Showing numbers without scientific notation in R - r

I need to show the following table in Markdown:
resumen<-data.frame(dato=c('cant_cli','debit', 'costo_real',
'comis_max', 'pagos', 'comis_real',
c(nrow(ops), sum(ops$Debit),sum(ops$costo_real),
sum(ops$comision_max), sum(ops$Amount), sum(ops$comision_ganada),
The result is:
dato valor
1 cant_cli 6.217400e+04
2 debit 3.943952e+06
3 costo_real 2.641091e+04
4 comis_max 1.021484e+05
5 pagos 2.003838e+06
6 comis_real 5.189941e+04
7 recupero% 5.080788e-01
But I need to have the following format:
dato valor
cant_cli 62174
debit 3943952
costo_real 26411
comis_max 102148
pagos 2003838
comis_real 51899
recupero% 50.80%
How can I make the code use this format?

Try this


Tables in RMarkdown: not using dataframe and/or data.table

I'm having some issues trying to insert a table code in a text on RMarkdown.
Reading rmakdown cheat sheet (write with markdown) and following the instructions, my code is like this:
Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online]
Google acadêmico Portugal
Resultado encontrado
estilos de uso del espacio virtual
estilos de uso do espaço virtual
questionário estilos de uso do espaço virtual
Unfortunately, in any rendering format (pdf, .docx, or HTML) table is not displayed right formatted...
Any thoughts?
Tks in advance!

Extract date from a text document in R

I am again here with an interesting problem.
I have a document like shown below:
"""UDAYA FILLING STATION ps\na MATTUPATTY ROAD oe\noe 4 MUNNAR Be:\nSeat 4 04865230318 Rat\nBree 4 ORIGINAL bepas e\n\noe: Han Die MC DE ER DC I se ek OO UO a Be ten\" % aot\n: ag 29-MAY-2019 14:02:23 [i\n— INVOICE NO: 292 hee fos\nae VEHICLE NO: NOT ENTERED Bea\nss NOZZLE NO : 1 ome\n- PRODUCT: PETROL ae\ne RATE : 75.01 INR/Ltr yee\n“| VOLUME: 1.33 Ltr ae\n~ 9 =6AMOUNT: 100.00 INR mae wae\nage, Ee pel Di EE I EE oe NE BE DO DC DE a De ee De ae Cate\notome S.1T. No : 27430268741C =. ver\nnes M.S.T. No: 27430268741V ae\n\nThank You! Visit Again\n""""
From the above document, I need to extract date highlighted in bold and Italics.
I tried with strpdate function but did not get the desired results.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Assuming you only want to capture a single date, you may use sub here:
text <- "UDAYA FILLING STATION ps\na MATTUPATTY ROAD oe\noe 4 MUNNAR Be:\nSeat 4 04865230318 Rat\nBree 4 ORIGINAL bepas e\n\noe: Han Die MC DE ER DC I se ek OO UO a Be ten\" % aot\n: ag 29-MAY-2019 14:02:23 [i\n— INVOICE NO: 292 hee fos\nae VEHICLE NO: NOT ENTERED Bea\nss NOZZLE NO : 1 ome\n- PRODUCT: PETROL ae\ne RATE : 75.01 INR/Ltr yee\n“| VOLUME: 1.33 Ltr ae\n~ 9 =6AMOUNT: 100.00 INR mae wae\nage, Ee pel Di EE I EE oe NE BE DO DC DE a De ee De ae Cate\notome S.1T. No : 27430268741C =. ver\nnes M.S.T. No: 27430268741V ae\n\nThank You! Visit Again\n"
date <- sub("^.*\\b(\\d{2}-[A-Z]+-\\d{4})\\b.*", "\\1", text)
[1] "29-MAY-2019"
If you had the need to match multiple such dates in your text, then you may use regmatches along with regexec:
text <- "Hello World 29-MAY-2019 Goodbye World 01-JAN-2018"
regmatches(text,regexec("\\b(\\d{2}-[A-Z]+-\\d{4})\\b", text))[[1]]
[1] "29-MAY-2019" "29-MAY-2019"

