortExpression, " ", direction);
int pageSize = Convert.ToInt32(ddPageSize.SelectedItem.Text);
var results = constr.Projects;
int totalRecords = results.Count();
this.PopulatePager(totalRecords, pageIndex);
var sortedResults = constr.Projects.OrderBy(sort).Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageNum).ToList();
grdMain.DataSource = sortedResults;
The problem is sorting is applied on totalrecords not on per page filtered records. I want to use OrderBy(sort) after applying skip and take but it gives me an error stating skip can not be applied before orderby clause. Any help will be much appreciated.
You can get the constr.Projects collection sorted on its primary key
var results = constr.Projects.OrderBy(p => p.ProjectId)
and then apply the skip and take on the 'results' collection with sorting.
results = results.Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageNum).OrderBy(sort).ToList();
This way you will get the records for particular page sorted as required.
I have 2 List one stores the name of filterable columns(of type DropDown) and another store the values to load in those filterable columns.
List<string> filterableFields = new List<string>() { "A_B", "C_D", "E_F" };
List<string> AB, CD , EF;
Now at the run time I get the data from web service and I have written a function to to extract values for these filterable fields and store the values to 2nd List.
private void prepareListForFilterableColumns(XDocument records)
foreach (var currentField in filterableFields)
var values = (from xml in records.Descendants(z + "row")
let val = (string)xml.Attribute("ows_" + currentField.Replace("_", "_x0020_"))
where val != ""
orderby val
select val
switch (currentField)
case "A_B": AB = values.ToList(); break;
case "C_D": CD = values.ToList(); break;
Now I was thinking that instead of hard coding the assignment in swtich case block, If I could just use the first List name "A_B" and replace "_" from it to point to my 2nd List and assign values.ToList() to it.
I understand that c# is a static language, So not sure if we can achieve this, but IF I can it will make my function generic.
Thanks a lot in advance for time and help.
You could use a dictionary of lists of strings instead of 3 lists to store the values.
Dictionary<string, List<string>> val lists = new Dictionary<string,List<string>>();
And make the keys of the dictionary equal to the filterables: "AB", "CD",..
then, instead of AB you would use valLists["AB"] and could then reference reach list based on a string key.
The other option would be to use reflection but that would be slower and unnecessarily a bit more complicated.
Could someone explain why the FLEX 4.5 XMLDecoder does this to my XML-data?
var decoder:XMLDecoder = new XMLDecoder;
var $object:Object = decoder.decode( <xmltag>08.00</xmltag> );
// object = "08.00"
var decoder:XMLDecoder = new XMLDecoder;
var $object:Object = decoder.decode( <xmltag>11.00</xmltag> );
// Object = "11" (HEY! Where did my '.00' part of the string go?)
var decoder:XMLDecoder = new XMLDecoder;
var $object:Object = decoder.decode( <xmltag>11.30</xmltag> );
// Object = "11.3" (HEY! Where did my '0' part of the string go?)
The Flex deserializer also gave me issues with this. It may be interpreting them as Number objects and thus they will return short representations when toString() is called.
Try using .toFixed(2) whenever you need to print a value such as 11.00
var $object:Object = decoder.decode( <xmltag>11.00</xmltag> );
trace($object); //11
trace($object.toFixed(2)); //11.00
So, to the answer the original question of why this is happening:
In the source code for SimpleXMLDecoder (which I'm guessing has similar functionality to XMLDecoder), there's a comment in the function simpleType():
//return the value as a string, a boolean or a number.
//numbers that start with 0 are left as strings
//bForceObject removed since we'll take care of converting to a String or Number object later
numbers that start with 0 are left as strings - I guess they thought of phone numbers but not decimals.
Also, because of some hacky implicit casting, you actually have three different types -
"0.800" : String
11 : int
11.3: Number