extract number in string using regex

I have a data.frame like this :
SO <- data.frame(coiffure_IDF$SIREN, coiffure_IDF$L6_NORMALISEE )
coiffure_IDF.SIREN coiffure_IDF.L6_NORMALISEE
1 54805015 75008 PARIS
2 300086907 94210 ST MAUR DES FOSSES
3 300090453 94220 CHARENTON LE PONT
4 300209608 75007 PARIS
5 300570553 95880 ENGHIEN LES BAINS
6 301123626 75019 PARIS
7 301362349 92300 LEVALLOIS PERRET
I want to have this :
coiffure_IDF.SIREN codpos_norm ville
1 54805015 75008 PARIS
2 300086907 94210 ST MAUR DES FOSSES
3 300090453 94220 CHARENTON LE PONT
4 300209608 75007 PARIS
5 300570553 95880 ENGHIEN LES BAINS
6 301123626 75019 PARIS
7 301362349 92300 LEVALLOIS PERRET
so I used regex :
SO2<- SO %>% extract(col="coiffure_IDF.L6_NORMALISEE", into=c("codpos_norm", "ville"), regex="(\\d+)\\s+(\\S+)")
so I have the right column is "codpos_norm" but in "ville" in line 2 I just have "ST" in stead of "ST MAUR DES FOSSES". In line 3 just "CHARENTON", etc
so I tried to add some \\s+ and \\S+ in the regex but R told me that they are to many groups and that it has to have only 2 groups.
What could I do ?
You need to match the rest of the string in Group 2, the \S construct only matches non-whitespace chars. Use .+ to match any 1+ chars up to the string end:
extract(col="coiffure_IDF.L6_NORMALISEE", into=c("codpos_norm", "ville"), regex="(\\d+)\\s+(.+)")
You may use .* to match empty strings (if there is no text after 1+ whitespaces).

Exception importing data into neo4j using batch-import

I am running neo-4j 1.8.2 on a remote unix box. I am using this jar (
nodes.csv is same as given in example:
name age works_on
Michael 37 neo4j
Selina 14
Rana 6
Selma 4
rels.csv is like this:
start end type since counter:int
1 2 FATHER_OF 1998-07-10 1
1 3 FATHER_OF 2007-09-15 2
1 4 FATHER_OF 2008-05-03 3
3 4 SISTER_OF 2008-05-03 5
2 3 SISTER_OF 2007-09-15 7
But i am getting this exception :
Using Existing Configuration File
Total import time: 0 seconds
Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException
at java.util.StringTokenizer.nextToken(
at org.neo4j.batchimport.Importer$Data.split(
at org.neo4j.batchimport.Importer$Data.update(
at org.neo4j.batchimport.Importer.importNodes(
at org.neo4j.batchimport.Importer.main(
I am new to neo4j, was checking if this importer can save some coding effort.
It would be great if someone can point to the probable mistake.
Thanks for help!
My nodes.csv
name dob city state s_id balance desc mgr_primary mgr_secondary mgr_tertiary mgr_name mgr_status
John Von 8/11/1928 Denver CO 1114-010 7.5 RA 0023-0990 0100-0110 Doozman Keith Active
my rels.csv
start end type since status f_type f_num
2 1 address_of
1 3 has_account 5 Active
4 3 f_of Primary 0111-0230
Hi I had some issues in the past with the batch import script.
The formating of your file must be very rigorous, which means :
no extra spaces where not expected, like the ones I see in the first line of your rels.csv before "start"
no multiple spaces in place of the tab. If your files are exactly like what you've copied here, you have 4 spaces instead of on tab, and this is not going to work, as the script uses a tokenizer looking for tabs !!!
I had this issue because I always convert tabs to 4 spaces, and once I understood that, I stopped doing it for my csv !

SAS: PROC SGPLOT BY GROUP auto file names

I am plotting some data using BY GROUP option. While I am able to use #byval option to automatically put BY GROUP value in title of each plot, but I want to save each plot individually and want to name it after #byval instead of calling it - SGPLOT01, SGPLOT02 ...
e.g. Lets say I have:
data xyz;
input type$ x y1 y2##;
A 1 5 7
A 2 7 9
A 3 8 10
B 1 5 7
B 2 7 9
B 3 8 10
by type;
series1 x=x y=y1/markers;
series2 x=x y=y2/markers;
title "#byval";
In this example, two plots will be created one each for type A and B. But program will automatically name them as SGPLOT1.pdf and SGPLOT2.pdf. I would rather want to name them A.pdf and B.pdf, and want to save them to directory "C:/SGPLOTS/".
Thanks for your help.
One option is to use ODS and put use a macro to print each TYPE separately, like in the following example.
data xyz;
input type$ x y1 y2 ##;
A 1 5 7
A 2 7 9
A 3 8 10
B 1 5 7
B 2 7 9
B 3 8 10
ods listing close;
%macro plot_it(type=);
goptions reset
device = sasprtc
target = sasprtc
ods pdf file="C:/SGPLOTS/&type..pdf" notoc;
by type;
where type = "&type";
series x=x y=y1/markers;
series x=x y=y2/markers;
title "#byval";
ods pdf close;
%mend plot_it;
You want to add the variable name within parentheses, after #BYVAL. In this example you want to put #byval(type) in your title.
I have put your example within something SAS calls an "HTML sandwich," which is two lines on top and two lines on the bottom. In addition I added the helpbrowser option, which tells SAS to use its own capabilities to display the html output.
option helpbrowser=sas;
/**** top of html sandwich *****/
ods html ;
ods graphics on;
data xyz;
input type$ x y1 y2##;
A 1 5 7
A 2 7 9
A 3 8 10
B 1 5 7
B 2 7 9
B 3 8 10
by type;
series x=x y=y1/markers;
series x=x y=y2/markers;
title "Here is the type: #byval(type)";
/**** bottom of html sandwich *****/
ods graphics off;
ods html close;
